Tripod Machine presents an exciting bundle of new character classes for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Play a tough corsair, a powerful gladiator, or an inquisitive scholar. Eleven new classes bring classic archetypes to life.
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At first glance when I read through this PDF, I was underwhelmed. It seemed like a mediocre little book of modified core classes, just little meaningless tweaks to abilities here and there, swap this for that, blend these two classes together, etc.
Then I sat down and really worked with the material here. The eleven new classes, (or about 22 cents a class) are all non-magical, with the partial exception of some of the Scholar's abilities, and those are only if they are chosen, so this book makes for a great counter to those who feel the Advanced Player's Guide will go overboard with caster classes.
I can't give it the in-depth review it really needs here, because the genius in the classes only comes out with time spent working with them, statting out characters, seeing how they compare to core classes, and recognizing just how the changes all counter-balance one another and the new options they bring to the gaming table.
And did I mention it's only 2.39, people? Half the price of a latte, in other words. It's certainly worth 239 of your gaming pennies.
I want to like this, and the price isn't bad (and gained it a star over what I would have normally given it), but at the same time, this product feels really close, but doesn't quite fire on all the right notes.
Mechanically, its not a bad product, but some of the class concepts seem like a really big stretch to actually be separate classes, and almost seem more like an experiment in trying to build new classes with existing class features. The result doesn't quite feel compelling, but it doesn't feel bad, if that makes any sense.
I almost think this might have been a more interesting supplement if more of it has been rewritten as alternate class features for existing classes, not unlike Unearthed Arcana's alternate class features, but geared towards Pathfinder RPG features.
Check it out if you don't mind experimenting with your handful of dollars.
I'd like you to know I just got the updated FFoD in the mail yesterday. Great work, and I prefer these classes to the archetypes from other sources. The knight and martial artist are especially great.
I've been re-reading my book on the spell-less ranger and it seems it's sneak attack only works on creatures that are favored enemies, whereas the hunter's works by the same rules as the rogue's. Hunter gets +7d6 at the highest level in sneak attack, whereas the spell-less ranger gets a maximum of 5d6 without choosing a special talent, and 6d6 with. Before I was under the impression that the spell-less ranger's sneak attack ( called stealth attack ) was the same as sneak attack; there are differences. I do think it would be interesting if the hunter got talents just as spell-less ranger gets ranger talents; perhaps in the place of bonus feats have hunter talents. Of course, talents could include feats.
I just recently bought this PDF ... and like everybody else, I find it to be a true top-tier, 5-star 3PP product.
I was just curious if you had an official status update on the follow-up PDF to Fistful ... which I saw was tentatively titled "For a Few Denarii More". The link to your thread on talking about the follow-up seems to have disappeared.
Here's a correction: in the corbie entry it states "Bonus feat: Starting at 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, the corbie gains a bonus combat feat, drawn the from the feats available as bonus feats for fighters." But the table has the class gaining a bonus feat every two levels. I presume the table is correct, or there'd a bunch of blank levels.
For a Few Denarii more still exists conceptually. I've been mulling over some concepts, adjusting based on the Advanced Class Guide, and so forth.
As for the Corbie, the table is correct. That stray text is probably a leftover from a previous draft of the class, and it didn't come to my attention until a few months ago.