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I used an eagle to scout :)

It would probably have to be either

Mirror Image: Super awesome defense card. Can stop multiple sources of damage in the same turn!

Wand of Enervation: 1d4+4 straight off any combat check! Super easy recharge value of 8 too.

Robe of Runes: 2 on the top of all Int checks, allows other items like the wand above. And the second ability to pick a spell in discard and put into hand for only a recharge was surprisingly useful when I came upon a troll with no fire/acid attacks.

Ezren solo is a lot of fun. The middle of the game gets a bit muddy (around adventure 3), but if you can pick up a few new spells/allies, he is really powerful. The best part of solo ezren is the Sihedron Medallion loots in 1,2,3 which give him great survivability. By Adventure 5 its not hard to have a stacked deck with 6-8 attacking spells, ways to look ahead in locations (ally/spell), multiple defensive options (mirror image/sihedron are the best), some of the most powerful boosting cards outside blessings (to make up for his lack of these!) i.e. wand of enervation, charmed red dragon, clockwork librarian.

One this is for sure with Ezren, sometimes the dice are against you, and no Blessings is a tough task, but if you stick him out I feel he is the most fun to play. (others are more powerful for sure)

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Illusionist
Skill Feats: Int+4
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, +2 to your check to recharge a card, evade monster to bottom of deck
Card Feats: Spells+2, Items+1
Weapons: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Enfeeble, 2xFrost Ray, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Mirror Image, 2x Scorching Ray, Scrying, Swipe
Items: Wand of Scorching Ray, Wand of Ennervation, 2xSihedron Medallion
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Shalelu Andosana, Poog of Zarongel

Solo Campaign

If you had looked in your subscriptions tab last week, it said something like: Payment Authorization: October 10th, Estimated Ship Date: October 18th. So yeah i think they just charge your payment method a week or so before shipping.

As Ezren there is very few times where I am not casting a spell in a combat check, so Mirror Image would only be usable against the random few monsters with pre-check damage. This is unacceptable, so Mirror Image likely also needs the exemption. Especially considering Mirror Image is only castable when the first source of monster damage is dealt.

Augury is one of my favorite cards for this exact reason, I almost always cast it asking for monsters so that i can strand the villain at the top of the deck, or if I know theres some necessary loot to find the bottom of the deck. Not only does it help find which deck the villain is in, but it can also help to avoid some of the nastiest normal monsters the game has to offer, (hello satyr/siren/buffed werewolf/warlord). You can even place the satyr on top knowing that Merisiel will just stroll over on her next turn and knock him out easily.

It also has other uses based on picking a different type of card:
Barrier: A tricky undefeated barrier still lurks, bottom deck it.
Blessing: Shrine to Lamashtu... that evil 6 dmg lurking in the deck (even more if you had to fight the villain elsewhere >.<), bottom deck them.
Spell:Bust out 4 explores in one go if Ezren is there, assuming he makes the paltry spell acquisition checks.

And tons more...!

On Pg. 11: "Use Characters' Powers (optional): Players may use any powers that apply to the check. Each power may be used no more than once per check. If a bane is immune to a particular trait, players may not use powers that would give that trait to the check."

Since the rules only specify the limitation on power use with regards to giving the trait to the check, the power will work versus Gogmurt. The "animal" trait is not transferred to her checks by the power.

h4ppy wrote:
Myriade wrote:
Thazar wrote:
The reality is that if there are two or three cards in a location deck it is very hard for the person shuffling the cards to know that the top card is not now on the top or bottom.
I've the under the table shuffling for two or three cards. My problems is I'm pretty good with the "pea under 3 sheels" game, so I have to force myself to think about something to fool myself and not be able to follow the cards.

If two people do the under the table shuffle one after the other then nobody will know where the card is (this is the recommended method in Resistance/Avalon where you're often shuffling 2 or 3 cards).

And, please, no lewd replies about "two people doing the under the table shuffle"!

If you're playing solitaire I find the best thing to do is to shuffle them out of sight, then spread the cards out on the table and 'mix them up' in a messy way (with your eyes closed if desired), then do another quick in-hand shuffle.

One thing to try if you are solitaire and shuffling a small number of cards, is to add say character cards which are not being used to the pile face up before shuffling. This adds more cards into the mix so that its harder to subconsciously keep track of where the real cards are. Then after shuffling take out the face up ones.