vale_73's page
33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Thank you so much for all your infos and advice! This is a great community and Pathfinder 2 is definetely becoming one of my go-to-games when it comes to fantasy! Have an happy life and happy gaming, and keep yourself and your dearest safe!
Thank you very much indeed, and can spellcasters cast spells while they are using a shield? Many thanks again, I think I need to wrap my Head around the New Pf2 mechanics...
Hi everybody!
Can spellcasters freely use shields in Pathfinder 2e? Can they cast spells while they are embracing a shield other than a buckler? Thank you very much, happy life and happy gaming, and stay healthy and safe!
Hi everybody, just a simple question, probably more proper to a Q&A section:
Which Stat does a Monk use for her/his Focus Ki Spells? Charisma? Wisdom? I can't find the specific rule in the Core Rulebook: can you help me? What am I missing?
Thank you very much! Happy gaming and stay safe!
Thank you all very much indeed for all of your answers!
I was thinking about something in line with D&D 4th edition Warlord Class or the D&D 5th edition Battlemaster, a martial fighter focused on leading and buffing and even healing her comrades in battle... The Bard option is really great for cool characters when I want to go magical, but I was thinking of a class without spells per se.
Many thanks again!
Hi everybody!
How do you treat a sort of "drunk" condition in your PF2 games?
Many thanks!
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Hi everybody,
overall I'm really impressed by Pathfinder 2nd ed. so far. In particular, I'm also really impressed by the sheer amount and quality of material featured in the Gamemastery Guide, which I'm going to buy as soon as possible.
One thing I'm really missing is a kind of Charismatic Fighter, some kind of Warlord Class or something like that.
Are we going to see it, maybe as an Archetype in the Advanced Player's Guide or as a Class in a future Ultimate Combat Guide? Or is there already something to build such a character and I've missed it? (Apart from the Rally rules in the Gamemastery Guide).
Many thanks, and happy gaming and most of all happy life to everybody in these difficult times and days!!!
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Hi! First of all, two big thumbs up, and kudos to Paizo for the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook! I’ve seen many reviews, I’m in love with it so far, I’ve ordered it at my local flag store and I really can’t wait to get it.
I’d like to continue using the Cavalier Dedication Feat from the Playtest Rulebook, while I’m waiting for the official version of this Class (or Archetype) to be released. Should I change the math of the bonuses of the various features gained taking the Cavalier Dedication Feats, to adapt it to the math of the final rulebook? If so, how should I change the different bonuses?
Many thanks!
Happy life and happy gaming!
Hi everybody, for me, I think that probably when it comes out, PF 2 will become my game of choice for mid crunchy heroic fantasy rpg.
However, just a small thing: I'd like there was the possibility of a sort of Dodge Action in combat: I conceptually like the idea of trying to actively evade incoming blows, or doing something similar.
I know, AC increases with levels, but this is not what I'm thinking of. I know, you can spend an action to raise your shield, but what if you're not proficient with shields? What if you're a mage unwillingly caught in a melee combat, and you're just trying to avoid being hit? I know, the Maingauche weapon has the Parry feature, but, again, what if I don't have that weapon?
If I'm not wrong, in Pathfinder 1 you have the possibility to Defend yourself totally, foregoing your attacks in order to have a +4 Bonus to your AC, and to Fight Defensively, getting a -4 penalty to your attacks and a +2 Bonus tu your AC.
I'd like there were something similar in Pathfinder 2!
Many thanks,happy summer, happy gaming and happy life!
Hi everybody, a very simple question: which stat modifiers do spellcasters use when they roll a Ranged or Melee (Touch) Spell Attack ? I assume they use their Dexterity Modifier for Ranged Spell Attacks and their Dexterity or Strength Modifier for Melee Spell Attacks, but I'm not sure about this. I was wondering if they rather used their Spellcasting Stat Modifier, instead (Int for Mages, Wis for Clerics and Druids, Cha for Bards, Sorcerers and Paladins and so on).
Can you help me, and tell me when in the Playtest Rulebook this rule is written?
Many Thanks!
Hi everybody: I think that perhaps I'm really missing something. Do Small Ancestries have any restrictions or penalties about wielding large weapons or things like that? Now one of my players wants to create a mole - raider Gnome Paladin and I was looking for rules about that (yeahhh...great fun and really cool!). Many thanks!
Hi everybody: I'm trying to understand the 1.6 update and FAQ about Shields. So far I understood that now shields can take a maximum of 1 dent per hit they receive as a result of a Parry with the Shield, right? In the FAQ about shields, p. 29 of 1.6 update, it is written: "Note that it no longer gets broken due to the update": what does it mean? Does it mean that shields can't be broken anymore when used to parry incoming blows? If so, why?
Furthermore, can I increase the Hardiness of a Shield?
Many thanks!
Hi, everybody: I'm highly optimistic in general about the final release of Pathfinder 2.
At the moment, though, I'm uncertain about which UTEML is the best and the most satisfying one, in this phase of the development of the game.
In your games, do you prefer using
1)the +level-4/+level/+level+1/+level+2/+level+3 progression of the Playtest Rulebook and 1.6 update,
or the
2)0/+level+2/+level+4/+level+6/+level+8 (if I understood it correctly), from a Jason Bulmahn's interview?
And what DCs table do you use?
Many thanks! Happy life and happy gaming!
Hi everybody,
yes, I know that this can be a topic already seen and treated, but... I can't find any limitations in the Payhfinder 2 Playtest Rulebook for spellcasting in armor: can spellcasters cast their spells while they are wearing any kind of armor? Even if they are untrained in their use?
If it is so, is the archetype of the unarmored wizard, à la Merlino, Gandalf or Raistlin forever gone?
Many thanks!
Hi everybody, pretty much what the title says: what do you use for seducing others or Persuasion attempts and Skill Checks?
Many thanks, Happy Life and Happy Gaming!
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Hi guys, I really like Pathfinder 2 Playtest Rulebook! I'm really enjoying reading the rulebook and playing some short adventures and campaigns. I think Pathfinder 2 will be a game I'll like a lot: it could be my go-to-game when it comes to average-crunchy fantasy rpg.
I'd really like that, maybe in future supplements, Paizo designers developed low - to - non magical classes like: the Noble, Non magical Healers, the Savant, the Cloistered Cleric, maybe even a sort of Commoner option, kind of 0 level character, so to speak, or the possibility to create heroes who are kids!
I know it could be quite difficult, because each class now needs a lot of choices, options and feats, but I really like having the possibility to recreate atmospheres and flavours like those read in the Song of Ice and Fire Saga, for instance.
Just my wishes, thanks Paizo...
P.S. I'd also like to have tons of new ancestries, particularly Orcs, Pixies, Minotaurs, Dark Elves (are they the cave elves of the playtest?), Nymphs and Feys, but I know that this is probably more in line with the line of products of Pathfinder we are going to see in the future...
Hi everybody, if I'm not wrong, as per the last version of Updates, the DC of Treating Wounds is based on the Target Level. I'm not entirely ok with this, since I can't really figure out why a patient should be more difficult to treat or heal the more expert she or he is. I don't have an alternate fix, though: what do you think? Happy life and happy gaming to everyone, and keep up the good work, Paizo: overall, I'm really satisfied with the direction and the underlying philosophy of PF2!
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In my opinion, I'd like they were trained with shields, otherwise it seems to me that the system enforces players too much to play specific types of characters (barbarians with greatswords or great axes, and rangers who wield almost exclusively either two weapons or ranged weapons). What do you think?
Many thanks and happy life!
Pretty much what the subject says: up to now, I've only found the Parry feature of some weapons; what am I missing?
Many thanks, Happy Life and Happy Gaming!
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Stamina, Healing Surges, Hit Dice, whatever you prefer, but please, could you introduce a mundane healing resource or system in PF2?
When I saw them for the first time, in D&D 4th ed, I hated Healing Surges, but then, after having seen them in play, and after having actually played the game, I love them.
Many modern games, even not D20, and even some OSR D20 game, have now something similar, and I like this thing a lot!
Really, their absence could be one of the (very few) things that could prevent my group and me from coming back to Pathfinder, unless we house ruled them and introduced them in the system in some way. But we'd really like seeing them in the "official"core game, even as an optional rule.
For my group and me, a party should never be "forced" to have a healer among its members, nor a player should be "obliged"to play a cleric, and a healing one, to make the party overcome the 15 min adventuring day problem. This. Many thanks again, and keep up the good work!
Blave wrote: The attack following Power Attack is made at -10.
Multiple Attack Penalty (I'm going to call this MAP from here on) is 0 on your first attack, -5 on your second and -10 on the third and all additional attacks (gained from haste or whatever).
Power Attack is your first attack and suffers no penalty, but it counts as two attacks for the MAP. this basically skips the -5 penalty and goes right to -10 for your next attack(s).
Pramxnim wrote: If one attack hits, you deal the dmg for that hit. If both hit, you combine the damage for purposes of overcoming DR.
E.g. You Double Slice a golem with Resistance 5 Physical (hypothetical enemy)
Situation 1: You hit with 1 attack, miss with the second and deal 17 dmg. 5 of it is resisted, so the golem takes a total of 12 damage.
Situation 2: You hit with both attacks, the first one dealing 17 dmg, and the 2nd one dealing 15 dmg. The combined total is 32 dmg, and the golem resists 5, so it takes 27 damage total.
Many many thanks Again!
Hi everybody, and happy summer!
What does "This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty", about the Power Attack Fighter Class Feat? Does it mean that if you use Power Attack as your first action it is made at 0, and then if you Strike as your third action (since PA counts as two attacks) that Strike is at -10? Or does it mean that even if you use PA as your fist action, it is made at -5?
Many thanks!
Pramxnim wrote: If you use Double Slice as your first attack in a round, both attacks are made at +0 (or -2 on the 2nd attack if not attacking with an agile weapon). The MAP doesn't apply until after your 2 attacks.
If you Double Slice then Strike, the MAP will be 0/0/-10.
If you Strike then Double Slice, the MAP will be 0/-5/-5.
Mathematically though, it is always better to start with Double Slice, since it will yield the most expected damage.
Many thanks, and What happens if only one of the attacks hits? Do both of them have to be successful in order to deal any damage?
Hi everybody,
what does mean that both attacks are made at the current level of multiattack penalty? Does it mean that if the first attack is the first attack in that round for the character, then it is made at 0, and the second is made at -5, or that both are made at -5, or at -10 if they are respectively the second and the third attack in that round?
What happens if only one of the attacks hits? Do both of them have to be successful in order to deal any damage?
Many thanks
Hi everybody,
do you have to meet the Prerequisites to get the Background SKill Feats at 1st level?
I mean, I'm creating a Human Paladin with the Noble Background.
I get the Courtly Graces Background Skill Feat: do I have to take Society as a Trained Skill in order to actually get this Background Skill Feat or is it simply granted by the Background?
Many thanks!
Hi, everybody,
in another Fantasy RPG, I created and played for quite a long time a half elf/ half orc ranger-type character: I really wish I could do the same in Pathfinder 2. I'd relly like, maybe even using feats, that in PF2 you could mix ancestries besides the "usual" half elf and half orc.
Thanks again!
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Hi everybody, as I've already mentioned in another post, I'd really like that all character classes could raise, perhaps taking a feat, their Unarmored Defense proficiency rank, in order to be able to create characters lightly armored and still effective, a la Conan, or similar to a swashbuckler (which I suspect might become an Archetype Class Feat). Many Thanks and Happy Summer!
Hi everybody,
I'd really like the Playtest and the philosophy it seems to me it's trying to follow, with all these feats.
I'd like Pathfinder 2 were a kind of Toolbox, or toolkit, to create exactly the characters you want to play (broadening the concepts ingrained in each of the classes), or the worlds you want to set your adventures in, even some without magic (I'd really like it!). For these reason, I like the emphasis on combining feats, I just think some of them should be more balanced, and others simply open to all classes.
For example, I'd like a feat which allowed to all characters to improve their Unarmored Defense, so to create characters who might want to go lightly armored, as Conan in many pulp-ish stories.
Anyway, great job and go on this way, Paizo!
Many thanks!
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Yes, please, give the Ranger a first level bow related feat! Make the lightly armored, stealthy archer concept possible right from the very start of an adventurer's career!
Many thanks!
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Hi everybody,
I know many many people don't like and don't want them, but I would like that, even as an optional rule, PF2 had some form of non magical healing resource, as in D&D 4th and 5th edition (Healing Surges and Hit Dice).
I know that they are not ... very popular... among the vast majority of players, but I'd really like them as an option, and I would like tell this to Paizo game designers: happy summer and, for my, great job with the Playtest Rulebook!
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Hi everybody, I've just downloaded the playtest book and start skimming through it and, man, I love it!!!! Please, I'm in love with this game! It hits exactly the sweet spot for me between crunchiness, character customization and playability!
I started with D&D Red Box, in the eighties, played all the editions, switched from 4th edition to Pathfinder 1, left Pathfinder 1 because it had become too complex for me to run, but now, if the Second Edition will be like this conceptually, I'm going back to Pathfinder, immediately.
I particularly like the Proficiency Tiers System, which allows to increase even your AC: love it!
Personally I'd like there was, even as an optional rule, some form of "non magical healing" resource avalaible, as in 4th Edition or 5th Edition, but this isn't a big issue.
I think, just a personal opinion, it's at the same time a very immersive and at the same time a very playable game; besides I'm astonished by the sheer amount and the quality of content in the Playtest Rulebook and in the Bestiary!
Great job, Paizo, at least for me: I wish you kept this direction!