Pathfinder Miniatures: Pathfinder Agent

List Price: $5.99

Our Price: $5.39

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Pathfinder Miniatures are 28mm white metal minis based on characters and creatures from Paizo's Pathfinder campaign setting.

Miniatures include a plastic slotted base. They are unpainted and may need some assembly.

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this sounds cool.... do we know what ART is being used to sculpt this one?

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please be the art from page 269 in the inner sea guide. Please, please, please!

I just turned in the sculpt for this piece at ReaperCon this weekend. The art I received is a dynamic running blonde female figure in what looks like leather armor holding a glowing skull. I have not been able to find this art in any of my books nor online and it may, as yet, be unpublished.

Might be art we'll see in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.

Sounds like the picture on page 52 of the CoT adventure "What lies in dust" (the beginning of "Treasures of the Pathfinders" article). I guess i'll have to go back to hoping that the inner sea guide Pathfinder will be turned into a mini.

Patrik Ström wrote:
Sounds like the picture on page 52 of the CoT adventure "What lies in dust" (the beginning of "Treasures of the Pathfinders" article). I guess i'll have to go back to hoping that the inner sea guide Pathfinder will be turned into a mini.

That is it, sir!!! Thank you for tagging that. I knew I'd seen it somewhere but could not remember. This is the art reference that was assigned to me to sculpt. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to shoot pics of this one before I turned it in, so we are at the mercy of the Reaper Photography Division for the release.

The art for the Pathfinder in the ISG book would be a cool figure as well. We'll have to see if the "powers that be" also feel as such.

Found a pícture of this sculpt. Another one that goes into my collection!

"Throw me the skull, I'll throw you the whip!"

Oh look, it's the Necromancy Heisman Trophy.

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