Cassomir Pathfinder Homebrew PbP OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Welcome to Cassomir

Before I give out the character creation information, I want you to all agree here on a party composition – namely race and class. It doesn’t matter what your suggested concept was. You can still go with that or switch to something else – if it suits the party.

How you decide is up to you – but I would frown on first come-first served. With seven PCs, you may choose to duplicate classes. It’s entirely up to you.

Once you’ve agreed…

Character creation

- Pathfinder rules (obviously)
- Epic Fantasy (25 point) ability score points
- 1st level characters
- Maximum hit points at every level
- 2 traits (anything from the Character Traits pdf except ‘Additional Traits,’ and from other sources e.g. third party or adventure paths by agreement)
- Pathfinder published races only
- Pathfinder published classes (including play-test) (from other sources by agreement)
- Starting gold – 300gp (no magic items)
- Background – The more you give me, the more I can use and the game will be interactive for you. The less I get means you will be more of an observer.
- More than just stats – Please make your descriptions match your numbers. I’ve seen too many stunningly beautiful but aloof female characters with a charisma score of 8. If you’re that beautiful, your personality would really have to suck to be rated an 8 overall. You get the idea.
- Starting point – Use this thread to see if some of you want to know each other before the ‘game’ starts. You will all start in one location and how it begins will depend on your interaction prior to that point.
- Once everyone has their character created (ideally use the site to post your data) then we can begin…the timing is up to you.

House rules
In no particular order - and don't worry, I'm not a control-freak GM, it's just easier to say these things up front

Magical items are hen’s teeth. When you find one, you’ll be so pleased; you’ll look to use it, not to sell it the first chance you get. That better reflects ‘real-life.’ If a level one swordsman fighter found a magic axe, he’d likely switch his weapon of choice.

If a party member makes a group decision and nobody contradicts within 24 hours, that’s what you all do. This rule can be amended if, for example, you appoint a party leader who could make the decision without a day’s wait.

No posting for 48 hours gets a frown. Real-life happens, but please post here if you know you’ll be away for any length of time.

No posting for over 24 hours when we’re waiting on you gets a frown and you’ll likely be NPC’d.

Too many frowns equals a strike-out. How many? I don’t want to put a number on it. 1 is too few, 100 is too many – so somewhere in-between.

I believe in real-world economics. Little villages don't have shops with +3 daggers, nor do they buy them. Their trade is too limited for one thing and they couldn't afford the security for another. This means that, from time to time, I won’t go off the book price. Cassomir is big enough to stock most things at 100% of the book price – but don’t rely on it.

XP. I don't dish it out every encounter. Instead, I have split the adventures up into sections and when you hit a milestone, I'll ask you to level up.

Pace. I’ll start by giving plenty of time to role-playing. If it’s too slow, let me know and I can minimise the NPC encounters and give you a précis of what happened.

Local knowledge aka meta-gaming. Try to advance characters in keeping with how you’ve role-played them. If you’ve become an expert on Cassomir, I would expect you to take a rank of Knowledge (Local) when you next levelled up.

Useful information about Cassomir

None of you are local, so detailed knowledge is pointless. I’ll send out a basic map soon and you can keep track of what is where if you want. At some point I’ll decide you have enough local knowledge and give you a master map with locations on it.

Cassomir is the second largest city in Taldor. It’s home to the Taldor Imperial Navy and the Imperial Shipyards. Strategically located at the mouth of the Sellen River, it serves as a trade city – connected to all of the kingdoms that touch the Sellen. Trade ships come in from all regions that are on the Inner Sea, and others that can access a port on the sea.

The Navy boards and checks every vessel that comes through the mouth of the Sellen and blows out of the water anything that chooses not to be boarded.

Finally, Cassomir acts as gateway to the Verduran Forest, a region of Taldor controlled by the empire but that it largely ignores.

Rumours and facts about Cassomir
But which are which?

City life revolves around water.

Cassomirites are religious people. Gozreh is revered above all others.

Many Cassomirites believe Aroden isn’t really dead.

The Wildwood Lodge maintains the trade agreement between Cassomir and the Verduran Forest.

Cassomirites believe they are better than most Taldorans.

Cassomir is home to five separate adventuring companies. Dog’s of Dog’s Teeth is the largest.

The shipyards are always plagued with rats.

Cassomir’s Locker is the name for the sewer system. The Pathfinder Lodge keep it locked from prying eyes due to the vast treasure within.

There is an underground city below Cassomir called Corgunbier. Its inhabitants steal unsuspecting Cassomirites for slaves.

The Imperial Navy regularly press-gangs law-abiding citizens if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hello folks. Look forward to exploring Cassomir with you all and thanks to abstract gm for giving me a slot.

OK, I'll take advantage of the old time zone to get in first and give the spherical object a gentle nudge. Amusingly, I didn't actually give the GM a firm character concept (yet he gave me a place anyway...) so I can work from something of a blank canvas.

I'm delighted to see Cry Havoc among my fellow explorers (*waves*) - when I submitted an application to his game I told him how I generally design PCs, so I'll see how people react to this (paraphrasing my reply to him):

- who am I?
- why am I here?
- how do I look and act?
- crunch #1: how do I achieve the basics of the character in game?
- crunch #2: all the rest of the mechanics?

With that in mind...

Who am I?
I am Earnest Carbrook. I grew up in a small town about a day's ride from Oppara, where my father was an undertaker all his life. His desire was to pass on the family business to me, so I spent many years learning the art of embalming and proper treatment of corpses. In my opinion second only to correct and respectful treatment of the body is making sure the wishes of the deceased's family are carried out to the letter - the dead deserve dignity as much as the living, and nothing gave me more satisfaction than seeing the looks on the faces of loved ones knowing that while the spirit goes to its proper home, the material form returns to the earth as part of the natural cycle of things. I have heard of peoples who do not inter their dead, but use fire to cleanse the spirit and cast their ashes to the winds; no one has ever asked me to perform such a service but I would do so if required.

Why am I here?
Several years ago, a murder most foul occurred in our small town. I shudder to repeat the details, but the local militia were at a loss and the crime might have gone unpunished. The body was brought to me, and during preparation for burial I was fortunate that I noted several facts about it, namely the odd colour of the complexion, the presence of skin under the fingernails and the odd aroma of the corpse. It was a trivial matter to reconstruct the unfortunate individual's death: the poison slipped in his drink causing the odour, the fact that despite his weakened state, he still struggled against his assailant, and the effects the toxin subsequently had on the pallor of his skin. I reported my findings, and must confess to my eternal shame that I felt a modicum of pride when my evidence helped convict the assassin.

Over the following months, I found my time taken up more and more providing such reports to the Constable, allowing many crimes, not just murder, to be solved. I began to spend more and more time acquiring books so I could broaden my knowledge of alchemy, herbs, toxins derived from animals, while commissioning a local smith to produce a number of tools which would help me in collecting evidence from the scene of crimes. Luckily, the militia paid me a stipend for my work, as my burgeoning book collection alone would have bankrupt the business! Again, to my shame, I confess that my interest in my newfound calling meant my attention to the business was not all it should be. And so, having interviewed and vetted a number of candidates, I began to pass on my knowledge to an apprentice, until I reached the point where I felt the dead were safe in his hands.

Now, I devote myself full time to the study and detection of crime. I am fortunate that the Constable has many contacts in other cities, for whom I have undertaken cases. But, often the victims have no voice. The poor, the disposed, the lower reaches of society; they are no less worthy of a proper burial than kings and merchants. No one speaks for them, but I must. Recently, I have been working in the port city of Cassomir. I travelled there at the behest of a young woman whose father had been cruelly taken from her. While I could not return him to her, I feel satisfaction that the perpetrators will hang for their crimes, and that he is now at peace. But this city, like all cities, has a dark underbelly. Fortunately, I was well paid for my last commission, so funds are not an issue. Perhaps I will tarry here awhile - the dead must have their voice here, too.

What do I look like?
I am a human, and while my body is now showing the signs of ageing as all bodies do, my brain is still sharp and I try to keep myself fit. Vanity is an unbecoming trait, so while a corpse may be dressed so loved ones remember it as in life, I see no need to dye the grey from my hair. I have recently purchased a pair of spectacles, but find I only require them when reading small text in the fading evening light. Some people have remarked on my appearance: while walking the streets dressed as an undertaker would indeed be considered strange, I feel somber colours are most appropriate, particularly given the paleness of my own skin. I admit, the smell of embalming fluid and other chemicals does linger, but is it so bad compared with the scent of stale ale, sweat, refuse and death?

Crunch #1
- Skills Profession (Undertaker), Heal, Perception, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Nature), Survival + others depending on skill points (Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Craft (Alchemy) and more Knowledges)

Crunch #2
- Well now, in my own mind I can think of doing this with several different classes - I have an order of 'preference' in my head. Whichever one I pick will determine what else he can 'do', so if this concept gets the nod, I can work my way through them to get something that fits the party balance if we are lacking in any particular area.

I hope that is acceptable and not treading overly on someone else's toes. Happy to take comments, and if someone did submit that as a concept (or close enough to it that this is taking away from your shtick), I'll be able to come up with something else with little difficulty so please say so.

Hi all, I'm excited to be in on this venture. *Waves back at grufflehead*

Here's the character concept I originally pitched to abstract:

Cry Havoc! wrote:
As for my character concept, I envision playing as Valendrion Greenleaf, a CG elven bard. Val is an expatriate of Cheliax, where he was trained as a thespian at the Westcrown Academy. Unfortunately, Val took some creative liberties when he wrote and published a one-man play entitled 'Hearts in Armor' which examined the imagined private lives of certain high-ranking Hellknights. The Lictor of the Order of the Rack took exception to some of the more scandalous insinuations about him and his horse, and so Val was forced to flee his home under cover of darkness, or else face arrest and 'questioning' at Citadel Rivad. He hopped on a boat and sailed east toward Taldor, hoping to get as far as he could from Cheliax while still remaining in 'civilized' Avistan. Eventually, he'd like to make it to Oppara and the Conservatory there, but he'll likely have to earn some money in Cassomir first. He's an outspoken knave, but also charming and affable. I'd enjoy the opportunity to play him.

My vision for Val is that he focuses on social and knowledge skills and could easily act as the party's face (despite his tendency to be melodramatic and outspoken, which might rub people the wrong way at times). In combat, he'd be a support character using bardic music and spells for battlefield control, and his longbow for ranged damage. I think his colorful attire and boisterous personality could make for a fun counterpoint to Earnest's dour ensemble.

Of course, if this seems unsuitable, I'd be happy to think up something else. I can't wait to have a look at other players' ideas.

Grand Lodge

Hey all,
Without going into detail, I was thinking a human from Cheliax who dabbles with science! Dr. Hazard, who was raised by the Brastlework gnomes, is always trying to solve a problem with the application of some sort of tonic or elixir (or bomb). He isn't very personable and might be a little crazy.

I am also willing to changing my character/concept if the group needs it.
(P.S. hooray for bards!)

Funnily enough, I'm about to embark on a Gestalt game on another site next week, and my character is an Alchemist/Bard...

2 quick questions for the GM:

1. Is there an opening hook you can give us which might help explain why people are in town, what they are doing, how we might cross paths etc?

2. No Additional Traits? Not even if the traits selected were to gain additional class skills which a player's prospective class might not have any other way of getting access to? Cuts down my options a fair bit as Earnest's skillset is going to be beyond several of the core classes without a little help - I'd rather come up with a justification (via traits) at the start than take a level dip into something later to do it.

grufflehead wrote:

Funnily enough, I'm about to embark on a Gestalt game on another site next week, and my character is an Alchemist/Bard...

2 quick questions for the GM:

1. Is there an opening hook you can give us which might help explain why people are in town, what they are doing, how we might cross paths etc?

2. No Additional Traits? Not even if the traits selected were to gain additional class skills which a player's prospective class might not have any other way of getting access to? Cuts down my options a fair bit as Earnest's skillset is going to be beyond several of the core classes without a little help - I'd rather come up with a justification (via traits) at the start than take a level dip into something later to do it.

1. The truth is that I have four or five opening 'adventures' in mind and was going to pick the one that best suited the party composition. What I can promise is that when you arrive in Cassomir, there will be an event that will gather you all in one place. Regardless of any previous 'friendships' you will be hand-picked for an assignment.

As I stated in the recruitment thread, Cassomir is a magnet for adventurers seeking fame or gold and is also inhabited by merchants passing through and people in the ship-building industry.

2. If the choice of 'Additional Traits' is to build a character (rather than statistics), then I'm open to discussion.

Male Human Inquisitor 3

Hey all! So here's are my two disclaimers: this is my first play-by-post game and I don't really know anything about the campaign setting. On the bright side, I've plenty of role-playing experience and I'll pick up a copy of the campaign setting today. Thanks for having me on the adventure!

That said:

I’d really like to play as a human Inquisitor with a sort of bounty-hunter flavor, using only simple weapons like a dagger and sling. I imagine the appearance of Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing, a personality inspired somewhat by Malcom Reynolds of Firefly, and a bit of flavor from David (as in David and Goliath). Milani will be my diety of choice, I think. Name: Brayker.

Female Kobold

Since everyone else is saying it: Hey all. :P
- who am I?
I'm thinking I'll go with my basic idea, if that's alright. I'm a female halfling summoner. My eidolon is a strange, fuzzy snake with a long, whiplike tail that seems to stick to things. I'm still undecided on names.
- why am I here?
I seek my charge, an elf child. I was his nursemaid, and when he was kidnapped, I gave pursuit. My search has now led me to Cassomir.
- how do I look and act?
I have short brown hair and wear simple leather armor. I'm very polite and try not to give offense, generally choosing to avoid conflict.
- crunch #1: how do I achieve the basics of the character in game?
My skills: Profession (nursemaid), Survival (I may get Track), Gather Information.
My abilities: A high intelligence, constitution and charisma (hence her determination to find one child and her ability to keep up the search for so long). Other attributes would be low/mediocre.
The eidolon has a serpentine base form and the Grab and Tail Slap evolutions.
- crunch #2: all the rest of the mechanics?
Not quite sure what you mean by this. I see myself (can I stop talking about my character in the first person? It's kind of creping me out. :P)as a decent spokesperson, and a good information gatherer. Her eidolon is moistly a protector, but can function as a relatively effective melee fighter.

@GM - perfect, thanks for the reply. If I do end up squeezing for class skills, Additional Traits was a route I thought about. Definitely won't be for random bonuses...

@koboldcleaver - I certainly wasn't proposing a template that everyone else had to adhere to, just trying to give an idea how I was thinking about my character. As far as I was aware, other people had concepts already, so laying mine out was as much for the GMs benefit as a starting point for the party.

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1

Greets, folks; I'm looking forward to running through Cassomir with you all. It seems like a good way to start, so here's the concept I sent to abstract:


What would be your character concept?

I'm considering playing a Taldan inquisitor of Abadar likely raised in Oppara, though I can move it out of Taldor completely if you decide that's too close to Cassomir. The son of a cleric, he was on his way to joining his father as a member of the Judge's clergy until he witnessed corruption in the local temple. He reported what he had witnessed, but it left him disenfranchised with the idea of blind obedience. He ultimately opted to blaze his own path in service to his deity, rather than take up the mantle of a cleric or paladin. He's traveled to Cassomir after hearing rumors that an Abadarian priest may be stealing money from a fund designed to ensure the continued operation of a lighthouse known as Treacherous Jack by the locals.

What is your character’s goal?
He's devoted to Abadar and forwarding the deity's agenda, but feels blind obedience breeds complacency and corruption that must not be allowed to exist; Taldor is a failing empire, and only vigilant guidance will see her through the current decline. He intends to challenge his beliefs in all his deeds, despite the knowledge that some may brand him a heretic for his actions.

Another concept I considered was a dwarf summoner, but rather that being a traditional spellcaster/light fighter like your concept, koboldcleaver, he would strive to be a front line heavy fighter alongside his eidolon; he would willingly sacrifice some of his spellcasting ability in order to wear heavier armor and focus somewhat on weapon training.

abstract, you note that magic items will be somewhat rare, but what are your thoughts on PC-created items? Any limitations other than what's part of the basic item creation rules?

Heaven's Agent - If you have the skills to have created something yourself (but you'd still have to pay out of the 300gp pot) then I'm OK with that.

I just want to create a world where magical items are something to wonder at, not seen as ten a penny.

Male Elf Bard 1
Itsgottabeodin wrote:
(P.S. hooray for bards!)

Three cheers for the storyteller! The statesman! The thespian! The orator extraordinaire...Val Greenleaf!

abstract gm wrote:
As I stated in the recruitment thread, Cassomir is a magnet for adventurers seeking fame or gold...

Perfect! I'll take one of each please. :)

@Heaven's Agent - I vote for the Inquisitor. I'd like to see one in action, and it sounds like an interesting concept. Also, Val may enjoy trying to get the goat of a strict Abadarian. :) (All in fun, of course!)

Male Human Inquisitor 3

Hey everyone,

I'm grateful for getting the chance to play. Good journey to us all!

I’d really like to play as a human Inquisitor with a sort of bounty-hunter flavor, using only simple weapons like a dagger and sling. I imagine the appearance of Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing, a personality inspired somewhat by Malcom Reynolds of Firefly, and a bit of flavor from David (as in David and Goliath). Milani will probably be my deity of choice. Name: Brayker.

I see that someone else is considering an Inquisitor. This could serve as healthy rivalry or bond, but if anyone feels that the duplication would be a detriment, don't hesitate to let me know about it. Maybe I could be spurred toward the Oracle.

Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
Cry Havoc! wrote:
@Heaven's Agent - I vote for the Inquisitor. I'd like to see one in action, and it sounds like an interesting concept. Also, Val may enjoy trying to get the goat of a strict Abadarian. :) (All in fun, of course!)

I'm not imagining the character being a strict adherent to Judge's teachings, exactly; he's dedicated to Abadar, sure, but if he wanted to follow the letter of the faith he would have completed his training and become a cleric or paladin.

Based on what you've posted about Val's personality, I can see the two characters getting along quite famously. They'll probably be doubling up on a few skills, maybe complimenting each other with others. He drinks and gambles, pokes fun at figures of authority, freely offers prayers to other deities as situations dictate; essentially he tries to stay as far away from the behaviors of a typical Abadarian clergyman as possible, while maintaining his path in life. It's how he tests the resolve of his beliefs, and he feels the experiences that result from his actions will better prepare him for serving his deity.

In fact, I think he'll make a point of singing along any time you use your bardic music ability. Of course, he's going to be tone deaf...

EpicViper wrote:
I see that someone else is considering an Inquisitor. This could serve as healthy rivalry or bond, but if anyone feels that the duplication would be a detriment, don't hesitate to let me know about it. Maybe I could be spurred toward the Oracle.

I don't think it would be too much of a problem; it looks like our two characters are going to be cut from different cloth, and I could definitely see a rivalry develop between the two. We'll see what everyone else thinks.

abstract gm wrote:

Heaven's Agent - If you have the skills to have created something yourself (but you'd still have to pay out of the 300gp pot) then I'm OK with that.

I just want to create a world where magical items are something to wonder at, not seen as ten a penny.

Alright, that brings me to a few other questions then:

  • Is there going to be any way to retrain specialization feats (additional proficiencies, weapon focus and specialization, weapon-based combat maneuver feats, etc.), or should we simply just not consider them when creating a character unless we have a way to make our own weapons?
  • Will you be taking the decreased appearance of magic items into consideration when designing adventures? Also, will their absence reduce the game's expected wealth-by-level, or will they be replaced by increased coin and/or goods?

  • @Heaven's Agent - Ah, very well then. Thank you for clearing up my inaccurate assumptions about your PC's personality and motivations.
    i do indeed think that he and Valendrion would get along quite well.

    Be aware, though, that while Val is a competent singer, his greatest bardic talents lie in the arts of storytelling and acting. Perhaps your Inquisitor would like to join him on stage for some impromptu thespianism? ;)

    Heaven's Agent - There may come a time when you could retrain a character - but I'd expect that to happen organically and I've nothing prepared for that to happen specifically. My advice is don't pick a skill you wouldn't want to keep indefinitely.

    You will certainly come across magical items and be able to pick up scrolls and the like. Certainly when you go up in levels, the items found will scale with you. My plan is to leave things along the way that allow you to utilise them but without railroading your characters.

    What I'll always avoid is the ability to go into any shop and buy +3 dragon hide with resistance to.... Well, hopefully you get the idea.

    At any rate, I will work with you in this regard.

    Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
    abstract gm wrote:

    Heaven's Agent - There may come a time when you could retrain a character - but I'd expect that to happen organically and I've nothing prepared for that to happen specifically. My advice is don't pick a skill you wouldn't want to keep indefinitely.

    You will certainly come across magical items and be able to pick up scrolls and the like. Certainly when you go up in levels, the items found will scale with you. My plan is to leave things along the way that allow you to utilise them but without railroading your characters.

    What I'll always avoid is the ability to go into any shop and buy +3 dragon hide with resistance to.... Well, hopefully you get the idea.

    At any rate, I will work with you in this regard.

    So you'll likely be sticking to the basic availability by community size? That's a relief; I prefer that method myself anyway. I'm sorry for harping on the issue a bit; I had a gm that limited item availability but failed to consider that it might make the party weaker than what the game was balanced for. It didn't prove an issue during most of the campaign, as we were primarily fighting other humanoids with similar equipment limitations. Then he sent us against some bulettes. It didn't end well, and its not something I want to go through again.

    Regarding the retraining, I just want to avoid the situation where a character is trained with a hammer, for example, but the only equipment upgrade they can find is a sword. Its a particular concern regarding my inquisitor, as the class lacks martial weapon proficiency, but I'd like to give him something other than a simple weapon to use in melee. I want to try avoiding a situation where I waste a feat simply because the only magic weapons I can get are something other than what I'm trained to use.

    Don't know if it's a peculiarity of pbp, but in my short career to date I'm seen some wacky parties. Hard to believe that with only 1 other player still to chime in, we don't have between us: a full progression divine caster, a full progression arcane caster, anybody with a full BAB, or a dedicated Trapfinder. Most unusual ;)

    Grand Lodge

    grufflehead wrote:
    Don't know if it's a peculiarity of pbp, but in my short career to date I'm seen some wacky parties.

    ditto on that :D

    If trapfinding becomes a problem, I could see Dr. Hazard becoming a little rogue-ish later on.

    abstract gm wrote:
    Magical items are hen’s teeth.

    Personally, I love this.

    Itsgottabeodin wrote:
    If trapfinding becomes a problem, I could see Dr. Hazard becoming a little rogue-ish later on.

    I think there was talk about making it a class feature for Alchemists, but with the 'final' APG playtest release it doesn't seem to have happened.

    abstract gm wrote:

    Magical items are hen’s teeth.
    Itsgottabeodin wrote:
    Personally, I love this.

    Me too. I can appreciate if Heaven's Agent has had a bad experience but this is abstract gm's homebrew, not an AP or a published adventure, so I think we can trust that he's going to take these things into account!

    As far as this re-training business is concerned, I've not come across it - it's not PF core is it? How is it supposed to work?

    grufflehead wrote:

    Don't know if it's a peculiarity of pbp, but in my short career to date I'm seen some wacky parties. Hard to believe that with only 1 other player still to chime in, we don't have between us: a full progression divine caster, a full progression arcane caster, anybody with a full BAB, or a dedicated Trapfinder. Most unusual ;)

    It's true, this appears to be a pretty eclectic mix. I know that I've become rather attached to the idea of Val, however, so I'm not too interested in switching up now. I would suppose that most of the rest of you feel rather the same. And, I think the long-term health of the game will be best served by everyone playing the character they find the most exciting and engaging. As problems come up in the game, they can be solved via multi-classing, hired help, magic items, and perhaps other more creative ways.

    @EpicViper - I will confess, only since you mentioned it, that I wouldn't mind seeing an Oracle in action, rather than another Inquisitor; chiefly because my familiarity with all the new APG classes is low, so if I can see three different ones in action here, it would be enlightening. Please don't feel pressured, though. :)

    EDIT: odin, is Dr. Hazard an Alchemist? Wow, if so, that makes potentially four different APG classes in the game!

    Grand Lodge

    Cry Havoc! wrote:
    EDIT: odin, is Dr. Hazard an Alchemist? Wow, if so, that makes potentially four different APG classes in the game!

    Yep, pretty busy for the APG up in here, but as stated earlier I'm open if we need a change.

    Male Human Inquisitor 3
    Heaven's Agent wrote:
    I don't think it would be too much of a problem; it looks like our two characters are going to be cut from different cloth, and I could definitely see a rivalry develop between the two. We'll see what everyone else thinks.
    Cry Havoc! wrote:
    @EpicViper - I will confess, only since you mentioned it, that I wouldn't mind seeing an Oracle in action, rather than another Inquisitor; chiefly because my familiarity with all the new APG classes is low, so if I can see three different ones in action here, it would be enlightening. Please don't feel pressured, though. :)

    So far there's one person on either side. So here's a more detailed concept of each one:

    Brayker, human Inquistor of Milani: Brayker uses only basic weapons such as the dagger and sling because he believes that power comes from the wielder and their faith. He has quite the distaste for slavery and tyranny due to his hometown sweetie being sold by her father just as their love was blossoming. Though he believes her to be dead, he hopes his quest will someday lead to her, one way or another.

    Human Oracle of Nature: Though having a poor eyesight, the Oracle would be very wise and perceptive, guided by the whispers of nature. I don't really have an idea for a background on this one yet, but he/she would be geared toward healing and alternate sight sort of stuff.

    I'd be willing to play whichever one people would be more interested in seeing played out. Ranked, my desire to play each character is about 9.5/10 vs 8/10. So I'm pretty excited either way.

    Female Kobold

    There haven't been any comments about my character concept, so I'm assuming there's nothing wrong with it. A bit more information about her personality, to explain a few things which I realized seem like contradictions.
    -Although she rarely takes a stand on an issue, this apparent lack of Charisma is actually a sign that said attribute is above average. She actually is bothered by many of the things she acts neutral about, but her dedicated search for her charge means that she has chosen to try to remain calm at all times, so as not to make some mistake and be stopped for any reason.
    -She is willing to take on adventures, but only if it furthers her quest. While this may seem to limit adventure possibilities, the truth something she keeps a desperate secret. I am going to spoiler it to show how dramatic her secret is. You should probably read it anyways, unless you aren't good at separating character knowledge and player knowledge. :P

    Big Dramatic Secret, shh!:
    She lost the trail. No matter whose fault it is, that's the fact. Now, she doesn't know where her charge is, and is wracked with guilt about it. She is determined to find the trail and is willing to pay pretty much whatever price she has to pay to do so. She has, in fact, already been forced by those who lack her scruples to do many things with the promise of the information. No matter how outrageous the price or how unbelievable the lie, she takes it, without even trying to haggle. Partially, this is out of complete desperation, but it is truly more out of guilt. She is now heavily into debt and is having to work her hardest at whatever place will hire her to stay afloat. It is for this reason that she is willing to take any adventuring job she comes across.

    -Finally, of course, the big question. Why is she so determined to find this one child? The truth is actually very ironic. She worked for the elven family because they had promised her information about her own older brother, who vanished when she was thirteen. Five years later, she was approached by aforementioned elven family (then childless)who offered her the return of her sibling if she worked for them for five years. Three years into this servitude, they had a child, and she was ordered to serve as his nursemaid. It was only five months later, though, that he was kidnapped. She was told that if she could bring the boy back, she would get her brother back. She is too far gone at this point, too certain in her own self-loathing, to give up now.

    Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
    grufflehead wrote:
    As far as this re-training business is concerned, I've not come across it - it's not PF core is it? How is it supposed to work?

    It's not pathfinder specific. Retraining as a concept has been around for some time; I think it's most thorough implementation was in the 3.5 Player's Handbook II (I could be thinking of a different book, though). Essentially, it allows a player to change a design decision that was made earlier in the character's career. Usually this was just swapping out a feat or a few skill points, but in some cases I've heard of folks changing entire class levels.

    An example would be a ranger that devotes all his feats to becoming a master with a two bladed sword. At lower levels, this is viable, but the two bladed sword is hardly a common weapon, and magic versions are even less common. Such a character could conceivably go 10+ levels and never even lay his eyes on an enchanted version of his weapon of choice. Retraining would allow that ranger to swap out all his two bladed sword-specific feats for, say, spiked chain-specific versions, so that he could make use of the +12 spiked chain of being awesome he found in a dragon's hoard.

    I personally don't care for the idea; I like a natural character progression, growth from level 1 to ... whatever point the character reaches. However, when I run a game I also strive to ensure that a character specializing in a specific type of weapon will be able to obtain improved versions as they progress. Not every gm cares to do this, and in such cases retraining becomes a viable and sometimes necessary option.

    Kobold, there's nothing wrong at all with your concept, I was just waiting for more detail to emerge.

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of an eidolon that looks like a big fuzzy snake. It reminds me of one of my son's plush toys somehow. :)

    Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
    Cry Havoc! wrote:
    I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of an eidolon that looks like a big fuzzy snake. It reminds me of one of my son's plush toys somehow. :)

    Here's a visual aid. :D

    In Wrath's Shadow
    grufflehead wrote:

    Don't know if it's a peculiarity of pbp, but in my short career to date I'm seen some wacky parties. Hard to believe that with only 1 other player still to chime in, we don't have between us: a full progression divine caster, a full progression arcane caster, anybody with a full BAB, or a dedicated Trapfinder. Most unusual ;)

    I think I'm the last player to join this thread, and that truly seems interesting. I'll post later today.

    Heaven's Agent wrote:
    Regarding the retraining, I just want to avoid the situation where a character is trained with a hammer, for example, but the only equipment upgrade they can find is a sword.

    To me, this is where the player and GM work together. The player makes this specific weapon a real factor for his character and so the GM uses this to drive something in an adventure e.g. the players hear of a band of orcs terrorising a town and the leader has a super-cool warhammer.

    Heaven's Agent wrote:
    I like a natural character progression, growth from level 1 to ... whatever point the character reaches. However, when I run a game I also strive to ensure that a character specializing in a specific type of weapon will be able to obtain improved versions as they progress. Not every gm cares to do this, and in such cases retraining becomes a viable and sometimes necessary option.

    In my early experiences of role-playing, the GM made us role-play the progression of levels. We essentially looked at what we wanted to add when we next progressed and we had to ensure we made an effort to use those skills/feats. Then, when we levelled up it made perfect sense. Or we had to find a teacher - which could be another PC to teach us skills that we couldn't naturally use (or wouldn't use in the game) e.g. working with traps.

    If a player gets to a point and they want to effectively re-train, then speak to me. We can work it into the game to make it seamless. Better that than a level seven barbarian suddenly adds one level alchemist! The latter is within the rules effectively but makes no obvious sense. The former isn't strictly in the Pathfinder rules (at least not yet) but can make perfect sense.

    Another quick question: ageing rules in force ie stat modifiers to be applied if you are middle aged?

    grufflehead wrote:
    Another quick question: ageing rules in force ie stat modifiers to be applied if you are middle aged?

    I honestly hadn't thought about it - but if it works for you, the character and the party then I'm OK with it.

    Be aware that if the game runs and runs and runs and runs then middle aged may become....old age!

    Heaven's Agent wrote:
    Cry Havoc! wrote:
    I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of an eidolon that looks like a big fuzzy snake. It reminds me of one of my son's plush toys somehow. :)
    Here's a visual aid. :D

    Awesome! :LOL:

    abstract gm wrote:
    Heaven's Agent wrote:
    Regarding the retraining, I just want to avoid the situation where a character is trained with a hammer, for example, but the only equipment upgrade they can find is a sword.
    To me, this is where the player and GM work together. The player makes this specific weapon a real factor for his character and so the GM uses this to drive something in an adventure e.g. the players hear of a band of orcs terrorising a town and the leader has a super-cool warhammer.

    Yep, this is exactly the best way to handle this, via open communication. I have confidence that it will work out well.

    Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
    Cry Havoc! wrote:
    abstract gm wrote:
    To me, this is where the player and GM work together. The player makes this specific weapon a real factor for his character and so the GM uses this to drive something in an adventure e.g. the players hear of a band of orcs terrorising a town and the leader has a super-cool warhammer.
    Yep, this is exactly the best way to handle this, via open communication. I have confidence that it will work out well.

    I am, too; I tend to be paranoid sometimes, but my worries, at least, have been put at ease.

    The party makeup is pretty interesting. We have the potential of having all the major bases covered, without having an expert in any of them. It could make for a very adaptive group of adventurers. It could also backfire, very easily; if all else fails, I guess we throw some more traditional classes into the mix after we suffer a TPK.

    Female Kobold
    Cry Havoc! wrote:

    Kobold, there's nothing wrong at all with your concept, I was just waiting for more detail to emerge.

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of an eidolon that looks like a big fuzzy snake. It reminds me of one of my son's plush toys somehow. :)

    Actually, I'm having trouble with it too, and yes, it makes me think of a plush toy.

    It basically has a very short black fur coat, practically peach fuzz. It kind of sparkles, since the green scales beneath aren't completely covered. Its tail has a rattle thing at the end, but the sound is duller, because the rattle is extremely dense (almost rock hard). It moves like a sidewinder rattlesnake, and hits things with its tail. It has a head which rather resembles a goblin snake's, but the fuzz means is looks a bit catlike.

    All that make sense?

    And I disagree, this is a normal character for me. I usually play monstrous races, but I'm trying to shake the addiction with a randomized table. It's made me realize I actually really like Golarion halflings!

    I've got the 6 page pdf of core Traits, and have most of the AP Player's Guides. There's also the PFWiki page on Taldor - are there any other obvious sources I'm missing?

    Grand Lodge

    grufflehead wrote:
    I've got the 6 page pdf of core Traits, and have most of the AP Player's Guides. There's also the PFWiki page on Taldor - are there any other obvious sources I'm missing?

    There are quite a few in the rest of the Pathfinder Companions Series.

    Abstract, I'm looking at two traits: Accelerated Drinker which is in the Companion - Cheliax Empire of Devils (page 18) and I'm going for the Adopted trait in the Traits enhancement, the young Hazard being adopted by Gnomes (Brastlewark Businessman, in the same book on page 19).

    Just want to get the OK on these before I fluff out Dr. Hazard's background and idiosyncrasies.


    abstract gm wrote:
    - Starting gold – 300gp (no magic items)

    Does this include scrolls to be learned in a spell/formulae book?

    Thanks. As we are presumably going to be spending a fair amount of time in the city and environs, worth picking up the Taldor one? Are there any more traits than the ones here:

    Wiki admin 5, artist 1, game master 1
    grufflehead wrote:

    Are there any more traits than the ones here:

    That's all of them by my count.

    Female Kobold

    So I don't quite understand. Does Well-Informed only give its bonus when I'm in my home town?

    Kobold Cleaver wrote:
    So I don't quite understand. Does Well-Informed only give its bonus when I'm in my home town?

    In theory, yes. Having said that, these are traits after all. Under the circumstances, I am happy with it being an aspect of your personality to find out information about places, to meet people etc. It is the sort of thing that probably manifests itself in your interaction with NPCs etc.

    So the two bonuses to the check can occur anywhere. You are the sort to read 'guide-books,' to pump locals for information etc. And you can pick one as a class skill.

    As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?

    abstract gm wrote:
    As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?

    I have not.

    Female Kobold
    abstract gm wrote:
    Kobold Cleaver wrote:
    So I don't quite understand. Does Well-Informed only give its bonus when I'm in my home town?

    In theory, yes. Having said that, these are traits after all. Under the circumstances, I am happy with it being an aspect of your personality to find out information about places, to meet people etc. It is the sort of thing that probably manifests itself in your interaction with NPCs etc.

    So the two bonuses to the check can occur anywhere. You are the sort to read 'guide-books,' to pump locals for information etc. And you can pick one as a class skill.

    Since I already get all Knowledge skills, I'm of course going to pick Gather Information.

    Okay, then, I guess I'll take Well-Informed (Gather Information)and Chivalrous. I think both of them fit my character rather well.
    So when should we start working on the character's stats? Or have we already?

    Grand Lodge

    abstract gm wrote:
    As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?


    @Kobold, Gather Info has been rolled into Diplomacy...

    @Abstract, are the above traits from the Cheliax book OK?

    Itsgottabeodin wrote:
    @Abstract, are the above traits from the Cheliax book OK?

    Sorry I missed them first timre around. Both are fine by me.

    Female Kobold
    Itsgottabeodin wrote:
    abstract gm wrote:
    As an aside, have any of you played the Casssomir Pathfinder Society adventures?


    @Kobold, Gather Info has been rolled into Diplomacy...

    @Abstract, are the above traits from the Cheliax book OK?

    Ah, okay. My mistake.

    Not played any PF Soc games at all.

    Quite happy to see any of them used as part of a larger campaign but the whole 'living' style game is the reason I no longer have a face to face group and ended up playing online. So not all bad ;)

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