Pathfinder Society: GM Star Reward Chronicle Sheets PDF

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As part of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play GM rewards program, each GM can earn a special Chronicle sheet from among the three included in this download. Each represents a character's tutelage and special training with one of the three Masters: Aram Zey, Kreighton Shaine, or Marcos Farabellus. Apply the Chronicle sheet to a character of your choice, and unlock new boons as you earn GM stars. 5-Star GMs can apply an additional sheet for every 50 additional reported games they judge beyond their first 150.

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Excellent rewards for service!


In answer to the previous review, a GM may pay the cost for each individual boon that he qualifies for based on his GM star total.

e.g. A 3 star GM can pay 3PP or 3 day job checks to gain the first three boons. He must then wait until reaching 4 stars to pay the cost again to gain the fourth boon. Note: You do not have to purchase every boon! You may pick and choose from those that you qualify for.



It is unclear to me if you get more than one reward for the character that you assign this to. If you are a 3 star GM, do you get all 3 rewards (1 star, 2 star and 3 star check boxes) or just the reward for 3 star?

Silver Crusade

What is the context under which we are granted this? Do we just download it and apply it to a character or is this some special thing we need to earn at cons and the like?

Liberty's Edge

I believe the instructions for their application is on the first page. Also there is a blog about them. Basically once you have a star you can assign one of these to one of your characters. Sign it yourself as a GM. That is my understanding.

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Last updated: June 03, 2028.

General Questions

What books are Pathfinder Society players and GMs assumed to have?

Pathfinder Society Organized Play assumes that every player has access to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and a familiarity with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide, and that every Game Master has access to the above plus the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. When designing and developing scenarios, we assume that references to rules or flavor in these books needn't be explained. Lack of access to these materials may prevent players or GMs from being able to participate in the campaign. All relevant content from both the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary may be found for free on the Pathfinder Reference Document at

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What do I need to bring to a game to use non-core material?

In order to use additional resources for your character, you must bring a physical copy of the book with you or printouts of the appropriate pages detailing cost (if any) and explanations for each feat, item, spell, prestige class, and so on that you use. One need not prove ownership of said material but they must be from a legally obtained PDF or book printed by Paizo Publishing; content reproduced in other sources under the Open Gaming License (such as an online reference document or a homemade omnibus) is not legal with regard to use in sanctioned Pathfinder Society play. Since the core assumption for Pathfinder Society Organized Play is the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide, and the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, we cannot assume that every Game Master will have the products included in the Additional Resources list. As such, it is each player's responsibility to bring to the game any necessary rules for running his or her character so that GMs may properly adjudicate the game during play.

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I have a Season 0 character built with D&D 3.5 rules. Do I have to convert her to Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and if so how?

You must convert your PC before playing any further scenarios. 3.5 characters are no longer legal for play.

To convert your PC, follow these simple steps:
1) Your PC's name, XP, and faction remain the same.
2) Determine what character level your existing XP allows you to make, and create a new character as similar to or as different from the 3.5 version as you want, following current character creation rules, as outlined in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Refer to Table 1 to determine your new character’s new wealth and max value—you will not be using your old 3.5 chronicle sheet-based wealth during the conversion, as the assumptions for wealth by level for Pathfinder RPG are higher than for 3.5. In nearly every instance, you’ll receive more gold piece value in gear to spend using this system than you would by adding up all of your 3.5 character’s gear. Max value (shown in Table 1) is the highest gold piece value item you can buy—if your max value is 2,000 gold pieces, you may not purchase any single item above that value during conversion. Please note that max value does not apply to items that are considered always available for purchase (see Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play for more information); it only applies to additional magic items and equipment. You must repurchase new gear, weapons, armor, magic items, and so on using the guidelines in Table 1 and cannot simply keep the items you have now (as many items have changed in price, name, and description).

Table 1: Pathfinder Society Wealth Conversion Table
LevelWealth (GP)Max Value (GP)
[1-2 total XP]
1 scenario500250
2 scenarios 750375
[Level 2+]
21,000 500
33,000 1,500
46,000 3,000
510,500 5,250
616,000 8,000
723,500 11,750
833,000 16,500
946,000 23,000
1062,000 31,000
1182,000 41,000

3) Adjust Your Prestige Award Because of the changes to prestige in the Pathfinder RPG, the current PA totals of all 3.5 characters must be adjusted based on their level to more accurately match the current system. See Table 2 for details.

Table 2: Pathfinder Society Prestige Award Conversion Table
Level RangePrestige Adjustment
1–4Add +1 to your Prestige Award total
5–6Add +2 to your Prestige Award total
7–8Add +4 to your Prestige Award total
9–10Add +6 to your Prestige Award total

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Can I use the GameMastery Critical Hit Deck, Critical Fumble Deck, or Plot Twist Cards in a Pathfinder Society Organized Play game?

No. None of the listed accessories are legal in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign.

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My character is playing in the First Steps intro series. How can I pick a faction trait before I've chosen a faction?

If you are playing the First Steps adventure arc as a newly created first-level character, you can choose to leave one of your two trait slots open at character creation. After you have chosen a faction at the conclusion of the three-part series, you may select a faction trait to fill this slot. You may also choose any other legal trait if you decide that none of the faction traits for your chosen faction fit your character.

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How do poisons work in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

Any character with the Poison Use ability can purchase and use poisons. No other class may purchase poisons unless they appear on a Chronicle sheet. The following poisons from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook are available for purchase: black adder venom, bloodroot, giant wasp poison, greenblood oil, large scorpion venom, malyass root paste, Medium spider venom, nitharit, shadow essence, small centipede poison, terinav root. Refer to the Additional Resources page for other poisons that are legal if you have the appropriate source.

Paladins, per their code of conduct, may not use poisons, but they don't necessarily view the use of poisons as an evil to be opposed—it's simply something their code prohibits them from doing themselves. Paladins whose race grants them natural poison are not exempt from this rule.

Characters who can purchase and use poisons may also use Craft (alchemy) to produce poisons that are legal for them to purchase. Use the rules listed in "How can alchemists and investigators craft in the Roleplaying Guild?" in the Character and Class section of the FAQ.

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Is the massive damage rule used in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

The massive damage rule is not used in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

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If my PC or pregenerated character dies permanently, what happens?

Player characters and pregenerated characters who do not return to the realm of the living receive 0 XP, 0 PP, 0 gold, and no items or boons. This is marked on their Chronicle sheet along with a note that the character is permanently dead. If a player was planning to hold the Chronicle from a pregenerated character and apply it to a lower level PC once the PC reached the level of the pregenerated character, they must either apply the Chronicle sheet immediately and report the PC as dead or assign the Chronicle sheet to a new level 1 PC (ie a new PC number) and report that character as dead.

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Can pregenerated characters from other sources be used in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

The pregenerated characters included with any 3rd-party publisher product, such as the Adventure Path Iconic PCs found in Hero Lab, are not legal for Pathfinder Society Organized Play and may not be used in Pathfinder Society games. The only pregenerated characters legal for the Pathfinder Society campaign are the 1st-, 4th-, and 7th-level Iconics available as free PDF downloads.

Pregenerated characters printed in We Be Goblins! may be used when playing that module only. Pregenerated characters appearing in Pathfinder RPG Adventure Paths and Pathfinder RPG Modules are not legal for play. Any pregenerated characters that appear in the NPC Codex will be addressed in Additional Resources under that book.

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Can I use photocopied pages from books, printed copies of PDFs, et cetera to satisfy having a source book that covers the rules used to create my character?

A player must have a physical copy of the Additional Resource in question, a name-watermarked Paizo PDF of the book, or a printout of the relevant pages from a name-watermarked PDF, as well as provide access electronically or a physical copy of the current version of the Additional Resources list, as advised in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

A print out is not a photocopy. It is exactly what it advises. It is a print out from a watermarked PDF that, when printed, shows the name of the person (and their email) on the top or bottom of the page. A photocopy of a physical book that does not show a watermark does not fulfill the requirement. This includes a photocopy of a book you borrowed from a friend, checked out of a library, or any other copy you obtained and photocopied or scanned pages from.

If a family member, significant other, or other members of the same household living together (such as college room mates) are playing at the same table, they may share the same resources instead of having duplicates of the same resource at the same table. If it is a group of friends that always plays together at the same table, as long as there is at least one sourcebook that covers each rule for every character at the table, it fulfills the requirement. For example, if they all play Chelaxian characters and utilize rules from the Cheliax book, and they are all playing at the same table, then they only need one Cheliax book at the table, and that book can be either physical or an electronic, watermarked copy. However, if they are playing at different tables, each person at a different table will need a physical copy, a PDF copy, or a printed watermarked copy of the relevant pages with them, that covers anything they choose to utilize in the build of their charactert. And if it needs to be clarified, watermarked PDFs may not be distributed electronically by anyone. If two members of the same household wish to share a PDF, and find themselves playing at separate tables, one can utilize an electronic version on an iPad or similar item, while the other utilizes a printed watermarked copy.

A screenshot of your downloads page, coupled with links to the appropriate PRD pages would cover both purposes if you choose to utilize such a method.

Hero Lab, or any other form of electronic character builder, is not a legal source to fulfill any of the above requirements. Electronic character builders are tools to assist participants in a more streamlined and efficient way to build a character.

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Can GMs use PDF versions of products while running Pathfinder Society events?


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Are shirt rerolls are allowed on day job checks?


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Are official blog post FAQ's or Errata updates legal for Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

Yes. Please follow these clarifications.

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For theatric scenarios, such as the Grand Convocation, does the player's ability to perform the action impact the success of the character's action?

If the scenario includes options to allow player knowledge or skill to impact the outcome of the adventure, then you are encouraged to use these options, but if not, then use the in-character challenges as presented.

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In scenarios, is it allowed to award creative solutions to problems presented?

It's okay to let creativity bypass a skill check, but don't arbitrarily change DCs.

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Do boons on Chronicle sheets received as GM credit need to be applied immediately (even if they are brand new)?


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Can I make modifications to a scenario I am GMing for Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

The scenarios are to be GMed as written.

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Is it mandatory to utilize the new Inventory Tracking Sheet introduced in Guide 5.0?

Yes, Starting on Aug. 15, 2013, the use of the Inventory Tracking Sheet is mandatory for all Pathfinder Society Organized Play characters. It will allow a much faster optional character audit by GMs before a game session. It is optional if any purchases made before Aug. 15, 2013, are entered onto an Inventory Tracking Form. However, all future purchases of 25 GP or more from games played or GMed should be entered onto an Inventory Tracking Sheet.

The Inventory Tracking Sheet located in the back of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play is an example of the type of sheet that a player may utilize. If they have a favorite, custom Inventory Tracking sheet modeled after the one found in the Guide, they are free to use it.

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Wealth and Treasure

Can I buy a magic item or spellcasting services with a metamagic feat applied, such as a scroll of maximized fireball, a wand of empowered shocking grasp, or employ the services of a wizard to cast extended mass bull's strength?

Generally, no. Magic items or spellcasting services must be purchased as listed in the Core Rulebook, including wands and scrolls. You may not apply metamagic feats when purchasing magic items or spellcasting services. The only exception is when the item or service is specifically listed as a reward on a Chronicle sheet.

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Can I Upgrade a Named Magic Item?

Named magic items—including specific armor and specific weapons—are not upgradeable. Non-magic specific armor and specific weapons may be upgraded normally. Magic armor and weapons may be upgraded to named versions if they are the same basic material and shape as, and meet but do not exceed the enhancement bonuses of the named versions. Wondrous items whose names include a +X value (such as bracers of armor, headband of vast intelligence, amulet of might fists, etc.) may also be upgraded following the rules for upgrading magical items on page 19 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Upgraded versions of named magic items may appear on Chronicle sheets.

Intelligent magic items are not available for purchase unless they appear on a Chronicle sheet or are provided as part of a class or archetype (such as the black blade magus archetype).

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What impact do NPCs, such slaves or vanity-purchased NPCs from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide have on my character?

First and foremost, the Leadership feat remains unavailable as a choice in Pathfinder Society. NPCs purchased with Prestige Points out of the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, pages 60-61, continue to provide only the benefits listed under the entries created for the Chronicler, Foreign Contact, Guide, Herald, Hunter, Porter, Seneschal, and Squire. Other than the benefit listed, they have no statistics and can not make any checks involving a dice roll. Slaves or any other NPCs, purchased with gold, are purely roleplaying flavor and have no mechanical benefits because they have no statistics. They can not make any checks involving a dice roll. Creatures that are granted by a class ability, such as animal companions, familiars, eidolons, and mounts have stats and therefore can be utilized in combat, for skill checks, etc...

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Can an Arcane Bonded Item be upgraded?

A character with the arcane bond class feature may create a bond with any item he owns, either magical or mundane, as long as the item falls within the categories permitted by the arcane bond ability (the cost for bonding with a new item still applies). If a caster later wishes to upgrade an existing bonded item, he may do so for the cost (not price) of the final item as listed in the item's statblock.

For items which can be enhanced incrementally (such as weapons or a ring of protection), the caster must meet all prerequisites for the item as outlined in the item crafting rules. For example, a nonmagical bonded dagger can be enchanted to a +1 dagger for 1,000 gp instead of the normal 2,000 gp, but the caster must be at least 5th level (a prerequisite for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat). To upgrade the item further to a +2 dagger, the caster must have a caster level of 6 or higher (three times the item's enhancement bonus).

A bonded item that is enhanced must still conform to all the campaign rules for access to and upgrading of magical items. The final and total price of the item (not the cost) is used on the Fame chart to determine whether a caster can apply such an enhancement to a bonded item.

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Can a character be assigned more than one convention boon, holiday boon, or other special Chronicle sheet or boon?

A player who possess more than one copy of the same convention or other special Pathfinder Society Chronicle sheet may not assign multiple copies to the same character. Also, if the only difference in the Chronicle sheet is the title of the convention or event listed at the top, it is effectively the same Chronicle sheet.

For instance, if a player has a Tian Weapon Training special Chronicle sheet received at Gen Con, Dragon Con and Paizo Con, the titles will be different as they would list each convention, but the text of the boon remains the same. Multiple copies of the Tian Weapon Training could not be assigned to the same character. Each of these would have to be assigned to three different characters.

For holiday boons, a player may only receive one copy of the boon but may assign it to any one of his characters during the dates specified on the boon.

For Pathfinder Tales boons, a Chronicle sheet from each novel may be assigned to each character that player has.

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Can my familiar wield weapons or use magic items?

By default, familiars do not have any magic item slots, but they can unlock magic item slots associated with their respective body shape. See below for a list of which body slots each familiar is eligible to unlock. To unlock a magic item slot, a familiar must take the Extra Item Slot feat, which appears in Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive and will be reprinted in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide as of version 9.0. In the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, familiars of all body shapes may take this feat, including humanoid-shaped familiars. When you gain a familiar, you may exchange one of its feats for Extra Item Slot for free. Familiars may also carry slotless magic items and activate ioun stones.

The following chart specifies the magic item slots that each familiar can unlock. Available slots followed by either (saddle) or (horseshoes) denote that creatures of that body type can only wear magic items in those slots if they are saddles or horseshoes, respectively. Creatures without these notes cannot wear saddles or horseshoes. Celestial, entropic, fiendish, and resolute familiars use the same slots as typical animals of their kind.

All familiars can activate the abilities of their use-activated magic items, so long as these abilities do not require a command word. The following familiars can use spell trigger and spell completion magic items, including wands and scrolls, as well as magic items with a command word: arbiter, brownie, cassisian (in small humanoid form), faerie dragon, imp, leshy (any), liminal sprite, lyrakien, mephit (any type), nosoi, nuglub, pooka, pyrausta, quasit, shikigami, soulbound doll, sprite, and zhyen. For more information on these magic item categories, see page 456 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Familiars in categories marked with an asterisk (*) are able to grasp and carry one object at a time in their paws, claws, or hands, including weapons, rods, wands, and staves, as long as their carrying capacity is sufficient. Most familiars cannot wield weapons in combat. The following familiars can wield weapons: arbiter, brownie, cassisian (in small humanoid form), imp, leshy (any), liminal sprite, lyrakien, mephit (any), nuglub, pooka, quasit, shikigami, soulbound doll, sprite, and zhyen.

Some familiars have natural shapeshifting ability. One of the most striking cases is the cassisian familiar, which is listed below in both its humanoid form and its helmet form. Whenever a familiar changes from a form that has access to a magic item slot into a form that does not, the item melded into its body. A melded item provides no benefits. For familiars that can take the shapes of animals, use the standard item categories for that animal listed below.

Please review Additional Resources before selecting a familiar. Some of the listed familiars are only legal choices if your character has a Chronicle sheet boon or an archetype that grants access to them.

Arbiter* (eyes, hand, headband, wrist): Arbiter

Auger (eyes, headband): Auger

Avian* (armor, belt, chest, eyes, headband, neck, ring, wrist): Archaeopteryx, arctic tern, bat, chicken, clockwork familiar, dodo, dove, flying fox, hawk, kakapo, mockingfey, nosoi, osprey, owl, parrot, peacock, penguin, pseudowyvern, ptarmigan, puffin, raven, rhamphorhynchus, snail kite, snowy owl, thrush, toucan

Biped [claws/paws]* (armor, belt, chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, right, shoulders): Compsognathus, petrifern, wallaby

Biped [hands]* (all item slots): Brownie, cassisan (Small humanoid form), coral capuchin, faerie dragon, homunculus, imp, leshy (any), liminal sprite, lyrakien, mephit (any type), monkey, nuglub, pooka, pyrausta, quasit, shikigami, soulbound doll, sprite, xiao, zhyen

Cassisian (headband): Cassisian (helmet form)

Doru (eyes, head, headband): Doru

None (no item slots): Eyeball, harbinger, paracletus, wysp

Piscine (belt, chest [saddle], eyes): Popoto dolphin, pufferfish, seal

Quadruped [claws/paws] (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders): Almiraj, arctic fox, arctic hare, armadillo, brain mole, calligraphy wyrm, cat, cat sith, caypup, chuspiki, dire rat, donkey rat, ermine, flying squirrel, fox, hedgehog, koala, lemming, mole, mongoose, otter, platypus, pseudodragon, pseudosphinx, rabbit, raccoon, rat, red panda, silvanshee, skunk, sloth, squirrel, weasel

Quadruped [hooves] (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, feet [horseshoes], head, headband, neck, shoulders): Goat, pig

Quadruped [squat body] (armor, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders): Snapping turtle, toad, turtle

Saurian (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, head, headband, neck): Dwarf caiman, lizard, marine iguana, tuatara

Serpentine (belt, eyes, headband): cacodaemon, leopard slug, mamiwa, nehushtan, nycar, pipefox, raktavarna, sea krait, viper, voidworm

Verminous (belt, eyes): Blue-ringed octopus, clockwork spy, elemental (any type), giant flea, giant isopod, greensting scorpion, house centipede, katroome, king crab, octopus (young template), scarlet spider, stirge, trilobite, typhilipede

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Can my animal companion, plant companion, or vermin companion wield weapons? Can it wear or use magic items?

An animal companion has access to the armor and neck magic item slots automatically, as long as its body shape is eligible for these slots. They can also unlock additional magic item slots that their shape allows. See below for a list of which body slots each companion is eligible to unlock. Plant and vermin companions do not gain automatic magic items slots. All three kinds of companions may carry slotless magic items.

To unlock an additional magic item slot, the animal, plant, or vermin must take the Extra Item Slot feat, which appears in Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive and will be reprinted in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide as of version 9.0. In the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, companions of all body shapes may take this feat, including humanoid-shaped companions.

Animal, plant, and vermin companions in categories marked with an asterisk (*) are able to grasp and carry one object at a time in their paws, claws, or hands, including weapons, rods, wands, and staves, as long as their carrying capacity is sufficient. No animal, plant, or vermin companions can wield weapons or activate magic items, with the exception of the imp granted by the diabolist prestige class, which uses the rules for an imp familiar (See "Can my familiar wield weapons or use magic items?"). Specifically, they cannot use spell trigger, spell completion, command word, or use-activated magic items (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 458). An animal companion with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher may use ioun stones.

Available slots followed by either (saddle) or (horseshoes) in the table below denote that creatures of that body type can only wear magic items in those slots if they are saddles or horseshoes, respectively. Creatures without these notes cannot wear saddles or horseshoes.

Please review Additional Resources before selecting a companion. Some of the listed companions are only legal choices if your character has a Chronicle sheet boon or an archetype that grants access to them.

Avian* (armor, belt, chest, eyes, headband, neck, ring, wrist): Axe beak, blackwisp egret, dimorphodon, dire bat, eagle, giant raven, giant vulture, hawk, impaler shrike, moa, owl, pteranodon, quetzalcoatlus, roc, trumpeter swan, whisperfall vulture, yolubilis heron

Biped [claws/paws]* (armor, belt, chest, eyes, headband, neck, right, shoulders, wrist): Ceratosaurus, chalicotherium, deinonychus, gigantosaurus, kangaroo, pachycephalosaurus, theriznosaurus, troodon, tyrannosaurus, velociraptor

Biped [hands]* (all item slots): Ape, baboon, devil monkey

Piscine (belt, chest [saddle], eyes): Blue whale, dolphin, dunkleosteus, manta ray, narwhal, orca, plesiosaurus, seahorse, shark, stingray, tylosaurus, walrus

Quadruped [claws/paws] (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders): Badger, bear, cheetah, digmaul, dire rat, dog, giant weasel, goblin dog, hyena, leopard, lion, panda, thylacine, tiger, wolf, wolverine

Quadruped/Hexapod [feet] (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders): Baluchitherium, camel, deinotherium, elasmotherium, embolotherium, elephant, giant ant, giant mantis, giant wasp, hippopotamus, mastodon, megatherium, pygmy hippopotamus, rhinoceros, triceratops, uintatherium

Quadruped [hooves] (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, feet [horseshoes], head, headband, neck, shoulders): Antelope, aurochs, boar, bristle boar, elk, giraffe, horse, llama, megaloceros, mindspin ram, moose, pony, ram, shissah, skittergoat, stag, styracosaurus, yzobu

Quadruped [squat body] (armor, eyes, head, headband, neck, shoulders): Elasmosaurus, giant frog, giant snapping turtle, glyptodon, tortoise

Saurian (armor, belt [saddle], chest, eyes, head, headband, neck): Alligator, crocodile, amargasaurus, ankylosaurus, brachiosaurus, dimetrodon, kaprosuchus, kentrosaurus, stegosaurus, giant chameleon, giant gecko, megalania, monitor lizard

Serpentine (belt, eyes, headband): Basilosaurus, constrictor snake, electric eel, gar, giant leech, giant moray eel, giant slug, titanoboa, viper

Plant/Verminous (belt, eyes): Cameroceras, carnivorous flower, crawling vine, giant beetle, giant centipede, giant crab, giant scorpion, giant spider, octopus, puffball, sapling treant, squid

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Are multiple spell scrolls one item for the purposes of prestige point purchases? (E.g. Can I spend 2 PP to get one scroll with 5 copies of Scorching Ray?)

You may purchase a multiple spell scroll but are limited to multiple copies of the same spell on the scroll. So, you can have five copies of scorching ray on one scroll but only that spell. You can not mix and match different spells on the same scroll.

A multiple spell scroll may be purchased with either Prestige Points or gold pieces.

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Are siege engines legal for Pathfinder Society play?

Unless prompted in a scenario or granted by a Chronicle, the rules for siege engines or the purchasing of siege engines, whether they are found in the Core Rule Book, the Ultimate Combat, or any past, present or future Pathfinder book are not used in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

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Does the gladhanding class ability available to bards with the street performer archetype affect Day Job checks?

Perform checks made as part of a Day Job check benefit from this ability, doubling the earned gold from all Day Job checks made using the Perform skill.

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Does the generic prestige award to recover a dead character's body include recovery of the character's equipment?

Yes. The 5 PP cost includes recovery of the character's body, as well as all personal equipment the character possessed at the time of death. The same applies to the Shadow Lodge prestige award, No One Left Behind.

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Can a spell-storing item, such as a ring of counterspells or a spell-storing weapon, carry a stored spell from one scenario to another?

Yes. An NPC spellcaster may be paid to cast a spell into a spell-storing item and it can be carried over to the next scenario if unused. The GM should note the purchase on the Chronicle sheet. Once the stored spell is used, it should be noted on that scenarios Chronicle sheet in the Conditions Cleared box.

A PC with the ability to cast spells may cast a spell into a spell-storing item that he owns and it may be carried over to the next scenario. As noted above, the GM should notate on the Chronicle sheet, in the Conditions Gained box, that the spell-storing item contains a spell at the conclusion of the scenario. Once expended, treat as above.

PCs may fill one another's spell-storing items, but if such spells are not cast during the same adventure, they are lost and are not recorded on Chronicle sheets for future use.

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Do Eidolons add to day job rolls?

The Eidolon is not a permanent effect, therefore does not apply to day job rolls.

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Can I sell a spellbook back for half price?

You may sell it back for half, but only for the spells that were scribed and paid for, not that were gained for free through boons, gaining a level or any other means of gaining a spell for free.

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Can the ring of spell knowledge grant the user access to divine spells such as those found on the Witch's patron list?

No. This item only works for arcane spells.

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How does purchasing/crafting special material alchemical cartridges work in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

You figure out the cost of special material ammunition the normal way (or look it up on the table on page 141 of Ultimate Equipment). If you have the Gunsmithing feat you can craft non-alchemical cartridge ammunition for 10% of the cost. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy) you can craft alchemical cartridges for half the price of the cartridge.

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How does "Master of Trade" prestige award actually work?

The wording of the vanity indicates that the discount only applies towards purchases, which would not include upgrading items. As an example you buy a +2 mithral breastplate in a single purchase you get the disount on the full cost of the item. If you bought a non-magical mithral breastplate with the discount. You would have to pay the full 1000gp difference of upgrading it to a +1 item.

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Does an enchanted item count against your Masterwork transformed item?

If an item has been enchanted and upgraded to a +1 item, it does not count against the one Masterwork transform item allowed per character.

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How does a ring of counterspell hold spells?

Treat as a staff. Just make sure the original casting to fill the ring is noted on a Chronicle sheet.

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Do items like staves carry charges to the next scenario played?


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Is snapleaf a single use item?


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If a magic item creates something like an additional item or currency, can I keep it?


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Do weapon cords prevent reloading?


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For first level retraining, can I sell back my gear at full price?


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Character and Class Questions

How many animals can I have at any given time?

During the course of a scenario, you may have one combat animal and as many noncombat animals as you like. Noncombat animals (ponies, horses, pet dogs, and so on) cannot participate in combat at all. If you have so many noncombat animals that their presence is slowing a session down, the GM has the right to ask you to select one noncombat animal and leave the rest behind. A summoner's eidolon is considered an animal companion for the purposes of counting combat and noncombat animals. If you have more than one class-granted animal companion (or eidolon), you must choose which will be considered the combat animal at the start of the scenario. In general, a mount, a familiar or mundane pet, and your class-granted animal(s) are acceptable, but more than that can be disruptive.

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Do purchased animals come fully trained or do I have to train them myself?

The entry for Handle Animal on pages 97–98 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook details which animals come trained—namely, some riding horses and riding dogs have training, but they only come trained to bear a rider into combat. All other animals are subject to Handle Animal to learn additional tricks. See the “Mounts and Related Gear” table on page 159 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for additional details.

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How can I teach tricks to an animal using Handle Animal?

You can teach any animal a trick so long as you follow the rules for Handle Animal on pages 97–98 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. A GM must observe your Handle Animal check, and must initial what tricks the animal gained in the "Conditions Gained" section of the scenario's Chronicle sheet. The first time a character with levels in druid, ranger, or any other class that grants an animal companion gains an animal companion, the animal enters play knowing its maximum number of tricks as dictated by the animal companion's Intelligence and the character's effective druid level. If the character replaces the animal companion for any reason, the new animal starts with no tricks known, save for bonus tricks granted based on the PC's effective druid level. Once per scenario, you may attempt to train the animal companion a number of times equal to the number of ranks you have in the Handle Animal skill. Each success allows you to teach the animal a single trick; a failed attempt counts against the total number of training attempts allowed per scenario, and you may not attempt to teach the same trick until the next scenario. Alternatively, you may train one animal for a single purpose as long as you have enough ranks in Handle Animal to train the animal in each trick learned as part of that purpose. You may take 10 on Handle Animal checks to teach an animal companion tricks.

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How is the replacement of a dead familiar, animal companion or paladin’s or cavalier's mount handled?

If you lose a companion during the course of a scenario, work with your GM for that scenario to properly note the loss on your Chronicle sheet. You should also note that you’ve gained your new companion. The new companion is ready for play in the next scenario after your previous companion died. Newly summoned animal companions begin play knowing a number of tricks equal to the bonus tricks granted based on your druid level. All other tricks require the use of Handle Animal to train the new animal companion as normal.

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How do I determine hit points for my animal companion?

Animal companions receive average hit points per hit die. For d8, the average is 4.5. Multiply 4.5 times the number of hit dice your animal companion has and round down. Recalculate hit points for your companion each time it gains additional hit dice. After its hit points are calculated, add in appropriate bonuses from its Constitution modifier, feats, and so on.

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Can I improve my companion’s Intelligence to 3 or higher and give it weapon feats?

No. An Intelligence of 3 does not grant animals sentience, the ability to use weapons or tools, speak a language (though they may understand one with a rank in Linguistics; this does not grant literacy), or activate magic devices. Also note that raising an animal companion’s Intelligence to 3 or higher does not eliminate the need to make Handle Animal checks to direct its actions; even semi-intelligent animals still act like animals unless trained not to. An animal with Intelligence of 3 or higher remains a creature of the animal type unless its type is specifically changed by another ability. An animal may learn 3 additional tricks per point of Intelligence above 2.

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As a paladin or cavalier, what mount can I have?

As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level. If you’re a Medium PC, your mount must be Large. If you’re a Small PC, your mount must be at least Medium. You may only select a mount from the listed mounts on page 63 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook unless another source grants access to additional creature choices. As a cavalier, you may select a mount from those listed on page 33 of the Advanced Player's Guide. No additional mounts are legal in Pathfinder Society Organized Play except when granted from another legal source.

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As a ranger, what list of companions can I select my animal companion from?

As a ranger, if you choose an animal companion for your hunter’s bond, you may only select one of the animals listed on page 66 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. No additional companions are legal in Pathfinder Society Organized Play for Rangers except when granted from another legal source.

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Can I re-skin or re-flavor an animal companion or item?

You may choose a specific type of animal companion from any of the base forms listed on pages 53–54 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook or a legal Additional Resource but may not use stats for one base form with the flavor of another type of animal. Thus, a small cat could be a cheetah or leopard, as suggested, as well as a lynx, bobcat, puma, or other similar animal; it could not, however, be "re-skinned" to be a giant hairless swamp rat or a differently-statted wolf. If a GM feels that a re-skinning is inappropriate or could have mechanical implications in the specific adventure being played, he may require that the creature simply be considered its generic base form for the duration of the adventure. A player may not re-skin items to be something for which there are no specific rules, and any item a character uses for which there are no stats is considered an improvised weapon (see page 144 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

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Can a character have a homunculus created as a familiar?

A character must have the Improved Familiar feat to select a homunculus as a familiar. Since crafting is not allowed in Pathfinder Society, the character must hire an NPC to craft the homunculus on her behalf. Usually, an NPC can not craft a custom item for a PC but this is an exception to the rule.

Per the homunculus entry in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, a baseline homunculus costs 2,050 gp. If a PC wishes to purchase a homunculus with more than 2 Hit Dice, each additional Hit Dice adds 4,000 gp to the total price. Consider, however, that there is little need to advance a homunculus familiar in this manner, since the familiar's hit points and abilities are based on the character's stats rather than its own Hit Dice.

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How can alchemists craft in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

Alchemists can use the Craft (alchemy) skill to produce items with their Alchemy ability. Follow the Craft rules on pages 91–93 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook as well as in the alchemist’s Alchemy ability description. Any item created must be properly noted on that scenario’s Chronicle sheet. Under "Items Bought", note the amount of gold spent and the item created. Alchemists are assumed, for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, to carry the necessary items and tools with them to use available resources to create alchemical items. If they have a base of operations from which to do so, they may use an alchemy lab to gain the +2 bonus on their Craft (alchemy) check. Alchemists may never sell any of their created items nor may they trade them to another PC. However, they may allow other PCs to borrow or use items they’ve created (so long as the alchemist class ability being used allows them to do so).

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What does a deaf oracle (or other deaf PC) need to do in order to read lips?

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, any PC may learn to read lips with a rank in Linguistics as if they had learned a new language. When reading the lips of a speaking creature within 10 feet in normal lighting conditions, the reader need not make any skill checks. In situations of dim lighting, extreme distances, or to read the lips of someone trying to hide their words from the reader, the reader must make Perception checks (DC determined by the GM based on the situation). A lip reader may only understand spoken words in a language it knows.

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Are NPC classes legal for play?

No. Standard character generation rules apply. NPC classes are for NPCs and not available to be chosen by a PC.

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Can I scribe spells from another PC's spellbook into my own? What about gaining spells via scrolls found during an adventure?

Players are welcome to exchange spells with each other during an adventure. They must still follow all the normal rules as put forth in the Core Rulebook and their class descriptions (for instance, an alchemist can scribe from a wizard, but not vice-versa) and they must not bog the session down.

Similarly, scrolls found during an adventure can be used to add spells to spellbooks and similar class features (such as a witch's familiar), using the normal rules for doing so. Scrolls used in this way during an adventure do not need to be purchased, but are still consumed as normal.

With either method, the GM should sign off on the spells gained (after witnessing successful skill checks) on affected players' chronicle sheets. All other methods of gaining new spells (such as by gaining a level or purchasing access to an NPC's spellbook) function as described in the Core Rulebook and relevant class descriptions.

In the rare instance of a wizard charging a fee for the privilege of copying spells from their spellbooks, this fee is equal to half the cost to write the spell into a spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook). Rare and unique spells do not change the fee in PFS.

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What deities are legal choices for PCs?

The deities legal for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play are compiled in this messageboard post.

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How do the changes from the monk blog effect my Pathfinder Society character?

There are no rebuilds; at the time of the initial change you could either have patience until it was further clarified and not rebuild, or you could rebuild but there would not be a second rebuild.

The new Ki Ability needs no clarification or rebuild. It just adds to the PC when he/she is 7th level. It is similar to 4th level monk under the special column on page 58 of the Core Rulebook that reads Ki Pool (Magic). Just pencil in Ki Pool (cold iron & silver) next to 7th level.

In reference to Amulet of Mighty Fists, you may be refunded the 1,000 gp. Just have a GM note it on your next Chronicle.

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Is crossblooded legal for going into the Dragon Disciple prestige class?

From the PRD referencing the Crossblooded archetype
A crossblooded bloodline combines the powers of two distinct heritages. …
A crossblooded sorcerer selects two different bloodlines. …
Example: A 3rd-level aberrant/abyssal crossblooded sorcerer…

These small bits from the archetype are considered both bloodlines, not one or the other, and not some weird amalgamation of the two. You essentially get to pick which powers, feats, spells, etc. from each bloodline you get at the level a bloodline normally gets one of those things. You also take a huge penalty at -1 spell known per spell level (including cantrips) and -2 Will Saves.

From the PRD referencing Dragon Disciple
If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the draconic bloodline. If the character gains levels of sorcerer after taking this class, he must take the draconic bloodline.

By this requirement, if he is a Crossblooded Sorcerer with one of the bloodlines being Draconic, he can qualify for Dragon Disciple. He should also be allowed to take Crossblooded Sorcerer, as long as one of the bloodlines is draconic, if he takes the level of sorcerer after becoming a Dragon Disciple.

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Can Wildblooded and Crossblooded archetypes be combined?

These two archetypes cannot be combined.

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How much benefit does deathwatch give you?

Deathwatch only analyzes creatures you're aware of. You have to be able to see the creature to instantly know whether each creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit points), healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). It doesn't magically advise or let you see or know there is an invisible creature or a very stealthy creature in the area and what the health and condition of that creature is.

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Does casting evil spells cause an alignment infraction?

Casting an evil spell is not an alignment infraction in and of itself, as long as it doesn't violate any codes, tenents of faith, or other such issues. Committing an evil act outside of casting the spell, such as using an evil spell to torture an innocent NPC for information or the like is an alignment infraction. For example: using infernal healing to heal party members is not an evil act.

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Does a first level character still lose their level times 3 in prestige points should they decide to change faction during rebuild?


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Should it be assumed that animal companions know how to use their feats with a Handle Animal check?


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How can I create new tricks to train to my animal companion?

New tricks require mechanics. Because it requires a GM to basically create the rules for something that doesn’t already exist, you can’t create it in PFS. If the trick is listed somewhere (for example: the air walk spell), then you may take it.

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How does Rend work with power Attack in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?

Damage is rolled once per attack. If it's a longsword attack, the roll is 1d8, to which you add other modifiers, like Strength bonus, Weapon Specialization, and enhancement bonuses. If it's a short sword with sneak attack, the damage roll is 1d6+1d6 sneak attack. It's two dice, but it's a single damage roll. If it's a confirmed critical hit on a sneak attack while employing Power Attack with a flaming greataxe, the single damage roll is 3d12+3xStrength+2xPower Attack+1d6 sneak attack+1d6 fire. A full attack, you add Power Attack once to each attack that hits, even if each of those attacks also has other effects added to its final damage value. The rend universal monster rule grants the creature an additional damage roll after successfully making two different attacks. Since it's a melee damage roll from a different attack than the first two, it gets Power Attack as well. Thus, a GM applying Power Attack to a rend damage roll is operating completely within the rules.

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Are races such as tieflings and aasimars considered as half-human in Pathfinder Society Organized Play?


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Do the effects of blanches carry from scenario to scenario?

As long as the use of the blanch is accounted for on a Chronicle sheet (under items used) their effects would not go away between scenarios. In general, however, poisons and weapon blanches should be applied to weapons at the start of scenarios rather than the end to lessen the chance of you needing to keep track of whether they're still in effect at the start of the next session.

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What determines if my character can be a “worshiper” of a deity?

As a character, you may choose to worship a single deity or pantheon (the “deity”). If you worship a pantheon, you do not count as worshiping every god in that pantheon; you must choose one deity from that pantheon for the purpose of gaining mechanical benefits.

Your character’s alignment must be within one step of that of the deity he or she worships. Any character with levels in a class that grants spells or other features from a specific deity must worship that deity.

A character may only worship one deity at a time; the character may change which deity she worships between sessions at no cost. If this change requires the character to change alignment, the character is required to pay for an atonement. Any element incompatible with the new deity no longer functions. These elements may be retrained at normal cost using the rules from Ultimate Campaign.

For example, a cleric of Desna with the Travel and Luck domains and the Butterfly Sting feat switches her worship to Shelyn. The cleric may still use the Luck domain because Shelyn grants that domain, but not the Travel domain or the Butterfly Sting feat, because worship of Shelyn does not grant access to those features.

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Is Profession (Torturer) a legal character choice?

No. Torture is an evil act. Therefore, Profession (Torturer) is not allowed in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

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Pathfinder Society Events

How do I create an Event?

  1. Navigate to and click on "My Pathfinder Society." Login and click on the "GM/Event Coordinator" tab.
  2. Click "Create Your Event" under "Create New Event." Fill out the form for your event (read the instructions on the page carefully, as they will guide you through the event creation process) and save.
  3. On the "GM/Event Coordinator tab" select "Download session sheets" next to event name to download session tracking sheets for your event's GMs.

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How do I report my Event and Characters?

Report Your Event

  1. Next to the event that you wish to report on, click "Report" and type in event name.
  2. Select the scenario of the first session you are reporting.
  3. Input the date on which the scenario was played, the GM's Pathfinder Society ID #, and the GM's name (which should auto-populate from the GM's Pathfinder Society ID # if that GM is registered in our system).

Report Each Character

  1. Input the first character's Pathfinder Society ID # plus appropriate dash (-1, -2, etc) for 1st, 2nd, etc character.
  2. Input the number of prestige that character received (0, 1, or 2).
  3. If that character died, mark them dead (this will gray out other entries for that character).
  4. Repeat the steps above for each additional character that played in that session.
  5. If the GM is taking credit for that session as part of his GM Rewards, then add the GM's character to the bottom of that session's report.
  6. If there are more characters at the table than space available in the session report, click "Add Extra Character."
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How to I reserve a Pathfinder Society Registration Card?

If you need to reserve Pathfinder Society registration cards for a future event, you are able to reserve 10 per day on the GM/Event Coordinator Tab.

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How do I view my Sessions?

Your "Sessions" tab on your "My Pathfinder Society" page shows your sessions played under "Player Sessions" and your sessions GMed under "GM Sessions." Both Player Sessions and GM Sessions are automatically collapsed to save space—you can expand the list by clicking the right arrow next to the appropriate header.

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How do I register my Pathfinder Society Character?

Your "Player" tab has your Pathfinder Society ID # and a link to download your Pathfinder Society ID card. To register a new character, click "Register a new character."

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