Faerie Mysteries (PFRPG) PDF

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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An innovative system for bringing the magic of the fey realms home to your campaign!

When the realms of mortal folk and immortal fey cross paths, strange and weirdling wonders appear! Sometimes dangerous, sometimes delightful, sometimes both intertwined in a passionate embrace. At least, that is what we want to happen when we bring the fey into a campaign: to create an atmosphere of absolute wonder and mystery. All too often, however, that magical vision in our minds just doesn't come through, and the fey end up as just another monster with a veneer of pretension.

Faerie Mysteries changes all of that with an innovative system of crossing over the warped reality where the influence of the fey makes itself known in the world. These fey impulses vary from rumors that are mostly atmospheric and sensory effects to ripples that disrupt and disturb creatures and objects to full-fledged ruptures that bring rapid and radical change both beautiful and bizarre. This system does for the fey what haunts do for undead, showing how their influence is not limited to simple encounters. That said, Faerie Mysteries also provides a wealth of sample encounters and events focused on the fey and the strange circumstances that may surround a meeting with them or may follow in their wake, and also deals with making subtle variations of existing non-fey creatures to provide unexpected challenges for creatures who think they know it all when it comes to fighting the fey.

Brought to you from the magical minds at Legendary Games, Faerie Mysteries also serves as a sequel to Faerie Passions, providing a rich mechanical supplement to the role-playing concepts and player options presented there. If you're running a campaign where the fey play a significant role, or even if you just want to inject a bit of magical mystery into your game, download this 29-page supplement today and Make Your Game Legendary!

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An Endzeitgeist.com review


This pdf clocks in at 29 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page blank inside the front cover, 2 pages of introduction/editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 22 pages of content, so let's take a look, shall we?

One problem fey-based modules have when faced with my standards regarding fey is that the creatures ought to be familiar, yet weird, strange, yet familiar - and that a sense of otherworldly timelessness ought to pervade an encounter with fey - something rather difficult (at least from what I've seen...) to accomplish. The introduction and the respective concerns shows a concern for that otherworldly intrusion into reality we consider weird, of what makes fey strange and dangerous -and the rules follow up:

A new type of hazard is introduced to represent this weirdness, so-called fey impulses, which are categorized into 3 types, from rumors, to ripples and ruptures, each adheres to a different severity, with rumors being similar to figments and glamers and the more powerful fey impulses also influencing the mind of those subjected to them. Akin to traps or haunts, fey impulses may be quenched before they manifest, only they do require a different resource - enchantments and illusions, as the types of magic mostly associated with fey, are instead used to represent the forces to quell the fey impulse and, much like a haunt, it may re-manifest unless it is defeated for good.

Now such a system of course needs comprehensive guidelines for the DM to implement and this delivers in spades in that regard, without expecting the DM to do all the work - from CR 1/2 to CR 10, quite an array of options is provided - from a bridge automatically extolling its tithe to a dread hangman's tree emitting waves of all-encompassing despair to a maze in a maze (be sure to read Shirley Jackson's modern classic "The Sundial" for a great idea on how to narrate this one's effect...), the respective impulses are awesome, but by no means everything contained within these pages.

A total of 22 events with codified rules are contained herein - think of these as either bullet-point encounters or even adventures -from nods to "The Great God Pan" to essentially a Rybalka's narrative in a box to a mansion inhabited by a possible bride to the fey to a fey's version of Neddful Things - the ideas contained in these pages are massive and extensive and all but the most burnt-out DMs ought to be inspired by one or more of these - and my skirting around the peculiars of these (and the impulses) is intentional: I do not want to spoil these.

Faeire Creatures ought to be unpredictable, and thus we also are introduced to some variants - take the blackthorn dryad, who is essentially a dryad/kyton mix (including cool, unique signature abilities), the beautiful Green Hag variant Harionna who may fight with dread hooks embedded in her hair (!!!) or the Stormkarl Nixie, bound to a waterfall and emitting those that hear his laments - and yes, fellow aficionados of Scandinavian myths might be grinning right now.


Editing and formatting are top-notch, I noticed no significant glitches. Layout adheres to Legendary Games' elegant 2-column full-color standard for Kingmaker plug-ins, though it should be noted that this supplement, more than others, can enrich just about every campaign. The copious amounts of awesome full color artworks are nice. The pdf comes fully bookmarked and hyperlinked, here and there even to inspiring reading material.

I did not expect to like this. After the somewhat mediocre Faerie Passions, I postponed reviewing this to kingdom come and when one patron made a generous donation on my site and asked me to review a couple of Mythic Minis and Mythic Monsters, I made these my priority for LG-files. Well, here I am now and Todd Stewart, Jason Nelson and Alistair Rigg have actually done it - this is one exceedingly glorious, awesome supplement, a hazard toolbox par excellence that is intelligent, cool and iconic - a supplement that can enrich ANY module featuring fey. Breathing the proper sense of weirdness, fey impulses are a simple idea that is easy to grasp and brilliant at the same time, with both toolkit and samples given being just awesome. The variant creatures make for nice icings on this awesome cake and while personally, I would have loved to see even more impulses, I won't hold this against the pdf. Any DM running e.g. "Courts of the Shadow Fey" or similar glorious fey-themed modules should consider this a must-have purchase - 5 stars + seal of approval, given without even a the slightest hesitation.

Endzeitgeist out.

Deeper into the woods


Faerie Mysteries is the latest PDF for Legendary Games Kingdom Building line of supplements. It functions as a kind-of sequel to the earlier release Faerie Passions, though the focus here is more on information that will be of use to GMs rather than players.

It mainly offers up a new idea for Pathfinder based on the by now familiar haunt, the Fey Impulse. These are basically minor or major eruptions of the fey realm into the mundane world with results that can range from the hauntingly beautiful to the utterly terrifying. They come in three types: rumors which are basically harmless illusions, though they can be a lot less harmless if they occur in the middle of a battle; ripples that can affect your emotions and thoughts as well as your senses; and ruptures that actually transpose the environment (as well as anything or one in it) from one realm to the other.

And if that wasn't enough, all three enhance an empower fey creatures within them. mildly so for the rumors, more for the ripples, and most of all for ruptures. Fey creatures know all about this, of course, which gives them all the more reason to confront PCs while making a stand in one.

The sample impulses listed cover the gamut from harmless yet lovely to images and experiences that feel like they were lifted from a Machen horror story. Like a tree that fills you with the emotions experienced by its dead dryad when she was hung from it, to facing the spectral charge of elven knights, to sating the hungers of savage redcaps!

The PDF also contains some very weird and wonderful fey-influenced events that can serve as anything from a bizarre roleplay encounter to an adventure location such as a mansion that vanished decades ago and has only just now returned. Any or all can serve either as is or as inspiration for encounters in lands haunted by the fey.

Lastly are three new monsters, all fey-influenced. First is the sadistic blackthorn dryad, descended from dryads that ended up in the Plane of Shadows and who were mated to kytons. They combine some of the magical talents of their mothers with the cruel chains of their fathers to lethal effect. Next is the murderous harionna hag with her array of hexes and lethal barbed hair. And lastly is a variant nixie, the stromkarl, using their beguiling song to lure either partners or prey to them.

All in all it's a fine new idea for the game, with plenty of good examples how to use it, as well as some new fey creatures to use it with. I'm giving it 4 stars and the recommendation for use in any fey-heavy campaign.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

At long last, the mystery is solved! Come and get it!

Just wrote my own review, I hope it's the first of several.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Thanks for the review Eric!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Fall time is faerie time, and check out the latest 5-star-plus-seal-of-approval review for Legendary Games and FAERIE MYSTERIES. This product brings you an entire rules subsystem for fey impulses that work like a kind of weird and wonderful haunt, bringing surreal strangeness to the workings of the fey and make their presence in a campaign felt in very tangible (and sometimes terrifying) ways. Check out Endzeitgeist's review!


Orthos wrote:

But are you still at a point in Kingmaker where you can incorporate it?

Also posting to remind myself to consider this - pondering having faeries as a big component of a campaign and having inspiration would be great.

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

It does my heart good to see this concept receive such accolades. Originally, fey impulses were an idea I had for Realm of the Fellnight Queen as something PCs could experience throughout Rhoswen's thorn-filled castle...a place where the powerful fey-queen has languished for untold years. The module didn't really have enough space to do that idea justice, so it's something I held onto for possible re-use down the road. Seeing what Todd, Jason, and Al did with the underlying idea is really gratifying. I love how they brought it to life, and pretty much any fey-themed adventure I personally run will incorporate fey impulses as a way to make them stand out from other monster adversaries.

Wyntr wrote:
Orthos wrote:
But are you still at a point in Kingmaker where you can incorporate it?


The PCs haven't visited Thousandbreaths yet.

Reviewed first on Endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and d20pfsrd.com's shop.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Wyntr wrote:
Orthos wrote:

But are you still at a point in Kingmaker where you can incorporate it?

Also posting to remind myself to consider this - pondering having faeries as a big component of a campaign and having inspiration would be great.

This product is designed as a toolbox that you can use almost anywhere in any fey-themed campaign, and there are elements here that you can use at very low levels up through at least the early double digits. Also, many of the concepts here are rooted in flavor and thematics, so you can take the inspiration there and pretty easily massage the mechanics to make them work for the level you need.

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