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Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I would say pathfinder uses a semi colon like an and. So I think you get the +4 disarm and get to use it like a bastard sword. Otherwise, just use a bastard sword and delete this thing. Like a lot of things the wording is weird but I would say it's much more odd to think about using another weapons exotic weapon proficiency to wield it. Fortunately they have the same stats so I would just give it the one hand exotic proficiency and the two hand martial ability and move on.

Luis Loza wrote:

4. It works normally. I would describe the disarming of hand wraps as unraveling the wraps so they fall free. Sundered wraps would be cut or torn, making a proper wrapping impossible once destroyed. Luckily, if your hand wraps are enchanted, they have extra hit points to survive sundering!

1. Do adamantine handwraps cost 3k?

2. Would adamantine handwraps improve the HP and hardness for sunder and spell dmg?

3. What about special materials based on weight?...These don't have a weight, be funny if adamantine is 3k and mithral is zero.

Quiet the puzzle trying to build a melee adept cleric. Lots of good ideas in this thread(I hope the whole back and forth semantics just get deleted because they really bog this thread down).

People mentioned Guided weapon enchant as a place to start so you can drop str.

First off I'd like to note some things. Str/Dex/Con go of the belt slot, int/Wis/cha go off the headband slot. If you can get everything that depends on your Str into Wis then you can use that slot for dex or con(probably con because you'll get diminishing returns with dex due to armor max Dex bonus). You can get an item that has all three for their respective slots but they are incredibly expensive.

There's a few feats I would like to mention (some 3p):

Legacy Weapon (3p)The weapon you wield has been passed down from generations. Benefit(s): You begin play with a masterwork weapon with a cost of 500 gp or less, gaining a +1 bonus to damage with this weapon. In addition, this weapon can be enhanced as though its owner possessed the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, treating its owner as though they possess whatever spells would be required to enhance it. Special: This feat can only be selected at 1st level. Special: If you possess the ancestral weapon trait, your damage bonus from this feat increases to +3. Special: If you possess the heirloom weapon trait, you gain a +1 trait bonus to attack rolls with this weapon. Special: If you possess both the ancestral weapon and heirloom weapon traits, you also reduce the cost of enhancing this weapon by 10% and treat this feat as though it was also Weapon Focus for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.

A lot of holes in how these exactly go together but if a DM is allowing 3p then they might agree these all combine so you have a masterwork cold iron(silver gets a -1 dmg) weapon you're proficient with +1 trait attack bonus, +3 dmg, pick one: proficiency with the weapon, +1 one combat maneuver, spend up to 1k, pay only 40% for magical upgrades AND counts as Weapon Focus basically making these bonuses only cost two traits.

Now if the GM allows these to stack with 1k gold to spend. You can get a cold iron masterwork Warhammer with the weapon modification "versatility" in the monk weapon group(that you are proficient with via heirloom Weapon).(this will allow you to get a guided enchant @ level three if you have 8k+2k cold iron x.40=4k(beg borrow and steal))

Then you can get ascetic style which will allow you to use any ability that works with an unarmed attack which means you can now load your bad touch spells into your weapon.(I'm not sure if anyone has tried to use this feat for that purpose but the way it's worded and the rule that you can use an unarmed attack to discharge a touch spell seems pretty solid to me).

--Now if the GM rules against this there's another great feat called Blessed Hammer which does the above for a swift action and the additional benefit of treating your Warhammer as a holy symbol.

If you can get to third tier of ascetic style you are now rocking that Warhammer as a monk 4 levels below, put on a monks robe and your rocking monk dmg +1 lvl.

Now another thing being a worshipper of Torag does is give you access to his divine fighting technique which is a combat feat (you can switch out for a cleric domain but I don't think anyone would) which gives you combat reflexes for your Warhammer only and switches your Dex for Wis to determine number of AoOs you can do in a day. The real problem I see is trying to trigger AOOs without a reach weapon. (Maybe people here have some thoughts)

Then you can get the advanced technique which allows you to use vital strike on one AOO a turn.

Now some things about the dwarf is they can trade out Hardy for either endurance or toughness, the former can get you 1 feat away from die hard (very nice if you dumped str and stacked con) even better if you get fast healer(add half your con to all healing done to you). Otherwise you can also take Iron Within gaining a ki pool of 1pt now you can take ki feats. Rapid Regeneration and then Ki Regeneration will let you heal your Wis every turn for your swift action. (You see where I'm going with this? Wisdom, Wisdom, Wisdom and more Wisdom)

Now if your GM allows you could also take some vows to pump the points up and get more use of your Ki abilities.

It's very tricky what you're trying to do because a full caster is meant to cast spells and that typically takes up your turn, if you attack then you're making a suboptimal choice, you can load everything you got into gear and feats into combat and make it comparable but with action economy you're picking between two similar scenarios.

Right now I've got my build to a Dwarven Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest with a level one dip in brawler for iron caster abilities. My main goal was to build around the divine fighting technique but building around it is almost impossible to guarantee AOOs so I think I might overlook the deity rec on Intrepid Rescuer. Here's my current build, good luck with yours!

STR: 9 DEX: 14 CON: 14 INT: 13 WIS: 18 CHA: 7 (add +2con +2Wis -2cha)

Magrim Fellhammer VII
WP: Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest
BR: Brawler
L: Feat from level
*Guided enchant*Mongoose belt*
1WP1: Weapon Focus(Warhammer)
1L-Legacy Weapon(Ancestral+Heirloom)
3WP3:Rapid Regeneration (3L-Ki Regeneration
5WP5:(5L-Craft Magical Items
6WP6:Ascetic style
7WP7:Quicken Blessing (7L- Sacred Geometry1-extend and toppling
8BR1:Martial Flexibility (Iron Caster powers activate!)
9WP8:(9L-Divine Fighting Technique
10WP9:Intrepid Rescuer
11WP10: (11L-Divine Interference 10CL
13WP12:Vicious Stomp (ascetic style w/warhammer or Pinned Down (13L-Sacred Geometry2-Empower, Echoing
15WP14:(15L-Sacred Geometry3 -Quicken, Ascended
16WP15:free combat feat
17WP16:(17L-Trait feat for 2 or 3 lvl acsended
19WP18:Pin Down 11, (19L- Sacred Geometry5 Reach, Persistent

Vow of Cleanliness
Vow of Fasting
Vow of Truth

//Edit, just put long rant on here how power attack sucks, I'm not going to retype that all but I will sum it up. Power attack (especially for a partial BAB) is not worth it. It can make you feel good when you hit but it will almost never improve your dmg over time because of your loss to hit.

It's a free action to switch a weapon from hand to hand so I don't see why you couldn't touch yourself for free.

So on the 12th square should really be 5ft to compensate for the difference.

No, dimensional assault and branch Pounce.

This is a tricky one because of its general lack of detail and terms like"special" charge. But a special charge is still a charge as in would trigger defensive abilities that trigger on a charge. So that leads me to believe a weapon set against a charge includes this special charge. But the movement is not "charge" movement as per the text but replaced with teleportation as per the spell dimension door.

I don't think pummeling style would combine because of how pummeling style is worded. "You can charge and make a full attack or flurry of blows at the end of your charge as part of the charge action. You can use Pummeling Charge in this way only if all of your attacks qualify for using Pummeling Style against a single target."

Simply put you aren't taking the charge action, you're taking the dimensional assault action that's special charge and performs a charge attack at the end. So for example the belt of thunderous charging would apply it's increased size damage as it specifically states applies to a charge attack which is what Dimensional Assault copies. Now the extra +2 to overrun and bullrush is tricky but if we are still working off that dimensional assault falls under the umbrella of a charge by being a special charge then it would also apply if not, then no.

//Edit// okay I almost forgot why I rezed this post. Could I combine these feats by teleporting above the target and drop down. I think it works because of the umbrella of special charge and charge. Atomic flying elbow for the win.

Branch Pounce

Prerequisites: Climb 3 ranks, Stealth 3 ranks.

Benefit: When charging a target by jumping down from above (such as when jumping out of a tree), you can soften your fall with a melee attack. If the attack at the end of your charge hits, the attack deals damage as normal and you also deal the amount of falling damage appropriate to your fall to the target (1d6 points for a 10-foot fall, 2d6 points for a 20-foot fall, and so on). This falling damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. You land in an unoccupied square of your choosing adjacent to the target, and you take falling damage as if your fall had been 10 feet shorter. You can attempt an Acrobatics check as normal to treat the fall as an additional 10 feet shorter for the purpose of determining the damage you take from the fall. If your attack misses, you land prone in a random square adjacent to the target and automatically take the full amount of falling damage.

As much as I want to agree with people that want to start their turn fighting defensively/combat expertise before making an attack I'm sorry but that just plain isn't how this is worded. You declare an attack before you make the attack, not run through a maze or jump over a river and then make an attack, declaring is right when you are about to complete that specific action.

Now thematically it makes absolutely no sense. And the flavor text really doesn't contribute to the RAW being believable in real life. For example, if combat expertise was like "You swing around your weapon as you attack so wildly as to avoid incoming blows from opponents while reducing your attack accuracy." But instead it says "You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy." Which does sound like you simply focus more on defense and less on accuracy which you could do at anytime during your turn.

In all reality it makes a pointless gap in your defenses and hopefully most DMs would rule you can choose to take the -hit at the beginning of the turn but can't use your standard action/full round action for anything but an attack.

The fire resistance would apply after the save for sure. Not because I know that's what the rules say but because that's the only way that makes sense.

Since we are hitting grey area about applying the fire resistance to the cloak I would look a little farther into how you get fire resistance. If it's from an internal ability like a race or feat then I would say no. (If your skin is extra resistant to fire that doesn't protect the cloak). But fire resistance from magic I think of that as more of a protecting sphere around your whole body. So it blocks for damage against you and what your wearing.

Yeah this is totally counterintuitive. Technically you can put it on everything. Here's why:

This special ability can be placed on ONLY weapons that deal nonlethal damage.

First off this is probably bad grammar, it looks like they meant to say "weapons that ONLY deal nonlethal".

All weapons can deal nonlethal damage with a -4 to attack, a feat, or a weapon special ability therefore if you take it at the text every weapon can be enchanted with it. It also then would apply to every hit, as the way its worded.

Now, if it was worded the second way, it couldn't be enchanted to any weapon as weapons with the nonlethal subtype can do lethal damage with a -4 penalty to attack.

And here's why this is an absolute terrible wording, had they said "Can only be enchanted with weapons of the nonlethal special weapon ability" or "Only while dealing nonlethal damage with this weapon add 2d6 nonlethal to that damage". Would have given us some clarity. However there are gaping problems with the first and that is ...."what if I put it on my amulet of might strikes". Because they are an example of a nonlethal weapon and you only do lethal damage as an enhanced feat, likewise there's probably some other rogue abilities and other things that allow you to deal lethal damage with a weapon with the nonlethal special. Which would then allow you to do 2d6 of nonlethal regardless of the damage you were doing. Which in the absent of healing is basically getting a +1 bonus that does 2d6 dmg(this is a good combo with vicious btw lol).

Now we come to the absolute necessity to interpret because they obviously meant something by the words "This special ability can be placed on "only weapons that deal nonlethal damage"."

I feel like Paizo would clarify that they are talking about the special weapon ability and then leave the gaping hole for unarmed monk attacks.

I feel like a GM that doesn't like to give or skirt any sort of possible advantage to players could rule that it has to have the weapon special and it has to be dealing nonlethal damage.

I think the most balanced approach would be to be able to put it on any weapon that makes some sense, nonlethal special, merciful, feat specifying, or even just a character that prefers nonlethal damage with their weapon could get the enchantment but only functions while doing nonlethal damage.

A benefit of kukri is it's a light weapon so you can deal damage with it while grappled.

Maybe get a weapon cord, drop as a free action but then move action to pick back up.

So there's lots of threads on this subject but they all don't seem to answer the one I'm thinking is the real iffy rules question.

So, enhancement is maxed at +5 and combined max of +10 with weapon special abilities.

How do dms usually handle amulet and body wraps stacking?

I think the enhancement bonuses definitely do not stack and you just take the higher of course. But what happens if you have +5 amulet with all weapon special abilities and you activate your body wraps that are +7 (+1 enhance, +6 abilities)

Does the amulet just turn off completely, do you get to choose which abilities go into effect totaling not more than 10?

Now what if you only took a +5 on the amulet and a +5 combined bonus on the body wraps, would they definitely stack together then?

I like the idea of being able to choose but that seems kind of broken because you could have a few circumstantial abilities that you could always keep inactive until its needed. Maybe the best way to handle would be to allow a monk to get a max of +5 on each and be able to use both at the same time but if they go over the +10 threshold combined then just the body wraps activates and the aomf deactivates?

That way a monk can still get there +10 weapon enhancements, I dont like the idea of being forced into a +1 on the body wraps but what can you do.

John Lynch 106 wrote:

So to address the monk issues, I've made some changes:

Monks no longer have 3 good saves. They now only get 1, however Improved Unarmed Strike no longer exists as a feat. Now it simply is an inherent property on unarmed strikes. In return for these elements single classed monks now get 3 bonus feats to choose from, so a monk could have Stunning Fist, Elemental Fist and Toughness. And they don't need to meet the prerequisites for these feats if they take them at 1st level.

Monks no longer get weapon focus at 1st level. But they do get to treat their BAB as being equal to their monk level at 1st level, meaning they qualify for weapon focus at level 1 and can take the extra attack feats at the correct levels. I've also added special clauses onto Stunning Fist and Elemental Fist which allows a monk to spend ki to get free uses of them. I've also boosted stunning fist to last a number of rounds equal to the monk's level.

I've got an "Inner Fortitude" monk talent which lets them swap out Con for STR when it comes to HP and Fort saves (which can be taken as early as 2nd level) which makes the monk less MAD. Finally monks now get 6+Int mod skill points per level, putting them above what a fighter gets.

Overall I think this is a good boost and rearrangement of the monk that brings them more in line with the CRB monk's abilities while giving them stealth boosts (e.g. barkskin power is gone and in it's place is Iron Monk which gives them a natural armor bonus which actually stacks with barkskin). The most obvious boost being Wis mod+level ki points per day.

I'm planning on reducing the ki to become Wis mod+1/2 level and give the monk some of the abilities he lost back (slow fall, high jump) and then have drunken master get what would effectively be +level ki points per day through drunken ki by swapping out the extra abilities. In this way there's a design space for the concept of the drunken master and you can have either a "traditional" monk or a "lots and lots of ki" monk instead.

These changes are a step in the right direction, you might want to consider spreading the power out between levels 1-2, if i see this right a human monk would have like 7 feats at level 1. You can never have enough feats though ;D

You're looking at this all wrong, pin them face down tork their arm back slap one manacle on it, then stick your boot right behind their head and pull on the arm one as hard as you can while peeling the back opposite leg back and snap one on that. No move actions but crappy flopping on the floor like a fish out of water.

I think it should only be a -5 to shackle them instead of -10 for rope. If rope was easier to contain people then cops would carry rope, not cuffs. But rope is nearly impossible to tie some one up while their moving around, bad game mechanic imo.

And you also can't have objects in your hand while you grapple, but you would need the rope or manacles in a quick easy place to get otherwise you would get an AoO...or lose pin or something bad.

okay thanks.

What I think is interesting about this item is that it increases natural armor bonus not enhancement bonus, so i can still barskin to +5 and still use this. Weird exception but the feat clearly does not state "enhancement" bonus like every other magical item.

"Once per round when the wearer spends a ki point, he gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC and a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 round. If the wearer spends another ki point before the end of his next turn, the duration is extended by 1 round and the natural armor and enhancement bonuses are increased by 1 (to a maximum of +4).

The bonuses to AC and Strength last for only 1 round following the expenditure of the last ki point."

The wording on this is pretty bad. So if you go off what 1 round means which means ending right before the initiative that started the effect this would only get a +1 bonus for 1 turn and end.

Since that doesn't make any sense. this is what i think it does.

You get 1 natural armor and 1 str per ki points you use per turn but that only lasts until the end of your next turn unless you use a ki point or you get it for 4 extra turns.

The reason why i think this is because it says "once per round" but then once you have that first bonus it triggers a second ability that as along as you spend a ki point before the end of your next turn (also where im pulling the duration from) it increases this ability and it extends it a round however, the last line "last for only 1 round following the expenditure of the last ki point" totally contradicts the duration extension spending extra ki is supposed to give.

There's lots of different ways this item would go but it takes up a valuable slot and costs 10k so it better do something pretty decent. Let me hear your thoughts and why. Thanks!

I think you should mention the brawler dip for getting rid of the req in Outslug and the int req in expertise.

I probably wouldn't play this type of monk version and that's my primary class. I'll explain, you took away flurry of blows AND stunning fist, you didn't give them full BAB, you doubled their natural armor to 10 but then you gave fighters 9 (wtf?), the way you attributed saves they have more but a lot less of a difference between 12/12/12 and 12/6/6, no unarmed dmg increase, no fast movement?? I mean come on, monk's considered much weaker than other classes and this just makes them pathetic, being able to resurrect is interesting but at the same time overpowered on any class even one as underpowered as this.

You give choice but the choices are fake and you even point that out in this thread. For example at level 3 you combined all the weak choices added one good option, what will everyone select oh i know more initiative the same way everyone picks reactionary as a trait.

All in all you hamstring the classes early abilities broke them down into "choices" when a monk got all of those for free or a simple feat. I do like the idea of changing out stunning fist for elemental fist but then it should be treated like a monk of the four winds, same with some of those others, they should grow as you level just like stunning fist does because its a core ability. You've basically made a naked fighter here.

I have a problem with the way most people thinks. Lets try a flow chart okay.
Character wants to do something that is rules iffy
-is there some similar game mechanic to draw from? If so use that. If not move to next question.
-would it makes "sense" from a mechanic and from a real world perspective? If yes continue to next question, if not consider not allowing it.
-would it add fun, flavor and/or character to the game? If yes, definitely consider allowing it and move to next question. If not seriously considering not allowing it.
-would it be overpowered? If no, then yes definitely allow it. If yes, consider a compromise or some sort of restriction, be creative not an a&&~&&@.

So this question gets wrapped up in answer one. Spells are similar in the way Ki is regained, ki fuels supernatural abilities, which are spells without a spell in a list. If you look at how they word wizards and sorcerers rest periods it is ultra unspecific, but points out that spells are "per day", just as Ki points are "per day" as noted by the Ki meditation feat and in the ninja and monk ki pool descriptions with "each morning". It also would greatly dwarf the use of the Ki Mat which is 10k compared to this ring that was 2.5k. Let's also remember that there's 24 hours and a day and you could technically rest more than once but that's not allowed either. You could rest and regain your ki after 2 hours but you would not regain it more than once in a 24 hour period.




Cleric/1 | AC 17/10/17 | F+4, R+0, W+6 | Per +6, Init +0 | HP 11/11






Lawful Good






Common, Elven

Strength 12
Dexterity 11
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12

About Devis Goldheart

Male Half-Elf cleric 1
LG medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +0; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +6,
Aura Aura of Good, Aura of Law,
Languages Common, Elven

AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17
HP 11 (1HD)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +6, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee longsword +1 (1d8+1/19-20)
Melee shield, heavy wooden -3 (1d4)
Ranged holy water (flask) +0 (2d4)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged dagger (thrown) +0 (1d4+1/19-20)

Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11

Special Actions Channel Positive Energy (1d6, DC 15, 4/day),
Prepared Spells:
Cleric (CL 1st): 1st -- Cause Fear(DC 15), Murderous Command(DC 15), Shield of Faith*
0 (At Will)-Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Stabilize
*: Domain spell.
Deity Iomedae; Domains Glory, Light Subdomain

Special Qualities Adaptability, Aura of Good, Aura of Law, Blinding Flash, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision, Multitalented, Orisons, Spontaneous Casting, Touch of Glory (7/day), Weapon and Armor Proficiency,
Feats Improved Channel, Skill Focus (Heal)

Acrobatics -5
Bluff +1
Climb -4
Diplomacy +1
Disguise +1
Escape Artist -5
Fly -5
Heal +11
Intimidate +1
Perception +6
Ride -5
Sense Motive +4
Spellcraft +4
Stealth -5
Survival +4
Swim -4

Possessions longsword; shield, heavy wooden; kikko armor; vestments (cleric's); holy symbol (silver); dagger; Belt Pouch [ Coin (Gold Piece) (x2); Holy Text (Cheap); Holy Water (Flask); Vial; ]; Vial ; Spell Component Pouch ; Scroll Case [ Scroll (Cure Light Wounds); ];

Adaptability (Ex) Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Aura of Good (Ex) You project a faint good aura.

Aura of Law (Ex) You project a faint lawful aura.

Blinding Flash (Su) As a standard action, you can emit a flash of light from your holy symbol or divine focus. The most powerful light emanates out 20 feet from you. Creatures with fewer than 1 Hit Dice within this area are blinded for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed at a Fortitude save. All creatures in this area are dazzled for 1 rounds. You can use this ability 7 times per day.

Channel Positive Energy (Su) You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 1d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 1d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 15 Will save to halve the damage. You can use this abilty 4 times per day.

Elf Blood (Ex) Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.

Elven Immunities (Ex) Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses (Ex) Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.

Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.

Multitalented (Ex) Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.

Spontaneous Casting You can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that you did not prepare ahead of time. You can "lose" any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with "Cure" in its name).

Touch of Glory (Sp) You can cause you hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a +1 bonus to a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. This ability lasts for one hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll. You can use this ability to grant the bonus 7 times per day.