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Our group discovered PACG at PAX Prime 2013. Most of the group played eurogames but there were some role players as well. The novelty of ongoing deck construction and deck==health really seemed cool so early on we committed to having a regular group march through each adventure. There was a lot of excitement up through the 3rd adventure. We even had a lead figure painting party and I ended up writing an Android app to calculate PACG probabilities. I also picked up the Rise of the Runelords adventure path just so I could see what the complete story was about.

Around the fourth adventure it turned into a bit of a grind. It felt like we had little chance of losing and the only thing that kept us playing was character progression and the social aspect of getting together. It kind of felt like playing an MMO too long. In spite of this, if there was an adventure 7 and adventure 8 I'm sure someone would have bought it and the party would have kept going.

For me, in order to buy the new base set, skull and shackles would have had to have some major innovations. (in my judgement it doesn't) It couldn't just be the same thing with a few extra mechanics and a few tweaks. Also, the thought of buying the base set, and a bunch of expansions was a little daunting since we had just been through that. I can plop down $30-$60 for a complete eurogame that gives us many hours of fun.

Today, to scratch the cooperative game itch, we are playing Eldritch Horror, Robinson Crusoe and will likely start Dead of Winter.

I don't want to sound too negative. Our group had many hours of fun with PACG. It just got less fun as the adventures progressed.

One thing sets me apart from the other posters...I have nothing against pirates. :)

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Illusionist
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, add 3 to your check to recharge a card
Card Feats: Spell +1, Armor +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow
Spells: Frost Ray, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Incidiary Cloud x2, Scorching Ray, Swipe x2, Web
Armors: Elven Breastplate
Items: Chime of Unlocking, Siheadron Medallion, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Sage, Toad, Vale Temros

Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Sniper
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand Size +1, You may recharge a card to add +3 to a combat check at another location
Card Feats: Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Frost Longbow +1 x2, Longbow +1, Shock Longbow +1, Venomous Dagger +2
Armors: Magic Shield
Items: Belt of Incredible Dexterity, Sihedron Medallion, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger x2
Blessings: Calistria, Blessing of the Gods x3, Lamashtu, Shelyn

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Virtuoso
Skill Feats: Constitution +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: Proficient with Weapons, Once per check you may recharge a card to add 1d4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location, add 2 to your check to recharge a spell
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1
Weapons: Venomous Dagger +2
Spells: Acid Arrow, Augury, Frost Ray, Lightning Bolt, Major Cure, Scrying
Items: Masterwork Tools, Medusa Mask, Sihedron Medallion
Allies: Cat, Guide, Sheriff Hemlock
Blessings: Abadar, Gorum, Iomedae, Lamashtu, Pharasma

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Wild Warden
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: Hand Size +1, Proficient with Weapons, You may reveal an ally with the animal trait to add 1d4+2 to your check.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Aid x2, Cure, Holy Light x2, Major Cure
Items: Luckstone, Spyglass
Allies: Cat, Crow, Monkey, Saber-Toothed Tiger
Blessings: Abadar, Calistria, Irori, Lamashtu, Torag

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Thief
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +3
Power Feats: Proficient with Weapons, If you are the only character at your location you may add a +2 to your combat check or discard it to add an additional d6, add 2 to your check to acquire an armour item or weapon
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Returning Throwing Axe +1
Armors: Magic Studded Leather Armor, Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Tome of Knowledge, Belt of Incredible Dexterity, Masterwork Tools, Ring of Protection, Spyglass, Sage's Journal, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Aldern Foxglove, Black Arrow Ranger, Ilosari Gandethus
Blessings: Calistra, Erastil, Irori, Norgorber

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Weapon Master
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: Hand Size +1, Add 1d4+3 to another character's combat check at your location
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Bastard Sword +1, Impaler of Thorns, Longbow +1, Longsword +2 x2, Vicious Trident +1
Armors: Magic Chain Mail x2, Magic Half-Plate
Items: Holy Candle, Spyglass
Allies: Crow, Jakardros Sovark, Shalelu Andosana
Blessings: Iomedae, Norgorber x2, Sarenrae

Thanks for pointing out that the rolls don't show damage. I added an issue to the project page.

A fixed version should be on the Google Play store in a couple hours.

Thanks for catching this so quickly!


Ok, I see it too. Crap. Expect a patch soon.

Can you post a screenshot and let me know what devices and android OS version you're using? I may be able to reproduce it on an emulator.

It works for me on a Nexus 4, 5 and 7 with Android 4.4


mlvanbie wrote:

If I have a 92% probability of success, the top bar will be orange for the first 8% (opposite of what I would expect). The confusing part is that the bottom bar never shows any orange.

Tested on two Nexus devices with different OS versions.

The top bar shows what you have to beat. If you have a 92% chance of success then you have to beat 8% in order to succeed. The bottom bar is just a random percentage. If it's bigger that the top bar you win.

The color for top bar is just the default android progress bar. (yellow-ish orange) The bottom bar is a gradient from red (low roll) to green (high roll) with yellow-ish orange in the middle.

The UI made sense to me when I wrote it. Can you describe a UI that would be more intuitive to you? Maybe there's a universally better UI design.

Creating an interface that actually rolls dice is more work that I want to put into this for a feature I won't use.


Maybe this will help.

If you add 1d6 and set the target to 4 your probability should be 50%. If you select the "force reroll" special your probability drops to 25%. This is the odds of rolling 1d6 >= 4 twice in a row.

The simulator just attempts to beat the final probability, it doesn't do all the intermediate rolls.

The top bar shows you the roll you have to beat and the second bar shows you the actual roll. If your odds are 25% then the top bar is 75% full. If you roll under that 75% you lose.

Does it make sense?


mlvanbie wrote:
Will we get the ability to roll the dice?

I ended up adding a very simple die roll feature. I just pushed it to the play store so it should be available within a few hours.


mlvanbie wrote:
Will we get the ability to roll the dice?

Short answer: probably not unless someone with UI design or programming skills wants to contribute.

Long answer is posted at Board Game Geek


App developer here.

Here's a clickable link to the app on the Google play store: PACG Probabilities

Here's a link to the Project Page in case you want to fiddle with the source code.


I would pay (probably a lot) for the reprints. I don't sleeve my cards so I would probably just write the errata directly on the cards if there was no reprint.

So: would pay for replacement; no need for pdf since I would mark up existing cards.