Pathfinder Paper Minis—Skull & Shackles Adventure Path Part 6: "From Hell's Heart" PDF

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This set contains over 100 key NPC and monster miniatures for use in "From Hell's Heart," part six of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path!

It's time to strike back against your enemies—all of them. They have brought their forces to bear against you, and they've battened down the hatches in their final stronghold. Devils, aquatic monstrosities, and mariners from every port are included in this set—everything you need to run "From Hell's Heart!"

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Alsus Agrimant, male human
  • Arandor Tauranos, male human
  • Arronax Endymion, male human
  • Aurumvorax (2)
  • Averine, female human
  • Barmaid, female human (2)
  • Bloody Belita, female human
  • Brinebones, old bronze dragon bloody electric skeleton (Gargantuan)
  • Cannon golem (Large)
  • Chelish marine officer, male human (4)
  • Daemon, giant piscodaemon (Large) (2)
  • Davo Eximander, male human
  • Devil, drowning (Large) (2)
  • Dire shark (Gargantuan)
  • Draugr pirate captain (4)
  • Druvalia Thrune, female human aristocrat/inquisitor
  • Duppy (7)
  • Horrus Riptooth, male shark
  • Horrus Riptooth, male human barbarian
  • Horrus Riptooth, male human wereshark barbarian
  • Hyapatia, female human
  • Hyapatia, female lamia matriarch sorcerer (Large)
  • Iron golem (Large)
  • Jarian Randeloric, male human
  • Kerdak Bonefist, male human fighter/Inner Sea Pirate
  • Kirrian Vortheen, male human bard
  • Korva Leroung, female human
  • Lavenia Jeggare, female human
  • Lurco Solamar, male human
  • Magaav commander, greater host devil fighter
  • Master of the Gales, old male human druid
  • Murder magaav, greater host devil rogue/assassin
  • Narovia Wintour, female human
  • Omara Culverin, female human gunslinger
  • Parbuckle, male human
  • Pirate boatswain, female dwarf
  • Pirate boatswain, male dwarf
  • Pirate bomber, female human (2)
  • Pirate bomber, male human (2)
  • Pirate guard, female human (2)
  • Pirate guard, male human (2)
  • Pirate sniper, female elf (2)
  • Pirate sniper, male elf (2)
  • Powderpot, male charau-ka alchemist
  • Prisoner, male human (4)
  • Prostitue, female human (4)
  • Prostitute, male human (2)
  • Raula Gallonica, female human
  • Scurvy, male monkey
  • Tessa Fairwind, female human
  • Tsadok Goldtooth, male half-orc barbarian
  • Ursion Quintillus, male human
  • Valeria Asperixus, female human Hellknight
  • Warehouse worker, male human (6)
  • Wereshark pirate, shark (4)
  • Wereshark pirate, male human (4)
  • Wereshark pirate, male human wereshark (4)

Artwork by Callous Jack.

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Our Price: $5.99

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Now available, me hearties!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think there is a slight error in one of the images.
Should the second boatswain be the female dwarf or the purple pants dwarf?


Female dwarf. I'll get Jack to fix it!

Sovereign Court

Thanks WampaX, I have sent the changes on to Liz!

Will be there be a paper minis bestiary for S&S next?

Sovereign Court

chrids wrote:
Will be there be a paper minis bestiary for S&S next?

Yep, I am working on it right now.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Callous Jack wrote:
Thanks WampaX, I have sent the changes on to Liz!


Great set, as always.

Callous Jack wrote:
chrids wrote:
Will be there be a paper minis bestiary for S&S next?
Yep, I am working on it right now.

Awesome. I'm slowly working through Book 1 with my group now, but I'm looking forward to adding a few extra encounters


The female dwarf boatswain has been corrected.

So..... will this have the same contents as the pawn set?
I wants me my pawns!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Please write on the cover who drew the minis. It´s an important buy or don´t buy factor. Also could have a mention in the write up.

And also the infamous N´wah could do more PPM´s again, as he is my favorite artist. Maybe let him do an extra PPM Pegi 21 line^^!
I would totally abonnize it!

Sovereign Court

chrids wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
chrids wrote:
Will be there be a paper minis bestiary for S&S next?
Yep, I am working on it right now.
Awesome. I'm slowly working through Book 1 with my group now, but I'm looking forward to adding a few extra encounters

Liz has jam packed it with a lot of extra stuff so you should be very happy!

Sovereign Court

Arikiel wrote:

So..... will this have the same contents as the pawn set?

I wants me my pawns!

Uh...I don't honestly know what is or is not in the pawn set.

Hayato Ken wrote:

Please write on the cover who drew the minis. It´s an important buy or don´t buy factor. Also could have a mention in the write up.

That would be me, hopefully I fall within your buy factor. ;-)

CJ's artwork keeps looking better and better!

Sovereign Court

Thanks Hugo! I appreciate that coming from a talented guy like yourself!


Added Callous Jack to the product description. (D'oh.)

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:
Added Callous Jack to the product description. (D'oh.)

It's even linkified!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


It´s nice to know and gives the artists some more credit.

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