Superior Synergy: Fantasy PFRPG Edition brings the concept of game mechanic synergy back into your favorite fantasy role-playing game system. The idea that some game mechanics (such as skills) are innately compatible with other game mechanics in ways that can influence the game without choosing additional elements (such as feats) to permit their use makes a comeback in a greatly expanded and revised way.
Inside you will find:
The basis of synergy relationships, Skill Synergy is back and more balanced than ever. Rather than basing the synergy result's outcome on an immutable, flat bonus based on skill ranks, one skill may now add benefits (or detriments) to another skill through the uncertainty of its own separate skill roll. Skill Synergy is no longer a sure thing and may even backfire, but the rewards may be worth the risk.
Feat Synergy illustrates how some feats naturally complement each other to allow for new effects and abilities via the inherent knowledge, training, or talent they represent. This is done without the need to take yet another feat to allow such a relationship to influence game play.
Classes do not exist in a vacuum and characters should not be seen as leaving behind knowledge previously learned when they multiclass. Class Synergy introduces ways abilities gained from different classes may interact and evolve together, combining the various areas of expertise the character has acquired towards new results. This adds an entirely new layer of meaning when considering how your character should multiclass.
Magic Synergy provides a few ways magic can work together to create new effects ... intended or not.
Craft Synergy combines skills, feats, class abilities, and materials to illustrate an understanding that can result in special, non-magical abilities being added to some items.
Despite care being taken to maintain game balance, some players and Gamemasters may still consider the various types of synergy too imbalanced for use in their games. No problem! This product also includes options on including synergy in your game while addressing game balance via limitations and ways to purchase the advantage of synergy game mechanics rather than gaining it automatically.
Updated, clarified, and vastly expanded from the original 3.5 OGL rules release, this latest version also adds over 50 pages of content, for a total of 72 pages.
This product includes a complete, fully bookmarked version and a more print-friendly version with backgrounds and cover removed. A print/copy friendly PDF of the reference sheets is also included.
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Why is it so good? Well before I reviewed another product that had more uses for skills and I loved it. This book has a similar effect by describing effects you get by combining skills multiplying skill uses, often with underused skills. Plus it applies the same logic to feats, spells, crafting and class features. Because the feats and skills chapters take up more room and product the most significant effects if you think that Feats and Skills are underpowered under the watch of spells then this book is a significant buff to classes that rely on feats and skills to do things.
So why do I barely use it? Well its a lot to keep track of. There are so many effects produced that not every party is willing to deal with the book, plus it encourages using the feats in the book making it difficult to introduce third party feats that could be interesting. In the end I wind up using it for the skill effects and as a basis for what happens when some things happen at the same time every now and then but for the most part this book collects dust.
This is a great book. Its well written, its well organized, the ideas are great and everything works but its ultimately impractical and makes the game more complex and cumbersome. If you can successfully implement it without doing that, let me know because I have yet to do so and it leaves me giving this three stars despite the feeling in the back of my skull that it's unfair. If you're like me and you want new and interesting options but not ones that all the players have to remember from now on, this is definitely not for you. Everyone who can successfully make this mandatory reading for you players without them complaining or asking every five minutes whether or not they can do something, this is one of the best purchases you can make.
To address the rage/smite contradiction, note that this is a matter of forward compatibility with future Misfit Studios products. Without going into greater detail, some character options in future products will make the Synergy Effect possible. I threw it in here to keep it in context, as putting a single Synergy Effect in a later book that has no other synergy info in it would seem too out of place.
Sorry, no bundle at the moment because I can't offer the print product at some storefronts, and some of Misfit Studios' distribution agreements with some PDF storefronts prevent us from offering the PDF at reduced costs in a context other than limited-time sales.
On another note, the rage/smite forward-compatibility concern is going to be addressed in the PFRPG SpirosBlaak release. It will be a part of the new content being written to expand and clarify the original 3.5 OGL release.
Sorry, no bundle at the moment because I can't offer the print product at some storefronts, and some of Misfit Studios' distribution agreements with some PDF storefronts prevent us from offering the PDF at reduced costs in a context other than limited-time sales.
On another note, the rage/smite forward-compatibility concern is going to be addressed in the PFRPG SpirosBlaak release. It will be a part of the new content being written to expand and clarify the original 3.5 OGL release.
One of my favorite 3.5 books, SpirosBlaak released under PFRPG! Can't wait to see it. I already have the 3.5 in both dead tree and PDF. When this comes out, I will definitely be adding it to my collection.
One of my favorite 3.5 books, SpirosBlaak released under PFRPG! Can't wait to see it. I already have the 3.5 in both dead tree and PDF. When this comes out, I will definitely be adding it to my collection.
Thanks for saying so!
Sethvir wrote:
Is Christina is involved in working on this too?
Yes, yes indeed! I'm part of the Misfit Studios team! We have conversions underway, and there will be expanded material in the new PF version of the book. I'll be doing some standalone pdfs for the game, too, and there's an SB-related kickstarter I'm doing coming up on Feb. 1st (Steve, Wolfgang Baur, and Dave Gross are some of the folks who will be involved in the kickstarter). I'll spill more about this very soon.
One of my favorite 3.5 books, SpirosBlaak released under PFRPG! Can't wait to see it. I already have the 3.5 in both dead tree and PDF. When this comes out, I will definitely be adding it to my collection.
Thanks for saying so!
Sethvir wrote:
Is Christina is involved in working on this too?
Yes, yes indeed! I'm part of the Misfit Studios team! We have conversions udnerway, and there will be expanded material in the new PF version of the book. I'll be doing some standalone pdfs for the game, too, and there's an SB-related kickstarter I'm doing coming up on Feb. 1st. I'll spill more about this very soon.
Very cool. I always wanted more material for this setting. You know between Open Design, Frog God Games, Realm Works and now this Kickstarter for SB, I am not going to have any money left! Will definitely be watching for that. Thanks for sharing this.
I just added an update on who will be involved in the kickstarter. This will be generic for the most part, with Midgard and SB information added in. You'll understand when I announce!