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It's like a greatest hits album from your favorite band


However you may feel about the new edition of Pathfinder, this book is solid as a rock.

Paizo has learned it's lesson from the Pathfinder 1st Ed Bestiaries with its highly situational baddies wedged between the thing we really want and diminishing returns with each new book.

Second Ed's bestiary line is off to a solid start with a huge catalog of monsters and NPC races that are so well curated that I almost wonder what they'd possibly put in the next book. Second Ed bestiary has all the major devils, all the major demons, both kinds of major dragons, all the giants, most of the golems, drow, duegar, all the major monsters, all the mainstream non-core races, most of the more popular animal companions, and rust monsters, yes rust monsters. Everything except gillmen are in this book and lets get real: is that really a big oversight?

My only real critique is a tentative one: I haven't read through the Core yet and seen how player races are stated up so it's possible that Second Ed has not learned Starfinder's most valuable lesson and combined its Bestiary with its Race Guide and put player stats on its monster pages where appropriate. If this is the case, that feels like a missed opportunity to eliminate what I consider an unnecessary hard cover from the line. Everything that would be in that book is already IN this book. Why squeeze another forty bucks out of us?

Either way, I truly love this bestiary. It is, in my twenty years of gaming, the best Bestiary I have ever read.

Addendum: Wayne Reynolds and the interior artists of these bestiaries need to finally agree on what a troll looks like.

Our Price: $8.99

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Already a Legend...


Truly a masterpiece and the best possible use of the Starfinder Organized Play Setting. It's a fun, bang up idea from the get go, with a lost tribe trapped in a simulation and a pushy, undead reality tv show producer who insists on filming your every move. The hook is believable and fits in perfectly with the season's meta plot, the scenario itself is weird but also totally believable, and the "hindrance" are annoying but never feel like they're in the way.

If I had to nit pick I would say that the extra mechanics are a real pain to track as a GM and that I would rather have not had to express them as a number value. But that's something that can be over come with planning.

Run it twice, run it a thousand times!