First, I want to highlight this adventure for all of the positive reasons mentioned in the reviews by Navior and Lucent. However, I would like to add this review as both a response to their comments, and to take the discussion back to a DM and PC centered perspective. I think the previous reviewers’ emphases on the last section/encounter of the module as being “railroady,” or as “uninspired,” misses the main points of the adventure. I’ve listed them below in no particular order:
1. The organic feeling and background of the adventure provides an amazing flow for the story arc.
2. The PCs end the adventure in control of Baba Yaga’s Hut!
3. This adventure is oozing with a classic, dark, fairy tale aesthetic that goes a long way towards putting the fear of fey back into jaded RPGamers.
4. Players will be very excited about gaining one of the most famous artifacts in both Earth and Pathfinder legend as their new home.
5. Not all BBEGs need to be completely memorable battles.
6. Both DM and PCs will look forward to new configurations of the hut once they travel to another location. I can’t wait to see the layout in the next adventure! And I can’t wait to see the players reactions when they realize, “Oh, this place changes when we travel.”
7. If you think the last section of the four in this volume is too much of a railroad, see the author’s (Jim Groves) extensive comments in the Product Discussion.
8. The players end up in control of an amazing – and very fun – artifact by 7th level!
9. The adventure can be altered so the railroad of the last section isn’t such a “dungeon.” Use your DM's prerogative. There is a lot being said about this already online, so find whichever idea inspires you the most, and tailor the adventure to your campaign.
10. Baba Yaga’s hut as loot for the players!
11. This volume could easily be mined as a “heist adventure” for a home-grown campaign (great idea Jim, and great AP debut!).
12. Did anyone mention that the players will be world- and plane-hopping in their new spoils after killing the BBEG? Woohoo, Baba Yaga’s Hut!
If you haven’t bought this yet, get it! And on that note, subscribe—because all the adventures for this path are going to EPIC!