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Our Price: $19.99


Truly Awesome Entertainment


The entire family enjoyed Standard Action: Season 1. They are huge fans of Snuffles!! But really enjoy all the characters. I look forward to watching and enjoying Season Two.

This die hates me!


I bought this die at PaizoCon 2 and I don't think it has rolled a "20" the entire time. I can't even blame the rule system as invariably we are using PFRPG. It is a big pretty die though. I like the color and I like that it has the name of my favorite gaming company on one side.

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An Awesome Tome of Godliness


I was truly impressed by the contents of this volume. Lots of interesting fluff and campaign relevant information, and also lots of crunch in the form of magic items, spells, and even a few odd artifacts. I would like to eventually see more details on the Other Gods. Well done Mr. Reynolds you have created another masterwork item.

Print Edition Out of print

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Wow -- quite impressive


This sets a new standard for urban fantasy supplements. I feel very sorry for those attempting to follow after. I liked how the feel of the city was evoked and the little touches like the food commonly eaten and the rents for houses. This is the sort of city guide that GM's can really use. I cannot wait to explore this setting as a player. Well done.

Our Price: $3.99

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Not as impressed as I would have hoped


I have come to expect quite a bit from Pathfinder and Paizo. Production quality is always very high. The encounters are well thought-out and descriptions are vivid and detailed. As this was the first Pathfinder Society module I downloaded or ran, I was expecting more of the same. I have to say I was disappointed. Yes the descriptions were vivid and detailed – I will admit that and the setting was very evocative. But I think the entire premise was rather forced and inappropriate for first level characters. Not all of the encounters were entirely rational. I was also disappointed with the titular vessel. Overall, the module seemed like it was put together in a rush and on the fly. I have heard good things about the author’s work and hope he will take any criticism I have leveled in stride and endeavor to make his next creation that much better.

4 Wicked Kobolds to delight GM's


Wow. This product was a lot of fun to read. The author did a bang-up job of bringing these kobolds to life and imbuing them with a fairly believable and coherent society and psychology. There were enough hooks to hang stories and plots on and could easily be adapted to any campaign or setting. The NPCs were fun and interesting. I liked reading their evolving life stories as they progressed in power and level. I really liked the staged development of the NPCs such that they could be used to challenge almost any party of heroes. I also enjoyed the variety of the NPCs presented: the classes were interesting and unusual.

I think the product suffered in the editing. The incorporation of the stat blocks into the text was clunky and disrupted the flow of the prose (delineating the stat blocks from the text would probably have been a better idea). Overall the prose was engaging but could have used some tightening up. I liked the added “options”. For the money spent I got way more than I was expecting. I will definitely purchase future offerings by this author.

Print Edition Unavailable

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This so far has been one of the few Paizo Pathfinder products which didn’t pack a punch. The premise, that lured me in, seemed very promising: take ten played-out monsters and administer a panacea of Paizo pizzazz. I was expecting a plethora of crunch for my peso: examples of monsters reworked, maybe some new templates, racial/monster feats, and monster stat-blocks. Instead I got fluff. Sure there was some interesting twists (bugbears spring to mind), but nothing that really justifies a $13+ price tag.

I guess after purchasing other Pathfinder products my expectations were set too high. This certainly didn’t approach the quality and quantity of exemplary products like Burnt Offerings or Skinsaw Murders.