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Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

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I just received the order notification for the Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Battle Cards in the Pathfinder Accessories Subscription I have, but I think 46,29$ shipping costs is a bit too much for me to swallow, especially since I will also have to pay VAT when the product arrives in the EU.

Seeing as the subscription doesn't offer that many benefits over just buying the products locally, I would like to cancel my subscription. If it's somehow possible to also cancel the pending order (Order 36631334 ), that would be appreciated as well.

In addition to this question I was wondering if there are any solutions in the work for EU subscribers, since with the new VAT rules that now apply, it's become very expensive. I love Paizo and all the products that you release, but I feel like I'm paying more for the shipping than the products themselves and that sucks :(.



Order 13544920 contains all of my subscriptions for February.

Starfinder Adventure Path #25: The Chimera Mystery (The Threefold Conspiracy 1 of 6) has already shipped of the 13th and I have access to the PDF. I've been waiting for the rest of the items to ship because I'm really looking forward to reading the Gamemastery Guide and to have access to the Bestiary Cards, so I've been checking the Order Page regularly and yesterday I noticed the status switched to "Suspended / Pending".

It feels like something went wrong here? Can you please check on the status of this order?


I sent an email to 11 days ago when I noticed that the Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck was not in my upcoming subscription items but the Critical Fumble Deck was. I started this subscription with the Critical Hit Deck and was looking forward to using it in my games.

I followed up 1 day later when I got my order confirmation (Order 8129186), and it suddenly included all the accessories that were released BEFORE the Critical Hit Deck. I already own several of these and am not interested in the others. The Critical Hit Deck still wasn't part of that order and is still not showing up.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything back and the order with the invalid items has been stuck on "Pending" for the past 10 days. I understand that everything is a bit chaotic after the release of PF2, but I think 11 days without even an acknowledgment of receiving my email is a bit long :(.

In order to speed up the process, this is what needs to happen to fix my issue:

In Order 8129186 remove the following items:

- Pathfinder GM Screen
- Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack
- Pathfinder Combat Pad
- Pathfinder Condition Card Deck

And add the:

- Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck

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Will the Core Rulebook contain any guidelines to help convert the 10 years of Adventure Paths and Modules to the 2E ruleset, or will these be shared in another way (maybe a now GameMastery Guide???) after release?

I've been trying to convert the Price of Immortality trilogy to the Playtest rules, but I feel like I'm mostly guessing what all te numbers should be.