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Former D&D DM thinks this was overpowered


I am very new to Pathfinder and Pathfinder Society so I am not an expert on this. However as a DM for many many many years I was shocked when we got to the final encounter. Luckily no one died but this was literally only due to luck and a wide selection of character types. What really bothered me was that the entire adventure seemed to be weak up until the last encounter - it was not quite a cake walk prior to the final encounter but it was not a major challenge. Perhaps that's intended - lull the characters into a false sense of ease and then hammer them? Teach players to be careful with their resources so they have enough when they need them? Hard to say. Overall I found it a frustrating experience despite a number of lucky rolls and my success in a supporting role. This would not have been a success without every member of our party of 5 (1st level characters). In that respect it was nice.

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My first Pathfinder Adventure


This was my first Pathfinder adventure and my first Pathfinder Society experience. I agree with this review http://paizo.com/people/pathar/reviews.
The person writing this has more insight into the workings of Pathfinder Society Events but in the two that I have been in I have clearly seen that there is a randomness in the mix of players, characters, and styles which makes an adventure that requires "ALL" characters to make specific types of rolls seems to put the entire party in a position where they are painted into a box that they may not be able to escape. Our party was lucky in that we compared notes and verified that we had only two possibilities based on the skills that the checks needed - the other choices involved skills that we could not attempt untrained! Since I have not played part two - I'm not sure how successful we were and what the impact will be - but I will say it was a difficult scenario mainly due to the lack of skills. BTW - we played this at 1st level.