
tdewitt274's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber. 1,006 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Are you still taking D&D Mini singles? At one time, you had a spreadsheet and instructions, but I can't seem to find them.

If you are still accepting them, I would be willing to sell my "stash."



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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'll admit, I haven't read the thread, but what about this? Fight example

In my opinion, it's a pair of bucklers that can be used for bludgeoning attacks. Maybe add a +1 to your normal strength damage. You could put a blade at the end for a pierce. Definitely a Monk weapon, IMHO.

EDIT: Better example

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv
Chapter 2: Racing to Ruin
Chapter 3: The City of Seven Spears
Chapter 4: Vaults of Madness
Chapter 5: The Thousand Fangs Below
Chapter 6: Sanctum of the Serpent God

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RunebladeX wrote:
If anyone still has trouble with the radish reward here's how im running the hook. sorry i don't know how to make a spoiler link so i'll tone the wording down.

This thread is a GM's Reference, and shouldn't have to have Spoilers, IMHO.

However, to do a Spoiler tag, type

[ spoiler] words [/ spoiler] (without the space in the [])

You can also see other tags by clicking the "Show" button below the post box.

::Resume normal activities::

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think this will help. Standard Catalog, take note of the footnote.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Stolen Land
Chapter 2: Rivers Run Red
Chapter 3: The Varnhold Vanishing
Chapter 4: Blood for Blood
Chapter 5: War of the River Kings
Chapter 6: Sound of a Thousand Screams

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Stolen Land
Chapter 2: Rivers Run Red
Chapter 3: The Varnhold Vanishing
Chapter 4: Blood for Blood
Chapter 5: War of the River Kings
Chapter 6: Sound of a Thousand Screams

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Stolen Land
Chapter 2: Rivers Run Red
Chapter 3: The Varnhold Vanishing
Chapter 4: Blood for Blood
Chapter 5: War of the River Kings
Chapter 6: Sound of a Thousand Screams

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Wasn't sure where to put this, but I thought here would be the best place.

I have no idea how to write an effective story, but want to become a DM. What are the best resources out there for ideas on Stories, Plots, Subplots, Twists, Conflicts, and all things story related?

The majority of the G/DMGs out there tell you how to build an encounter, but not how to get the PCs there. I've seen a few glimmers of hope, but they're a bit like an overview for what I want.

Any resources (online or dead tree) that you can suggest? How about game books (as they tend to relate to the subject I'm interested in)?

Any help is appreciated!


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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thirteenth Warrior
Any Star Wars movie

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


The sewers are only 5' wide? Need to squeeze?

James Jacobs
The scale on the sewer maps should be 1 square = 10 feet.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

"In the next week or so, we're expecting to ship the next volume of your subscription."

Here's to the first AP of the PFRPG!

You know the drill!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: The Bastards of Erebus
Chapter 2: The Sixfold Trial
Chapter 3: What Lies in Dust
Chapter 4: The Infernal Syndrome
Chapter 5: Mother of Flies
Chapter 6: The Twice-Damned Prince

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Howl of the Carrion King
Chapter 2: House of the Beast
Chapter 3: The Jackal's Price
Chapter 4: The End of Eternity
Chapter 5: The Impossible Eye
Chapter 6: The Final Wish

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Edge of Anarchy
Chapter 2: Seven Days to the Grave
Chapter 3: Escape from Old Korvosa
Chapter 4: A History of Ashes
Chapter 5: Skeletons of Scarwall
Chapter 6: Crown of Fangs

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have a question about A14.

Hucker tries to flee when reduced in HP. As I'm sure that the PCs will block the only door, what kind of material is used for the walls. I was thinking he could break through the wall in a "desperate attempt to flee".

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Rhone1 wrote:
So, where can i find the map of Varisia?


And Here

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Recap just to keep things easier...

Q: On page 27, entry B6: Ancient Prison, it says "If the alarm is raised".
A: JJ: The "alarm" in question is generic. There's no specific area in the dungeon with an alarm spell or an alarm trap, but the monsters can still certainly roar and gibber and skitter down tunnels to warn their friends if they want.

Q: On page 44 to 45 (area D2) Bruthazmus the Bugbear is listed as having a 17 Str (which is a +3 bonus). But the rest of his stats seem to be written with +4 bonus, and he has a +4 Strength Bow.
A: tbug: just change it to 18, in case you haven't read the other threads

Q: Specifically looking for areas C25 (Submerged Sea Cave) and C26 (Sea Cave).
A: JJ: C25 is west, C26 is north.

Q: On page 72 of Pathfinder #1 is that Xin-Shalast on the picture?
A: JJ: It isn't. That's a picture of Runelord Alaznist's palace over the city of Xin-Bakrakhan, the city of wrath, at the height of the fall of Thassilon. Much of this city sunk under the waves, and the ruins that remain above water are known today as Hollow Mountain—no one really knows that there's an ancient sunken city in the Varisian Gulf.

Q: Is there a map of the encouters for Initial Assault (EL1) page 11?
A: JJ: There's not a map; unless you count the map of Sandpoint, of course. Otherwise, the city square flipmat is a great choice for this battle.
JJ: There's the main map of Sandpoint in the Sandpoint article... My hope was that map would suffice, would give GMs a place to start when preparing their own maps. It's not a perfect solution.

Q: The runelord of greed is the main enemy of the campaign, correct? However, most of the villians in the adventure are affiliated with the runelord of wrath. Should the focus be on the runelords generally as opposed to the specific runelord being fought?
A: Actually... while a few of the villians in Burnt Offerings are associated with wrath, the entire dungeon in Thistletop is associated with Greed and Karzoug. Nualia and her henchmen aren't really associated with any of them, though. The way the campaign's built, the seven-pointed star (the Sihedron Rune) is the only "face" to the bad guys for a bit. It's a slow reveal for the PCs who and what is exactly going on, and the focus on Runelords doesn't really start till late in adventure #3.

Q: With which sin will the skinsaw men be affiliated?
A: Michael F: Page 10. JJ: The skinsaw men are actually cultists of Nogorber who are being taken advantage of by a lamia who's working for Karzoug; this is the same lamia who's grooming Nualia for greater glories (that is, until the PCs put her down).

Q: On page 66 of PF#1 in the Sandpoint section under #18- Cracktooth's Tavern. Jesk "Cracktooth" Berinni is described as being a NG human male, half-orc expert. Which one is it? Human or half-orc?
A: JJ: Human

Q: How can we tell if they are Chelaxian, Varisian or Shoanti? What's the overall ethnic mix in the town, percentage-wise?
A: JJ: Most of Shoanti is Chelaxian. If someone's Varisian or Shoanti, we mention it. I'd hazard a guess that the ethnicity breaks down something like 65% Chelaxian, 30% Varisian, and 5% Shoanti, though.

Q: Hide Shirt. In the description it says that it is light armor, but on the chart, it's listed as medium.
A: JJ: Hide shirts are light armor.

Q: Goblin Warchanter on pg12, listed with Exotic Weapon Proficiency:Whip feat. With a BAB of 0, how does it have this? Plus it also has Combat Reflexes feat as well, and as far as I can tell, it should only have one feat, not two.
A: tbug: It's a class ability. Every member of that class has this.

Q: I'm unclear on why the sinspawn would have left blood on the rim of the pool in area B4. Any guidance?
A: JJ: Erylium's been doing that to create sinspawn, actually. The blood spatters are left over from her last batch she cooked up.

Q: Where is the Kaijitsu family from? I gathered that they're not Chelaxian, given their Japanese-style names, and the mention of their "native tongue" on page 19; but I haven't seen anything about their background. Did I just miss this?
A: JJ: When I was working on Burnt Offerings, it was my understanding that Tian Xia is the name of the continent over there, and that Minkai was an empire. So Tian Xia would be Asia, while Minkai would be Japan. That of course may change, but in any event it doesn't change the fact that the Kaijitsus fled/were exiled from there, fled over the north pole, ended up in Varisia, changed their names, and are now local nobles.

Q: The Shopkeep's Daughter- pg. 15. Is the DC check of 30 plus correct for a PC to get out of the situation with Shayliss w/o causing unnecessary complications for the party?
A: JJ: It is. If things go that far, the best bet for a low-level party is to run, really.

Q: Two sourcebooks are mentioned that I've never heard of, The Book of Fiends and the Tome of Horrors; what are these books?
A: Green Ronin's The Book of Fiends (and PDF). Necromancer Games' Tome of Horrors.

Q: What is a Thaumaturge? I thought that was some type of prestige class? I was a bit confused to see that the Quasit was a "Thaumaturge."
A: JJ: Erylium, though... she's got levels in the thaumaturge class from Green Ronin's Book of Fiends. This version of the thaumaturge is a sort of variant cleric who worships and draws power from a demon lord; in this case, Lamashtu. All the relavent rules for the thaumaturge class are reprinted in Erylium's stat block.

Q: C24 in Thistletop is not marked on the map.
A: Kelvar Silvermace: But I think C24 is the small room with the just south of the stairwell in the Northwestern corner of the structure.

Q: Had a question referencing the Goblin Warchanter on pg12. When looking at the combat stats, I notice that her shortbow damage does not add up to what I expect. In the book, it shows 1d4+1, but I add it to be 1d4 (my figures: 1d4base for small shortbow, -1 for STR, +1 for Inspire Courage effect.)
A: JJ: Yeah... you do indeed apply Strength penalties to bow damage. Whcih also means that the warchanters should be doing only 1d4 points with their shortbows.

Q: Just to clarify things. The only way the PCs can dissipate the runewell's power is if they slit their wrists, which would mean that they would have to create approximately 4 sinspawn?
A: tdewitt274: Or, deal with 7 "enraged" PCs (3 pts a piece).
JJ: Yup. Other methods might work as well. Dispel evil would probably safely disperse some points. And a rod of cancellation would do a number on the runewell. Morden... ahem.... mage's disjunction would absolutely destroy the runewell. BUT: These alternatives are out of reach of a low level party.
Note: Erylium uses 6 points in the encounter.

Q: In Malfeshnekor's prison K10, it says "Each rack in the northern corners contains 30 erernal candles..." So is that 30 candles in all or 30 per rack, and if that is so how many racks are there?
A: tdewitt274: The picture shows two objects in the Northern corners. Based on the text ("Each of the racks in the northern corners contains 30 eternal candles"), I'd say 2 racks of 30 totalling 60 candles.
JJ: Correct; there's 60 in all.

Q: Does killing a sinspawn give the runewell another point?
A: JJ: Nope.

Q: I noticed that Areas B13A and B13B are not described.
A: JJ: My gut tells me that areas B13A and B probably didn't need map tags if there's nothing there.

Q: Erylium is a flying opponent, and her Tactics section says that she flies above the party and uses ranged attacks against them. But I can't find a description of the room's height anywhere. Does anyone know how high up she can fly?
A: JJ: Erylium's room is about 20 feet high.

Q: Who is the older sibling of the Kajitsus? Page 19 first claims he's the older brother, and then that she's the older sister.
A: Ameiko's the older sibling.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together (Maybe have a subforum just for the adventures, hint, hint Gary ; )

Anyway, my question: On page 27, entry B6: Ancient Prison, it says "If the alarm is raised". Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I didn't see anything about an alarm. Was this supposed to be in B1 (there's only a creature there, no description) or somewhere else (like B13)?

On a side note, awesome job so far! I'm a slow reader, but enjoying every little bit! The Glassworks, the Goblins, the aftermath of the Goblin Ranger! I wish I could think this stuff up!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I can't seem to find the Dragon/Dungeon that had the editorial that explained it, but this should do...

From GamingReport.com
Johnny Wilson:
Paizo is the Greek verb meaning, "I play, I jest, or I dance."