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Hello, I'm curious if there's been any good 3rd party material that combines the occult classes and adds in features to adapt stuff from the tech guide. I know Starfinder has a good chunk of stuff like this, but I'm curious if anything was specifically made with Pathfinder?

I know about Arcforge has some stuff, but i'm curious if there's any other good options. I haven't found much first party stuff, so any help is appreciated!

So a bit more detail, but I asked a while back about people making more corruptions, and it looks like a lot have added some big stuff to it already.

However I'm looking for one specific style of corruption that hasn't really been done yet, and I'd like to ask someone who knows their stuff better than I do how to build one. To the point that I'm willing to pay a freelancer or someone to design it for me. I'd be more than fine with them selling it here and on drivethru and stuff like that. I'd just love to see this come to fruition.

Note, the idea i'm thinking of is an arcane-corruption where a person is basically addicted to magic ala blood elves from WoW. They gain power from magic, but it costs them, both mentally and physically. I've got a few ideas, but I'd love to get it more developped.

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I've got a few ideas on how to go with this, however, I'm very new to all of this in general. I'd like some help if it's at all possible.

The basic idea is a corruption that is essentially an addiction to Arcane Magic. If you're familiar with Blood Elves from WoW, something like that. Magic is their lifeblood and they addicted to it. If they go overboard, they turn into husk-like monsters, withered out from frying their bodies with arcane energies.

Treat Corruption Points like how the Possessed Corruption path has: You start at 1 each day.
At 3 points, you begin to blend your corruption with your personality.
At 5 points, you make a Will Save at DC 12 + 2*Manifestation Level + 2 for previous save within the same day. If you succeed, you drop down to 4 points. If you fail, you advance a Corruption Stage

Corruption Stages: Not entirely sure on what the triggering event should be here for advancing stages, emptying out your spells? Here's a basic idea of the stage though:

Stage 1 - You overindulged on magic, causing some kind of havoc and mayhem. Wherever you "overdosed" becomes barren of life (as you blew it up) and your body recoils from the flood of too much energy, taking a permanent -2 to CON. You are now moderately addicted to magic (Moderate Addiction works great for this, I want to figure out how to apply to use of magic directly though)

Stage 2 - You did it again, this time destroying an even greater area of life, rending the land rotten. Your mind is beginning to get weaker, take a permanent -2 to all mental stats. Additionally, you are now Severely Addicted to magic (same thing as before)

Stage 3 - You blow up a small town's worth of land, and arcane energies flooded your body, consuming your mind and body. Your character becomes a husk of yourself, becoming an NPC for the GM (or you've blown yourself up and died. either one works)

- Side note, are there any good monsters that represent a mana husk? Someone who over-indulged on so much magic, they basically "flooded" themselves? They'd be perfect for this.

Now for Manifestation Powers.

Metamagic Power
Gift: Pick a specific metamagic feat you currently possess, decrease the cost of it by 1, increase your Corruption by 1

Greater Metamagic Power
Prereq: Metamagic Power
Gift: Take that singular metamagic feat you chosed, it now costs nothing to use, increase your Corruption by 1

Spell Machinegun: As you cast spells within a certain amount of time, gain an ever increasing potent magic
Gift: After casting 3 spells within in an hour, saves increase by 1. After 6, up by 2
Increase your Corruption by 1 to double this bonus

Enhanced Magical Items: Channel arcane energy into your items, increasing their powers somehow.
Gift: All items on you increase their bonuses somehow (more AC, better saves, etc.), increase Corruption by 1
Stain: after a few rounds, the item ceases to work for an hour

Forbidden Access:
Gift: Cast a spell that you currently don’t have prepared or learned, equal to half your manifestation level, rounded down. Increase your Corruption by 1
Stain: Your mind’s defenses are weakened, take a permanent penalty to your Will Save (-2?)

Arcane Form
Manifestation Level 5 (also up for change)
Gift: Temporarily overflow your body with Arcane magic, turning into an elemental of some kind, lasts 5 rounds. Increase your Corruption by 1 to use this form.

Side Note - I’m imagining this is the “unlimited power moment” where you turn into Xerath (pure arcane energy, but confined into a singular being). I want people to enter this form, gain some nifty buffs, but then heavily drain/punish you after leaving it
Stain: leaving this form drains you of your spells somehow. Lose a hefty chunk of your spells per day, items are drained, something along those lines.

Blood Power
Drain your health and life in order to recover your magic
Lose X amount of life in order to regain a spell used at your highest level, or 2 spells of one level lower
X = your level total level?

Possible Alternative to Enhanced Magical Item and Blood Power
Drain the power of your items temporarily in order to recover used spell slots?


And that's what I've got so far. Again, any constructive criticism and tweaks I could make would be greatly appreciated. Any solid, yet still slightly punishing "Stains" for Corruptions would also be welcomed.

So Horror Adventures came out, and for me, I've absolutely loved it. Corruptions are probably one of my favorite things added to the game so far (albeit with some tweaks so that they aren't so die in 2 weeks problems). I'm curious if any 3rd party publisher is looking at adding a few more options for them that would be fun.

I'd love to see some more options that focus on casters like a "magic addiction" style corruption that boosts a caster's power, but becomes recklessly deadly and adverse. Things that boost their spells, but cause them to not be able to control their powers as well, or have chances for the spells to "fumble" in a way that hurts them.

quick link: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/ascension-games/void-field

So a friend of mine is playing a nightblade right now, and me and another GM friend (i'm the guy who uses a ton of 3rd party stuff of the group) were having a discussion because the nightblade found out about this spell.

So I've got a few questions about this spell because if i'm reading it as-is, it sounds really powerful. Do you get no saving throw from the effects when you're within it (blindness/deafness)? What's to stop someone throwing this on a backline and having them be completely removed from the fight if you're not in a fairly wide open area? For example, if you get no saving throw, you'd almost have 0 reason to not just throw it on a caster immediately because they now don't have access to a significant portion of their spells.

I'm just curious cause looking at it without a lot of context, this spell seems rather powerful for its level.

Hello all. I'm currently in the mood to try and find things that really expand on the ability to poison enemies overall in game. It's something I'd like to expand on a bit more in my games and I'd like to see what's out there that's considered good.

It can be classes, spells, gear, etc. Don't care. Just want to see what exists for poisons.