Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure (OGL) PDF

Our Price: $19.95

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From dragons to goblins, giants to fairies, this is the essential book of monsters for the Castles & Crusades Role Playing Game. In this book you will find a wealth of information about monsters and the treasures they keep. Combat, spell casting, breath weapons, movement, poisons, treasures, magic creation, magic items and much more lies within these pages.

Monsters & Treasure comes complete with over 200 monsters, fast and furious rules on how to make your own, as well as hundreds of magic items, and magic item creation rules!

Easy to learn and simple to play, the Castles & Crusades Role Playing game is a fast and fun game for those who enjoy tales of high adventure and epic fantasy. Along with the Castles & Crusades Players' Handbook, Monsters & Treasure delivers you all the rules you need to play this fast-paced game of rousing adventure.

Castles & Crusades is an easy-to-learn attribute-based rules system allowing players to choose among 13 archetypal character classes and 7 races to create characters with which to undertake many a dazzling adventure.

Gather some friends, grab some dice and unleash your imagination. You are entering the grand adventure that is Castle & Crusades.

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Will there be a PDF version soon?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

cinemajay wrote:
Will there be a PDF version soon?

I'm a little confused—this *is* the PDF version. Or were you asking about additional products?

I think he is confused by the full retail price of the PDF. I don't like it either. Which is why I don't buy the PDF's, except when they have them on sale, like the PH third printing was on sale a couple of weeks ago for $10.00. I bought it then. The M&T has never been offered for less than full retail as far as I know, hence why I only own print copies.

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
I think he is confused by the full retail price of the PDF. I don't like it either. Which is why I don't buy the PDF's, except when they have them on sale, like the PH third printing was on sale a couple of weeks ago for $10.00. I bought it then. The M&T has never been offered for less than full retail as far as I know, hence why I only own print copies.

yeah but, i can't see the benefit of buying the pdf for almost the same price as the hardback

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
I think he is confused by the full retail price of the PDF. I don't like it either. Which is why I don't buy the PDF's, except when they have them on sale, like the PH third printing was on sale a couple of weeks ago for $10.00. I bought it then. The M&T has never been offered for less than full retail as far as I know, hence why I only own print copies.

Wow, I'm late back to the party, but yes, I think it was the price that threw me off.

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