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![]() I've got a few ideas on how to go with this, however, I'm very new to all of this in general. I'd like some help if it's at all possible. The basic idea is a corruption that is essentially an addiction to Arcane Magic. If you're familiar with Blood Elves from WoW, something like that. Magic is their lifeblood and they addicted to it. If they go overboard, they turn into husk-like monsters, withered out from frying their bodies with arcane energies. Treat Corruption Points like how the Possessed Corruption path has: You start at 1 each day.
Corruption Stages: Not entirely sure on what the triggering event should be here for advancing stages, emptying out your spells? Here's a basic idea of the stage though: Stage 1 - You overindulged on magic, causing some kind of havoc and mayhem. Wherever you "overdosed" becomes barren of life (as you blew it up) and your body recoils from the flood of too much energy, taking a permanent -2 to CON. You are now moderately addicted to magic (Moderate Addiction works great for this, I want to figure out how to apply to use of magic directly though) Stage 2 - You did it again, this time destroying an even greater area of life, rending the land rotten. Your mind is beginning to get weaker, take a permanent -2 to all mental stats. Additionally, you are now Severely Addicted to magic (same thing as before) Stage 3 - You blow up a small town's worth of land, and arcane energies flooded your body, consuming your mind and body. Your character becomes a husk of yourself, becoming an NPC for the GM (or you've blown yourself up and died. either one works) - Side note, are there any good monsters that represent a mana husk? Someone who over-indulged on so much magic, they basically "flooded" themselves? They'd be perfect for this. Now for Manifestation Powers. Metamagic Power
Greater Metamagic Power
Spell Machinegun: As you cast spells within a certain amount of time, gain an ever increasing potent magic
Enhanced Magical Items: Channel arcane energy into your items, increasing their powers somehow.
Forbidden Access:
Arcane Form
Side Note - I’m imagining this is the “unlimited power moment” where you turn into Xerath (pure arcane energy, but confined into a singular being). I want people to enter this form, gain some nifty buffs, but then heavily drain/punish you after leaving it
Blood Power
Possible Alternative to Enhanced Magical Item and Blood Power
________________ And that's what I've got so far. Again, any constructive criticism and tweaks I could make would be greatly appreciated. Any solid, yet still slightly punishing "Stains" for Corruptions would also be welcomed. ![]()
![]() I'm also seconding Malwing on the sci-fi stuff. As someone who is currently running a Phantasy Star campaign in Pathfinder (to be specific, they're going through Phantasy Star 4's plot), those items he listed are clutch. Also to not be totally off-topic, did you ever play the old Final Fantasy games Malwing? I'm looking for a Dragoon style class based on those old games (Kain from final fantasy 4 is a perfect example): A martial character, specialized in using spears/lances/polearms. Their iconic ability though is to be able to jump incredibly high into the sky and come crashing down on their enemy for large amounts of damage. Here's a pretty good example of what i'm looking for: http://www.finalfantasyd20.com/ffd20/dragoon.html I'm just nervous about it because I've yet to see any real discussion about Final Fantasy d20 PF here, and I'm wondering if there's a 3PP who made something similar to it. Thanks a ton! ![]()
![]() Gonna make a long list here, cause I probably back way too many kickstarters. Been burned a couple of times by some video game ones, but so far when it comes to Pathfinder and pdf's, I've been really happy with the content I've gotten. There's been a few that got delayed, but I can wait. But even those ones have had me happier compared to some of the video game ones where it looks like no progress has happened in almost 3 years. What I've backed so far: It seems incredible and potentially awesome as a campaign setting. That said, 50k is a lot of money. Outside of a select few kickstarters that huge runaway successes, I don't see many kickstarters for pathfinder content hit that number. Best of luck to them, I've backed, but I'm skeptical that it's going to hit that number. That's the only one that's currently on-going at the moment. I've got a few others (Steve Lichman is hilarious), but none strictly pathfinder related. Northern Crown New World Adventures Never really tried to run an alternate history style of game before, but the idea of a New World-era exploration across the US sounds awesome to me. The book itself looks pretty in-depth with a lot of fluff and some useful parts of crunch too. It only recently got funded this month, so now the waiting time begins. I'm in a similar boat as Malwing here where Path of Shadows entirely sold me on getting this one. That said, I am excited for the classes in this one, especially the Saboteur and Vanguard. I didn't really look over the playtest, but I plan on skimming it a bit more later on. Wardens of the Wild: Supplement for Elves I'm a fan of TPK Games. The malefactor is one of my favorite classes, I use laying waste for my crits, and I've liked their other stuff in the past too. I'm looking to expand on elves in the next set of settings I write up and hopefully this book will help. Guy went radio silent for a long time which kind of sucked (This got funded in July), but the creator is looking like he's going to startup again here. Their preview spell they gave out (you turn so beautiful it hurts to look at you) is also one of the elfiest things I've ever seen. I love it. While I don't use a whole ton of stuff from AAW, I do plan on writing up a mini-version of the Underdark from 3.5/PF in a future campaign of mine. Naturally, a bestiary of stuff that focus on underground creatures are going to be perfect for that. They're hoping to get the pdf out by late november, and they said that pretty recently too. Fingers crossed because the art is gorgeous in the book. It's Pathfinder, but at it's most absurd. A huge amount of classes (I'm gonna have a power ranger villain used from this book) and they all seem really cool and unique thematically. Super hyped for the Architect which is like playing tower defense, but within pathfinder. They've recently released a WIP of what the book will be (no art, but all the classes are there) and again, I've loved what I have seen so far. I've got way more stuff I've backed, but it's too much to keep writing out, I'll just quickly list everything I've backed that I haven't written about: NeoExodus: the Campaign Setting Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms ![]()
![]() As someone else stuck in the perma-GM state, I feel the pain in this thread. So many classes I want to play, but probably never will. That said, Vitalist from DSP is super awesome. Especially with soulthief style healing. One of players was the Dragon Rider from Rogue Genius Games. It was his first time playing and he loved it. Another one of my players is the Medusa from Rite Publishing. She's having a blast turning things into stone and poisoning everything. __________ For me personally, I want to play that Iron Titan by Rite so badly. Don't think I'm going to be able to do that at all though ![]()
![]() That moment when I realize that I've bought a few bundles of yours and just haven't had time to actually sit down and read through most of your products <_<
As someone who has done basic reviews on products before, are there any tips on how to leave good ones? I wrote up a review for the Saurians book (seeing as how i've already read that one through a bit) and RPGNow. Really happy with the book and made it 5/5. The post you wrote was also incredibly insightful (even if i'm a little biased as a EZG fan :D ) about the nature of 3pp material and selling overall. A lot of info that I would not have known at all. ![]()
![]() I'm a little bummed because I don't think the architect class is gonna happen via the KS, but I'd still love to actually see that class. I loved playing dungeon defenders and I would be really interested to actually have a tower defense style character in game. But that said, the update showcasing some of the art plus the open documents for review makes me really excited for this. I've pitched in already, and even upped the pledge to 25 bucks. Can't wait! ![]()
![]() As someone who loved the binder in 3.5, I'd love to see what will be in this book. Definitely going to back the kickstarter on this one. i've seen a bit of the books, but i'd love to have just one big compiled book with all sorts of stuff in it. where would be the best place to make sure I hear about the kickstarter when it pops up? your facebook page? |