superfly2000 |

Well....I've said before...even if it was a long time ago...
For me personally if this is again some kind of meta-"third person" view I'll stay well clear of it.
99% of all MMO's have the WoW-style so called "third person view" which is actually almost like first person view only it is behind the shoulder...and you can zoom out.
Like I said before I'd like isometric view to be standard (and the game designed around that!). I know however that this is probably wishfull thinking as I think remember seeing a short video where the typical MMO graphics engine was displayed.
I hope some developer in the future finally looks to epic old games like Neverwinter Nights 1 and makes a proper isometric MMORPG instead of all crap we have to choose from nowdays.
Not to talk about all the action elements put into RPG's today it is more like an FPS...or maybe I'm just too old...
Anyway...if it is more like I said it would also be a lot closer to pen and paper feeling...