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so if we look at a heavy shield, it is a one handed weapon. Meaning if we grab a large heavy shield, then it is a 2 handed weapon(so you would get a -2 to attack with it). Are there any other rules to consider for a improperly sized shield. IE defensively?

Other side note, would shield master remove the penalty for it being inappropriately sized?(I am leaning against this one. Since shield master seems to be purely referencing removing penalty's while wielding another weapon. IE, the intent is for removing penalty's while twf'ing)

So can a blade bound magus use a klar as his black blade? It appears to be a one handed slashing weapon.

So normally, a weapon cannot get more than a +10 enhancement bonus.

prd magic weapons:

A single weapon cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents, including those from character abilities and spells) higher than +10.

now if you are using a shield and have shield master, then you add your shield's defensive enhancement bonus to attack as if it were a weapon enhancement bonus to attack. "As if it were", meaning it does not generally count as your weapons enhancement bonus(IE, bane and furious would not boost it).
prd- shield master:

Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with the shield as if it was a weapon enhancement bonus.

So, the shield's defensive bonus would not limit your weapon's maximum number of enhancements. Thus, you could Enchant your shield +1 shield with +9 of weapon effects, and then shield master would give you its defensive bonus on top.

Thus it looks like you get a +5 shield with flaming, frost, shock, corrosive, menacing, and whatever else you want on it.

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When the wielder is raging or under the effect of a rage spell, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than normal.

shield master:

Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon. Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with the shield as if it was a weapon enhancement bonus.

so does furious or bane for example work with shield master? Strictly, I would say that while shield master lets you add your shield's enhancement bonus to attack as if it was a weapon enhancement bonus, it does not fully replace your weapon enhancement bonus and thus probably would not work. Thought I would throw it out there and see what others thought though.

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Like the title says, if you wield a shield in 2 hands, do you get 1 1/2 str to damage when you shield bash with it. Assume a heavy shield, since a heavy shield is listed as a one handed weapon when you bash with it.

I remember seeing a feat that gave you channel energy but I cannot remember where I saw it. Does this exist or did I just imagine it.

So I am thinking of making a 3 race mutt. Human +Orc or elf + some other humanoid race. So a half-orc or half elf with racial heritage. If I take a lvl of sorc(orc bloodline), then I can have 4 races. What ways are there to get bloodline arcana? Is 1 lvl of sorc the only way?

Do people know of any really good racial feats? I am leaning toward orc for sure since orcs of golarion has quite a few good orc feats(ferocious tenacity and some of the rage regaining feats have piqued my interest).

If some people are wondering why... well I have not gotten that far yet. Why is something you find at the end of the journey.

So far I got a dwarf sorc 1(orc bloodline), barb 1, fighter 1, and then a mix of barb and fighter lvls.

So yeah, anybody know any good racial feats? Currently, I am just throwing this idea around but would love some input.

so while the titan mauler archetype is otherwise disappointing, he can wield ridiculously huge guns.

UC wrote:

size of a firearm never affects how many hands you need
to use to shoot it

So we could have a titan mauler who dual wields gargantuan revolvers. Then when he increases in size, they go up to 6d6. Not bad though I think I would likely drop out of the barbarian lvls earlier.

So this doesn't come to fruition until lvl 10(1 fighter/9 cavalier) but a cavalier who takes coordinated charge as his teamwork feat can really speed up the amount of attacks a party can make.

Just by himself, a beast rider cavalier with a pouncing cat animal companion can
round 1: swift action give coordinated charge to all his allies that are within 30 ft. Then he can charge as a full round action and his cat can charge(pounce) as an immediate action. If this does not kill the target, the cat still has a full round action to either attack the same target or pounce again.
round 2: now both the cavalier and his cat can charge twice in a round.

In a pouncing heavy party this could be devastating. In a regular party, everyone can now use an immediate action every turn to charge the enemy and still have a full round action to attack once they are there.

I personally see this being most effective in a party of pouncers(barbarians, druids, summoners). Also groups with more pets can more easily divide up the enemy targets and thus could attack targets in groups of 2 so that the entire party isn't all pouncing on 1 guy.

So when a synthesist fuses with his eidolon, he gets all his eidolons special abilities and he and the eidolon are now one creature.

Well the eidolon is an outsider and thus the eidolon doesn't need to eat or sleep.

So does a fused synthesist ever need to eat or sleep?

If we look at a non-monk who has improved unarmed strike,

can he two weapon fight using just his unarmed strikes? IE- an unarmed strike is his main hand attack and an unarmed strike is his off-hand attack.

So does a zombie roper keep his 6 strand touch attacks? They are natural attacks so he keeps those right.

while a zombie does lose special attacks, he does

zombies special qualities wrote:

Special Qualities: A zombie loses most special qualities of the base creature. It retains any extraordinary special qualities that improve its melee or ranged attacks. A zombie gains the following special quality.
roper strands wrote:

Strands (Ex)
A roper can extend up to six thin, sticky strands from its body at a time, launching them to a maximum range of 50 feet. A roper's attacks with its strands resolve as ranged touch attacks. These strands are quite strong, but can be severed by any amount of slashing damage (a strand is AC 20). A creature struck by a strand is numbed and weakened by the strange material, and must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Strength damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

so is this a special attack or a special quality? I would think that the strand is a natural attack and the strands ex ability is a special quality that improves them. Is this correct?

*though upon further inspection the strands are listed under special attacks so they go away. too bad. *

Juju oracle 6/agent of the grave 4

1. Take a ju ju mystery oracle with the spirit vessels revelation(this character can control 6 hd of undead per caster lvl).

2. Traits- magical knack(+2 trait bonus to caster lvl but does not push cl above hd), missionary(you cast 3 divine select divine spells at 1 higher cl and so you would pick animate dead as one of them. not listed as a trait bonus). The traits can be found in the prd.

3. Agent of the grave loses a caster lvl at their 1st lvl but magical knack should fix that. I saw agent of the grave in the

Then Agent of the grave has an ability called

inspired necromancy:

Inspired Necromancy (Ex)

When determining the maximum number of Hit Dice of undead he can control with spells like animate dead, a character counts his agent of the grave levels twice. This ability does not factor into how many undead he can create with a single casting of a spell. Thus, a cleric 7/agent of the grave 3 would be able to control 52 Hit Dice worth of undead with animate dead.

So the agent of the grave adds their class lvl to their CL for how many undead he can control with animate dead.

4. Then there is the undead master feat.

undead master:

Benefit: When you cast animate dead or use the Command Undead feat, you are considered to be four levels higher when determining the number of Hit Dice you animate. When you cast command undead, your duration is doubled.


1. This character if using desecrate while animating dead, could animate CLx4 undead per casting and control CLx6.

2. Would these 2 traits work together? Missionary is not listed as a trait bonus so I would think it should.

3+4. Inspired necromancy increases the number of undead you can control. Undead master states that you are considered 4 lvls higher for how many undead you can animate. So does undead master increase the number of undead you can control? While you are animating, your cl is considered 4 higher?

So in total would it come out to
a. You can animate 15x4 hd of undead per casting and control 19x6 hd of undead.

b. You can animate 15x4 hd of undead per casting and control 15x6 hd of undead(because undead master does not improve control)

c. are these numbers 1 too high because the two traits do not work together.

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So do they work together?

Improved critical says that it does not stack with any other effect that expands critical threat ranges.

But does improvised weapon mastery expand an improvised weapon's base critical threat range or does it set the base threat range to 19-20?

The reason I ask this is because the feat says this:

improvised weapon mastery from prd wrote:

The improvised weapon has a critical threat range of 19–20, with a critical multiplier of ×2.

Unlike every other critical ability, improvised weapon mastery does not say, double the threat range.

Imp crit, keen, and keen edge all declare that they double a weapons threat range and that they do not stack with other effects.

Jaguar pounce is a feat that mimicks imp crit under certain conditions and thus declares as much.

Seeing as how improvised weapon mastery is worded differently than the other abilities, is it fair to say that it is changing the weapons base threat range? Otherwise, why would they not just use the same format as before and declare that it doubled the threat range of improvised weapons( from 20/x2 to 19-20/x2)?

so I interested in melee touch attacks. Specifically ones you can full attack with.

I already know of the rod of withering and flame blade. Are there any other melee touch attacks that can be full attacked with?

part of why I am interested is because the long limbs power of the aberant bloodline would interact well with a consistent source of melee touch attacks.

So a pfs judge bounced up in here and described a present day codzilla to us. that mofo was pretty nasty and he was wearing rhino armor. Obviously, a developer gets the free time and rhino armor is going to be limited to 1 attack per charge but in the meantime...

What if a synthesist is wearing rhino armor? Now the definite gray area is that eidolon's cannot wear armor. So I can see that the synthesist probably cannot get the rhino armor's ac bonus but since synthesists still benefit from their gear, I would imagine that the synthesist still gets the constant magical effect of rhino armor.

Thus a synthesist could equip rhino armor, fuse and get his 2d6 extra damage on each attack in his pouncy charge(it will eventually be 2d6 damage on 1 attack in his pouncy charge).

So, do people think that a fused synthesist can definitely get magical effects from their armor? fortification or other abilities?

So like the title asks, can you make a full attack with a rod of withering?

the weapon says it functions like a +1 light mace that deals d4 str and d4 con damage instead of regular damage on a failed save. It also says that you make melee touch attacks with it?

Since it functions like a light mace, can I make iterative attacks on a full attack with it?

I have posted for awhile and this one thing comes up somewhat frequently.

Is DM permission required for a player to take a monster feat that they meet all the prerequisites for? (any more so than a player to take weapon focus). I understand that many people may think that well, you should run any character idea past a dm. But in that regard, monster feats aren't any different than regular feats.

In the prd at the very top of the monster feats section wrote:

Monster Feats

Most of the following feats apply specifically to monsters, although some player characters might qualify for them (particularly Craft Construct).

It would seem to me that if you meet the prerequisites, then you can take the monster feat. I have not seen any other rules sources that relate to this issue. Developer's posting or otherwise.

but I will see people pop into a thread and post that you particularly need DM permission to take a monster feat. And then they leave the thread satisfied that they have clarified an issue.

Is the DM permission required RAW for taking monster feats or is this a paizo board myth?

So looking over the sling, it is made from leather and string. I do not see too many options for special materials but perhaps a dragonhide sling.

Are there any other special materials that could be used?

I only ask because I wonder how they interact with twf'ing.

a halfling with 2 vestigial arms and the warslinger trait could wield 2 slings and reload them as free actions. So I was wondering if this halfling would get a -2 or a -4 penalty from two weapon fighting.

this is for a possible awesome bbeg so pay attention.

So with slow time you can spend a swift action to trade 1 regular standard action for three special standard actions.

Now as drinking potions is a natural ability, you normally cannot use the standard action to drink it. But if you have the accelerated drinker trait and if you had the potion in your hand at the start of the turn, you can drink it as a move action.

Slow time allows you to use the special standard actions for move actions.

Add in 2 vestigial arms and your monk bbeg can be walking around with 4 potions in hand if the party hasn't surprised him. Thus round 1 he knocks back 4 potions.

Now I just need to pick the potions.

So if a summoner goes down the eldritch heritage feat line and picks up the new arcana bloodline power, can he add non-summoner spells that are in the wiz/sorc spell list to his list of spells known?

I do not see why not but there is often sneaky hidden text somewhere that exists to destroy my delusions of grandeur.

let s say you either apply the non lethal damage metamagic to a cantrip or you use a cantrip with magical lineage and a +1 lvl metamagic feat.

Is the cantrip still count as a cantrip?

So there have for a long while been some wholly ignored evolutions. For example frightful presence. On an eidolon whose number of hit die are low, this ability just doesn't work. But how for example does frightful presence work on a synthesist? The synthesist gets the evolution, so would it work off of his HD? If so, this could atleast be a useful ability as opposed to completely worthless.

Hi all, I am attempting some synthesist builds in the meantime. I understand some of the synthesist rules are unclear. I will not be using armor in these builds because I suspect it is likely that when the developers get around to it, that they will not allow a synthesist to wear armor. Also, as you will see from the first build, armor is completely unnecessary for a synthesist to compete in the area of armor class. Also, although the issue of healing is still not clear, I am also assuming that the developers will get around to fixing that. Here is my first synthesist build. A semi-cheesy dervish dance build. Yes he is going to be using his dexterity on damage for natural attacks too. It is only semi cheesy because this is the only way for a dex based eidolon to be viable.

dervish dance synthesist:

Lvl 10 Jason Lee Scott the half-elf fused dancing summoner
Str 10-3 age=7 (18 fused)
Dex 12-3 age+4 enhancement=13 (28 fused)
Con 15-3 age+2enhancement=14 (19 fused)
Int 8+2age=10
Wis 14+2age+2 racial= 18
Cha 13+2age= 15
HP=8 +4.5*9+20=68.5 avg(88.5 fused + 76 temporary hp)
Normal AC= 10+1 dex+4 mage armor+4 barkskin=19
Fused AC= 10+9 dex+10 NA+ 4 mage armor+4 barkskin enhancement to na+2shield meld=40 fused touch ac=19

Fortitude save=3 base+2 con+2circumstance+1 trait+2 resistance=+10(+14 fused, +2 more with heroism)
Reflex=3 base+1 dex+2 circumstance+2 resistance=+8(+18 fused, +2 more w/heroism)
Will save= 7 base+ 4 wis+2 circumstance+2 resistance=+15( +2 more w/heroism)
Skills: profession:dance(2ranks),use magic device(+15), spellcraft(+11)
racial traits: ancestral arms,elven immunities, elf blood, keen senses.
Feats: free mwp:scimitar, arcane strike(swift action for +3 damage), weapon finesse ,dervish dance, weapon focus(scimitar), weapon focus(pincers).
important class ability: shielded meld(+2 shield bonus to ac, +2 circumstance bonus to saves when fused)
Traits: forlorn(+1 trait bonus to fort saves) and indomitable faith(+1 trait bonus to will saves)

Spells known
1st(6 uses) lvl: mage armor, shield, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, rejuvenate eidolon.
2nd(5 uses) lvl: barkskin, haste, invisibility, protection from arrows, resist energy
3rd(3 uses) lvl: enlarge person(mass), heroism, stoneskin, greater magic fang.
4th(1 use) lvl:, overland flight, greater evolution surge

Equipment(56k out of 62k spent): mighty fists +2(20k),cloak of resistance+2(4k), belt of dexterity+4(16k) ,1 +2 scimitar 8k, +2 con ioun stone(8k)


Quadraped Eidolon
Str 14+4 lvls=18
Dex 14+2lvls+4evolutions+4dex bonus+4 enhancement=28
Con 13+4 evolution+2 enhancement=19
Hp=8*5.5+32=76 avg
AC= 10+9 dex+10 NA+ 4 mage armor+4 barkskin enhancement to na=38
Natural Armor(2 base+8 from lvls)
base evolutions: bite, limbs legs x2.
Evolutions(16): pounce, limbs: arms x1, Pincers x2 on legs, 2x ability increase dex, 2x ability increase con, energy attacks, and scent.
Special: darkvision, share spells, evasion, devotion, multiattack.

I picked pincers because they are already secondary natural weapons and are 1 damage die up from claws. Also they can be construed to be put on your legs since the evolution does not require that they be on your arms. If anyone is uncomfortable with leg pincers, you can mentally sub in hooves which are a d4 damage.

For a bunch of archetypes, they only mildly modify a class ability. But in modifying it, they change the name of it and then, raw, feats or other things that require the original class feature no longer work with the ability.

Example 1: you make a crossbowman fighter and instead of getting weapon training, he gets crossbow expert which functions exactly like weapon training except you only get it with crossbows. RAW, the crossbowman does not get the +2 boost to his weapon training when wearing gloves of dueling because the ability is not called weapon training even if it is a modified version of it from an archetype of the same class that gets weapon training.

Example 2: several summoner archetypes replace the eidolon class ability with abilities that still give them eidolons but have different names(lesser eidolon, eidolon brood, and possibly even fused eidolon). These abilities raw also do not allow you to meet the prereqs for feats that require the eidolon class feature(extra evolution, resilient eidolon, and vigilant eidolon).

Now I find it strange that new abilities from the same book are not designed to work together. They were created at the same time and yet the feats/equipment do not work with most of the new archetypes.

I am not sure how many archetype abilities are out there with slightly changed names but it seems to be a consistent issue which makes me wonder, is this an accident or is this the developers intent?

Just noticed this.

"The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions."

So the synthesist will be getting evasion, devotion, and later imp evasion

The synthesist is a strange class. He is nearly immune to everything in the game except for anti-magic field. Everything else he has high saving throws against and high ac. They have just created superman.

So if you look at the pincer evolution, I see several things.
1. You must have the arms evolution to take this feat.
2. It can be taken more than once but you have to have an equal number of limbs evolutions.

It does not appear to specify arms. So after the first arms evolution, it looks like you could just put the rest of the pincers on your legs.

This is a neat idea to me because legs boost your speed.

I am 99.9999% sure how this works but since I am in denial I will ask anyway.

So if you have a dual cursed gnome, can he throw his favored class bonus toward the other curse? Since the ability say never increases as lvls I am sure that the gnome cannot boost his 2nd curse using his favored class bonus. Which makes me sad... :(

I saw the dual cursed archetype and went, cool some of those later curse benefits are pretty neat. Then the let down occurred :(

I was thinking I would try to compile all the rage powers that goto your mount when you are raging. As Greater ferocious mount requires these powers have to be constant and not take an action to activate even if that action is a free action.

core rage powers I am sure your mount gets:

Animal Fury (Ex): While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian's Strength modifier. A barbarian can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the barbarian against the target this round are at a +2 bonus.

Fearless Rage (Ex): While raging, the barbarian is immune to the shaken and frightened conditions. A barbarian must be at least 12th level before selecting this rage power.

Increased Damage Reduction (Ex): The barbarian's damage reduction increases by 1/—. This increase is always active while the barbarian is raging. A barbarian can select this rage power up to three times. Its effects stack. A barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this rage power.

Internal Fortitude (Ex): While raging, the barbarian is immune to the sickened and nauseated conditions. A barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this rage power.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): The barbarian's senses sharpen and she gains low-light vision while raging.

Night Vision (Ex): The barbarian's senses grow incredibly sharp while raging and she gains darkvision 60 feet. A barbarian must have low-light vision as a rage power or a racial trait to select this rage power.

Quick Reflexes (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can make one additional attack of opportunity per round.

Raging Climber (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Climb skill checks.

Raging Leaper (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics skill checks made to jump. When making a jump in this way, the barbarian is always considered to have a running start.

Raging Swimmer (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus on all Swim skill checks.

Scent (Ex): The barbarian gains the scent ability while raging and can use this ability to locate unseen foes (see Special Abilities for rules on the scent ability).

Superstition (Ex): The barbarian gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies.

Swift Foot (Ex): The barbarian gains a 5-foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This increase is always active while the barbarian is raging. A barbarian can select this rage power up to three times. Its effects stack.

apg powers I am sure the mount gets:

Beast Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the barbarian has attained. A barbarian must have the lesser beast totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Beast Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains the pounce special ability, allowing her to make a full attack at the end of a charge. In addition, the damage from her claws increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small) and the claws deal x 3 damage on a critical hit. A barbarian must have the beast totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Beast Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier.

Brawler: While raging, the barbarian is treated as if she has Improved Unarmed Strike. If she already has the feat, her unarmed strikes deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if she is Small).

Brawler, Greater: While raging, the barbarian is treated as if she has Two-Weapon Fighting when making unarmed strike attacks. A barbarian must have the brawler rage power to select this rage power.

Chaos Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian’s form becomes infused with chaos. She gains a +4 bonus on Escape Artist checks and has a 25% chance to ignore extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. A barbarian must have the lesser chaos totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Chaos Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains DR/lawful equal to 1/2 her barbarian level. Her weapons and natural weapons are considered chaotic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A barbarian must have the chaos totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Chaos Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 Deflection bonus to AC against the attacks of lawful creatures and a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against confusion, insanity, polymorph, and effects with the lawful descriptor. This bonus increases by +1 for each chaos totem rage power she possesses.

Disruptive: When raging, the barbarian gains Disruptive as a bonus feat. The barbarian must have the superstition* rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power.

Elemental Rage (Su): While raging, all of the barbarian’s melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). The type is chosen when the barbarian begins her rage. A barbarian must have the lesser elemental rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power. Note that the barbarian can still use her lesser elemental rage power while using this rage power, but she must select a different energy type.

Elemental Rage, Greater (Su): While raging, all of the barbarian’s critical hits made with melee weapons deal an additional 1d10 points of energy damage (2d10 if the weapon deals ×3 damage on a critical hit, 3d10 if the weapon deals ×4 on a critical hit). The type of this damage is the same as the type chosen for the elemental rage power. A barbarian must have the elemental rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to select this rage power.

Energy Resistance (Ex): While raging, the barbarian gains resistance to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) equal to 1/2 her barbarian level (minimum 1). The energy type is chosen when this rage power is selected and it cannot be changed. This rage power can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time is applies to a different energy type.

Fiend Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian sprouts dozens of wicked barbs from her body. Anyone striking the barbarian with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a natural weapon takes 1d6 points of piercing damage. A barbarian must have the lesser fiend totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Fiend Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by an aura of menace. Good creatures adjacent to the barbarian are shaken and take 2d6 points of slashing damage at the beginning of the barbarian’s turn as dozens of small cuts open across their flesh. Neutral creatures that are adjacent to the barbarian are shaken, but do not take any damage. Evil creatures are unaffected. A barbarian must have the fiend totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Fiend Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian grows a pair of large horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack (unless she is also attacking with weapons, in which case it is a secondary attack) and is made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus (–5 if it is a secondary attack). The gore attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (1d6 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier (1/2 if it is a secondary attack).

Guarded Life (Ex): While raging, if the barbarian is reduced below 0 hit points, 1 hit point of lethal damage per barbarian level is converted to nonlethal damage. If the barbarian is at negative hit points due to lethal damage, she immediately stabilizes.

Hurling Charge (Ex): While raging and making a charge attack, the barbarian may draw and throw a hurled weapon during her charge, gaining the normal +2 attack roll bonus on the thrown weapon attack as well as on the melee attack at the end of the charge. The barbarian must move at least 10 feet before using a thrown weapon and at least 10 additional feet before making a melee attack at the end of her charge. The barbarian must have a thrown weapon in hand or have one hand free at the beginning of her charge. A barbarian must have the lesser hurling rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Liquid Courage (Ex): While raging, the barbarian increases her morale bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects by +1 for each alcoholic drink she consumes during her rage, to a maximum of +1 increase per four barbarian levels.

Overbearing Advance (Ex): While raging, the barbarian inflicts damage equal to her Strength bonus whenever she succeeds at an overrun combat maneuver.

Overbearing Onslaught (Ex): While raging, the barbarian may overrun more than one target per round, with a –2 penalty on her CMB for each overrun check after the first. A barbarian must have the overbearing advance rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Roaring Drunk (Ex): While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 morale bonus on Intimidate checks and to the save DC of any fear effects she creates for each alcoholic drink she has consumed during her rage, to a maximum of +1 per four barbarian levels.

Spellbreaker: When raging, the barbarian gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat. A barbarian must have the disruptive rage power and be at least 12th level to select this rage power.

Spirit Steed (Su): While raging and mounted, the barbarian’s mount gains DR/magic equal to 1/2 the barbarian’s level. The mount’s natural weapons count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A barbarian must have the ferocious mount rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Spirit Totem (Su): While raging, the spirits that surround the barbarian make it difficult for her enemies to see her. The spirits grant the barbarian a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to the barbarian (typically due to reach). A barbarian must have the lesser spirit totem rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this rage power.

Spirit Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the spirits that surround the barbarian become dangerous to any enemy adjacent to the barbarian. Living enemies adjacent to the barbarian at the start of her turn take 1d8 points of negative energy damage. In addition, the spirit wisps can now attack foes that are up to 15 feet away from the barbarian and the slam attack deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage. A barbarian must have the spirit totem rage power and be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Spirit Totem, Lesser (Su): While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian. This slam attack is made using the barbarian’s full base attack bonus, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier. The slam deals 1d4 points of negative energy damage, plus the barbarian’s Charisma modifier.

Staggering Drunk (Ex): While raging, a barbarian gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity for each alcoholic drink she has consumed during her rage, to a maximum of +1 per four barbarian levels.

Witch Hunter (Ex): While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures possessing spells or spell-like abilities. This damage bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the barbarian has obtained. A barbarian must have the superstition* rage power to select this rage power.

rage powers your mount might get:

Knockback (Ex): Once per round, the barbarian can make a bull rush attempt against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian's Strength modifier and is moved back as normal. The barbarian does not need to move with the target if successful. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Knockdown (Ex): Once per rage, the barbarian can make a trip attack against one target in place of a melee attack. If successful, the target takes damage equal to the barbarian’s Strength modifier and is knocked prone. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Roused Anger (Ex): The barbarian may enter a rage even if fatigued. While raging after using this ability, the barbarian is immune to the fatigued condition. Once this rage ends, the barbarian is exhausted for 10 minutes per round spent raging.

Unexpected Strike (Ex): The barbarian can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by the barbarian, regardless of whether or not that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity. This power can only be used once per rage. A barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this power.

Energy Absorption (Su): While raging, the barbarian can absorb energy from a single attack of her chosen energy type once per rage. She does not make a saving throw against the effect but takes no damage from it, instead gaining 1 temporary hit point per 3 points of damage the attack would have inf licted. These temporary hit points last until the end of the barbarian’s rage. A barbarian must have the greater energy resistance rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to select this rage power.

Energy Eruption (Su): While raging, the barbarian can absorb energy from a single attack and unleash it upon her enemies once per rage. She does not make a saving throw against the effect but takes no damage from it. At any point during the remainder of her rage she can unleash the stored energy as a breath weapon in either a 60-foot line or 30-foot cone. The breath weapon inflicts damage equal to the damage from the attack absorbed by the barbarian, but creatures within the area may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Constitution modifier) for half damage even if the original effect did not allow a save. A barbarian must have the energy absorption rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 16th level to select this rage power.

Energy Resistance, Greater (Ex): Once per rage, a barbarian can reduce damage by half from a single attack against which she has energy resistance (halve the damage, then apply resistance). A barbarian must have the energy resistance rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power.

Flesh Wound (Ex): Once per rage, the barbarian can try to avoid serious harm from an attack. The barbarian must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the damage that would be dealt by the attack. The barbarian’s armor check penalty applies on this saving throw. If the save succeeds, the barbarian takes half damage from the attack and the damage is nonlethal. The barbarian must elect to use this ability after the attack roll is made, but before the damage is rolled. A barbarian must be at least 10th level to select this rage power.

Good for What Ails You (Ex): While raging, the barbarian who takes a drink of alcohol may attempt a new saving throw against one of the following conditions that may be affecting her: blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or sickened. If she succeeds at the save, the effect is suppressed for the duration of the rage. She also may attempt a new saving throw if poisoned; a successful save counts against those required for a cure, but a failed save has no ill effect.

Reckless Abandon (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can take a –1 penalty to AC to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The AC penalty increases by –1 and the attack roll bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every four levels thereafter.

Smasher (Ex): Once per rage, whenever the barbarian makes an attack against an unattended object or a sunder combat maneuver, she can ignore the object’s hardness. This ability must be used before the attack roll or sunder check is made.

So for the ones I am unsure about,
1. Knockback and Knockdown do not require actions to activate which is a plus for them going to the mount. Though Knockdown is limited to once per rage and thus could be considered to not be constant.

2. Unexpected strike requires no action to use and is in constant effect until you use it(it is another once per rage ability).
3. Energy absorption is another once per rage ability that requires no action to activate. Energy eruption works the same way except that it has a second ability. The action to release the attack is not specified which likely means it takes a standard action to release.
4. Flesh wound is another once per rage ability that requires no activation.
5. Smasher is a once per rage ability that has no action to use.

So for these questionable abilities,
should your mount get them if they have no action to activate but are of limited number of uses(namely 1 per round or rage)?

6. Good for what ails you is a power that is constant and does not require activation. It does modify how drinking alcohol affects your barbarian.
7. Reckless abandon is constant and has no action to activate. It is similar to power attack in function. In this case you can take a penalty to ac to get a bonus to hit.
8. Roused anger seems like it should go to the mount since it is constant in effect and provides a blanket immunity to the fatigued condition while raging.

Also what about these 3?

I have done a quick search but all I have found is a comparison of zen archer to fighter dpr.

Is there a thread that goes over monk dpr by lvl?

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So my question is this.

You have a 5th lvl shielded fighter with the shield fighter ability and two weapon fighting. He uses a falcata and a light shield.

When he two weapon fights, he gets 2 main hand attacks(falcata) and two off hand attacks(light shield). With the shield fighter ability, he can interchange main hand and shield attacks on a full attack.

So thus on his full attack he can make 4 falcata attacks. How does this affect his hit bonus and his damage?

The falcata is not actually his off-hand weapon so does he get his full str bonus? Also the falcata is not a light weapon, does this put him at -4 to hit for two weapon fighting? Or since his off-hand weapon is a light weapon, his two weapon fighting penalty stays at -2.

Ok later on, he has bashing finish as well.

Now during a full attack, when he makes a critical hit, can he switch his shield bash with a falcata attack?

Those are my questions.

Lets say you have a monk who is polymorphed into a tiger or some other non-humanoid form. Do they lose the ability to make unarmed strikes?

So take your skirmisher ranger archetype and get him combat reflexes, a good dex score, greater trip, and upending strike.

upending strike wrote:

Upending Strike (Ex): The ranger can use this trick as a free action just before he makes a melee attack. If the attack hits, he may make a free trip combat maneuver against the target.

This ranger ability from the apg allows you to as a free action make a trip attack after a successful attack. So at what step does this idea end?

1. Ranger uses free action for upending strike before an attack.
2. He hits.
3. He makes a trip attempt and succeeds making his target prone.
4. Gets an AoO.
5. Spends free action for upending strike.
6. hits.
7. Trips.
8. etc until misses, out of AoOs, or out of uses of upending strike.

For the record, this is more of a thought exercise. I am certain a DM would rule against this(to avoid this ability being abused).

But... things to consider.

1. There is no hard limit on using free actions.
2. The trip maneuver can still be used against prone targets. Trip can only not be used against targets more than 1 size category larger than you and creatures such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped. A prone medium humanoid still has legs and is still within the size limitation for player races.

So what did I miss?

So I asked questions about this in the rules forum but there was little interaction. So I am going to instead put the idea forward as a party build in the advice forum. Correct me anywhere things seem incorrect and please point to the rules that clarify my mistakes.

ferocious mount + greater:

Ferocious Mount (Ex): While raging and mounted, the barbarian’s mount also gains the benefits of rage (including greater rage and mighty rage) as long as the barbarian is mounted or adjacent to it. While her mount is raging in this way, she must spend one additional round of rage per round. She can elect not to pay this cost, in which case her mount does not rage.

Ferocious Mount, Greater (Ex): While raging and mounted, the barbarian’s mount gains the benefits of any rage powers that are constant in effect when the barbarian is raging. It does not gain the benefit of any rage powers that require actions to activate, even if they are free actions. A barbarian must have the ferocious mount rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power.

So if we have a barbarian with ferocious mount, greater ferocious mount and any number of useful rage powers that provide constant benefits,

He bestows his rage and these rage powers on his mount if he is riding it or adjacent to it(though only his rage when just adjacent).

Now a party with any number of mountable creatures and characters could benefit greatly from this as it hands access to a +4-12 str bonus(if the players are half orcs and have amplified rage), +4-8 con, pounce, claws, bite attacks, added energy damage, and other bonuses to the mounts adjacent to the barbarian get.

I can forsee a party that has barbarian, druid, PaO'd fighter or ranger, summoner.

Even if we limit it to 1 buffable target per barbarian, we can easily go 2 barbarians, 1 druid, 1 summoner.

Early on, the druid and the summoner's eidolon benefit from barbarian buffs while the barbarian gets an incomparably strong and survivable mount. At the very end, a barbarian can ride the summoner while he is in twin eidolon form. Also later on, a fighter in the party can benefit from this by being PaO'd or otherwise polymorphed into a ridable form.

Furthermore this does not even need to involve the entire party. Only 2 party members need work together on their character design. Or 1 character if you aim for leadership.

Now this isn't insane, but I find this a much more interesting way to utilize ferocious mount than how one usually does since barbarian mount options are so limited.

ok now in the proper area,

So lets say we have a bararian with ferocious mount and greater ferocious mount. How would we determine what happens when he is riding-
1. A wildshaped druid, some PaO'd player

2. a skeleton or zombie made by animate dead

And second situation, we have a barbarian with ferocious mount and he is adjacent to
1. A wildshaped druid, some PaO'd player, a skeleton, or zombie made by animate dead.

He could be adjacent to just 1 of them or multiple of them. He has ridden each of them before. Which of them benefits from ferocious mount(thus gaining benefits of rage and rage talents with constant effects)?

ok, lets say your character has 5 lvls of barbarian and 3 lvls of inquisitor and has all 4 abilities listed in the title.

Does his mount count as being in an adjacent square? If you think in 3D, he could be considered to be in the square 5 ft above the ground and the mount is in the square below. If so, is our mounted barbarian getting an extra +4 str while raging?

Note ferocious mount ability passes rage onto your mount and solo tatics ability makes it so your mount does not need to have the feat for you to activate amplified rage.

[spoiler=amplified rage from orcs of golarion source]
Whenever you are raging and adjacent to a raging ally who also has this feat or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +4. This feat does not stack with itself (you only gain this bonus from one qualifying ally, regardless of how many are adjacent to you).

Magical lineage lets you pick a single spell that when you apply metamagic feats to it, the spell counts as 1 lower than it usually would. So if you pick fireball for example and use merciful spell on it, does your fireball turn into a 2nd lvl spell slot?

So, lets say I have a summoner who is lvl 10. He gets Polymorph any object cast on himself, permanently turning himself into a mastadon or elephant(+5 we're both animals, +2 both mammals, +2 I have more int than an elephant=9 req'd to permanently be an elephant).

So if I also have the evolution:limbs arms from my aspect(it is a class ability that allows me to grow arms), can I still cast spells? I can do somatic components, and an elephant can make noises(would that count for verbal?)

Side note, just to confirm. If you use PaO to turn into something larger than yourself, you cannot also later use enlarge person or some other similar spell on yourself to grow larger right?

So lets say we have a rogue(thug)1/barbarian6 who has boasting taunt.

Thugs get the ability frightening:


Whenever a thug successfully uses Intimidate to demoralize a creature, the duration of the shaken condition is increased by 1 round. In addition, if the target is shaken for 4 or more rounds, the thug can instead decide to make the target frightened for 1 round.

and boasting taunt says:

While raging, the barbarian can incite a creature to attack her by making an Intimidate check to demoralize. If the check succeeds, the target is also shaken as long as the barbarian is visible and raging or until it makes a melee attack against the barbarian. The barbarian receives a +2 circumstance bonus on this check for every alcoholic drink she has consumed during this rage. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting effect, and it relies on audible components. The barbarian must be at least 6th level to select this power.

So when you demoralize an enemy, anytime you succeed, your enemy becomes shaken until they hit you or cannot see you anymore. Is that the same as saying the duration is unlimited and the condition is canceled by no longer being able to see the barbarian or hitting the barbarian.

If it were unlimited, then using the thug ability, you could exchange it for them being frightened for 1 round.

I am not necessarily interested in using this, but thought I would see what other people thought about it.

As the title says, can a smaller long creature ride a larger long creature?

for example, a medium quadruped eidolon riding a centaur.

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Can a rogue with the defensive offense talent be turned into a viable tank? With that talent, whenever you hit in melee, you can add a dodge bonus to your ac against that target equal to your number of SA die. Now then multiple hits mean multiple stacking dodge bonuses I would think.

Only problems is that you would only get this against targets you hit and specifically creatures who can be SA'd. What else would one do to shore up the weaknesses?

like the title says, can one use widen spell on the 5th lvl spell control winds?

So as the title says,
assume you are a medium archer of some sort who polymorphs into a larger or smaller humanoid form.

Your equipment changes size to match your new form. Now when you fire arrows, do they change back to your medium size after your fire or do they remain the new size that they were changed to by the polymorph spell used. Enlarge person has specific text saying the arrows shrink back down but I have not found text saying the same for polymorph spells.

I guess example spells could be giant form or alter self.

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So many people get hung up on how to calculate durations for PaO, but what about when you use it to turn into things greater polymorph spells does not mention?

What bonuses, abilities, etc do you get when turning into a fey, outsider, or other unmentioned creature?

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as the title suggests I was trying to list all the ways one can boost caster lvl for spell effects.
So far I have:
1. Death Knell(temporary +1)
2. gifted adept trait(1 spell)
3. Loreseeker or missionary traits(pick 3 spells)
4. Moon Circlet(situational +/- 1 or 2)
5. Arcane beacon from arcane domain(+1 for arcane spells)
6. orange ioun stone of (+1 cl)
7. greater strand of prayer beads(karma bead- +4 cl for 10 mins, once per day)
8. Varisian Tattoo from the Campaign Setting book and the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. It has a prerequisite of Spell Focus in the appropriate school, upping the DC +1 for every spell in that school cast and upping your level +1 in spells from that school. Divination is the only restricted school.
9. (Witch only) coven hex. Lasts 1 rd, needs at least 2 witches, but no maximum boost (+1 per coven witch within 30' aiding )

Are there any others I am missing? I have been adding new ones in as people mention them.

So what happens with a charging character if an eidolon with the push evolution successfully knocks them back 5 ft? does this stop the charge because their movement has been impaired?

Side note- how does this affect a target approaching using a regular move action?

Say a druid uses elemental body and turns into an air elemental. Can he still use a bow?

how would you fluff an eidolon with an heirloom weapon trait(obtained through the additional traits feat)?

I saw a thread where somebody gave their ape an heirloom weapon and it was pretty funny.

with summoner narrating,
"This masterwork composite longbow has been handed down from eidolon to eidolon since my early childhood... in my imagination. Now it will be yours little bow wielding monster thing..."

"Somewhere deep in my psyche, I have an 2nd personality that obtained a bow from his ancestors and cherished it very much..."

or we could go with the base original eidolon having the heirloom weapon and it passes onto the aspect that gets summoned.

what funny ways could traits be explained on a creature made in my imagination?

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