
skittle600's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I've been waiting for more nonstandard level APs, level 5 starting AP especially. Seems like a very fun AP

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big fan of these rules, my only issues are some specific quick fixes not mentioned. Like if champion causes and tenets can be chosen by any champion and how magus's arcane cascade will work with the removal of spell schools. But yeah I'm pretty happy for these changes, I've been saving the mark of the mantis boon to play a champion of achaekek for a while now.

Yeah, that is a little bit silly. should put that non damaging impulses dont gain the trait or something similar
Only other gripe i have with elemental instinct barb is that it doesnt have a high level feat, although paizo mightve expected you'd be taking feats in kinet archetype instead. Still feels a lil silly though

eddv wrote:

I have a philosophical question about the ringtone spell.

Why are you going to the effort of reinventing soothe? Wasnt the whole point of using P2s chassis to not need to do double work like that?

I'm assuming they meant that soothe was currently a placeholder and motivating ringtone was meant to be a slightly different spell that worked similar to soothe.

Summoner is definitely in my top favorite classes. It's an extremely simple gish concept that i dont really see in similar systems. In essence, you're a subpar caster that commands a subpar martial, now I made that sound bad but the way they made that work just makes it extremely satisfying to play. Also just being an all traditions caster makes them variable as is, the only summoner I have played is occult but I do feel that's my favorite tradition for summoners. Occult tradition does lend well to the bounded casting and makes for a great buff caster. I can also imagine once the remaster comes out and runic weapon/body starts scaling that primal summoners will be an amazing self buffing class.
also I'm still waiting for that aberration eidolon, paizo. I'll be patient but one day...

NECR0G1ANT wrote:
I like edicts & anathemas as flavor, but will there be mechanical consequences for violating ancestral anathemas, like there are for clerics who violate their deity's anathema?

I'd assume there aren't mechanical violations for not following them, they're mostly just there to encourage roleplay and for GMs to give hero points for doing fun/in character RP