Way of the Wicked—Book #4: Of Dragons and Princesses (PFRPG) PDF

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The king of Talingarde must die! Your dread master commands you to carry out this errand of blood. Do you have what it takes to assassinate the king of the most noble, virtuous realm in all the world? Are you ready to seek out the most wicked and powerful of dragons and treat with him to destroy the king’s only heir—the fair princess Bellinda?

Welcome to the fourth chapter of the critically acclaimed, Ennie-nominated “Way of the Wicked” adventure path!

Inside you’ll find:

  • "Of Dragons and Princesses,” an adventure compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game designed for 13th-level villains by Gary McBride
  • Full color art and maps by Michael Clarke
  • A gazetteer of the noble city of Matharyn, capital of Talingarde
  • Rules for playing vampire and lich PCs
  • Everything you need to run a city sacking sandbox
  • And More!

Sack a city! Terrorize a nation! Kill a king! Ride a dragon into a battle! All of this you must do if you are to walk the Way of the Wicked.

Who wants to be a hero, when it’s so much more fun to be the bad guy?

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4.00/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Filler, Filler, Interesting Climax.


This book is filler. It's not *terrible* filler mechanically, but a good two thirds of it could be replaced by just about anything and be just as relevant to the plot.

Seriously, I don't have too much to say about it, positive or negative. There are two...

- Black dragons are notoriously anti-social, hating all intelligent life, even other black dragons. Why does saving his son allow the PCs an audience with a black wyrm?
- The king should be well aware of his daughter's power, since hit dice is a real, calculable thing in the world of Pathfinder. She's a sorcerer 19, three levels higher than he is; anything that threatens her isn't going to be meaningfully impacted by his presence.

Again, subtracted 1 star from my actual score due to the whole 'fraud' thing.



I would love to give this product a higher rating but it has been written by a fraudster, Gary McBride, who tricked 315 people into giving him $40,000 through Kickstarter and refused to communicate with them for 4 years now. Despite multiple appeals from backers he has backed over 520 other kickstarters since then, logging in every week though seemingly unable to respond to his backers products. Shame on Paizo for selling the products of a con man and allowing him to continue profiting from rpg fans.

For details of the swindle and Gary McBride’s backing record see https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/730004812/throne-of-night-a-pathfinder -rpg-adventure-path/comments

Holy Guacamole


You're only half-way through and your group of terrors are already 13th level? Oh myyyy.

This chapter fully expects your villains to use the mighty magics and killing power at their disposal. Lacking access to 6th and 7th level cleric/wizard spells could severely hurt your ability to wreak havoc and unleash further mayhem.

One of the pleasant surprises during the later chapters of the Way of the Wicked is how long circle of death and similar spells remain viable offensive spells, which is a first in my experience with published 3e/3.5/Pathfinder campaigns.

Of Dragons and Princesses Review


Warning: Potential spoilers. Written from a GM's perspective. I ran this for 6 PCs.

This installment of Way of the Wicked was a pleasant surprise for me. After running through three great books, I shouldn't have been surprised when this one turned out to be a blast. However, on paper there were a few things that worried me about this book.

My first concern was the first act of the book. It is a sandbox style sacking of the city of Daveryn that is quite long and seemed like it would risk being stagnant. I still do believe that this is potential weak spot in the campaign. However, this weakness was easily navigated by cherry picking the sections that I thought would be interesting to my players and having Fire-Axe bring them up to the players. The rest of the events, I just held in reserve in case my players decided to explore. Personally, I ran the Duelist Academy event, because we had a Swashbuckler who loves challenging people to duels, the Baroness's encounter, because she is the cousin of one of the PCs and I merged the prison and the rebellion into one encounter, because I knew my PCs would love the opportunity to recruit prisoners and Ifran had useful information. I also ran the Duke's encounter via minion quest. All of these events seemed enjoyable for my players.

My second concern for this game was that the story seemed very reliant on the players making specific choices. I feared that players would decide not to bother with Chargammon or try to kill the princess. However, I did not face any issues with this. Thorn's plan offered enough intrigue for my players and Dessiter was a useful tool for persuading the players out of inadvisable plans, like trying to take Thorn out immediately.

In addition to the above areas, there were some other really great parts of this book. Eiramanthus in particular turned out to be a great boss battle. Spells like Mislead and Reverse Gravity made for a memorable and cinematic feel, while his melee prowess and anti-magic field had a reasonably optimized party of six fearing for their lives. The battle was so good that the happiest player at the table was the one who died, because she thought her death was epic.

The characters continue to be excellent. Chargammon was appropriately terrifying. Jeratheon is a fun addition. His dysfunctional relationship with his father opens up a lot of interesting RP opportunities that I think will continue to pay off after Chargammon's death. Also, even though Dessiter was introduced in the last book, I feel obliged to acknowledge him again, because he is such an excellent character. Every time he says something I can tell my players aren't sure whether to laugh, buy him a drink or punch him in the face.

Overall, this whole adventure path continues to be excellent and I have yet to find a good reason not to recommend it.


I've reviewed this book over on RPGGeek.com.

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I'm currently running a group through this path using the alternate possibility suggested of an all-Wizard party. It's proving to be quite interesting so far - they're currently preparing for the ritual to release Vetra-Kali. The low amounts of hit points are an interesting factor, though.

Hexor and Vexor have rapidly become some of my favorite NPCs ever, though, I must say. So very polite.

Grand Lodge

George Shellabear wrote:
using the alternate possibility suggested of an all-Wizard party

That suggestion exists? Yikes. Sounds about as difficult as the all white mages in the original Final Fantasy game.

kevin_video wrote:
George Shellabear wrote:
using the alternate possibility suggested of an all-Wizard party
That suggestion exists? Yikes. Sounds about as difficult as the all white mages in the original Final Fantasy game.

Normally I'd agree. But in this adventure path, the PC get a free tank right in the begining, in the form of a half-fiend Ogre that kick ass. Then they get a few extra ones, like golems, onis, medusa, etc. If you add the fact that they can freely go for necromancy and undead bodyguards, they can easily overcome the natural difficulties of this kind of mage-only campaigns


This is covered in some detail in Book V. The entirity of Act II is set on Chargammon's island, post Chargammon.

The short answer is that the PCs are not the only one interested in that hoard and what went down on that island. They will probably be too late to claim the treasure (they will be busy with Thorn's minions by then). But they won't be too late for some vengeance...

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Yep, I noticed it shortly after asking (rolled 1 in perception the first time :) ). Cambe back to delete the post but you already answered. Thank you :)

Question will the book v be ready this week or is it delayed to next month.

Regarding You-Know-Who's treasure horde...

Princess Belinda delivered Chargammon's killing blow so she really deserves his loot. I bet she teleported there after learning of the PC's (mis)deeds and will use the spoils to fund a resistance movement against them! Or not.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So... any word on book V?

... Or this new AP I saw mention of on your blog?

Dear Gary.

We've got Belinda Markadian as hostage. She is tied, and inside an Antimagic Shell. She's well fed, and healthy... for now.

We demand the immediate liberation of Book V, art preview from Book VI, and a few hints about Throne of Darkness. Oh, and chocolate icecream with peanut butter. Otherwise, the princess will die.

Yours sincerelly:

The Wicked Ones.

Grand Lodge


Question regarding Anton's Promise because I really do want to play this out...

The priest that the horned devil made a deal with. Could it have been Thorn? Have it be that the devil was contractually obligated to stay there until the priest's death, but since he's a lich he didn't technically die, the devil's stuck there. Thorn doesn't know this because he a) thought he had actually died before becoming a lich, and b) forgot about the devil altogether. That would probably work out decently except the PCs still wouldn't be able to leave because the phylactery's way up North. However, they could make an infernal pact with the horned devil that once he's released from the other contract, that he'd work for them. That might appease him. Have it that if they can't free him within the next year, the devil gets their souls. He's already been around this long, what's another year for an immortal?

Or, would it make more sense to go with the other open ended plot you had about the town, but nothing was done with, have the priest be a ghost and haunting the paranormal areas of the city after having been executed?

Dark Archive

Gustavo, I don't think Gary cares much about Belinda to start with... Otherwise, that's a brilliant tactic. Perhaps we can use the image of an army of bugbears plowing through Gary's front yard as a more effective threat. We seem to have a few spare bugbears nowadays.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
increddibelly wrote:
Gustavo, I don't think Gary cares much about Belinda to start with... Otherwise, that's a brilliant tactic. Perhaps we can use the image of an army of bugbears plowing through Gary's front yard as a more effective threat. We seem to have a few spare bugbears nowadays.

No, that probably wouldn't work. You need to have them ransacking his liquor cabinet.

To kidnap a princess is such a classic plot I couldn't resist :)

Grand Lodge

gustavo iglesias wrote:
To kidnap a princess is such a classic plot I couldn't resist :)

True, but we all know that she's not really kidnapped. She's just waiting for the right moment for destroy us all.

kevin_video wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:
To kidnap a princess is such a classic plot I couldn't resist :)
True, but we all know that she's not really kidnapped. She's just waiting for the right moment for destroy us all.

Not inside the antimagic shell :p

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gustavo iglesias wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:
To kidnap a princess is such a classic plot I couldn't resist :)
True, but we all know that she's not really kidnapped. She's just waiting for the right moment for destroy us all.
Not inside the antimagic shell :p

Since when do half-dragons with supernatural abilities like breath weapons and claws care about that?
Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
No, that probably wouldn't work. You need to have them ransacking his liquor cabinet.

Ah, yes, that would work. But that would be a waste...Let's try an incentive?


Dear Gary, the sooner book 5 is out, the sooner we'll give you money, so you could buy one of these!...

Dark Archive

Now I've become thirsty.

kevin_video wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Antimagic shell blocks supernatural abilities.

kevin_video wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
gustavo iglesias wrote:
To kidnap a princess is such a classic plot I couldn't resist :)
True, but we all know that she's not really kidnapped. She's just waiting for the right moment for destroy us all.
Not inside the antimagic shell :p
** spoiler omitted **

Where does it says she is a

half-dragon??? What Book IV says is "the Princess is a female NG human sorcerer 19 with elite ability scores"

EDIT: Actually in pathfinder half-dragons are magical experiments more than off-springs, and in any way, half-dragons have wings, which Belinda does not

Grand Lodge

gustavo iglesias wrote:
Where does it says she is a ** spoiler omitted **

Ah, but with that specific bloodline. And that's if they decide to go after her before she truly realizes her potential.

Right now, she is a lvl 19 human sorceress. Seeing that

in pathfinder:
half dragons are ussually magical experiments, and not off-springs of dragons and humans
I wouldn't be surprised that se stays like that. She might get one level, finally getting his capstone bloodline ability, but I don't think she'll change her race or get a template.

Gary has just announced in Facebook that the Book is finished, and should be out the day after tomorrow. So we can start to press F5 :)

gustavo iglesias wrote:

Right now, she is a lvl 19 human sorceress. Seeing that ** spoiler omitted ** I wouldn't be surprised that se stays like that. She might get one level, finally getting his capstone bloodline ability, but I don't think she'll change her race or get a template.

This isn't Pathfinder, it's Fire Mountain Games. Fluff like where half-dragons come from is setting-dependent. Bellinda is the daughter of a silver dragon, meaning that template or no, she's already half-dragon. My guess is she'll blossom into full-on templated half-dragon sorcerer 20 by the last adventure.
Grand Lodge

Generic Villain wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

That's what my guess was too.

And for Throne of Night, I'm thinking that Gary will return the Drow to what they used to be in 3rd party; their own race. Pathfinder has them be good elves whose skin changes colours if they ever become evil.

about Bellinda:
Being the daughter of a dragon does not make you automatically a half dragon, just like being the daughter of a fiend does not make you automatically a half-fiend. That's why there are Cambions, and Tiefling, and dragon bloodline sorcerers, and draconic sorcerers PrC. It depends on how much heritage from each parent you get.

I don't know Gary's plan for the future of Bellinda, but right now, she is NOT a half dragon. Half dragons have a much more bestial look, with scales (natural armor), wings (and fly movement) and claws and bite attack. Looking at Bellinda's picture, it doesn't seem her bite doesn't look that much dangerous... ;)

We don't know how half-dragons background is in Talingarde /firemountaingames world. Maybe it's a decision they make, like half-elves in Middle Earth, where they can choose to be elves or humans in life span. Or any other thing. But right now, Bellinda is not a half-dragon. A half dragon looks like a 4e dragonborn or 2e Dragonlance setting Draconic. They have wings, and claws, and jaws, and scales, while Belinda looks humanlike. A very beautiful human, indeed.

Grand Lodge

Um, about needing those things... she does. At least two of them. And they're free actions to hide.

Bloodline powers:
Claws (Su): Starting at 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus.

Wings (Su): At 15th level, leathery dragon wings grow from your back as a standard action, giving you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can dismiss the wings as a free action.

Just saying. Technicalities.

Being the daughter of a dragon does not make you automatically a half dragon, just like being the daughter of a fiend does not make you automatically a half-fiend.

...wtf? Since when?

That's pretty much EXACTLY what a Half-Fiend is. A Cambion's just a specific kind of half-fiend. And a tiefling is too diluted a bloodline to be the child of a fiend - that'd be a half-fiend's descendants, not their siblings.

And this is the first time I've ever heard someone say "being the child of a dragon doesn't make you a half-dragon" without the implied consequence of "because you're a full dragon". WTH? And the whole line of "half-dragons tend to come from experiments" doesn't rule out half-dragons by breeding - just says they're less common, and that there are lots of half-dragons running around because wizards are crazy, not because dragons sleep with everything that moves.

RE: Half-Dragon appearance/aesthetics: there's really NEVER been a consensus on "half-dragons look like this". Sometimes they are, indeed, very bestial in appearance akin to 4e's Dragonborn. But sometimes they're drawn as nothing more than humanoids with wings and a few patches of scales, or a couple of horns, or claws, or other minor traits. Most are, at least in my experience, somewhere in the middle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About Bellinda...


The very brief stats given to her in Book IV (a human sorcerer 19) were Bellinda, unaware-her-full-destiny arcane teenage prodigy. In Book VI, she will get a full stat-block that will represent -- Bellinda, fully-awakened potential savior of Talingarde. Suffice to say, they will be different.

Bellinda is a unique sort of half-dragon.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

kevin_video wrote:

Um, about needing those things... she does. At least two of them. And they're free actions to hide.

** spoiler omitted **

Just saying. Technicalities.

I'm aware of those, but another technicality is the word "can". A sorcerer "can" grow claws or wings. Bellinda is simply unaware that she can.

On the other hand

half dragons, by the template, CAN'T grow wings. They HAVE wings. Bellinda DOES NOT have wings. Therefore, she is NOT a half dragon. At least, not yet. This may/will change in book VI

to Orthos:
No, a half-fiend has certain template, that a cambion does not.


half dragons might never had a consensus about what they do look like, mainly because it depends largely on the other parent too. The son of a dragon and a dwarf is not going to look like the son of a dragon and a cyclops, or the son of a dragon and giant octopus. BUT, with the half dragon template, we have certain clues. They have WINGS, they have CLAWS, they have JAWS (that's why they can bite), and they have somewhat resistent skin (that's why they have natural armor)

Regarding Belinda

let's see what kind of unique being she is :)

Grand Lodge


With all the Belinda talk, my original question got pushed back.

Question regarding Anton's Promise because I really do want to play this out...

The priest that the horned devil made a deal with. Could it have been Thorn? Have it be that the devil was contractually obligated to stay there until the priest's death, but since he's a lich he didn't technically die, the devil's stuck there. Thorn doesn't know this because he a) thought he had actually died before becoming a lich, and b) forgot about the devil altogether. That would probably work out decently except the PCs still wouldn't be able to leave because the phylactery's way up North. However, they could make an infernal pact with the horned devil that once he's released from the other contract, that he'd work for them. That might appease him. Have it that if they can't free him within the next year, the devil gets their souls. He's already been around this long, what's another year for an immortal?

Or, would it make more sense to go with the other open ended plot you had about the town, but nothing was done with, have the priest be a ghost and haunting the paranormal areas of the city after having been executed?

*press f5*
*press f5*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kevin_video wrote:


With all the Belinda talk, my original question got pushed back.

Question regarding Anton's Promise because I really do want to play this out...
** spoiler omitted **



Here's some random ideas. I also like yours. Use which ever you prefer.

I don't think it should be Thorn. Thorn already has PILES of backstory and made a deal with a pit fiend. Another deal would just clutter up his plot-central narrative arc.

Instead, Thorn is addressed by Naburus the Pit Fiend (see Book V) as High Priest in Talingarde. This temple was established by the PREVIOUS high priest, Moren Tyrath, a cousin of the current High Inquisitor Solomon Tyrath (who gets a full writeup and is a major enemy of the PCs in Book VI).

The devil is bound there because his contract states that he waits for the word of the High Priest of Asmodeus in Talingarde. Currently, that's Thorn. By the end of Book V, it could be one of the PCs. Then they can release the devil and gain his gratitude.

There is another Horned Devil in Book V -- Zaerabos, servant of Zaeros, who likely knows about the bound Gethran Hate. He could be another information source.

Hope that helps,
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Grand Lodge

Hmm. In that case I'm REALLY going to need Book V.


It's available now, right here.

Scarab Sages

Hey Gary,
Just looking at Markadian (towards the idea of giving him a makeover) and I noticed an oddity in his stat block.

Str 16 (20), Dex 18, etc.
And he has a Belt of Physical Might (Str, Dex) +2

So I am think that he should have:
Str 16 (18), Dex 18 (20); or
Belt of Str +4


Grand Lodge

W. John Hare wrote:

Hey Gary,

Just looking at Markadian (towards the idea of giving him a makeover) and I noticed an oddity in his stat block.

Str 16 (20), Dex 18, etc.
And he has a Belt of Physical Might (Str, Dex) +2

So I am think that he should have:
Str 16 (18), Dex 18 (20); or
Belt of Str +4


The belt's already in the stats. That's not what the brackets are for. He's been buffed with Bull's Strength.

"Just before they teleport here, Quintus casts archon’s aura, prayer and holy aura on the entire party and bull’s strength on the king"

If anything, since Bull's Strength doesn't stack with itself (enhancement bonus) it should be Str 18.

Scarab Sages

kevin_video wrote:
W. John Hare wrote:

Hey Gary,

Just looking at Markadian (towards the idea of giving him a makeover) and I noticed an oddity in his stat block.

Str 16 (20), Dex 18, etc.
And he has a Belt of Physical Might (Str, Dex) +2

So I am think that he should have:
Str 16 (18), Dex 18 (20); or
Belt of Str +4


The belt's already in the stats. That's not what the brackets are for. He's been buffed with Bull's Strength.

"Just before they teleport here, Quintus casts archon’s aura, prayer and holy aura on the entire party and bull’s strength on the king"

If anything, since Bull's Strength doesn't stack with itself (enhancement bonus) it should be Str 18.

Ah, missed the part about the buffs. Str is correct at 16 (20) [the +4 from the Bull's Str over rides that from the belt].

Grand Lodge

W. John Hare wrote:
the Bull's Str over rides that from the belt.

That's correct, but he already has the +2. So in essence, maybe it should be Str 18 (20). Or it could be Gary forgot that and it really should be Str 16 (18). It overlaps, it doesn't stack.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm, I think King Markadian's stats don't include his Toughness Feat.

While my PCs haven't gotten to Sir Balin yet (game on hold while I move), I concur with the idea that the King should be doing more damage, or at least something 'different' to make him more of a unique fight so that my players will find it a memorable encounter.

To that end, I decided to use the Two-Weapon Warrior archtype, but maintain the 'Shield' focus.

He isn't complete yet, but ideally the King will get into the midst of the PCs and whatever henchmen they brought to the fight and then unload.
To that end:
Whirlwind + Lunge + Shield Slam + Spiked Bashing Heavy Shield + Greater Bull Rush

Everyone within 10' gets a 2d6+7 shield in the face (+10 more with a Power Attack) and a free Bull Rush against everyone which if they get moved generates AoO for all the King's allies.

I suspect I'll only be able to pull this trick off once, but I think it would be very cool to have the villains being tossed away. :)

Now I just have to decide if it would be too much if I had the King drink a potion of Enlarge Person before arriving... :)

Go for the enlarge person-potion, but make sure to give the king's minions the same treatment, otherwise it's too easy to target the king, though the visual effect would sure be iconic....

That is VERY cool John Hare. Including potion of enlarge person. The king has been trained by the best. So he should know all tricks.
He's THE king after all. ^^

If you have complete stats I would be delighted to see it.

Scarab Sages

Major Longhorn wrote:

That is VERY cool John Hare. Including potion of enlarge person. The king has been trained by the best. So he should know all tricks.

He's THE king after all. ^^

If you have complete stats I would be delighted to see it.

I'm still working on the full stats. But yes, I'll post them here when I'm done.

One other thing I'll probably do is up the 'gear' on the king. The king seems to have approx 55,000gp worth of gear. Which to me seems a little on the low side, after all this is the king shouldn't he have some of the best gear available? Not sure if I'll go as high as the WBL value for a PC, but at least 1/2 value, especially as the other NPCs who accompany the king also seem undergeared. (the 4x lvl 10 cavaliers don't have magic armor or weapons)

W. John Hare wrote:
Major Longhorn wrote:

That is VERY cool John Hare. Including potion of enlarge person. The king has been trained by the best. So he should know all tricks.

He's THE king after all. ^^

If you have complete stats I would be delighted to see it.

I'm still working on the full stats. But yes, I'll post them here when I'm done.

One other thing I'll probably do is up the 'gear' on the king. The king seems to have approx 55,000gp worth of gear. Which to me seems a little on the low side, after all this is the king shouldn't he have some of the best gear available? Not sure if I'll go as high as the WBL value for a PC, but at least 1/2 value, especially as the other NPCs who accompany the king also seem undergeared. (the 4x lvl 10 cavaliers don't have magic armor or weapons)

They don't even have *decent* armor or weapons, let alone magic ones. They wear banded mails, wooden shields, and non-masterwork axes.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

He isn't 100% yet (still need to work in the Enlarge Person stats) but here is a rough draft of how I'm changing the king. Hopefully I haven't made too many errors... :)

King Markadian:

King Markadian, the Brave
Male Human Fighter (Two-Wpn Warrior) 16, AL LG
Init +8, Senses Perception +0
AC 35 (+11 Armor, +6 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 Deflection, +2 Nat AC)
HP 172 (16d10+80)
Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +7 (base Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Flurry (+4 dodge w/full attack with both wpns), Combat Expertise (-5 to hit, +5 to Dodge), Improved Shield Bash (keep shield AC when bashing), Mobility (+4 to Dodge when moving),
Speed 25ft
Melee: Standard Action (Sword & Shield Attack) Longsword +23 (1d8+7, +2d6 vs Evil, 17-20, x2) and Shield Bash +23 (2d6+4) w/ Free Bull Rush
Full Attack: Longsword +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d8+10, +2d6 vs Evil, 17-20, x2) and Shield Bash +26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+7) [also gets +4 Dodge to AC] w/ Free Bull Rush
Full Attack Power Attack: Longsword +21/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+20, +2d6 vs Evil, 17-20, x2) and Shield Bash +21/+16/+11/+6 (2d6+12) [also gets +4 Dodge to AC] w/ Free Bull Rush
Whirlwind Attack (w/ Shield Bash & Power Attack): Shield Bash +21) 2d6+17 w/ Free Bull Rush

Ranged: Comp Longbow +22/+17/+12/+7 (1d8+4)
Offensive Abilities: Twin Blades (+3 hit/dmg w/full attack with both wpns), Equal Opportunity (AoOs he attacks with both weapons), Power Attack (-5 to hit, +10/+5 to dmg), Lunge (+5’ to reach, -2 AC), Whirlwind Attack (1 attack vs everyone in range), Shield Slam (free Bull Rush)
Str 16 (20), Dex 16 (18), Con 18, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +16/+11/+6/+1, CMB +21 (Bull Rush +25), CMD +38 [42 vs Disarm/Sunder]
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Shield Master, Spring Attack, Lunge, Greater Bull Rush, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Shield Focus, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Greater Shield Focus, Mobility, Whirlwind Attack, Combat Reflexes
Class Features: Defensive Flurry, Twin Blades, Doublestrike, Improved Balance, Equal Opportunity, Perfect Balance
Gear: +2 Mithral Full Plate, ‘Victor’ +2 Longsword (Holy, Keen, Called, Impervious), +2 Composite Longbow (+2 Str), Belt of Physical Might +2 (Str/Dex), +2 Heavy Steel Spiked Shield of Bashing, Ring +2, Amulet of Natural AC +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Gloves of Dueling, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (x3)

I should mention that I may have screwed up the 2 Wpn Fighting numbers from the Two-Weapon Warrior & the Shield Master combo. But that can be a quick fix.
I also like the flavor of giving the King a 'named' sword, in this case it can either be the Victor's original blade w/ upgrades, or it was forged to pay tribute to the Victor. Either way makes it more memorable I think.

Scarab Sages

Apparently I left out the skills for King Markadian V... however since I wasn't changing them I guess it doesn't matter. :)

Grand Lodge

The main reason why everyone's not properly equipped is because of the rules for "treasure by encounter". If every NPC was maxed for wealth the PCs would be well beyond their WBL table. As such, I've been making all the enemies -1 CR due to being underequipped.

W. John Hare wrote:
Apparently I left out the skills for King Markadian V... however since I wasn't changing them I guess it doesn't matter. :)

Any particular reason why he's got an impervious weapon? Or, no? BTW, took me a bit to realize where you'd found it (Ultimate Equipment).

Scarab Sages

kevin_video wrote:

The main reason why everyone's not properly equipped is because of the rules for "treasure by encounter". If every NPC was maxed for wealth the PCs would be well beyond their WBL table. As such, I've been making all the enemies -1 CR due to being underequipped.

W. John Hare wrote:
Apparently I left out the skills for King Markadian V... however since I wasn't changing them I guess it doesn't matter. :)
Any particular reason why he's got an impervious weapon? Or, no? BTW, took me a bit to realize where you'd found it (Ultimate Equipment).

I just thought the Impervious quality kind of neat to add to the sword.

So either
1) it was the Victor's sword and since it is an heirloom they don't want it to break; or
2) it is named for the Victor and as such they want it to be one of the finest weapons out there.

Actually the -1 CR for being underequipped is a good call (wish I'd thought of it).
Having said that, I probably will probably bump up the 'King's Party' up a bit in wealth, after all its the King! He should have good gear and I can't see him being willing to have bodyguards that don't have good gear as well.

Grand Lodge

W. John Hare wrote:

Actually the -1 CR for being underequipped is a good call (wish I'd thought of it).

Having said that, I probably will probably bump up the 'King's Party' up a bit in wealth, after all its the King! He should have good gear and I can't see him being willing to have bodyguards that don't have good gear as well.

That's the thing though. It doesn't even have to be good gear. Just give them tomes +X. The king's supposed to be this great and powerful leader. How'd he get that way? He's educated. Granted the textbooks were all tomes or manuals, but still. And the PCs don't get any of that. The same could be of his party. They too could be educated with inherent bonuses. And because they're so expensive, it adds up really quickly.

Nice John !
The king is mean (and soon dead I hope).
What is Impervious weapon since i don't have ultimate equipment ?

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