
tighra's page

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Hi everybody,thanks for the advice and comments,I appreciate it.Now just for clarity,my character choice is coming from nowhere but my imagination (if its been done before,news to me).I'm not looking to create a "special snowflake" just sounds like a fun roleplaying challenge.If any other player (singular) has a problem with this character then of course I will accomodate them,because this is a game based on teamwork,and the opportunity for this character may come up at another time (fingers crossed).I just want to have fun playing a new game,if I wanted controversy I'd be a politician.I only wanted advice from experienced pathfinder players because I am so new to the game. I welcome all opinions,just don't tell me i'm wrong for a character concept (if you disagree with my choice,say so,I can respect that),I will check with my GM as soon as I finish my characters back story,and I will incorporate some of these fine ideas into his backround.Thanks again,I do enjoy the input.

Claxon wrote:

I never said he couldn't do it bookrat. Merely expressing my opinion on the situation as a reason why it may not be allowed.

Slow ya roll man.

Which I appreciate,most of these comments are helping me present my argument for a non-evil Drow PC.Please keep it up with the comments.

Avoron wrote:

Hello again, tighra.

I agree with CraziFuzz that a half-drow could be a viable option for you. Half-elves can take the Drow-Blooded and Drow Magic alternate racial traits, and then the Half-Drow Paragon feat.

Could that work for your character, thematically and mechanically?

Hi Avoron,been a while,CraziFuzz and you have given me a probable answer to what I admit could be a problem for most GM's in allowing an "Evil" race being a PC (which admittedly makes more work for said GM)I hadn't seen the whole half-elf Drow blooded alternative before,definately food for thought.

Let me clarify, 1)playing a Monk appeals to me from a roleplaying point of view,I understand the majority of people dislike the monk from a mechanical point of view,but i'm not obsessive about max. damage I want an interesting character to PLAY.2)Drow seemed like a great racial choice because not everyone is doing it,and again it's a matter of roleplay(me vs. the prejudice of most Galorians).For better or worse I think this would be an interesting roleplay opportunity (no other agenda other than that).I also believe the interactions with other characters and their distrust for Drow will also make for some fun and interesting interactions within the group.like I said,roleplaying opportunities,not one shot kills.And let me take a moment to thank everybody for their input,please keep it coming,i'm interested in all intelligent points of view,especially since I am still very new to the game and have about a bajillion more questions that i'll save for the appropriate time

Some Other Guy wrote:
tighra wrote:
Backround:I'm thinking he was left to die,but saved by monks and raised as such.Does this seem somewhat viable for a PC?
Left the die where though? Drow live deep in the Darklands. 9999 out of 10000 Golarionites have never even heard of Drow, let alone seen one.

Good point,hadn't thought about that.Guess i'll have to give this some more thought.Thanks for the info.That sucks thought I could make this work.

Backround:I'm thinking he was left to die,but saved by monks and raised as such.Does this seem somewhat viable for a PC?

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I'm interested in playing a Drow Monk,but i'm not interested in playing an evil character,is Drow alignment set in stone or can I pick my alignment. This may be a dumb question,but i'm still new to PF so any help would be appreciated.Thanks.

F@$# pride,pride only hurts,it never helps.-M.Wallace

Nicos wrote:
tighra wrote:
I'm thinking about making a blind monk character, I was wondering if anyone could tell me of any feats and or skills other than blind-fight that might be useful for a blind monk. Sorry if this is a dumb question or it's been addressed elsewhere,but i'm a bit of a newb to Pathfinder and these message boards. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everybody.
Could you consider multiclassing with "clouded vision" oracle?

I had considered that but I was shooting for a book of Eli type without the weapons,seemed interesting.

Malag wrote:

This thread should be in advice section.


Try talking with your GM about giving you Blindsight or Blindsense instead of feat or something like that. This is the easiest way of creating such character. You can also try other builds, but nothing will work probably until mid levels and on early levels you will be crippled too much.

@Everyone else

Stop bickering and suggest something useful.

Your right,but like I said I'm pretty new to this.I'll pay better attention next time.

I'm thinking about making a blind monk character, I was wondering if anyone could tell me of any feats and or skills other than blind-fight that might be useful for a blind monk. Sorry if this is a dumb question or it's been addressed elsewhere,but i'm a bit of a newb to Pathfinder and these message boards. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everybody.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, I could not fill my Wrist Sheathes with Gold Coins?

Get a coin dispenser,clips right on your belt.

Bummer,seemed like a reasonable item to develop.Aw well,maybe another solution will present itself. I took a shot.

So why not craft a potion wrist sheath(get specific)or have one crafted for you. Shouldn't be to pricey,and could probably hold 2 or 3 potions. Problem solved,crafting skill put to use.

I'd love a copy pleaease.

Sorcerer (undead bloodline),and witch,(of the graveyard variety) don't know if it's PFS legal or not,but sure seems like it'd be fun. Oh yeah, make the Witch your base class.

Artoo wrote:

Ok being new to the game,and at the risk of sounding stupid,what do they mean?

How about each floor of the tower being a portal to a different plane,the completed amulet with all tears a gateway to hell.Plenty of variety for the party and yourself,lots of different encounters and treasures,great potential adventure path.The rest I leave up to you.Have fun!

RHMG Animator wrote:
tighra wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:
One Invite has been Claimed, other is still open

please please please

And the last one is claimed

thank you thank you thank you

RHMG Animator wrote:
One Invite has been Claimed, other is still open

please please please

Think Lord of the Rings,Sauron type big bad.Instead of orcs,goblins and uru-kai,replace them with undead whatever works for you. Big bad's minions grave robbing surrounding kingdoms. Kingdom of the undead being defended by Anti-Paladins could be fun,well,for you anyway,make your player's sweat a little (or a lot). As far as cult's go,somebody should supply Big Bad with bodies,abilities or other useful items just so they can have a taste of his power (plus not being overrun by zombie hordes) would be a bonus for most others of lesser abilities unable to stop the inevitable takeover by the undead of oh say the whole world. Lets hear it for the Heroe's. This is just off the top of my head,so let me know what you think. I may have to run something like this myself,now that I think about it.

Easy,Greyhawk and Thieves World