Kobold Quarterly 9

3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Kobold Quarterly #9 features an interview that unfortunately is both sad and all-too-timely: the last interview with Dave Arneson.

We had no idea of Mr. Arneson's poor health when we conducted the interview several months ago, but the interviewer and staff are grateful to have one last visit with the man who gave us the roleplaying hobby.

    Also of interest:
  • Monte Cook launches a new column, Game Theories
  • We look at the classic bat-demon, Camazotz, with a Pathfinder nod
  • Our first dual-stat 3E/4E article offers up the Maedar as a PC race
  • A reader request for a Kitsune race for 4E is fulfilled
  • The Map of Fantasy series offers an isometric Bandit Lair for any editio
  • Plus dinosaurs, bard magic, magical oaths, ritual drugs, and warlocks!

It's a full heaping helping of great game material to inspire any 3E/OGL or 4E fan to play a better game and enjoy both the history and the future of the hobby.

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3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Great Issue


This is only my second issue of KQ, but I sat down with it and read about 2/3 of the magazine in one sitting. Now that may not mean much to you, but for me to do that for a magazine really is something! Time to think about a subscription.

Great work!


Starts out with a beautiful cover. This rivals the work of Dragon! It goes on to include a handsome article about the Kitsune, which is very well-written. They even post the 3.5 stats elsewhere, so as to make sure not to alienate us grognards. The dinosaur article was awesome, beyond a doubt. The oath article was cool, as was the interview, and overall, I'd say that KQ has more than surpassed this issue.

Kobold Quarterly continues to be a consistent performer


If you like monsters in 3.5, right off the bat, this issue is golden for you. Really cool dinosaurs, creepy construct things, and skin bats. Seriously, its all useful one way or another.

If you aren't into 4E, the kitsune article is still a really interesting read if you haven't heard much about these creatures before, and can serve as a springboard for some RP ideas for GM and player alike.

While the ritual drugs and some of the bardic article didn't sell me 100%, those articles still had some really interesting and solid ideas, and the Maenad article actually put some interesting context to a race that I felt was just kind of dropped into the Expanded Psionics Handbook (not to mention, I'm looking forward to throwing a Maenad long flail as some poor unsuspecting PCs).

Heck, with all of that other stuff, I almost forgot Monte Cook's design column that started up, or the really awesome familiar article in the book as well.

All in all, this is definitely worth the money. And if all of the above doesn't sell you, the Dave Arneson interview, and especially the tribute pieces by other RPG luminaries, should push this over the edge.

14 1/2 pages of 4E stat blocks.


There was way too much 4e in this issue. Besides the stat blocks alone taking up page after page the articles themselves (once you remove these mechanical sections) seemed sparse, especially the dinosaur one.
$8 is just way too much to ask for if I'm only going to be able to enjoy half the magazine.
There are other 4E magazines out there now so I dont see why I would want a "half-and-half 'zine" that seems too sparse of material for one game version or the other.

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Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Seldriss wrote:
What's in the familiars sections ? New creatures ? Could we get a list please ?

Now, I don’t know if I should list them all, but I can say that the article focuses on creatures gained through using the Improved Familiar feat.

However, most are available sooner than say 6th or 7th level, allowing the feat to come into play a bit earlier than normal. There are 8 new options. Four with complete stats and the other four are quick modifications of existing statblocks with sexy new abilities. All of the new creatures are available to a caster between level 3 and level 6.

If Wolfgang's cool with a list, I'll list 'em.

Scarab Sages

Some are cute, some are not. But they are cool choices nontheless.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Who needs a cute familiar? ;)

This ain't a fashion show, this is adventure!

Ok, now I have a question.

Is the Maenad article about the psionic race? I hope so.

Scarab Sages

Rauol_Duke wrote:
What a great looking issue!

Thanks! I worked hard on it. :]

The Exchange Kobold Press

4EHater wrote:
Is the Maenad article about the psionic race? I hope so.

Yes, it is! And rather a good interpretation, I think.

Daigle, by all means list out your furry little friends. I think you chose a really interesting group.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Daigle, by all means list out your furry little friends. I think you chose a really interesting group.

Well, alright. This is for you, Seldriss (and everyone else too)...

Arcane Servant
Blink Dog Pup
Clockwork Beetle
Gliding Possum
Myna Bird
Symbiotic Temporum

Scarab Sages

My faves are:
Gliding Possum

I'm particularly fond of the Clockwork Beetle, and the Symbiotic Temporum. Although I am a bit iffy on the Stem Pinch ability...


Whoa! Nice cover!

The Myna bird is the one for me! Gattling gun spells!

P.S. I says Improved Familiar should be on the list for wizard bonus feats.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Thanks, Wes! The artist is Pat Loboyko, who also did the cover for #6 and some of the Ecologies art in recent issues.

He's becoming a Kobold favorite.

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
4EHater wrote:
Is the Maenad article about the psionic race? I hope so.

Yes, it is! And rather a good interpretation, I think.

Daigle, by all means list out your furry little friends. I think you chose a really interesting group.

Awesome, thanks for doing a psionic race! I would love to see more psionic material, considering the huge lack thereof. It is OGL ;)

Dark Archive

4EHater wrote:

Awesome, thanks for doing a psionic race! I would love to see more psionic material, considering the huge lack thereof. It is OGL ;)

"lack of"? have you checked out Dreamscarred Press?

Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?

Hugo Solis wrote:
Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?

~grumbles and mumbles something about "I wish I could draw like that!", then speaks in a haughty tone~ It sucked! Note, I have yet to read it or done any sort of perusal of said KQ, but I base it upon the artist in question! ~grins, winks, and runs~

OTOH, after having seen your artwork, I am sure that it is very good.

Hugo Solis wrote:
Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?

Fantastically done Hugo. I do love your depiction of Camazotz and the skin bats.

Daigle wrote:

Well, alright. This is for you, Seldriss (and everyone else too)...

Arcane Servant
Blink Dog Pup
Clockwork Beetle
Gliding Possum
Myna Bird
Symbiotic Temporum

Thank you Daigle :)

Yeah, I'm enjoying you illustrations of Camazotz, Hugo, both in terms of style and "attitude".

Thankss! I need t get used to CG (Computer Generated) coloring...

You are welcome! As always I enjoy seeing you getting out there more and more.

I'm also enjoying randomly dropping r's from my posts. What do you think?

Hugo Solis wrote:
Thankss! I need t get used to CG (Computer Generated) coloring...

Hugo, I have just one thing to say to you...

Damn, but you are a good artist!

Dark Archive

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I think having three 4E articles is just barely enough to support the 4E readers of the magazine, since nine articles in the issue are 3E focussed (and two are system-independent).

I'm curious. I didn't think the license for 4e let items for both editions exist?

By the way, the free dice thing sounds (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) GGGRRREAT! Ordering now!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

tezcatlipoca wrote:
I'm curious. I didn't think the license for 4e let items for both editions exist?

That's true, but Kobold Quarterly isn't making use of the GSL (the 4e license). Instead, they are simply making use of what they can under copyright law.

The Exchange Kobold Press

tezcatlipoca wrote:
By the way, the free dice thing sounds (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) GGGRRREAT! Ordering now!

The free dice are proving strangely popular! ;)

They're also already half-gone. So if you were planning on taking advantage of that deal, don't wait too long. And if you want the free Pathfinder dice, just say so, we'll set you up!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
tezcatlipoca wrote:
By the way, the free dice thing sounds (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) GGGRRREAT! Ordering now!

The free dice are proving strangely popular! ;)

They're also already half-gone. So if you were planning on taking advantage of that deal, don't wait too long. And if you want the free Pathfinder dice, just say so, we'll set you up!

Well it did remind me time to renew, dice or not. (though I prefer dice ;-)

Dark Archive

That reminds me. I need to renew, as well.

Free dice rule, too.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
tezcatlipoca wrote:
By the way, the free dice thing sounds (in my best Tony the Tiger voice) GGGRRREAT! Ordering now!

The free dice are proving strangely popular! ;)

They're also already half-gone. So if you were planning on taking advantage of that deal, don't wait too long. And if you want the free Pathfinder dice, just say so, we'll set you up!

I subscribed, but I'll let you pick which dice, as I don't think I could make up my mind -- they all look nifty! Though I will say blue is my favorite color ::chuckle::

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Got my set in the mail today, the "Runic" ones. I really like 'em.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Gamer Girrl, it's often just a matter of which dice we have open as the freebies get packed up for shipment. Random dice, as it were. :)

Kvantum, glad you like the Runics! The magazine itself should be following close behind, certainly by the end of the month.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Maybe I'm blind, but I just flipped through KQ9 three times and I can't find anything about warlocks. Which article is the cover blurb referencing?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

delabarre wrote:
Maybe I'm blind, but I just flipped through KQ9 three times and I can't find anything about warlocks. Which article is the cover blurb referencing?

That was an editorial oversight

The article will appear in KQ 10, see the KQ forums for further details, explanations and apologies.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Darkjoy wrote:
delabarre wrote:
Maybe I'm blind, but I just flipped through KQ9 three times and I can't find anything about warlocks. Which article is the cover blurb referencing?

That was an editorial oversight

The article will appear in KQ 10, see the KQ forums for further details, explanations and apologies.

Mmkay. The editorial on p. 4 also mentions a "Fey Library" article by Skip Williams, which also appears to be AWOL...(or is the same article)

Scarab Sages

If we already have recieved #9 and we renew before the dice are gone, will we recieve another #9 or will we be able to still get the dice and have #10 as our first order (so to speak)?

The Exchange Kobold Press

Wicht wrote:
If we already have recieved #9 and we renew before the dice are gone, will we recieve another #9 or will we be able to still get the dice and have #10 as our first order (so to speak)?

The offer states pretty clearly that new subscriptions that include the free dice start with issue #9. So in this case you'd have two copies of #9 and one set of dice.

Yeah, I've been looking for that fey library too!

The Exchange Kobold Press

I removed that reference from the editorial during the galleys process. I have no idea how it snuck back in. Tricksy fey!

Scarab Sages

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Wicht wrote:
If we already have recieved #9 and we renew before the dice are gone, will we recieve another #9 or will we be able to still get the dice and have #10 as our first order (so to speak)?
The offer states pretty clearly that new subscriptions that include the new dice start with issue #9. So in this case you'd have two copies of #9 and one set of dice.

That's what I thought :)

Doesn't hurt to ask though.

I guess I'll wait a bit to renew.

The Exchange Kobold Press

We'll probably have something else on offer when the dice run out.

Not sure what, at the moment, but it's ALWAYS a good time to subscribe. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
I removed that reference from the editorial during the galleys process. I have no idea how it snuck back in. Tricksy fey!

I think carefully placed fake fey teasers should be a new short feature for the magazine. Unfulfilled hints, tibits enough to whet an appetite that never manifest, tiny blips and blurbs that vaporize upon reading. Tricksy fey, indeed!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Daigle wrote:
I think carefully placed fake fey teasers should be a new short feature for the magazine. Unfulfilled hints, tibits enough to whet an appetite that never manifest, tiny blips and blurbs that vaporize upon reading. Tricksy fey, indeed!

Next quarter: pixie porn by Phil & Kaja Foglio.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

delabarre wrote:
Daigle wrote:
I think carefully placed fake fey teasers should be a new short feature for the magazine. Unfulfilled hints, tibits enough to whet an appetite that never manifest, tiny blips and blurbs that vaporize upon reading. Tricksy fey, indeed!
Next quarter: pixie porn by Phil & Kaja Foglio.

ROFL!! Yes, please :)

The Exchange Kobold Press

I've been putting the keywords "Elf Lust!" on every cover mockup to date.

One of these days it's going to make it into print without the copyeditor noticing. :)

Hugo Solis wrote:
Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?


And freaky. Ack, skin bats...;)

I was grinning ear to ear when I saw the name in the art credits for that article.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Valkyrie Paine wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?


And freaky. Ack, skin bats...;)

I was grinning ear to ear when I saw the name in the art credits for that article.

If you liked that, you should become a patron for Halls of the Mountain King and see some more fantastic illustrations by the illustrious Sr. Solis!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Daigle wrote:
Valkyrie Paine wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Eerrr... any "reviews" on the interior art? anyone?


And freaky. Ack, skin bats...;)

I was grinning ear to ear when I saw the name in the art credits for that article.

If you liked that, you should become a patron for Halls of the Mountain King and see some more fantastic illustrations by the illustrious Sr. Solis!

Already am, so neener neener :P

Wolfgang, I understand the 'checking if the editor is awake' thing.


My old boss would approve my letters so quickly, that I figured she wasn't reading them, and was just relying on me to be correct. so one day I snuck in the letter for her to proofread 'and we have taken the processor responcible for mistakes and beat him about the head and shoulders with sticks. This will not happen again.'

I got the letter back with a comment "Remove the part about the sticks and it's fine. Yes, I do read them."

Silver Crusade

Got it.

Yep, the Maenads were great. Far more reasonable as a PC choice than the Bacchae.

The big surprise that warmed my heart the most this issue though? Archaeopteryx familiars! I've wanted one since I first realized wizards and dinosaurs both theoretically existed in the same game! Yes!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Lots of reviews hitting right now, as the print edition has gone to the newsstands.

* Atomic Array Podcast: Kobold Quarterly 009 (Atomic Array 021)
* RPGAggression: The Rudis Review
* Game Cryer: Review by Chris Perrin
* Allgeektout: Unleash Your Inner Fox: The Kyubi Epic Destiny
* Dice Monkey: Kobold Quarterly 9

The Exchange Kobold Press

Mikaze wrote:
The big surprise that warmed my heart the most this issue though? Archaeopteryx familiars! I've wanted one since I first realized wizards and dinosaurs both theoretically existed in the same game! Yes!

You and I are on the same page; I had exactly the same reaction to the Archaeopteryx familiar. A must for lizardmen, but also fun for any slightly off-kilter chaos mage or the like.

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