Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Corruption (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Corruption (PFRPG)
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Touch of Evil

Morality is the shield of the weak. Followers of the evil gods know the truth—that the world is a harsh and uncaring place, and that only strength and cunning matter. From the crafty acolytes of the assassin god Norgorber to the howling hordes of Lamashtu the Demon Queen, the servants of dark gods need not fear the night, for they strive to be the most terrifying thing in it. Some may seek to justify their actions, yet others flock to blood-soaked banners with bitter joy, desiring nothing more than the chance to join in the fiery destruction of all things.

Faiths of Corruption presents a player-friendly overview of the evil-aligned religions and faiths of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and mechanics. Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • Information on each of the major evil gods and his or her corresponding religion, including what’s expected of adventurers of various classes, ways for the faithful to identify each other, taboos, devotions and ceremonies, church hierarchies, holy texts, religious holidays, and more.
  • New character traits to help represent and cement a character’s background in the church.
  • An overview of several secular organizations affiliated with the various evil churches.
  • Codes of conduct for the fearsome antipaladins of many different gods, designed to help distinguish evil holy warriors of different faiths.
  • New feats for merciless warriors and vindictive spellcasters.
  • New spells to help evil casters spread pain and despair.
  • Details on minor evil deities, demon lords and archdevils, elemental lords, the Four Horsemen, and more!

Written by Colin McComb

Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combat-focused characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-375-0

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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4.80/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Fleshing out your villains


Although this book is in the player companion line, it's more useful for GMs. It can really help you create the story for the villains your PCs are going to vanquish, or flesh them out and make them more interesting.

The book also contains oaths for antipaladins (including one that isn't on the inner sea gods) just like faiths of purity and faiths of balance had oaths for paladins.

One might think that now with the inner sea gods out this book would be redunt, but the price of inner sea gods might be quite steep, so if you just want to flesh out your villans then this book's price is very good.


I've reviewed this book over on

A great book with a couple of rough spots


Being part of a relatively conservative gaming group, the only time I get to use supplements like this is when I'm GMing, so I guess I come at this from a slightly different perspective than a player.

The bulk of this book is extraordinary, providing players with great insight into what makes Golarion's evil religions tick. The section on Zon-Kuthon still gives me the shivers! The sections on the minor evil deities, archdevils, demon lords, horsemen and great old ones/outer gods are also great (if cut short for space reasons).

The parts that I was less impressed with were the feats and many of the traits--they seemed on the whole to be relatively unimaginative and to provide underwhelming benefits. The spells and such are fine.

In the end, if you're after flavour and an insight into how the evil religions of Golarion function, go get this right now. If you're just after mechanical things like feats, you might find yourself a little less excited, but overall this is a great addition to anybody's Golarion library.

Evil is the most dangerous alignment because...


... after reading books like this you almost start to accept it :D

Seriously though I was looking forward to the last of the Faiths of... line and I wans't disappointed. Like the previous booklets it bridges the gap between tenets of the faith and the believers even further and inpires. Antipaladin codes are wonderful as well. Now back to making the norgorberite ninja :)

She's so happy...


I'm going to apologize right from the front here - this is not going to be a serious review. I mean, it's written by Colin "What, Planescape?" McComb, who is a great author, and who surely does a splendid job at describing the evil faiths, churches and believers.

But nothing is relevant. This book has an artwork of CHEERFULLY SMILING LAORI VAUS. The best NPC in Paizo's history got a fanservice treatment. She's happy. SO HAPPY.

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Eric Hinkle wrote:
What are those two things with her? They look like Scooby Doo on PCP.

Yeth hounds.

James Jacobs wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
What are those two things with her? They look like Scooby Doo on PCP.
Yeth hounds.

Thank you. I was wondering if they were supposed to be shadow hounds, but they didn't look right.

Silver Crusade


I remember some very interesting and diverging developments focused on that character from different peoples' campaigns.

ROTRL spoilers

Just realized that the lady she may or may not have had on a sacrificial altar is a cover girl herself now, and Lyrie just got a miniature. It's like a RotRL reunion around here lately.

plz don't invite the cast of Hook Mountain Massacre to said reunion

Re Nualia

Not to be read by my Runelords players

I'm bringing her back as a succubus with divine scion levels at some point in chapter 6

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Awesome cover!

Liberty's Edge

Zaister wrote:
Awesome cover!

Yes, awesome, though I was hoping for the Magus Iconic, considering he is an adventurer worshiper of an evil deity he would be a better person to be on the cover. Though that doesn't take away from this very awesome cover.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mike Silva wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Awesome cover!
Yes, awesome, though I was hoping for the Magus Iconic, considering he is an adventurer worshiper of an evil deity he would be a better person to be on the cover. Though that doesn't take away from this very awesome cover.

Seltyiel isn't Evil ... he's just ... deeply hurt and misunderstood ... yes, that includes detect evil spells.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Eric Hinkle wrote:
What are those two things with her? They look like Scooby Doo on PCP.

Yeth hounds

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
Mike Silva wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Awesome cover!
Yes, awesome, though I was hoping for the Magus Iconic, considering he is an adventurer worshiper of an evil deity he would be a better person to be on the cover. Though that doesn't take away from this very awesome cover.
Seltyiel isn't Evil ... he's just ... deeply hurt and misunderstood ... yes, that includes detect evil spells.

But he does worship an evil deity, one of only two iconics who do, so I though hew would be a good fit.

Actually the stats in the back of second darkness and council of thieves have him as LE. He is in fact the only evil iconic.

Dark Archive

gbonehead wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Might be useful for a game set in Cheliax, for example. And then, some groups play with some of even all evil characters and can certainly use this book.
Oh, I get it :) I just don't run evil campaigns, as I personally find it distasteful. But they sure are popular.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I'm Lawful Evil and I want to play good-aligned characters; it'd be kind of boring to play evil PCs, and Asmodeus knows it's a challenge to roleplay a Taldorian paladin of Iomedae or an Andoran dimwi... uh, Eagle Knight. ;)

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Mike Silva wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Awesome cover!
Yes, awesome, though I was hoping for the Magus Iconic, considering he is an adventurer worshiper of an evil deity he would be a better person to be on the cover. Though that doesn't take away from this very awesome cover.
Seltyiel isn't Evil ... he's just ... deeply hurt and misunderstood ... yes, that includes detect evil spells.

If you ask me, Seltyiel is pretty decent... for an elf! :)

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:

Seltyiel isn't Evil ... he's just ... deeply hurt and misunderstood ... yes, that includes detect evil spells.

+1 xD.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Eric Hinkle wrote:
I agree on the new way some covers are being done. Though when I hear "heavy metal" combined with the evil deities, I'm left wondering what a heavy metal Asmodeus would look like.

Probably something like this. (*WARNING* Clip is from an R-rated movie; includes foul language and lewdness. NSFW!)


SirGeshko wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
I agree on the new way some covers are being done. Though when I hear "heavy metal" combined with the evil deities, I'm left wondering what a heavy metal Asmodeus would look like.

Probably something like this. (*WARNING* Clip is from an R-rated movie; includes foul language and lewdness. NSFW!)


That's a good link, it gave me some laughs. Thanks!

this both excites me and makes me sigh in potential dread. I'm hoping it's not another BoVD for evil even more than core evil, but the RAW evil alignments are so far out in Cartoon style extremism and Neutral's being so odd for an intelligent sentient creature that it leaves nowhere but RAI arguments for morally grey characters. This (5 pages & still going)thread over on the Oots forums shows that problem pretty well I think.
Something I'd love to see in this is some alignment options for the Grey "not good" and "not evil" style characters that don't make players have to convince GM's to put aside the Extremes detailed in RAW or past horrible examples of murdering psychopaths that often come from when people allowing evil characters :(. Dexter Morgan should fit somewhere better than Paladin style LG, but he doesn't even come close to fitting in LE or LN and fits LG really really well by RAW. If it can do it without using the word lawful & its frequent misconception that lawful alignments have to follow the laws rather than some specific code. To better allow for mobster type things that follow the rules the thieves guild has well above those of the local law that people often think woiuld need to be Neutral or chaotic

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
What are those two things with her? They look like Scooby Doo on PCP.
Yeth hounds.

Yeth, I konw they're hounds. But what kind?

(Had to be punned.)

The literal answer to my prayers! (heh sorry, couldn't resist.) HUZZAH FAITHS OF EVIL! :3

Silver Crusade

Love that cover, perfect example of corruption!

re-started Companion due to the Goblins guide, glad I kept it going!

Sovereign Court

tetrasodium wrote:
I'm hoping it's not another BoVD for evil even more than core evil...

You can tell it's not another Book of Vile Darkness because the front cover has Lamashtu's idol wearing skull-shaped pasties! :P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

tetrasodium wrote:
Dexter Morgan should fit somewhere better than Paladin style LG, but he doesn't even come close to fitting in LE or LN and fits LG really really well by RAW...

The best way to build a "Dexter" type character in Pathfinder is to build a Lawful Good character and then give him an insanity, per the GameMastery Guide—either multiple personality disorder or psychosis.

James Jacobs wrote:
The best way to build a "Dexter" type character in Pathfinder is to build a Lawful Good character and then give him an insanity, per the GameMastery Guide—either multiple personality disorder or psychosis.

Can I just say that I love those insanity rules? I wasn't even aware that I had been missing something like that until I saw them :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

DLing this now, looking forward to checking it out.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This book...


An illustration...


I can die now.

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:

This book...


An illustration...


I can die now.

Good (er I mean evil) gods I need this book right now.

I only usually glance through my pdfs, checking out bestiaries and artwork. The previous Faiths of books had some of the best character art I'd seen in awhile...this volume does not. It is poor at best, and just feels dull and uninspired compared to the previous ones. Possibly the worst I've seen in a Paizo product in a long time...sadly the only piece I can ever remember being this poor was the pic of Asmodeus in Book of the Damned. The Rival Guide made for some much better and more vibrant followers of Asmodeus than the sad balding lame club wielder this book presents.


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kain Darkwind wrote:

I only usually glance through my pdfs, checking out bestiaries and artwork. The previous Faiths of books had some of the best character art I'd seen in awhile...this volume does not. It is poor at best, and just feels dull and uninspired compared to the previous ones. Possibly the worst I've seen in a Paizo product in a long time...sadly the only piece I can ever remember being this poor was the pic of Asmodeus in Book of the Damned. The Rival Guide made for some much better and more vibrant followers of Asmodeus than the sad balding lame club wielder this book presents.


Not every follower of an archdevil is a male hunk or a female cheesecake. Nor not every one brandishes flaming swords and has "I'm awesome and LE, feel free to Smite Evil because I'm up to no good" branded on forehead.

Just sayin' ;)

Gorbacz wrote:

Not every follower of an archdevil is a male hunk or a female cheesecake. Nor not every one brandishes flaming swords and has "I'm awesome and LE, feel free to Smite Evil because I'm up to no good" branded on forehead.

Just sayin' ;)

But that doesn't make sense! Why would you worship evil if it didn't make you smoking hot?! Isn't that, like, the first clause in the contract, right after consigning your soul to an eternity of torment and hellfire? Or did that one get replaced with a clause granting a single 15 minutes break from said torment and hellfire?

Gorbacz wrote:
Kain Darkwind wrote:

I only usually glance through my pdfs, checking out bestiaries and artwork. The previous Faiths of books had some of the best character art I'd seen in awhile...this volume does not. It is poor at best, and just feels dull and uninspired compared to the previous ones. Possibly the worst I've seen in a Paizo product in a long time...sadly the only piece I can ever remember being this poor was the pic of Asmodeus in Book of the Damned. The Rival Guide made for some much better and more vibrant followers of Asmodeus than the sad balding lame club wielder this book presents.


Not every follower of an archdevil is a male hunk or a female cheesecake. Nor not every one brandishes flaming swords and has "I'm awesome and LE, feel free to Smite Evil because I'm up to no good" branded on forehead.

Just sayin' ;)

A well drawn uggo would be fine. This is a poorly drawn uggo, and so are all the others.

Looking very very good. I am a bit curious however, why a spell specific to followers of Asmodeus would turn up on the anti-paladin spell list (Shared Sacrifice page 28).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Kain Darkwind wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Kain Darkwind wrote:

I only usually glance through my pdfs, checking out bestiaries and artwork. The previous Faiths of books had some of the best character art I'd seen in awhile...this volume does not. It is poor at best, and just feels dull and uninspired compared to the previous ones. Possibly the worst I've seen in a Paizo product in a long time...sadly the only piece I can ever remember being this poor was the pic of Asmodeus in Book of the Damned. The Rival Guide made for some much better and more vibrant followers of Asmodeus than the sad balding lame club wielder this book presents.


Not every follower of an archdevil is a male hunk or a female cheesecake. Nor not every one brandishes flaming swords and has "I'm awesome and LE, feel free to Smite Evil because I'm up to no good" branded on forehead.

Just sayin' ;)

A well drawn uggo would be fine. This is a poorly drawn uggo, and so are all the others.

I wouldn't quite phrase it that way, but yes, the individual worshipper art is obviously by a different, and IMO, inferior artist to the one who did the individual portraits for Purity and Balance.

I love the new art of Nualia, Laori, Sial and Asyra!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

She's happy it hurts everyone within her spiked chain's reach.

Which is luckily not as much as it was in 3.5 :)

Eric Hinkle wrote:
What are those two things with her? They look like Scooby Doo on PCP.

I was wondering if it was just me...!

There was a small part of me cheering and hoping for a Mystery Adventure, I admit.

This is nothing against Paizo, mind. It's more a Neo moment: "...woaaaah. It's like. Scooby Do."

Hmm, here is what I saw on the blog entry about the book:

"Agents of chaos and cruelty, these skilled warriors of Calistria, Gorum, Norgorber, and others now have guidance to serve their deity in ever more heinous acts."

Callistria can be chaotic and cruel at times, but I'd have thought she'd be in the faiths of balance book... Unless she's really been bad recently :) .


Hasmir Talari wrote:

Hmm, here is what I saw on the blog entry about the book:

"Agents of chaos and cruelty, these skilled warriors of Calistria, Gorum, Norgorber, and others now have guidance to serve their deity in ever more heinous acts."

Callistria can be chaotic and cruel at times, but I'd have thought she'd be in the faiths of balance book... Unless she's really been bad recently :) .

She was, but her antipaladins are in *this* book. :D

Hmm, the idea of antipaladins of Callistria honestly didn't cross my mind. Then again, if Abadar has paladins, it makes sense. Ah well, that would be interesting.

Just asking those who already have a copy, does the book have traits and feats non-evil characters can take? Say, for someone whose backstory involves having been once associated with one of these religions, but who have since left it?

Sovereign Court

The Four Horseman have no Favored Weapon listing while all the other minor deities do.
Was this an oversight or do they not have any?

Perhaps the upcomming Book of the Damned Vol 3 will have them listed?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Product cover and description updated.

Who did the cover?


Dhampir984 wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Product cover and description updated.
Who did the cover?

Eric Belisle.


Cylerist wrote:

The Four Horseman have no Favored Weapon listing while all the other minor deities do.

Was this an oversight or do they not have any?

Perhaps the upcomming Book of the Damned Vol 3 will have them listed?

They're listed in the Inner Sea World Guide :)

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

DM Wellard wrote:
Ohh a bunch of skinsaw cultists led by an anti paladin of Norgrober..My Runelords Parties life just got so much nastier

You, my good sir, are evil. I like that.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:

There are antipaladin codes in this book for:

and a "generic" one for Demon Lords

Is there an antipaladin code for Zon-Kuthon published somewhere?

If not, why did he get skipped?

Fangdelicious wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

There are antipaladin codes in this book for:

and a "generic" one for Demon Lords

Is there an antipaladin code for Zon-Kuthon published somewhere?

If not, why did he get skipped?

Antipaladins have to be Chaotic Evil, and divine casters have to be within one step of their Deity's alignment. All of the Gods that have antipaladins are either CN, NE or CE.

There are no antipaladins of Zon-Kuthon (or Asmodeus) for the same reason that there are no Paladins of Desna or Cayden Cailean. Desna and Cayden Cailean are too free and wild for the lawful nature of paladins, and Antipaladins are too unrestrained and passion driven for the lawful nature of the God of Contracts and the God of Bondage.

The Exchange

Tobias wrote:
Fangdelicious wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

There are antipaladin codes in this book for:

and a "generic" one for Demon Lords

Is there an antipaladin code for Zon-Kuthon published somewhere?

If not, why did he get skipped?

Antipaladins have to be Chaotic Evil, and divine casters have to be within one step of their Deity's alignment. All of the Gods that have antipaladins are either CN, NE or CE.

There are no antipaladins of Zon-Kuthon (or Asmodeus) for the same reason that there are no Paladins of Desna or Cayden Cailean. Desna and Cayden Cailean are too free and wild for the lawful nature of paladins, and Antipaladins are too unrestrained and passion driven for the lawful nature of the God of Contracts and the God of Bondage.

Duh. The within one step restriction totally slipped my mind. I was just thinking Evil God = Antipaladin.

Thanks for the reminder. :)

Dark Archive

Just picked this up, and I loved seeing domains and favored weapons for Shub-Nigguruth and Yog-Sothoth, etc. Wow!

I'm loving the fact that

is officially one of the Great Old Ones of the Pathfinder Chronicles Setting.

Liberty's Edge

Tobias wrote:

Antipaladins have to be Chaotic Evil, and divine casters have to be within one step of their Deity's alignment. All of the Gods that have antipaladins are either CN, NE or CE.

There are no antipaladins of Zon-Kuthon (or Asmodeus) for the same reason that there are no Paladins of Desna or Cayden Cailean. Desna and Cayden Cailean are too free and wild for the lawful nature of paladins, and Antipaladins are too unrestrained and passion driven for the lawful nature of the God of Contracts and the God of Bondage.

I'll admit, it kinda sucks for CG and LE deities that they don't get "Cool Armored Champions" of their own like Paladins and Antipaladins. Even Calistria and Gorum, two CN deities, get Antipaladins. Sure, there are technically Hellknights for Asmodeus, but they're not really the same thing, are they?

I just got mine but a lot of pages are missing 9-24 (they have been replaced by a copy of the first pages). A mistake in the assembly process. :( :( Did it happen to anyone before ? The products reach me through the European distributor Diamond in England. I wonder if PAIZO could replace my copy ??


Dimitris wrote:
I just got mine but a lot of pages are missing 9-24 (they have been replaced by a copy of the first pages). A mistake in the assembly process. :( :( Did it happen to anyone before ? The products reach me through the European distributor Diamond in England. I wonder if PAIZO could replace my copy ??

We do ask that you try and return the book to the place where you purchased it from first, and if you have difficulties there, please contact Customer Service by the forums or email.

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