Brewing Potion Costs

Rules Questions

I understand that there is a great deal of information out there about brewing potions, but I still cannot find the answer to my question.

To start, I understand the base cost to create a potion is 50gp x caster level x spell level. That being said, a wizard, alchemist, cleric, and even sorcerer could all create a 1st-level potion as a 1st-level caster, and it would cost them 50gp. I understand that it doesn't matter if the caster is 2nd level or 20th level, he can "dumb down" his casting and create the potion as a 1st-level caster. That all makes sense to me.

What I don't understand is Table 15-2 on page 478 of the core rule book. It states that paladins and rangers can create 1st-level potions at the same price as other potion brewers (50gp). This does not make any sense to me. Paladins and rangers cannot cast 1st-level spells until 5th level. To me, this means that the lowest possible caster level they can use to cast 1st-level spells would be 5th level. Therefore, a paladin creating a potion of Cure Light Wounds would be expected to pay:

50gp x 5 (the lowest possible level at which he can cast 1st-level spells) x 1 (the level of the spell) = 250gp.

I would guess this should be the minimum cost a paladin or ranger would have to pay to create a 1st-level potion. Can someone explain to me where I've gone wrong in these calculations? It just doesn't seem possible to me that a paladin can choose to create a potion as a 1st-level caster, when he could never cast spells at 1st level to begin with.

On a side note, thematically it makes sense that it would be more expensive for a ranger or paladin to brew potions, since they are not, strictly speaking, casters, at least not in the way a sorcerer or bard is. Also, and this might just be a bit of complaining, but wouldn't it make sense for an alchemist to be able to brew these same potions at a cheaper price, since the entire basis of their character is creating alchemical compounds, such as extracts, mutagens, and potions?

Anyway, any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Paladins and Rangers get spells at 4th level, but their caster level is Paladin/Ranger level minus three, making them 1st level casters at 4th level.

Silver Crusade

a pally and ranger can cast them at level 4 if they have a high stat. they have caster level of level -3 so a paladin of level 4 casts as a level 1 caster and it is a level 1 spell so 1x1x50gp = 50gp just like clerics.

Remeber CL not character level.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Also remember that the formula 50gp x caster level x spell level is the base price, the price you pay in Ye Olde Magic Shoppe.

If you brew the potions yourself, you pay half that.
And depending on how you plan to use the spell, you might consider doing scrolls instead, at least for some purposes, as scrolls cost half the price potions do.

Just don't make a scroll of remove blindness that you plan to cast on yourself. <g>

Thank you guys for your help. So, I guess I missed the part where Paladins and Rangers are Level -3 Casters. Where do I find that in the book?

Silver Crusade


At 4th level and higher, her caster level is equal to her paladin level – 3.

Quoted from top of Core Rule Book page 63:

Core Rule Book wrote:

Through 3rd level, a paladin has no caster level. At 4th

level and higher, her caster level is equal to her paladin
level – 3.

Wheldrake wrote:

Also remember that the formula 50gp x caster level x spell level is the base price, the price you pay in Ye Olde Magic Shoppe.

If you brew the potions yourself, you pay half that.
And depending on how you plan to use the spell, you might consider doing scrolls instead, at least for some purposes, as scrolls cost half the price potions do.

Just don't make a scroll of remove blindness that you plan to cast on yourself. <g>

I thought potions and scrolls cost the same? Wouldnt potions be better since they can be used by everyone and u wouldnt have to make an UMD check? Or is there a feat or ability that lowers scrolls cost? Scrolls do weigh less than potions though. Mmm

Redneckdevil wrote:
Wheldrake wrote:

Also remember that the formula 50gp x caster level x spell level is the base price, the price you pay in Ye Olde Magic Shoppe.

If you brew the potions yourself, you pay half that.
And depending on how you plan to use the spell, you might consider doing scrolls instead, at least for some purposes, as scrolls cost half the price potions do.

Just don't make a scroll of remove blindness that you plan to cast on yourself. <g>

I thought potions and scrolls cost the same? Wouldnt potions be better since they can be used by everyone and u wouldnt have to make an UMD check? Or is there a feat or ability that lowers scrolls cost? Scrolls do weigh less than potions though. Mmm

Potions cost (25xCLxSpell lvl) gp to create (market price is double that) Scrolls cost (12.5xCLxSpell lvl) gp to create (market price is double that)

So scrolls are half the cost of potions. But other than that you are right that potions can be used by everyone without UMD.

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