These pdfs follow a format similar to that found in the popular Behind the Spells series (also presented by Tricky Owlbear Publishing) so chances are good that, if you enjoy that series, this one will also strike your fancy. Each issue is narrated by Jadrin Nelv, monk of the Order of the Sacred Branch. Jadrin schools novice monks in the ways of the multiverse's creatures and we, the readers, get to listen in. Whether you're a player or a GM, you will find something of use within these pages.
BtM: Roper includes many character advantages, six new monster variants, and three new items!
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A worthwhile pdf for those (old?) dms that like ropers, and for those that want to get new more deadly variants to the standard roper, on the cheap.
It opens with a story about protecting a community and rallying slaves against the roper menace. With alien gnawing horror, magical travel to places of despair and monsters plotting to expand and enslave peoples across space and time, it certainly had a Lovecraftian feel which I appreciated.
The stats for a roper are provided, and the best that this offers for our games are the six variant ropers. Some of which are very deadly and all have a tricky concept behind the variant. The puppet and mind masters are my favourites.
We also have three magic items that can be crafted from dead ropers. They are fine ideas, but the strength draining whip has a very low dc, and should run closer to the ropers actual dc since it is only usable for a short time.
Ropers are dangerous to parties that would venture underground, thus they and these new variants can be used for many games. Four stars!