Behind the Monsters: Vegepygmy (OGL) PDF

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These pdfs follow a format similar to that found in the popular Behind the Spells series (also presented by Tricky Owlbear Publishing) so chances are good that, if you enjoy that series, this one will also strike your fancy. Each issue is narrated by Jadrin Nelv, monk of the Order of the Sacred Branch. Jadrin schools novice monks in the ways of the multiverse's creatures and we, the readers, get to listen in. Whether you're a player or a GM, you will find something of use within these pages.

Includes two character advantages, one new monster variant, and one minor artifact!

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Mold men


I didn't really like vegepygmies much, or really use them with any frequency. This product changes that a bit.

We have a great little low cr enemy with some dr and not many weaknesses (plants). There is a story on their origins featuring for once kobolds, variant rules for vegepygmies becoming stronger in sunlight, a new mold bomb item, and topping it off the vegegyant, a huge monster that protects large vegepygmy nomadic settlements. The Gyant is pretty strong with some fine special attacks involving blasting and trapping.

The only flaws I can see are that russet mold's stats are not provided here for ease of reference, and the mentioned chieftain pygmy is not here either. Both are in Tome of Horrors Revised edition.

In summary, I enjoyed it and give it four stars. Since my players are underground and in a damn area, a vegepygmy settlement with lots of russet mold just opened up ahead of them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Vegepygmies plus a lot of russet mold and gas spores (beholder trap) look to be a very dangerous and unusual encounter for my pcs. Excellent.

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