This set contains over 100 key NPCs and monsters from "The Thousand Fangs Below", part five of the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path.
Within this set, you'll delve into the cursed depths of the ruined city of Saventh-Yhi. Dark creatures from the bowels of the earth lurk within its crumbling walls, and the city's ancient inheritors, along with gugs, morlocks, servants of old, and many more are in this set!
Owning all of the paper minis sets to date, I have to say that 'The Thousand Fangs Below' is probably THE set for GMs to pickup. The sheer variety of creatures present makes it desirable, let alone the amazing detail of the artist who brings these critters to life.
Some of the key entries in this set that may interest GMs running other events...
Having just finished running a Serpents Skull campaign, I wanted to thank you for the great paper minis. It was good having just the right minis for each encounter. They look great, and worked a treat.
In the monster list the vagabond spider is listed as colossal which as far as I can find is 6 squares in size but the minis appear to only be 5. Which is the correct size? Thanks!
I ran this ages ago, using the paper minis, didn't even notice until you pointed it out. Read the obituaries thread, they work just fine as gargantuan!