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Goblin Squad Member. * Pathfinder Society GM. 67 posts (1,609 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 43 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

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One Star not Infinite Stars


This is not really Pathfinder lite in space. Is it familiar? Yes. Does it have differences? Yes. See the other reviews for more on this.

Classes - this is my biggest complaint. All so constraining to what the authors of Starfinder want you to play. The trick attack can't be used with the sniper weapons? Just melee and small arms? Yet part of the class description says 'sniping'? Here is hoping that splat books brings a lot more 'official' specializations too.

Overall the classes just feel like they had a fresh coat of paint slapped on them after adjusting them somewhat to the new rules.