Hakotep I

tankertux's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 7 posts (10 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge 5/5

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Please count me among those who vote for keeping all current boons with 1st edition PFS play. That is, please do not do anything to carry them over to 2nd edition.

Let's start fresh.

Grand Lodge

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Would someone at the mother ship please add Temple of the Twelve to the list of adventures for reporting SFS/PFS sessions?

Thank you.

Grand Lodge

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I'm not sure if this has been reported yet in another thread; if so I apologize for any duplication.

When reporting PFS scenarios, 9-03 and 9-05 are now missing and appear to have been replaced with scenarios 9-11 and 9-09 respectively.

On Thursday evening about 23:00 Eastern time, I reported a session under event number 153389 for scenario 9-05. This morning, Sunday, I noticed that the session now reports as being for scenario 9-09.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Yes, the fourth chronicle sheet awards the PC with three experience points and four prestige points at either 2nd, 4th, or 6th level with the corresponding amount of gold. Thus a PC with these four chronicle sheets can advance four levels.

The PFS rules are merely a subset of all the rules. You can play the module in campaign mode with PFS characters if you like - or not. As GM you set the limits when playing in campaign mode. For example, when I ran this for a group of four players I limited the players to a 15-point buy and only allowed use of Paizo books published before the release of the module with the exception of the Dragon Slayers Handbook.

Furthermore, it is entirely conceivable to play the module with a PFS-legal character in campaign mode, get the four chronicle sheets and apply them to an identical character - but one that has a PFS character number! Granted the PFS character may not be at the same level as the PC that completed the module, but the player will have had the enjoyment of playing their "PFS character" outside of PFS play for several levels and can make any adjustments they see fit as they apply these chronicle sheets to their PFS character.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Check out paragraph 2 under the section entitled "Receiving Credit."

From the sound of your post, I assume you are only running the sanctioned portions of the module. If so, the fourth chronicle sheet does not apply. The fourth chronicle sheet is only awarded if you play the entire module as detailed in paragraph two of the section entitled "Legal Pathfinder Society Characters."


Grand Lodge

tankertux wrote:

Here's a question - How is Yvogga able to cast sleep? Her stat block shows this as a 2nd level spell, yet that spell does not exist on the summoners spell list. What am I missing?

A correction. Yvogga's stat block lists sleep as 1st level spell.

Grand Lodge

Here's a question - How is Yvogga able to cast sleep? Her stat block shows this as a 2nd level spell, yet that spell does not exist on the summoners spell list. What am I missing?