theamazingweasleman's page

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#1) HILARIOUS idea.
#2) As a DM, I'd TOTALLY allow something like that. There'd be some penalties of course, even with fire res, yer still . . . you know . . . ON FIRE. But kudos on the idea. Awesome.

With the whole "armor that magically transfers damage" I think we're loosing sight on what we're talking about. Villians are generally DM/GM/whathaveyou controled beings, and as such can have some SUPER FUN unique abilities or artifacts. Personally, -I'd- much rather have some form of ritual done that magically connects my soul to every single one of the citizens of my conquered empire *nods sagely*. It'd make for a good adventure dynamic, at the very least, having to find a way to undue the magics.

Liz Courts wrote:
Moved thread to Gamer Connection.


HI! I'm Matt, and I'm just here to tell you that I, through the great minds at the Proving Grounds Chats nonprofit chat hosting site, am Head GMing the (as far as I've seen) FIRST unofficiol PFRPG flashchat. In a world where dots of civilization are hidden in a great green sea of wilderness, Arilaea stands as the biggest and brightest. Troll-lead armies savage a fallen elvish land, threatening to cross the border, while dark cults and cabals plot in the shadows of the slums. Tensions within the court and abroad rise and fall as the young Queen takes her throne after five decades of Kings. Come, travelers! See the sights and battle the villians in this totally unique (and totally homebrewed) setting. Head on over to the Forums to get your voice heard as the future of Arilaea is decided. your voice, and your actions, count. MAKE them count.

Sincerely, Your HGM

Matt (AKA The Amazing Weasleman)

PS: To Paizo big wigs; by all means, contact me and my hoster with any questions, concerns, interests in playing, or offers (heheh, just kidding) you may have. Our doors are always open!