Created for fans by fans, this issue of the Wayfinder fanzine delves into the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and includes dozens of articles designed to expand the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the world of Golarion. Inside you will find original fiction, new monsters, board games, treasure, poetry—this is just a small portion of what awaits you!
Contributing Authors: Clinton J. “thatboomerkid” Boomer, Craig Cartin, Kalyna “LiteSprite” Conrad, Ryan Costello, Jr., Rich “Rebis Ouroboros” Crotty, Christopher Delvo, Danielle “D Noir” Doss, Keith “Sir Hexen Ineptus” Doughty, Russell “Soricel Minoi Mousefeet” Estes, Robert “Snorter” Feather, Dawn Fischer, Guy “ulgulanoth” Fox, Robert “Malikjoker” Gresham, Karl J. “Kajehase” Haglund, Nick “Demiurge 1138” Herold, Eric “Boxhead” Hindley, Jeff “Shadowborn” Lee, Rob Little, Nicholas “Lavachild” Milasich, Kevin Andrew Murphy, A. Morgaine “Lostandlovingit” Newis - Edwards, Dain “zylphryx” Nielsen, Tom “Tom Qadim” Phillips, Dane Pitchford, Alex “Daviot” Putnam, Greg Reese, John C. “ValmarTheMad” Rock, David Schwartz, Liz “HerosBackpack” Smith, Margherita “Bardess” Tramontano, Larry “Larcifer” Wilhelm.
Contributing Artists: Russell Akred, Tyler Clark, Liz Courts, Jess Door, Katie Ellis, Tanya-Sang Feddicini, Aaron Filipowich, Crystal Frasier, Silvia Gonzalez, Frank Hessefort, Chris Leaper, Elizabeth Lindhag, Dave Mallon, Stephen McAndrews, Carlos Torreblanca, Jonathan Roberts, Isaac Royo, Hugo Solis, Ashton Sperry, Matthew Stinson, Todd Westcot.
Cover art by Hugo Solis.
Wayfinder is an 87-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo Publishing, LLC Community Use Policy.
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