theveggiejerk's page
41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
galen1509 wrote: Hi! What is the discount if I own Beginner Box PDF? (now it shows me $5 discount) Thanks! It shows up as costing $10 for me
Brodda Rindoc wrote: mistamichal wrote: Ok, it's the 16th. Where can I buy it? I wants it! I wants it my precious! Where is it? Where? WHERE???? Yeah, patience is a highly overrated virtue in my experience. Especially for those of us further east, waiting for the Americans to wake up!!!! I'm here in these states and I was waiting last night when the first comment asked, took a 5 hour sleep and I'm STILL not seeing where I can buy it
I feel like most of my questions were answered with this thread but what would taking painful injections do in combination with these weapons?

claudekennilol wrote: Casual Viking wrote: James Risner wrote: Gisher wrote: I'm confused. That isn't the list of prerequisites that I'm seeing for Greater Grapple. Sorry, was thinking Dirty Trick and typed Grapple. Greater Dirty Trick is a feat "that requires those improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites".
Therefore, Dirty Fighting "counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites".
You still need to take Improved before you can take Greater, and you still need the BAB. Yeah, the wording is odd and the first time I read it I thought it meant that, too. But it's saying, this feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for Improved Combat Maneuver Feats AND this feat counts as having Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for feats that also have those Improved Combat Maneuver feats as prereqs.
Basically it will count as Int 13 and Combat Expertise for Felling Smash because Felling smash has Improved Trip as a prereq even though this feat is not your typical combat maneuver feat. But it will not count as Int 13 and Combat Expertise for Pack Flanking because it is not an improved combat maneuver feat and doesn't have an improved combat maneuver feat as a prereq.
I had plans to make a Dirty Trick fighter for PFS and the Maneuver Master errata dropped down my want to make it (still planned on it, though). This will be awesome for such a build--though I probably would have two levels of Lore Master in there for the bonus feats and free Combat Expertise so it may not come up. Sorry for reviving this thread but wouldn't you need Improved Trip before grabbing Felling Smash? If, yes then I think I get this, if no then why would someone be able to take felling smash with dirty fighting and not greater trip?
The spell uses butter as a material component, can you take a stick of butter and light it on fire (idk as I don't use the stuff) but in the name of science I would be glad to test this. If butter is flammable then I say why not let the grease spell be flammable? I mean yeah it adds a huge boon but what about the dastardly evildoer who foils the plan of that greased guy that doesn't want to be tied or grappled by lighting the rope or person on fire? There are huge ways for a DM to get creative with this. I think I'll do it in my campaign! I'm so not a stickler for the rules though I think if people on here saw I a ran a game, their heads will explode like OMG you can't do that!!
Abraham spalding wrote: Name Violation wrote: heirloom weapon the sword-staff to save a feat and get a +1 to hit Yeah just don't expect to take weapon focus, specialization or anything else that actually requires proficiency with the weapon type -- and don't lose that one, otherwise you are screwed. HA! This is how you quote!!! I plan on having my black blade be my swordstaff so there's a huge reason not to lose it there. Also I'm swapping dervish dance for EWP)
does anyone not qualify for black blades? If not then I guess I was right as viewing these like racial substitution levels. theoretically you could be all 3 archetypes but who wants to give up spellstrike and spell recall at the same time?
Ah I totally forgot about that! well I took the dervish dance feat in the playtest and my gm was going to let me swap it out. can't trade spells though. And on a completely different topic why do hexcrafters get black blades?
that movie was lame sauce but gambit is awesome
Awesome. The only conflicts I see deal with the weapon in general. Staff magi are only proficient with simple weapons (not a problem for me as I gotta take exotic weapon proficiency for the swordstaff anyway and I'm also a rogue) and the black blade has to be a 1 handed slashing weapon while the swordstaff can be a 1 handed, 2 handed or even double slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapon. I think quarterstaff master kinda takes care of that conflict hell I think quarterstaff master was made for making dragon age 2 magi
I am determined to make a dragon age 2 magus! ( well actually my gm is the one who proposed the idea and I got obsessed)
for the most part I have this nailed down but I'm confused about how archetypes work. Are they like the racial substitution levels like in 3.5 or is it once you pick one you're stuck?
I ask because I want to combine bladebound magus and staff magus I mean if a hexcrafter can get a black blade I don't see an issue
oh and he totally clonks the baddie with the staff end on the video
you can totally use spell combat as all double weapons can be used one handed. Just use it one handed on the rounds you want to use that ability. I decided to use the swordstaff stats that @stroval posted on another thread 1d8 (piercing or slashing)/1d6 bludgeoning with a short sword version for dex builds doing 1d6/1d6. I will test this weapon monday and post how it worked. I'm also seeing if my dm will allow these weapons to count as a masterwork quarterstaff so when Itake the craft staff feat and use wand wielder for my weapon making me able to use my weapon 2 handed and use spell combat. I did enhancements for each end and obviously did spell storing on both ends as I think all magi should use spell storing weapons
comp broke and I have a character limit on my ps3 bear with me
anywho exotic weapon proficiency allows you to use the blade end as a sword 1 size larger when wielding your swordstaff 2 handed
for the purpose of the craft staff, this counts as a masterwork staff if you paid for the bludgeoning end.
ok so thanks to @stral val and some personal add ons I now have the swordstaff weapon. I was plugging into my hafling twin magi when a bunch of questions came up:
1. I know that with double weapons you have to do each end seperately for enhancements but what about the poll ability (or in our campaign weapon bond) where you can enhance your weapons? I think @ level 5 on you should be able to divide enhancements
2. for spells with multiple touches ( chill and calcific touch for example) are both ends of the weapon considered to be holding the charge?
those are the main ones I think my other ones can be answered by these questions.
here are the stats for the swordstaffs
longsword version
martial/ exotic weapon (magi and EKs get free proficiency)
1d8 (piercing or slashing)/ 1d6 (bludgeoning) crit 20/x2
12 lbs 30gp
short sword version (short swordstaff?) for dex builds
1d6 (piercing or slashing) / 1d6 (bludgeoning) crit 19-20/x2
8lbs 25 gp
@stroVal wrote: Hawke's weapon in the trailers of DragonAge 2?
Totally a fantasy version of a swordstaff(They even propose it should be a mage/mage-warrior only weapon as I did*)
*=In the final version for my world
I love you! I saw the trailer played a demo and my dm and I have been researching for two days on making this work for my magus. I guess great minds think alike as my proposed stats were the same. would you allow a swordstaff to be counted as a quarterstaff for the purpose of the craft saff feat?
my dm and I are trying tirelessy to make this weapon work for the magus! I don't see it as too difficult or not working for the magus as the wand wielder arcana works on staves and all double weapons can be used one-handed so if you wanted to to use a spell for spell combat just use the staff one-handed as the guy in the video did.
I'm thinking something like fusing a longsword with a quarterstaff with each end doing that damage. factor in the magical properties of each end separately (like always) and voila magical swordstaff . It's an expensive weapon but it works. I was also thinking of doing the jedi thing and requiring characters to make their own weapons with the blade end being any light or one-handed piercing or slashing weapon. Require 2 weapon fighting fea and I think you got it. any ideas would be greatly appreciated t
I'm all about the intensified shocking grasp with the magical lineage trait! spell storing weapons are awesome for magi! last night we were in a battle and fooling around trying to out damage each other with only one attack. The cleric (maybe oracle we've hidden our abilities til recently) thought he was going to win with his harm spell. Then I bluff, do a sneak attack with spellstrike to let out 2 intensified shocking grasps (thanks to spell storing) doing 23d6 damage add a d8 and 10 STR we ended up in a tie @ 110 damage but I only used 2 1st level spells while cleric used his last 6th level spell. the halfling owns!!!
stupid character limits!!! ok where was I? ok so 5020gp is just ink! then you have to actually find said spells. If you go the scroll route then there's another 22750gp! If you're gaming in a world where magic/money is scarce or worse, you're screwed!

So I'm suffering from insomnia and was looking at the pathfinder ogc site and am wondering why a magus (or any book user for that matter) would go prestige? Here's what led me to this question:
Does a wizard (or other character that uses a spellbook), receive bonus spells to add to his spellbook when he gains a level in a prestige class that grants an increase to spellcasting?No. The increase to his spellcasting level does not grant any other benefits, except for spells per day, spells known (for spontaneous casters), and an increase to his overall caster level. He must spend time and gold to add new spells to his spellbook.?Jason Bulmahn (11/24/10)
So if I were to do the whole magus 10/EK10 build I keep seeing, I'd have 2 4th level spells in my bookthen I'd have to find and pay to put more spells in. I did some math and compared it to a 19th level magus who got spells for free. the cost to put the spells in your book is 5020gp (4 4th level spells, 6 5th level spells and 8 6th level spells)
Someone on thes boards should just make a staff magus like DA and post it so I can playtest it lol
Wow I love these forums! We had this problem last night. We did something similar and said that the sword was still charged, we didn't use spellstrike or combat for 6 round as both of those abilities have casting a spell in the action so we decided on just regular melee attacks.
why would casting a 6th level wizard spell not on your list be 9 point? maybe I'm interpreting the wording wrong but I've always thought you only halved the spells on your spell list so while acid fog will cost you 3 points a 6th level wizard spell not on your list would cost 6 points. nowhere in the text does it say additional points it just says "must expend a numberof points from arcane pool equal to the spell's level"
oh magus how I love thee
your sword swinging and spell throwing
makes bad guys history
big or small
I love them all
running through town
choppin fools down
they all laugh when I say I'll cut something off
cuz I'm a lil halfling
named Dimitri Rachmaninoff
clearly I am not a poet
sorry for the double post I have a character limit (comp broke using ps3). Anywho after killing the captain we were surrounded! I used spell combat and cast flaming sphere to start burning the ship. it was pretty epic as my character is a halfling with small dog syndrome so he threatens the crew, gets laughed at and BAM!!!
outside of combat I'm a skillmonkey so I'm still pretty useful . we kinda put the old weapon bond rules back, it just made sense. I hope that the class doesn't change too much hopefully there'll be some magus specific spells/feats/prestge classes (sneaky magus please?) but long story short, I'm lovin this guy
So I'm a pathfinder noob and a board noob but I gotta say I love it. Every question I have is always answered on here. The Magus is the first class I played an I love it.
my character is a rogue 2/magus 6 I haven't used spell combat much as my bab is only 5 and I have the improved feint feat so I'm constantly using my move actions. Next level I get 2 attacks so I might use it more but so far I've used it once and it saved my bacon ( more on that later)
In an attempt to show me more on the arcane pool, my dm had an army of dragon men and orcs ambush our base. I had no time to prepare spells so I had to rely on 8 pool points to get away and kill an enemy mage! intense.
later we had a ship battle where the enemy ship stayed a constant 500 ft away. I was the only person with a way over there as I have a hippogriff so I picked up our dwarf fighter allowed the wizard and cleric buff us. With feinting and spellstrike I was consistently matching the damage of the fighter sometimes beating him.
BobChuck wrote: theveggiejerk wrote: I may be wrong here but using wands don't provoke attacks of opportunity so why do a concentration check? I was going to make a wand/staff wielding magus for this fact alone. If I'm wrong then there's always the 5' step lol Necroposting is generally bad.
You are correct. Wands do not provoke AoO.
Also, after very carefully reading the current (beta playtest) Spell Combat rules, I can't find anything that prevents a Magus from full-rounding with a one-hander, 5' stepping, then casting a spell. Am I missing something? what's necroposting? is that like posting on an old thread? whoops! well at least I didn't start a new one to ask a question already answered
would this allow a magus to cast wizard spells higher than 6th level?
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote: 2d8+3 damage healed while full attacking for a -2 to all attacks and dependent on a concentration roll and UMD check? (AFAIK?)
Hardly broken, go ahead.
I may be wrong here but using wands don't provoke attacks of opportunity so why do a concentration check? I was going to make a wand/staff wielding magus for this fact alone. If I'm wrong then there's always the 5' step lol
I have the perfect solution! Make the Magus spontaneous and his spell list his spells known list like the warmage! Hooray
so with these it says a spell you know. Does that mean one prepared or any in your spellbook? I can see this being abused like yay I'll never run out of spells!!
thanks for the advice guys can you tell me where that feat is. Otherwise I wouldve taken weapon finesse a loong time ago! I think I'll keep improved feint as the spellstrike sneak attack combo sounds more my style and if I got the close range arcana, wouldn't I be mimicking spell combat? Idk and whatever happened to the feat that lets you feint as a swift action? I couldn't find that one either :-( if there were s feat for that I'd be able to feint and use my sneak attack with both spellstrike and spell combat right? And lastly senor sylvanite, I was soo already planning that thanks and also for clarifying my pool points
I forgot to mention skills!
acrobatics +11
bluff +11
climb +13
diplomacy +11
disable device +13
knowledge arcana +1(
perception +12
spellcraft +15
stealth +17
use magic device +11
I also have the magical knack and reactionary traits

Hi everyone! I'm new to pathfinder so I'm no optimizer but I played my first game as a magus and loved it. My dm recommended it as I loved my daggerspell mage in 3.5. I created this halfling magus who takes a dip in rogue for skills and sneak attack. Tell me what you think as I know it probably needs some improvements. I view the magus as a kind of mage slayer so I kinda want my little guy to be awesome at that plus being suave both in and out of combat so without further ado here he is:
Dimitri Rachmaninoff (yes, he's russian)
Halfling magus 5/rogue 1
Stats using the 4d6 old school method
str 14 (16-2)
dex 18 (15+2+1 level 4 bonus)
con 15
int 22 (18+4 headband)
wis 13
cha 15
HP 47 AC 20
fort 7 ref 8 will 6 bab 3
arcane pool 6 weapon bonus +2
weapon spell storing +1 longsword (though I might change that to an aldori dueling sword)
nicknamed Mr. Sparky (weapon bond)
combat expertise
improved feint
improved initiative
arcana- concentration
0- all
1- burning hands, mount, expeditious retreat, feather fall, floating disk, magic missile, magic weapon, shield, shocking grasp, true strike
2- acid arrow, mirror image, flaming sphere, scorching ray invisibility (me and the wizard copy spells off of each other)
gear- adventuring stuff plus thieves tools headband of vast intellect scroll of spider climb scroll of gust of wind oh and using a +1 mithral shirt for armor
if it helps I have 17400 xp and doing the fast progression
I like the new magus but I was oh so sad when weapon bond and weapon call were taken out. I think the weapon bond adds some role playing flavour and with weapon bond that adds some extra strategy. like maybe allowing someone to take your weapon and be instantly transported to it. I'm still using it in our game
So I'm new to pathfinder and want to bring my character from 3.5 over to my friend's campaign. I want to make a halfling wererat but I don't see a level adjustment or hit die anywhere. The entry in the bestiary says he's a cr2 but the sample creature says he has 2 levels of rogue. Am I to assume that there isn't a level adjustment for a were rat? Should I just use the monster manual 3.5 version (in which he's a level adjustment of 3 plus the 1 hd for the dire rat)