
Game Master HarbinNick

Pbp set in the world of Mir
1st level, 20 point buy, APG,UM,UC allowed, standard gold, 1 racial trait 1 campaign trait

-Campaign Guide to Mir


Mir is a fasnty setting. The land of Mir is bordered on the east and west by Mountain ranges. To the north lies the Great Sea, to the South lies an impassable swamp.In Mir there are Humans, Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves. The Humans live in the river valley between the East and West Mountains. The Dwarves live in the mountains, and the Orcs lives in the North East, in an area called the Orc Holds.


Cheloveki are the most numerous race in Mir。 There origins are unclear,but it is agreed that thousands of years ago they migrated to the land。 The Cheloveki are a tall race, men being around 185cm on average。The language of the Cheloveki is called Yazik。 It is written in a script of its own。They are fond of drinking, and are credited with the invention of distillation。They are not skilled at smithing nor are they good merchants。 They seldom study magic, and have little aptitude for it。
The Cheloveki display great variety, and their culture is very free。 Anybody can do largely what he pleases。 That said there are three social levels in society。 The lowest,the serfs, are peasant farmers who belong to the land。They make up the majority of the rural population。 The next level, the svodboi,or free men, are the merchants and craftsmen of the town。 Career military types are also included in this class。 The next level is the boyari, they are the hereditary nobility and own the land, or serve as the mayor of a city。 The boyari elect one of their number to serve as the tsar, who rules from Tsargrad。 Tsar is not a hereditary position,and the Boyars have the real power,but some Tsars have greatly changed the land。
Cheloveki are worshippers of Dazhbog, Mafya, and Krasota。 They fear the dark triad, and those who engage in their worship will be punished。There is no tradition of druidism among the Cheloveki。 Most magic users are Clerics。


The Rajul are the descendents of the lost empire of Ak-Bal。 They are minority people who live among the Cheloveki while holding on to their own culture and traditions。 Many wander from city to city, and make a living as thieves and peddlers。They have a long and proud magical tradition, and are particularly gifted at sorcery。They are shorter then the Cheloveki, averaging only 160cm for a man。 They have black hair, and red eyes。Their language is called A`qa, and is written in the old flowing script of Ak-Bal。
The Rajul are better smiths and merchants then the Cheloveki and some have settled in the cities。 Rajul usually live in their own section of the city,as there is tension with their neighbors。
Since the Rajul practice the worship of Akim, they are widely feared and hated by the Cheloveki。That said, most of them only give the Evil One lip service, as his rituals are too horrible to be performed。
Many Rajul serve as spies for the Boyars。This gives them a unique position of power,and some Rajul are believed to even blackmail the Boyars into subservient positions。


The Kett are the original inhabitants of Mir。Yet their culture is the most primitive。 They have no written language, and speak Sylvan。They average about 170cm, and have red or brown hair。The males can not grow facial hair。They decorate their bodies with spiral or circular tattoos,and wear war paint。
They practice Druidism,and live in small clans。Their society is led by druids,who are always male,and sorcerers who are always female。
The Kett have no ability to work with metal,and have only the simplest agriculture。They often live in tents and simple wooden huts。 The Kett have been nearly exterminated by their neighbors and are found in the wildest and most inaccessible places of Mir。
They Kett are the finest woodsmen, hunters, and trackers in Mir。Some make a living serving as guides,or trappers。Yet as a whole there culture is xenophobic.


The Moon Elves
The Moon Elves are the descendents of the ancient High Elf civilization。They have lost much of their former knowledge,yet are still the greatest magic users in Mir。They live among men in the cities,and often work as teachers, court mages,or sellers of magical goods。They worship the Gods under their Elvin aspects。Unlike the Rajul,which are feared, most people respect the Moon Elves。
Moon Elf women are considered very beautiful to the men of Mir。They are very graceful,and many are skilled musicians and artists。
The city of Morning Star is a Moon Elf city。The ruler of Morning Star is the only non-human to have the rank of Boyar。Elves and humans live side by side with little tension.


The Dwarves are a strange race。They were created by the god Zhur to serve as smiths and craftsmen。They feel more at home underground,and live in settlements built below the earth。They are the best craftsmen in Mir,and invented metal working and masonry。They are a serious race and not giving to levity。They are fond of drink,which the Cheloveki supply them in great quantities。They have their own language, and write in a runic alphabet
The Dwarves do not practice arcane magic,but have many clerics。They have an enormous code of laws,which can be complicated or even impossible for a non-dwarf to understand。They have a partiluar hatred for the Dark Elves,who once had enslaved the Dwarfs before the age of man。


The Orcs are the creation of Battus。They are a primeval race, valuing skill at arms above all else。 Orcs live in clans,and the clans often battle each other。Orcs love war,and make suberb fighters。Orc smiths create massive weapons and vicious crossbows,all designed to take advantage of the strength of the Orcs。
Some Orcs serve as mercenaries in human lands。Such orcs are mistrusted,but respected for their ability to kill。
Orc society is ruled by the strongest。Yet,the wise woman,an old female orc,sees to it that the laws of orc society are followed。Orcs despise trickery and cunning, and their word is their bond。Orcs never surrender,always fight to the death,and are rather hard to reason with。
Orcs can be found in the northeast of Mir。The region is called the Orc Holds.

3.History and Ancient Empires
History of Mir
The High Elves-
The first great Empire,that of the high elves,was almost from the beginning of time。The elves skill at magic was legendary,and today many magical artifacts and places of power date from this empire。The high elves fought the great dragons using magic,and ruled the world。After this time they became obsessed with the practice of Magic,and the empire began a decline。The high elves were oblivious to the threat posed by their rival, man。

The Ak-Bal
The Ak-Bal,who were living as nomads,and were considered no threat to the High Elf Empire, discovered that magic could be used by man。They were taught by the god, Akim,who would later prove to be one of the 3 evil gods,called the Dark Triad。With the new power,the Ak-Bal defeated the High Elves,and enslaved them。The Ak-Bal built many monuments to the Dark Triad,and the strength of the Dark Triad was great。It was at this time Battus created the Orcs to serve as soldiers in the war against the elves。The Ak-Bal empire fell into chaos when the last emperor of the Ak-Ba, Abdin Hamza was killed in single combat by the Orc Hero Zogtar。Zogtar felt the human empire was weak and decadent。The orcs sacked the empire,and carried off much wealth。

The Wild Elves
The Wild Elves were those elves who fled the empire‘s last days and lived in the forests。They taught the Ketts how to use magic,and the use of the bow and arrow。Many Wild Elf holy places are still protected by the Ketts。

The Giants
The Giants were a tall race 4m high,who fought both the Dragons and the Elves in the time before man。They did not create cities,but some of the highest peaks of Mir,bear strange runic carvings made by giant hands。

The Dragons
Though Dragons still exist,the great dragons are all long dead。Great dragons were creatures of unbelievable power and size, equal to entire armies in power。The great dragons created a race of lizard men to serve them,and create monuments to them。Such ancient dragon temples still exist in the hidden places of the world,and the lizard men still guard them。Some lesser dragons dream of a new age of dragons,and will study these old dragon lairs and temples。

?BCE The Creation of Mir
8,000BCE Creation of the Elves,Dragons,and Giants
7,000-8,000BCE the Dragon Wars。Elves fight against Dragons。Giants fight everyone,go extinct。
6,500BCE the creation of the high elf empire
6,000BCE the creation of man and dwarves
5,000BCE the creation of Orcs。Orcs and Ak-Bal fight the elf empire
4,990BCE the defeat of the High Elf Empire。Elves are enslaved or flee。Ak-Bal Empire rules 900 years
4090BCE Orc Hero Zogtar kills Abdin Hamza,Orcs sack Ak-Bal Empire
4090-3000BCE The years of strife,no clear leader。Orc clans fight each other。
Circa 2500 BCE Cheloveki migrate to Mir
2000BCE 2nd Dragon Wars,lesser dragons declare war on man and elf。Races unite to fight Dragons。
1900BCE Boyar Alexi Alexandervitch slays dragon leader,elected 1st tsar。Beginning of Cheloveki dominance in Mir。
1500BCE Wood Elf Civilization extinct。
1000BCE Morning Star War。Ruler of Morning Star promoted to boyar
750BCE Dark Elves begin attacks on Dwarven holds。
550BCE Orc Civilization reunited by Zuk the Mad。Creates 5 clans。Starts attacks on Cheloveki Kingdom
500BCE Campaigns against the Kett。Kett retreat to the forests。
300BCE Princess Dragomirova elected Tsarina。Starts the College of Tsargrad
100BCE Orc clan Broken Shield destroyed by Orc clan Bloody Ax。Bloody axe Clan led by Kaz the Insane。 Kaz the Insane declares independence form Orc Clans
50BCE Kaz the Insane passes crown to his daughter Tessa the Half Blood
10BCE Dmitri the Lame elected Tsar。
Present Day

3.5 Politics in Mir

Politics in Mir

The Cheloveki hereditary nobility is known as the boyari, a lord is known as a boyarin. The Boyarin meet and elect one of their number to rule as Tsar, in the capital city of Tsargrad. The Tsar is anointed by the priests of Dazhbog in a ceremony stretching back more than a thousand years. Although several tsars have been elected from the same family, the monarchy is not hereditary.
The boyar is responsible for raising armies in case of war. At times various noble families have attacked and seized the lands of other families. Outright civil war is rare. Marriage and business serve to keep the boyari mostly on speaking terms with each other.
The Current Tsar is Dmitri the First, or Dmitri the Lame. Under his rule relations and trade with the Dwarves has improved.

The Dwarves mountain fortresses are ruled by hereditary kings and queens. Each fortress has its own ruler. Dwarves have seldom gone to war with each other. Generally speaking Dwarven life is remarlaby apolitical, with the focus being on crafting and business rivalries. Two Dwarven families may try to corner a lucrative market, or defend a trade secret. Generally speaking the complex legal code of the Dwarves has created an orderly, almost perfect society. The weakness is that the Dwarves have been slow to defend their trade routes, and the attacks by dark elves have taken them largely by surprise.

Elves are simply too few in number to be in politics. The elf dominated city of Morning Star traditionally has an Elf for mayor. Yet his single vote is largely ceremonial. Elves prefer to concentrate on their magical studies, and historical research. Many elves are drawn to secret cults of magic or necromancy. Other have attempted to summon dragons. Many of the most terrifying villains in the history of Mir have been elves, but most elves are law abiding upright citizins of the ream

Kett politics are non-existent. They are ruled by their druid priest kings and the idea of social mobility is foreign to their primitive ways. At times Kett will feud with another Kett tribe, but in such cases a gathering of druids will be called. A consensus will usually be reached. Should a Druid betray his fellow druids he is offered as a sacrifice to the Horned One, an destructive aspect of mother nature.

Orc Clans have their own unique structure
orc clans:

Orcs live in holds. A hold is a settlement with watch towers and a palisade or even a stone wall. A small hold will be 50 orcs. The largest hold can be 1000. A hold has a temple or shrine, depending on size, and a smith. It’s ruler depends on which of the clans the hold belongs to. 75%of the Orcs in a hold will be capable of fighting. The rest are children and other non-combatants.
There are 4 orc clans today. The fifth clan the broken shield clan was destroyed and absorbed by the Bloody Ax clan. The clans are Clan Cracked Hammer, Clan Yellow Dog, the Bear Claw Clan, and Clan Bloody Ax. The 3 clans, Cracked Hammer, Yellow Dog, and Bear Claw have an alliance. Clan Bloody Ax is independent.
Clan Cracked Hammer LN is the most powerful and largest of the Clans. It has the most skilled Smiths. In fact in the Clan the worship of Zhir is almost as common as the worship of Battus. Clan Cracked Hammer is the most civilized and least warlike of the clans, with many orcs making a living in mining, and farming. The various clan holds rule for the clan by consensus. There is no clear leader. There is a tradition of smith clerics among clan Cracked Hammer.
Clan Yellow Dog NE is the smallest clan. The clan leads an almost feral existence, mostly by raiding, hunting, and hiring themselves out as mercenaries. They have no clan holds, and are nomadic. The clan leaders are druids, unlike the other clans. Clan Yellow Dog is feared for the skill and stealth of their woodsmen and trackers. They have been fighting with the Kett for centuries. There is much bad blood between them.
Clan Bear Claw LE is the most traditional of the clans. They live in strict military faction. Worship of Battus is central to their lives. Women have no status in Clan Bear Claw, and are treated as property. A good warrior will be rewarded with many women by the chief. The exception to this rule is the clans will have a single female shaman. She is always a cleric of battus, and must defeat any female who challenges her to the title. Clan Bear Claw makes their living through subsistence agriculture and mercenary work. They trade for weapons with Clan Cracked Hammer. They also wage war against Clan Bloody ax at any opportunity.
Clan Bloody Ax NE is the only clan to practice arcane magic and necromancy. The Bloody Ax clan is currently ruled by Tessa Half Blood, a powerful half-orc necromancer. She inherited the title of chieftain from her father, Kaz the Insane. Within the clan holds, arcane magic users hold the real power, and it is the only clan where women and men have equal opportunities. Rajul and Elves are welcomed in Bloody Ax holds, but Cheloveki and Dwarves are disliked. Clan Bloody axe also raids the other three clans for supplies, slaves, and weapons. The other clans consider clan Bloody Ax heretical, and a disgrace to Orc tradition.

4.Religon in Mir

The 9 gods are the gods of Mir。Each god may have many aspects。 Certain gods are worshipped more by certain races than others。Other gods are worshipped by certain professions。

Dazhbog is the LG god of man。 He is a sun god,and the ruler of the gods。His domains are Good,Law,Sun and Glory。 He appears as a saintly old man with a white beard。He is worshipped by the elves under the name of Anor Thalion and looks like an elf mage。In this aspect his domains are Good Sun Magic and Glory。He hates liars,evil,and the undead。His warmth causes crops to grow。

Marfya Is the NG goddess of man。 She appears as a kind motherly figure。Her domains are Community,Good,Healing and Protection。She is worshipped as the elf mother Amarwen。In this aspect she appears as a Elvin woman with a child in arms。The Dwarves worship her as Marza and she appears as a Dwarf Matron。

Krasota is the CG goddess of beauty。 She appears as an attractive maiden。Her domains are Good Darkness Charm and Trickery。She is a good natured prankster and the moon is her sign。She is known to the elves as the moon maiden Ithilelthiel。The dwarves worship her as Katza and she appears as a saucy dwarf maid with golden braids。To the Dwarves her domains are Good Earth Charm and Trickery

Zhur is the LN creator of the Dwarves。 He is worshipped by smiths human and elvish。He is the main god of the dwarves。His sign is the anvil and hammer。His domains are Artifice,Community,Law,Earth and Rune。

Lleywin is the elvish god of nature。He is true neutral as is nature。His domains are animal plant and nature。 He is worshiped by druids。The humans call him Mother Nature or the Green Man。 His names are many, and he appears as a great tree, a stag, a bear, a beautiful nymph, or a dryad。He changes his gender and appearance depending on his viewers。

Luck or Ios is a strange CN god。He seems to care little for anything,always fickle always changing。His domains are charm chaos trickery travel,and luck。 He is never still,always moving。His worshippers are gamblers, thieves, and diviners。

The following gods are the dark triad。Battus is well respected but Akim and Iqbal have few sane worshippers。

Battus is the LE god of war and carnage。He values skill at arms and strength above all。He desires perpetual war。Though an evil God he is honest。He created the orcs to serve him and to fight the other races so there will always be war。He appears as a tall soldier in black armor and carries a great sword。He is worshipped by orcs,smiths,soldiers,and mercenaries。His domains are Evil Law Strength War and Destruction。

Akim is the NE god of death and magic。 He (or she)cares only for the knowledge of magic and the power of the soul。He gave magic to man,but only to torture him with it。He hates Battus and the two plot against each other constantly。He offers eternal life in undeath,and is worshipped by evil mages and necromancers。Many Rajul still offer him prayers,but he is not to be trusted。
His domains are Evil Death Knowledge and Magic。 He appears as a lich,or a beautiful vampire。

Iqbal is the CE goddess of Maddness。She is worshipped by the insane,the sadistic,evil monsters,and the Dark Elves。The Dark elves worship her under the aspect of the Dark Moon Goddess。Her only aim is to spread suffering and terror throughout the world。She appears as a dark shadow。

5. Languages of Mir
Languages of Mir:

Languages of Men

A'qa: The language of the Ak-Bal is still used by some Rajul communities. It sounds unlike Cheloveki. It is written in a long cursive script, and is read right to left. The word ‘the’ in Ak-Bal is ‘al’.

Sylvan: A language spoken by ancient forest creatures and the Kett. The dialect of Sylvan spoken by the Kett uses many Elvish words. It is not written

Cheloveki or Yazik is the language spoken by Cheloveki. It has many consontat clusters and a complicated grammar. It is the common speech of Mir used by businessmen and travelers.

Staraya Boyari is an archaic form of Cheloveki. It is not intelligible to modern reader

Languages of old

Draconic: The oldrest known language, spoken by dragons, and used by many mages.

Giant: Extinct, this was the language of giants. It is carved on some giant ruins. Bears a similarity to Dwarve Runic Script

High Elf is an extinct language. It is found written in ancient elf ruins, dating from the first civilization. It does not use an alphabet but a series of non-phonetic glyphs

Evil Speech, Dark Speech, Black Speech, Chorni Yazik, are all names for the language of hell and the Dark Triad. Religious works and evil clerics as well as Demons use this speech. This language is written in characters not an alphabet. Many inscriptions in the old Ak-Bal empire are in this language.

Languages of the other races

Druidic: This secret language was once used by Wood Elves. It is a mixture of Sylvan and Elvish. It is written in a pictographic form.

Orc: Orc is a strange language, sounding similar to Dwarvish. It has no writing of its own, being usually written in Dwarf Runic Script, but also in the Black Speech. Famous Orc Words are ‘Vark’ meaning to fight, to kill or to die, and ‘Akh’ meaning I. Most Orcs are illiteratre. Orc Grammar is famously simple. It has no verb conjugations. Most Orc shamans use Dark Speech for their more complex utterances.

Dwarven is the language of Dwarves. It is written in a Runic Script. Dwarf sounds like a softer version of orc. /kh/ and /z/ sounds feature prominently in the language. The runes are all angular making them easy to carve into rock.

Elvish: The language of the elves. Many /l/ and /w/ sounds. Considered very beautiful and flowing. Used by elves. The writing is well known.

Various other languages exist, such as the language of elementals, and the language of intelligent monsters. Yet few of these have written forms. In addition cults often have their own coded or secret means of writings.

6. Classes in Mir

Classes in Mir:

Classes in Mir

Barbarians: Barbarians are found among the Kett, and the Orcs. The Orcs generally call Barbarians Berserkers. The Dwarves also have a tradition of Battle Ragers, or slayers, depending on the translation one prefers. Barbarains are rare among the Cheloveki. Elves shun the tradition

Bards: Bards are common in Mir. They can be found among all the races. The Rajul have a long tradition as entertainers.

Clerics: Clerics are common except among the Kett, who follow a Druidic tradition. Clerics of the Dark Triad are rare, except among the Orc Tribes. Dwarf Clerics are usually smiths as well.

Fighter: Fighters are common especially among the Orcs and Dwarven nations. Elf fighters are rare.

Monk: Monks are rare in Mir. Some Dwarves and some elves are drawn to the practice of martial arts. The ancient Ak-Bal had a monastic tradition but it died out.

Paladin: Cheloveki Paladin’s of Dazhbog are a common sight. Tsar Dimitri the Lame is a Paladin of Dazhbog. There are also Paladin orders of the Dwarf God Zhur.

Rangers: Most Kett warriors are rangers. There are Dwarf Rangers known as cavers. Many Cheloveki in the remotest areas maybe rangers.

Rogue: The Rajul have a reputation for all being thieves. It isn’t entirely true.

Sorcerer: The Rajul have magic in their blood. Some Kett are known to be Sorcerers, especially of the fey bloodline. Elves also have a tradition.

Wizard: Wizards are usually elves. Some humans have been taught magic by Elves.

Other Classes

Alchemist: Alchemists are rare in Mir. It is mostly a lost art.

Cavalier: Many Cheloveki Boyari have armies of knights. Cavaliers are common in Mir, among the nobility.

Inquisitor: Few of the temples in Mir have Inquisitors. A handful of professional monster hunters do exist.

Oracle: Oracles are rare in Mir. Oracles are recorded among all the races. They are mistrusted, but feared and respected at the same time. Oddly, some orc tribes have oracles serving as shamans.

Summoner: Summoners are poorly understood, and rare in Mir. The tradition is seen as another ancient lost magic, such as that of alchemy.

Witch: Witches are common in Mir. Among humans, many Rajul have become witches. The Kett and Orcs also practice witchcraft. Dwarf and Elf witches are rare, almost unheard of. Witch burning is a popular pastime in more remote areas of Mir.

7. Character Creation
7.1 Racial Ability Scores
racial ability scores:

Cheloveki Racial traits
+2 to an ability of your choice. Cheloveki are a varied race
Obsessive: Cheloveki receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.

Rajul Racial traits

+2 Charisma +2 Intelligence -2 Strength Rajul are smaller and weaker on average than other humans, yet have powerful magical tendencies

Kett Racial traits

+2 Dexterity +2 Wisdom -2 Intelligence The Kett are skilled in their natural environments yet have trouble learning to do new things.
+1 to attack roles made with bows The Kett are the most skilled archers in all of Mir, keeping alive the skills they learned from the Wood Elves.

All humans (Cheloveki, Rajul and Kett) receive the bonus feat and skilled traits.

Moon Elves

Moon Elf Racial Traits
+2Inteligence +2 Charisma -2 Constitution The elves are beautiful and intelligent but frail compared to man.

Hatred: Elves receive a +1 bonus on attack roles against Dragons.This is instead of Orcs.

All other elf racial traits apply


Stone Soul: A Dwarf can never become undead. Any effect or spell that would create a dwarf instead kills the dwarf. A dwarf can be returned to life normally, but any attempts to create Dwarf zombies, vampires, or wight fails.

Craftsman: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to ALL craft checks, not only to those relating to stone.

All other Dwarf traits apply.

+2 Strength +2Consitution -2 Charisma The physical prowess of an orc is legendary. Its mind is not.
Darkvision: Orcs have 60 feet of darkvision
Intimidating: Orcs receive +2 on intimidate checks as benefits their reputation
Tough as nails : All Orcs receive endurance as a bonus feat
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are proficient with any weapon that has the name ‘axe’ in its name.
Weapon Smith : Orcs receive a +2 to craft roles to make or repair any weapon.

7.2 Racial Traits
All characters receive 1 racial trait

racial trait:

Cheloveki Racial Bonus Traits

Svodboi: You are a free man, and have learnt a skill or profession to make your money. Add +1 to a profession of your choosing. This is always a class skill for you.

Serfborn:You were born a serf. You had a hard life and are used to pain and hunger. You receive +1 to fortitude saves against poisons and disease.

Boyarin: You are descended from the great nobility. You have received a fine education. You receive a +1 bonus to Diplomacy, Knowledge Nobility, and Ride checks.

Rajul Racial Traits

Thief: You stole and ran. Over and over again. You receive +1 to slight of hand and stealth checks.

Acoylyte of Akim: You are a true worshipper of Akim. You receive a +1 bonus to knowledge religion checks. This is always a class skill for you.

Entertainer: You are a dancer, musician, acrobat, or an actor. You receive +1 to disguise, bluff, and perform checks.

Kett Racial Traits

Archer of the Turtle : As a full round action you can make an attack with a bow while prone. Thus you receive a +4 bonus to AC against ranged attacks.

Owl Totem: The Owl is your spirit guide, and you benefit from his insight. You gain a +1 bonus to perception checks. This skill is always a class skill for you. You gain darkvision to 10 feet.

Hunter: You receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against animals. This does not stack with favored enemy of the ranger class.

Elf Racial Traits

Teacher: You have worked as a teacher. Gain +1 to a knowledge skill of your choice. This skill is always a class skill for you.

Mage Apprentice: You were apprenticed as a mage. You receive an additional cantrip per day.

Half-elf: You are descended from human elf mixed stock. You receive +1 to Diplomacy and +1 to Sense motive. It is easy for you to get along with others, and hard to deceive you.

Dwarf Racial Traits
Dwarf Merc: You are a sell sword. You gain +2 to initiative rolls due to the fast paced nature of your work.

Dwarf Merchant: You have been selling and buying goods for years, and are hard to trick. You gain +1 to sense motive checks and it is always a class skill for you.

Dwarf Cleric: You were pledged to the service of one of the Dwarf gods. As such you are strong in faith. You receive +1 to will saves against enchantments or mind control effects.

Orc Racial Traits
Shaman apprentice: You learned from the wise woman. You receive a +1 bonus to spellcraft. This is always a class skill for you.

Smith apprentice: You were trained by a master orc smith. You receive +1 to appraise and craft checks. Chose a craft and it is always a class skill for you

Orc Bodyguard:You served as a bodyguard to a human. You have learned to understand humans. You receive +1 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, or sense motive checks against humans.

7.3 Campaign Trait
All characters choose 1 of the campaign traits
campaign Traits:

Wild One: You spent your childhood in the countryside or the forest. You receive a +1 bonus to survival and handle animal checks. Survival is always a class skill for you.

City Child: You were born in a human city, or grew up in a dwarf mountain fortress. You are used to city life. You learned early people are not to be trusted. You receive a +1 bonus to sense motive and knowledge nobility checks. Sense motive is always a class skill for you.

Cloistered: You were raised as an orphan by the temple. You receive a +1 bonus to Knowledge religion and it is always a class skill for you.

Insane: Whether by tragedy or injury, your mind is dangerously unhinged, bodering on suicidal. You receive +4 on will saves against fear spells. People find your lack of self-preservation alarming.

Godless: You were raised, or your experiences made you lose faith in the gods. You are not so susceptible to divine power as your fellow men. You receive a +1 bonus to saves against all divine spells. You can not take this trait as a divine caster.

Mage hater: You have a fear and loathing of magic. You do an extra point of damage each time you attack and hit an arcane caster. If you score a critical hit, this damage is multiplied by your weapons critical modifier.

Criminal: You have a criminal past, and spent much time in prison. You receive a +1 bonus to escape artist checks and disable device checks. Disable device is always a class skill for you.

Charming: Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.

Terrifying: You have learned to strike feat into the hearts of enemies, giving you an extra second to take advantage. You gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks.

Haunted: Whether by curse of race, bad luck, or divine justice, you are haunted by the past. You receive a +1 bonus to fortitude saves, as your life experiences have made you stronger.

changes to skills:

Knowledge:planesis not a skill in the game. Only angels and demons are extra planar creatures. They are covered by religion checks.


cusine of Mir:

-We Cheloveki are a hardy race, and so like hearty fare. Large portions of bread, meat, and potatoes are our favorite. The best flavors are gotten by adding mushrooms, which many cheloveki are fond of hunting in the forest, especially in late fall. We dislike spicy food, and eat fresh fruit rarely. Vegetables are usually stewed, and are considered the food of serfs. That said, some serf vegetable stews are quite tasty, especially those made with wild vegetables
-Rajul do not have a cuisine, but they do have a spirit. Known as Green Light, Little Death, or a hundred other nicknames, this vile alcohol actually requires Fey Blood. It causes visions and boosts magical and perceptive powers. Heavy drinkers are said to go insane. I've had it twice, and it is both amazing, but expensive, and borders on illegal.
-Kett are skilled hunters, but oddly they prefer fish to other game. They seem to feel that killing an animal requires the entire animal to be used. For this reason they tend to prefer small game, rabbits are their favorite. At times they may kill a stag or bear, but only for a festival. They tend to flavor their food with nuts, berries, or even roots. Kett can and will live off the land for months at a time, even in the harshest conditions. The Kett have a rather horrible alcohol, which is made of, get ready for it, fish guts left to naturally ferment in a bottle which is buried. It is quite bad, and rather weak.
-Orcs prefer meat, but raw. They also grow rye and barley. The orc diet is almost entirely raw meat and flat bread. Orcs do not have a traditional alcohol. They greatly enjoy beer and vodka however.
-Elves are unusual in that they seem to take great pleasure in cooking. Elven dishes are difficult to prepare, and often involve obscene amounts of work. Fresh cream, fruit, and sauces feature heavily in their cooking. Today most elves eat what we eat, but a few elf chefs keep the elvish tradition alive. In addition to cuisine, the elves invented wine, and elvin wine is by far the best.
-Dwarves drink beer, in large amounts. Many experts say this is because the Dwarves are unable to drink water in the amounts the other races do. Dwarves are terribly fond of drinking, and import both wine and vodka from the cities of Mir. Dwarven food, is well, the worst. They eat a foul fungus which grows underground that tastes like rancid flour. They have no dairy products, and no fruits. It is a wonder how they live at all, to be honest. Rich dwarves have a taste for imported foods, and fruit makes up a large portion of any shipment to a dwarf hold.