Adventures in Ptolus (5e) (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Ptolus, city by the Spire, is a place of Adventure. This is the 5e version.

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So far, adventurer group 1 (Path1e) has delved into the undercity with the task of retrieving someone's daughter from slavers.

You are adventurer group 2. (D&D 5e)

You are required to have the Ptolus 5e PDF (or hardback) from Monte Cook Games (either from Drivethru, or direct from MCG). Either version, although I'm allowing you to play Dragonborn -- if that's what you want to play. Also, read the Ptolus player's handbook very carefully. IF you want to play a particular "species" from Ptolus, read the background on "Species." You should only use the PHB to create your character (I only have the 5e PHB, I didn't get the other character books). You are starting at level 1.

Remember, you can sign in on the discussion boards on the Path1e game, and vice versa, so you can communicate with group 1 and vice versa. You can also have similar backgrounds (One of my players' character is from House Dallimothan, which is the Dragon Noble House. You can create a character that is also from House Dallimothan, and you can be related (brother, sister, cousin). Incidentally, House Dallimothan is good for Dragonborn origins. Just remember to contact the player in question so you can get your backgrounds in synchronicity.)

I don't like 5e, but I like Ptolus. So I'm willing to set my prejudice aside because of Ptolus. I'm looking for 5 players who enjoy 5e and Ptolus. Who can create imaginative characters with just the PHB and Ptolus.

* Please, no anti-heroes. I'm playing all the bad guys.

* Make your background work for Ptolus, whether or not you are a member of a noble house, an organization, or whatever. Just give me an in game reason why you want to explore the dangerous "dungeon." Riches and fame is a valid reason.

* I'm looking for a well rounded party. The "dungeon" is a dangerous place. People have died in the "dungeon" more often than not.

I guess that's it. Any questions?

Dot... I'll work something up quickly. Got a few concepts floating around.

Ability generation method?

Oh yes! Use point buy. See page 13. You get 30 points to generate your scores.

For some reason I can’t find the ability score generation in the 5e-Ptolus book

scranford wrote:
For some reason I can’t find the ability score generation in the 5e-Ptolus book

It's in the D&D 5e PHB.

Dark Archive

If we have the d20 version of that is that sufficient?

EltonJ wrote:
scranford wrote:
For some reason I can’t find the ability score generation in the 5e-Ptolus book
It's in the D&D 5e PHB.

Whew! good. I'm not crazy after all.

Atlas2112 wrote:
If we have the d20 version of that is that sufficient?

Sort of. You won't be able to submit characters from one of the minor races. But you could still submit a tiefling, drow, or aasimar.

Are Litorians a playable race?


Your litorian character has a number of traits in common with all other litorians.

Ability Score Increase. Three ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age. Litorians reach adulthood in their early teens and live less than a century.

Alignment. Litorians tend to be chaotic, and are usually good or neutral rather than evil.

Your personal code and the current situation are more important to you than historical laws or general concepts of good and evil.

Size. Litorians are somewhat taller and more muscular than humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to life outdoors, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Skills. You gain proficiency in three skills of your choice.

Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write two languages that your GM agrees are appropriate.

Cool thanks. I was just a bit confused between PHB and Players guide to Ptolus. I'll read up on some more lore and come up with a cool concept. I think I've got some old MCG games stuff that goes into a little more detail on the Lithorians.

Liberty's Edge

Would it be possible for me to throw a character into this game? I know our last one seemed to die out, but I love the setting and would like to give it another chance, if possible.



Daniel Stewart wrote:

Would it be possible for me to throw a character into this game? I know our last one seemed to die out, but I love the setting and would like to give it another chance, if possible.



You're welcome to submit a character, Daniel.

Thinking about a Litorian Cleric (Tempest) with the Sage (Astronomy) background. Still working out the details.

Liberty's Edge

Great...thanks I was thinking of a Litorian Paladin?!

scranford wrote:
Thinking about a Litorian Cleric (Tempest) with the Sage (Astronomy) background. Still working out the details.

Sounds good.

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Great...thanks I was thinking of a Litorian Paladin?!

Sounds good also. Going to be brothers, I hope.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Dotting for interest...

I have a couple of ideas that could work.
Is variant human allowed as race?

Well my tentative background does allow for multiple siblings. :-)

Daniel Stewart wrote:

Depends on you and Scranford. ;)

-Karma- wrote:
Is variant human allowed as race?

Not really.

Liberty's Edge

Hmmm..I am thinking instead of a Paladin a Ranger would make more sense...

It's up to you, as well.

Grand Lodge

Atlas2112 wrote:
If we have the d20 version of that is that sufficient?

Is the game still open? I don't have the 5e version but have the d20 stuff - I'm just thinking human...

I should have my character finished tonight. I’ll PM my backstory for approval ‘ editing

Helaman wrote:
Atlas2112 wrote:
If we have the d20 version of that is that sufficient?
Is the game still open? I don't have the 5e version but have the d20 stuff - I'm just thinking human...

Yess, it's still open, Helaman.

Grand Lodge

It's Sunday in Australia so I'll put one together today

Helaman wrote:
It's Sunday in Australia so I'll put one together today

Ah, the international date line.

Grand Lodge

Does this fit, and have I missed anything like skills etc?

Wolfram Schneller
Criminal Background (Balacazar Family Gang Member)

30pt Build
S12 D16 C14 I10 W12 Ch16
Human Bonus Language: Thieves Cant
Background Skills: Deception, Stealth, Thieves Tools, Gambling Tools: Poker Cards
Fighter Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics

An extended relative of the head of the Balacazar family, Menon, the boy Wolfram has been raised in the family business but with a lighter hand than most. As a result he's been allowed to dabble in most aspects of 'the trade' rather forced into a particular speciality... though he had a real knack for lying and charm, and was well trained in fighting for when his gift of the gab failed. Besides, Menon wanted to give the boy sufficient skills to survive so he didn't want to put up with his sisters wailing if he got gutted by some random tough.

Uncle Menon has decided that the young man MIGHT be useful moved into polite society. There was the possibility of several long cons after all, and what better way than to get him in the backdoor than being a successful duellist for hire and agent of the City. Gods know the aging Menon had contributed more than a few gold coins to various fencing masters, and a return on investment was definitely a welcome thought.

Luckily this suits Wolfram down the ground. Skulking in alleys and darkened warehouses was no longer 'fun' and his immediate gang leaders were too extreme when it came to crude violence. He was a dab hand at roof running and second story work but he didn't have the focus that was the hallmark of a successful burglar. Overall he would prefer the more "honest" life of an adventurer over possible future prospects, like pit boss in a street casino or family hitman... that said he is very aware that he still under his uncles hand, a hand attached to a very long arm.

Looks good to me.

For some reason when I saved my character sheet to the cloud it did not transfer. I will put down my history and the basics of the character but can’t complete the Character sheet until Monday afternoon when I’m back in the office.

Basically a cleric with the tempest domain and background of the sage with a specialty in astronomy. I’ve taken a little liberty with the gods as it doesn’t seem that all are listed among the thousand gods, and Leo’s tend to not be overly religious anyway. he is basically the god of the things that fall from the night sky


Even as a cub Ozbadin had been fascinated by the night sky. The enormous expanse of the night sky in the vast plains that he called home were perfect representations of the awe inspiring night sky. The wizened pack-mams said this was because at the same moment he drew his first mewling breath, a shooting star blazed across the night sky, heralding his arrival. His mother said that she used to worry about him when he didn't awake in the night for his feeding, but when she would check on him he lay awake in his swaddling staring enraptured at the night sky.

As the 5th in line for inheriting the leadership of the pride, Ozbadin had little responsibility in his future plans. Unless misfortune overtook multiples of his elder siblings his chance for rulership were thin... and honestly he had no interest in the more mundane attractions if life. He reached for the stars.

As he grew older he tended to venture further and further from the rest of the pride fully utilizing his curiosity about life. One auspicious day he had been wondering long enough that he needed to make camp for the evening. He foolishly built his camp in a narrow canyon, though he had no idea at the time that the canyon didn't continue. Just before the sun fully set, and the stars made their welcome appearance, he felt as much as heard a dull rumbling. Looking upward he say no signs of thunder, and the rumble increased instead of undulating as thunder was want to do. Finally he realized what was happening, but too late to do anything about it. A large herd of thundering buffalo entered the canyon, stretching as far as he could see. Looking about for shelter he saw nothing that he could reach in time, and simply huddled on the ground wondering how long it would be before he was missed. He made peace with himself.

Suddenly, he heard a sizzling sound from the sky, and a bright flash of light... then he knew no more. He awoke in full darkness, but felt heat emitting from somewhere near him. Was this the afterlife? He had always deep down in side believed that you just died when your life ended. Opening his dust encrusted eyes he noticed a large faintly glowing stone close beside him. The tracks of the Thundering herd veered to each side of the stone, but left the young Litorian untouched. Somehow this stone had fallen from the sky just in time to spare the life of young Ozbadin.

Upon returning to his people the next day his story was met with ridicule, even after he took others to see where the now dormant stone had fallen. But one believed an ancient grandmother Litorian realized that Ozbadin possessed a curiosity, and potential unusual for the folk, but not unheard of. She suggested to his Father to send young Ozbadin to a hermit she knew of who would teach him things that nobody else could, and help him develop. Worried about the future for the young being, his father agreed, and Ozbadin entered the remote regions of the plains to search out Krastus the Sage.

Ozbadin found the Sage after wandering for months, and Krastus took him under his wing. They spent years together in a high set of caves among the many spires and towers of the waste, and introduced him to the power and majesty of the night skies. Ozbadin also learned of Minteezoom the god worshiped by Krastus, and the power that he could share beyond simple knowledge. So it came to be that young Ozbadin embraced the power of the night skies, and the wildness of the storms and winds of the wastes as well as the gentle life present in the plains of his birth.

Ozbadin returned to the caves one day as a teenager, and found Krastus talking to a young Trollkin child. The child seemed hungry, but curious, and that evening fell asleep with his head in Ozbadin's lap. Krastus turned to Ozbadin as the child rested and spoke to him. "It is time for you to leave the nest young bird. I must turn my attention to this fledgling. I task you to journey to the great city of Ptolus, and there seek knowledge which I do not possess to share with you. I have taught you all that I will of what I know. What you become is now in your hands".

The next morning Ozbadin began the long trak to Ptolus. He'd been here a little over two weeks now, and still was as bewildered as the day he arrived. What knowledge could possibly await him here in this dirty, loud, smelly place with limited views of the night sky?

This is scranford's character. I'll complete the profile tomorrow when I have access to the completed character.

Now that's awesome.

Grand Lodge

Do we start with pre-gen level 1 equipment and can we sell starting equipment to buy other equipment better suited or needed? Can we use background cash to buy equipment?

For instance fighters can start with leather armour and a longbow... but let's face it, longbows aren't really city style weapons. That said, they may be 100% needed if this is gonna be a dungeon delve.

Also is multi classing on the table and do feats open as a choice up at level 4?

I'm anticipating this will be a long game so want to think a few levels ahead

Liberty's Edge

Summary: Aelfwyerd, Half-elf Warlock
. An unwelcome half-breed to an established family of sorcerous lineage was volunteered to City Watch to stay out of sight
. Lacking the family magical blood, sought arcane powers from a Patron, in vain attempt to gain respect from his family
. Has done well for himself in the watch. Disguises himself as a more respectable sort of magic-user, and thus tend to avoid the company of wizards and sorcerers (who could see through his bluff)
. Wants to head into the "dungeon" to find and capture the murderer of his friend and colleague (or any other plot hook)
. Possible tie-in to other characters: Could know Wolfram, having come across Balacazar family businesses.


The venerable guard captain Vandrim looked at the papers, then at the young man in front of him, and then the papers again.
"Aelfwyrd Sercombe... You come from a fine family, lad. Most kind of old man Sercombe to gift us with one of his sons."

Aelfwyrd stands at attention, and stares at the wall behind the captain's back. Was there a question hidden somewhere there?
"I'm sure my father wanted to pay his respects to the city, just as any good citizen would. Sir."

Of course, Grendel Sercombe was pureblooded human, just like his wife. My pointed ears don't quite fit into the family portrait. But I'm sure you knew that already, Captain.

Whether or not the captain knew of the details of the half-elf's family history, he merely muttered approvingly. Then he carefully lifted the papers, tapped them against the table a few times to set the nicely, and put them aside. "A very good record so far. Everyone speaks highly of you. And we are always pleased have you wizards among our ranks."

Aelfwyrd almost bit his cheek, trying to keep his face straight at this.
A wizard to captain Vandrim. And constable Greenfeld believes my sorcerous powers come from my blood. If you just knew what I needed to do for knowledge and power, I wonder if we were having this conversation. Luckily, most of the guards couldn't care less. They don't ask any questions and are just happy to have me.

"So, I would see you go very far with us," the captain continues. "A fine career and a bright future ahead of you. Could go all the way to Commissar's Men, you. And here you are, asking for a leave of absence."

A moment of silence. Aelfwyrd opens his mouth to explain, but the captain raises his hand to order his quiet.

"Don't bother with excuses. We both know this is about the death of Silvain Eifek. A fellow guardsman and a friend of yours, I've heard. As unfortunate as it is, the case is closed, and there is no investigation on his death."

A pause, during which the captain stares hard at Aelfwyrd.

"You could ruin your career, doing this. Do you understand me?"

Another pause. But captain Vandrim's voice was wasn't as hard as Aelfwyrd expected it to be.

The half-elf nods. "I understand, Sir. That doesn't change anything. Silvain was on the trail of something, his death was no street-mugging. I need to find his killer."

Vandrim considers this for a while. "I see. So it's not all personal, then. I hate to see crime unpunished as well, but my hands are tied by my orders. If you choose to go, remember that this is no business of the City Watch - you are on your own."

"Leave granted."

Very good character, -Karma-.

Grand Lodge

Wolfram Schneller
Criminal Background (Balacazar Family Gang Member)

30pt Build
S12 D16 C14 I10 W12 Ch16
Human Bonus Language: Thieves Cant
Human Bonus Skill (per DM): Perception
Background Skills: Deception, Stealth, Thieves Tools, Gambling Tools: Poker Cards
Fighter Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics

Fighting style: Duelling

An extended relative of the head of the Balacazar family, Menon, the boy Wolfram has been raised in the family business but with a lighter hand than most. As a result he's been allowed to dabble in most aspects of 'the trade' rather forced into a particular speciality... though he had a real knack for lying and charm, and was well trained in fighting for when his gift of the gab failed. Besides, Menon wanted to give the boy sufficient skills to survive so he didn't want to put up with his sisters wailing if he got gutted by some random tough.

Uncle Menon has decided that the young man MIGHT be useful moved into polite society. There was the possibility of several long cons after all, and what better way than to get him in the backdoor than being a successful duellist for hire and agent of the City. Gods know the aging Menon had contributed more than a few gold coins to various fencing masters, and a return on investment was definitely a welcome thought.

Luckily this suits Wolfram down the ground. Skulking in alleys and darkened warehouses was no longer 'fun' and his immediate gang leaders were too extreme when it came to crude violence. He was a dab hand at roof running and second story work but he didn't have the focus that was the hallmark of a successful burglar. Overall he would prefer the more "honest" life of an adventurer over possible future prospects, like pit boss in a street casino or family hitman... that said he is very aware that he still under his uncles hand, a hand attached to a very very long arm.

Looks like we have three characters basically finished. Just need one or two more so... Bump!

Liberty's Edge

Ok...background....stats will be up later tonight!!

Mergençi was a foundling. He was discovered living on his own as the pride moved into their winter hunting area. A feral creature, it took many months for the youth to trust the members of the pride enough to let them near him. When they prepared to move back to their summer grounds, the youngling decided to follow.
Always on the outside, Mergenci, or Mer for short, lived slightly apart from the pride, never asking for food or help. Many times, the pride elders attempted to bring the wild youth into their clan, but the adolescent litorian refused to simply join. He felt that he needed to earn his place and nothing short of his own expectations would do. So, for many seasons the cub followed the pride at a distance, never interfering and only occasionally interacting with the clan’s people. It was during one warm and clear spring night that Mergenci noticed one of the clansmen had been making trips outside the pride’s camping ground to wander the plains. This strange litorian seemed more interested in watching the sky that his surroundings and nearly wandered into a cackle of hyenas. Thinking quickly, Mer was able to direct the sky watcher away from danger. He decided to follow this odd fellow, and on sequential nights, joined him, at a distance, as he followed the march of the stars. Soon the young litorian, called Ozbadin, was talking out loud as he wandered, telling the story of the sky to the curious youth. Then suddenly, he was gone.
He had been away hunting when the events of the great stone occurred, and Oz was sent away from the pride to learn from some ancient hermit. Mer planned to follow, but many small incidents kept him from his plans. Before he knew it, winter was once again upon them, and he was ‘needed’ to help move the pride and gather food for the winter months. Seasons passed and he soon was once again busy with the tasks of survival on the great plains. It was not until a few years later, coming once again to the summer pastures that the now young adult Mer happened by the canyon where the rock had fallen from the sky and his friend had survived the buffalo stampede. A sudden longing to hear the stories of the sky came over him, and the recollection of his plans came back in a rush. Packing a few items, he headed off to find this hermit and reunite with his only friend.
For some weeks he followed the vague directions he had wheedled out of the pride-chief as to the location of this hermit. He finally stumbled upon the place totally by chance when he noticed the tracks of a trollkin child about a thicket of thorny bushes. Discovering the hidden entrance, he came upon the child and an ancient litorian sitting as if waiting for him.
”You are too late young one. He has left already…he is searching for knowledge in the City of the Spire. Go west and north and you will see the Spire by the Sea. I wish you luck.”
Confused, Mer nodded and, following the vague directions the elder had given him, he spent several weeks until he came across a great city on the coast with a mighty spire piercing the sky. In awe he arrived at the gates of the city with no idea where to go.

Looks like good characters from Helaman and Daniel.

Helaman wrote:

Do we start with pre-gen level 1 equipment and can we sell starting equipment to buy other equipment better suited or needed? Can we use background cash to buy equipment?

For instance fighters can start with leather armour and a longbow... but let's face it, longbows aren't really city style weapons. That said, they may be 100% needed if this is gonna be a dungeon delve.

Also is multi classing on the table and do feats open as a choice up at level 4?

I'm anticipating this will be a long game so want to think a few levels ahead

Hoping to get a reply on these

//for reasons I don't get I can't edit the profile

Changing character name from Wolfram to Ril

Liberty's Edge

I think in 5e you can always take the gold instead of the starting equipment, although the amount is randomized. See e.g. here.

For fighters it would be 5d4x10gp.

And also I believe multiclassing is allowed by default, but feats are optional rule. But of course, in the end, everything is up to GM.

Wolfram Schneller wrote:
Helaman wrote:

Do we start with pre-gen level 1 equipment and can we sell starting equipment to buy other equipment better suited or needed? Can we use background cash to buy equipment?

For instance fighters can start with leather armour and a longbow... but let's face it, longbows aren't really city style weapons. That said, they may be 100% needed if this is gonna be a dungeon delve.

Also is multi classing on the table and do feats open as a choice up at level 4?

I'm anticipating this will be a long game so want to think a few levels ahead

Hoping to get a reply on these

//for reasons I don't get I can't edit the profile

You can multi-class if you want to. Also you can get feats at level four.

Any ideas when we might be starting the game? Where does everyone stand on character creation?

Well, we can start right now. I think Ozbadin, Ril, Aelfwyerd, and Mergenci are the only characters I'm going to get. If anyone objects?

Sounds good. I'm sure if there are any late arrivals we can work out a way to integrate them.

Yep. We can work out a way to integrate them.

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