Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels (PFRPG)
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Touched by benevolent beings of the good Outer Planes somewhere in their ancestry, aasimars are viewed with either awe or fear by all who know of their celestial heritage. Hailed as scions of angels at best or otherworldly bringers of heavenly destruction at worst, there is no doubt that aasimars hold a very special place in the world of mortals, and all know to be wary of their actions in the presence of an aasimar.

Blood of Angels presents a player-friendly overview of the aasimars of the Pathfinder campaign setting, as well as new rules and information to help players create unique and interesting celestial characters for any type of game.

    Inside this book, you’ll find:
  • Expansive entries on aasimars’ origins and upbringings, their psychologies, how others perceive them, and the beliefs such angelic beings hold in the face of their celestial mark.
  • A table of 100 variant aasimar abilities to further customize your blessed character.
  • A detailed look at the six most common types of aasimars based on their celestial heritage, including alternate ability score modifiers, skills, and spell-like abilities for each.
  • New curses, inquisitions, and subdomains for heavenly oracles, inquisitors, and clerics.
  • New masterpieces for aasimar bards and the martyred bloodline for sorcerers whose celestial ancestors made great sacrifices.
  • A host of new traits to help make your aasimar character truly unique, as well as dozens of bodily features that distinguish your celestial character.

Written by Amber E. Scott

Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combat-focused characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-438-2

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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5.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Highly Recommend and I want MORE


Between this, the Champions of Purity, and Faiths of Purity, I am highly impressed. These three really stand out in the Player's Companion line. It's very refreshing to have Player Material focused on the Good Alignments, though, not really being exclusively a book about Good, much of the content here is more orientated towards Good than Evil.

Personally, I'm not a fan of Tieflings, so I'm a bit bias towards Blood of Fiends in general, but this one, in my opinion, blows it and all of the other "Blood of" books out of the water, (up to and including Blood of Shadow currently). It's a fun read, with some solid crunch too. The alternative Heritages are a bit on the strong side, for lower level play only, but still interesting and cool.

This, along with the two above mentioned books are the standard for Player's Companions that Pathfinder should aim for. And in particular, albeit far too late not, this is also the minimum standard that all the "Blood of" serious SHOULD have aimed for.

Pretty much everything an Aasimar player needs


Aasimars in the setting? Check.
Society, culture? Check.
Class roles? Check.
Heritages? Check.
Variant abilities? Check.
Random Aasimar Appearance Generation Table? Check.
Feats, traits, spells? Check.

An extremely well written companion. It mirrors the Tiefling one, and that's GREAT. Wohoo. Here's to hoping that more "Blood of ..." books use this approach!

"Races Of" Heads to Higher Ground


A wonderfully indepth look into the lives of aasimars, "Blood of Angels" gives players a wide variety of characterful choices for those of celestial blood. Not just angels, a variety of goodly beings from the outer planes seem to have taken interest in mortals of all races. Info on non-human aasimars and lots of different varient sub-types give players tons of choices for both mechanics and fluff.

Amber Scott does a fantastically good job of detailing the lives of aasimars, reminding readers that not all aasimars lead a life of purity, and giving insight into the feelings of aasimars and those of the races they associate with, casting them as a race apart and definately distinct. Regions all over Golarion are detailed with motives and likely progenitor type and there is a large section for Tian Xia. Each base class thus far published also has a write-up.

For those who want mechanics, fear not. The 6 different subraces each have varient abilities and traits and there are 100 additional varient abilities to choose from. However, this is largely a fluff book!

In conclusion, a great addition to any player's library. Though largely geared toward PCs, DMs may find the sections on aasimars trying to fit in a useful aid in helping PCs roleplay or use the volume to create a new NPC. A fantastic way to kick off the new monthly offering!

A must-have for aasimar-players.


The second book in the "Blood of" series. Blood of Angels does for Aasimars what Blood of Fiends did for Tieflings, and it does it with just as much detail and excellence.

Like Fiends, Blood of Angels starts out with a sizable portion of fluff regarding all the details you could ever need to know about aasimar lifespans: Conception, birth, childhood, adolescence, physiology, society, combat, work, religion, geography, old age, friendship, love, class roles, and death are all covered in intricate detail here. In fact, the fluff section is two pages longer that that of Fiends, and like its predecessor, ends with a chart of 100 variant abilities for its respective race. Role-players and story-buffs will love this section, but others will likely flip past the first 18 pages.

Next comes the aasimar heritages for the specific types of ancestors aasimars can have. There are six (compared to the 10 in Fiends for Tieflngs), each with different ability modifiers, skill modifiers, spell-like abilities, and traits. The six are: Agathion-blooded, Angel-blooded, Archon-blooded, Azata-blooded, Garuda-blooded, and Peri-blooded.

Follow that up with aasimar-specific combat feats, two new oracle curses, three new inquisitions for (you-guessed it) inquisitors, three subdomains, three bard masterpieces, a new sorcerer bloodline, and a selection of aasimar race traits and random features, and you have at your disposal quite a few options for aasimar characters (and a few that will work for non-aasimars as well).

When all is said and done, Blood of Angels is as worthy a book for aasimars as Blood of Fiends was for tieflings.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
So will they have art for each aasimar variant(angel, azata, etc.)?
Both Blood of Fiends AND Blood of Angels will have portraits of ALL the variants, as well as a few full-body illustrations of variants mixed in with the typical aasimars and tieflings.
Very cool... now why don't I have the books yet? :)

patience, DM, patience.

I think most would prefer a well polished book of teifling and aasimir options.
Not rushed out the door, Ok quality, product.
Thinking back to a few games that were rushed out the door, and it made for some bad gaming experiences

Shadow Lodge

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Very cool... now why don't I have the books yet? :)

Development Hell, DM. You know how devils can be.

Liberty's Edge

So does this mean we're going to get "Blood of Genies" in September? :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dark_Mistress wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
So will they have art for each aasimar variant(angel, azata, etc.)?
Both Blood of Fiends AND Blood of Angels will have portraits of ALL the variants, as well as a few full-body illustrations of variants mixed in with the typical aasimars and tieflings.
Very cool... now why don't I have the books yet? :)

Same reason I don't have a pet dinosaur.

Shadow Lodge

So...the book is extinct?

TOZ wrote:
So...the book is extinct?

I think he's saying that it's something to do with certain influential groups of people being against cloning and stem cell research.

What that has to do with the book, I don't know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bluescale wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
So will they have art for each aasimar variant(angel, azata, etc.)?
Both Blood of Fiends AND Blood of Angels will have portraits of ALL the variants, as well as a few full-body illustrations of variants mixed in with the typical aasimars and tieflings.

How about portraits of aasimar/tiefling mixes? :-)

We'll do those once we finish building our Quantum Artbot... the artistic robot who can produce all possible works of art at once for free. Progress on the Quantum Artbot is, alas, going more slowly than we'd hoped, mostly because we're having trouble getting our Quantum Robotbot back up and running. I think he threw a hip socket or something.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mike Silva wrote:

So does this mean we're going to get "Blood of Genies" in September? :)

A book like that would certainly be cool, as would books of all sorts of other types of similar races.

But we don't want to "glut" the Player's Companion line with too many similar books in a row.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

TOZ wrote:
So...the book is extinct?

Nope. Both my pet dinosaur and this book, at this point in time, would require a time machine in order to get.

And like our Quantum Artbot and Quantum Robotbot... our time machine's in the shop.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Mike Silva wrote:

So does this mean we're going to get "Blood of Genies" in September? :)

A book like that would certainly be cool, as would books of all sorts of other types of similar races.

But we don't want to "glut" the Player's Companion line with too many similar books in a row.

That wasn't a no. :P

Completely understandable. I personally would enjoy seeing more "setting" based Player's Companions, either nation ones or group based like Pirates of Golarion.

I like the race books myself especially when you find out the "origin story" for a race, unlike the Halfling one.

Silver Crusade

Ashram wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
I wonder if that supposed "Celestial Totem" line of Rage powers will make a show. I'm guessing not though :(

Raging is inherently chaotic, and sometimes evil. It's never good. :P

Spoilering so it's not so derailing, but one other thought on this from someone that has been hoping like hell for options for holy barbarians for a long time:

Raging to pull someone out of a collapsed building.

Raging while you're shielding an innocent from flames with your own body.

Raging while intimidating a lynch mob that was about to slay an innocent.

Raging while pulling multiple people hanging off a cliff to safety.

Raging while placing yourself in between your escaping allies and an enemy in pursuit, possibly sacrificing yourself to buy your friends some time.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Charlie Sheen raging...

Charlie Sheen raging?! there is nothing celestial in that;)

Sovereign Court

Mikaze wrote:
Ashram wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
I wonder if that supposed "Celestial Totem" line of Rage powers will make a show. I'm guessing not though :(

Raging is inherently chaotic, and sometimes evil. It's never good. :P

Spoilering so it's not so derailing, but one other thought on this from someone that has been hoping like hell for options for holy barbarians for a long time:

** spoiler omitted **

I really like the idea of a divine battle-trance.

"How did you fight like that?"

"It wasn't me, I was possessed by the spirit of an angry angel. Cayden's hand shields me from foes."

Will this product get a teaser in the paizo blog?

GeraintElberion wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Ashram wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
I wonder if that supposed "Celestial Totem" line of Rage powers will make a show. I'm guessing not though :(

Raging is inherently chaotic, and sometimes evil. It's never good. :P

Spoilering so it's not so derailing, but one other thought on this from someone that has been hoping like hell for options for holy barbarians for a long time:

** spoiler omitted **

I really like the idea of a divine battle-trance.

"How did you fight like that?"

"It wasn't me, I was possessed by the spirit of an angry angel. Cayden's hand shields me from foes."

I think they would work for ragathiel better.

Will this product get a teaser in the paizo blog?
yes, no, Maybe?

Paizo Employee Creative Director


Will there be any new racial traits? racial feats? racial favored class bonuses?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:
Will there be any new racial traits? racial feats? racial favored class bonuses?

Yes, yes, no.

Thanks for the info James.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

what about aasimar paladins...

Will racial variants give them different racial modifiers, spell-like ability, resistances, etc.?

any thoughts on books for the various planetouched?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:
Will racial variants give them different racial modifiers, spell-like ability, resistances, etc.?

To a certain extent, yes.

will it have aasimar paladin variants???

or does this fall under and more

Books for Sylph, Undine, Ifrit, and Oread would be interesting but not so much for the Suli and Fetchlings.

Will it have a long list of variant abilities like that article for the Tieflings in Council of Thieves?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

Dragon78 wrote:

Will there be any new racial traits? racial feats? racial favored class bonuses?

Yes, yes, no.

Drat. I was hoping to see some favored class bonuses for the Magus and Gunslinger at least. They suffer a bit from being published after the APG. And racial favored class bonuses for the new races would have been nice as well.

Well at least there are racial traits and feats.

I am really excited about this one but June is a while away.

I hope for some min to high level racial feats for wings, better spell powers, energy resistances, auras, constent spell efects like protection from evil or speak with animals, fast healing, etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I do hope there are some more Good summons in this product. Even if only Aasimar can summon them

I don't remember hearing any were that there would be new summons since they alter the list for the purpose of religion not race.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jason Ellis 350 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Dragon78 wrote:

Will there be any new racial traits? racial feats? racial favored class bonuses?

Yes, yes, no.

Drat. I was hoping to see some favored class bonuses for the Magus and Gunslinger at least. They suffer a bit from being published after the APG. And racial favored class bonuses for the new races would have been nice as well.

The ARG will be out by the time this comes out...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The blood of fiends book has a new sorcerer bloodline, I hope this one does as well, maybe Azata, or Agathion, anything but Archon really.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
The ARG will be out by the time this comes out...

That's what I get for using multiple windows to track multiple threads. I forgot which one I was on...........

Lantern Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:

I am really excited about this one but June is a while away.

I hope for some min to high level racial feats for wings, better spell powers, energy resistances, auras, constent spell efects like protection from evil or speak with animals, fast healing, etc.

Absolutely. If memory serves, the old Races of Faerun book had some feats for Aasimar's. I think it was like celestial bloodline and then some others. One gave you the ability to fire a single searing light although it burned out your light spell-like ability for the rest of the day.

Another gave you more spell-like abilities, like protection from evil and such and a third gave flight. I've been pray for at least some sort of re-print or partial reprint of this stuff.

I think i kinda remember those feats.

I also remember the bloodline feats for sorcerers that covered dragons, celestials, fey, devils, and demons.

Shadow Lodge

Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. I can not wait.

Beckett wrote:
Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. I can not wait.

Your not the only one

Shadow Lodge

I've been hoping for this book for a long, long time, and just now even noticed it. How long has this been announced?

Since, Dec 22 2011

It hasn't even been two months since it got announced, but we still have like four months to go.

Assuming no delays... - go Abadar! Make sure that things go smoothly!

Will all of of Aasimar types have unbalanced racial modifiers like the default one (+2 on two ability scores, no penalties)?

Also, this goes to both Tieflings and Aasimars, what heritage does the default tiefling/aasimar belong to?

I would very much appreciate a teaser in the blog in May

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Toadkiller Dog wrote:

Will all of of Aasimar types have unbalanced racial modifiers like the default one (+2 on two ability scores, no penalties)?

Also, this goes to both Tieflings and Aasimars, what heritage does the default tiefling/aasimar belong to?

Assimars are actually concidered underbalanced comparred to even the core races. They are deceptive, as they seem to get a lot, but it is either very situational or quickly looses it's flair. There are more than a few threads on this. :)

I ,+2 to two mental stats is not that powerful especially when the bonuses are not to Int. Energy resistance of 5 quickly looses it's power after a few levels really and Daylight(1/day) is not that powerful unless your fighting a group of drow once a day each day.

Also if the racial mods are different for each type of Tiefling(like in council of thieves) then they will be different for each type of Aasimar.

Dragon78 wrote:

+2 to two mental stats is not that powerful especially when the bonuses are not to Int. Energy resistance of 5 quickly looses it's power after a few levels really and Daylight(1/day) is not that powerful unless your fighting a group of drow once a day each day.

Also if the racial mods are different for each type of Tiefling(like in council of thieves) then they will be different for each type of Aasimar.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the product image and description to match the finished product.

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