Created for fans by fans, this issue of the Wayfinder fanzine includes dozens of articles designed to expand the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the world of Golarion. Inside you will find original fiction, new races, monsters, recipes, poetry and this is just a small portion of what awaits you!
Contributing Authors: Ryan Costello, Jr., Liz “Lilith” Courts, Paris Crenshaw, Darrick “Drack530” Dahl, Adam Daigle, Blake “Nethys” Davis, Jess Door, Jeffrey Erwin, J. Russell “Soricel Minoi Mousefeet” Estes, Charles Evans, Robert “Snorter” Feather, Dawn “DarkSasha” Fischer, Christoph “RuyanVe” Gimmler, Robert Gresham, Jesper “Kajehase” Haglund, Eric “Boxhead” Hindley, Michael “Kurgon” Kelley, Michael “Ask a Shoanti” Kortes, Michael Lane, Thomas LeBlanc, Jeffrey “Shadowborn” Lee, Tom “Majuba” McQueen, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Tom “Tom Qadim” Phillips, Dane Pitchford, Marc Radle, John C. “ValmarTheMad” Rock, Carl “Tokoz” Rossi, Joseph “Guy Humual” Scott, K. Neil “Scribbling Rambler” Shackleton, Justin “Black Fang” Sluder, Neil Spicer, David ‘Hill Giant’ Schwartz, Ian “Set” Turner, Brandon “KrVnk” Waldenberg, Mike “taig” Welham.
Contributing Artists: Russell Akred, Joshua Benet, Tyler Clark, William Dodds, Jess Door, Chad A. Dulac, Carolina Eade, Tanya-Sang “Yuikami” Feddicini, Danille Gauvin, Silvia Gonzalez, Chris “QuestingRaven” H., Mauricio Herrera, Danny “Gworeth” Krog, Dave “The Eldritch Mr. Shiny” Mallon, Kate Neve, Drew Pocza, Marc Radle, Jon Roberts, Isaac Royo, Jon Salazar, Ashton “N’wah” Sperry, Matthew “The Twitching King” Stinson, Carlos “Celurian” Torreblanca, Todd Westcot, Glenn Zimmerman.
Cover art by Crystal Frasier.
Wayfinder is a 79-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo Publishing, LLC Community Use Policy.
This fanzine uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Publishing, LLC, which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This fanzine is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Publishing. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit For more information about Paizo Publishing and Paizo products, please visit
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Will this new print edition be identical to the one that originally saw print for convention-goers and contributors? Or will it be an expanded edition?
The reason I ask, is that the pdf included some supplementary articles (including my own), so I already own a pdf with, and a print without.
If I can get a print with my article added, I'll get this and pass my other on.
Love this issue, and especially love the Wolf Shifter. What are the chances we might someday see an archetype of the class for a bear or other animals?