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![]() Hi- My order has been pending since Wednesday, and I'm wondering if there is any eta on me receiving this. I kind of thought that something ordered on the 14th would arrive in time for a game on the 25th, but if that isn't that case I'll need to cancel and order from somewhere else. Thanks for your help ![]()
![]() This FAQ and page 217 of the CRB kind of derailed our game last night. This didn't really clear things up either: Sean K Reynolds wrote:
If a PC Bluffs someone and convinces them to drink a Potion of Enthrall, is that person voluntarily forgoing their saving throw and willingly accepting the spell's result? Do characters only realize something is wrong when consuming poison? Since there is nothing 'harmful' about Enthrall, does he still get the chance to resist? ![]()
![]() I'm doing up a 4th level cleric for a PF game taking place in the Forgotten Realms. In choosing Kossuth as a deity, I gain proficiency with the Spiked Chain. Should I go with Combat Expertise + Improved Whichever? That would pretty much soak up my feats. If I don't feel a strong affinity for either Trip or Disarm, should I just look at those features and say "that's nice," and take comfort in whipping bad guys with a length of chain? ![]()
![]() One of our friends has had to leave the game, and I am going to be playing his character, along with mine. The GM is going to let me change the guy, but with some stipulations: I can't rearrange ability scores, can't change his race, he has to be remade as a Rogue 4, and no third-party/3.X stuff; only PF material. S 13
These scores do not include the 4th level ability point. If it matters, the group consists of Paladin4, ranged Ranger4, Fighter2/Cleric2, Sorcerer4. We rarely get beyond level 10. What should I do with this Rogue? Thanks for stopping by. ![]()
![]() From the APG 156. This feat says, in part, "choose two Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills. Those skills always count as class skills for you." If those skills always count as class skills, does that mean I can always put ranks in those skills, if I multiclass? Or, if I took this feat during a level of cleric, I can only put ranks in it when I level cleric up? ![]()
![]() Our core gaming group has been together since early 2006. We play somewhat regularly, usually Sundays for five or six hours. The last long-term game we had was in an ancient Mediterranean-themed homebrew world, and everyone was enjoying the way things were going. But events and whatnot saw the group expanding to eight players. Two of them had no previous roleplaying experience, but that wasn't a huge issue - the rest of us have many decades combined experience, and questions got answered quickly. The GM did not want two of the players in the group. One is the husband of his boss, the other a coworker of the player whose house we game at (Mark). GM (Jason) didn't want to tell his boss that her hubby couldn't play, and felt bullied into accepting the other guy. This other guy has no interest in roleplaying; he sits and texts throughout the game. I'm not sure why he shows up. At the same time, Mark decided to start a game before our regular afternoon session. Most of the time, this early game ran into the accepted starting time of the original 'main' game. Jason was not pleased, feeling that it ate into his game time and was resulting in some players not being as fresh or attentive for his. Because of some of this, and one or two real world issues, Jason ended the game. He wanted to cut the group in half and invite just a few of us to play at another location. This has yet to work out for any of those he invited. Meanwhile, the early game has turned into the main game. It's made up of myself, one guy who is there every third week, two coworkers of Mark, and my cuz. The coworkers and my cousin are very new to the game. Their characters are a suicidal paladin, a dwarven monk with gigantism (he is 6'6''), and some aasimar-thing magus. None of them really know how their classes work. Sessions are now made up of disjointed combat, with me explaining class features, spells, movement rules, etc ad nauseum. The GM seems oblivious to these guys not knowing anything, and he is having a ball. I know I should have a better attitude about helping the new gamers, but come on. This was my relaxing time, my fun-having escape from the rest of the week, and now it feels like a job. I'm sure that some of the problems (all, probably) could be fixed with good ol' fashioned communication. Mark won't understand Jason's feelings about having a gamer forced on him. I don't want to get into an argument with Mark over his buddies, the fact that I think their characters are dumb, or spending most of my game session handholding. I don't think I'm really looking for an answer here; mostly I just wanted to complain about my stupid problems to someone (my non-gamer wife tries to be sympathetic, but doesn't really get it). Tl;dr - I'm whining about my friends. ![]()
![]() Hi friends. This is kind of off-off topic, but I found this to be odd, and wonder if I should have done something. This afternoon, I heard my neighbor crying. My wife and I live in a duplex that was built in the early 1990s, and sound can really go through the shared wall. I was sitting on the couch, switching between the xbox and the tv, and I heard her. It was not just crying; it sounded like she was sobbing. For a few minutes at least, and then she stopped. Or she moved away from the shared wall. So, I guess, I have been asking myself if I should have gone over to ask if she was alright. Would that have been inappropriate? Creepy? Thanks ![]()
![]() Hi folk and people. My group is running a Forgotten Realms game with Pathfinder rules. I'm going with a cleric of Tyr and the GM wants to whip up a domain for Retribution. Most of it has been banged together, but there was a discussion about the the 8th level power. I was thinking about mirroring it after the Law/Evil/ Good/Chaos domains, by giving it the Bane special quality. Is this overpowered? It kind of feels that it might be. ![]()
![]() Hey Paizo friends- Do you need something classy to wear at your game sessions? Maybe your dance troop needs a good shirt to wear to competitions, or you want something for that hard-to-shop for gamer friend. If these are situations that you have been in before, head on over to Threadless.com and vote on our shirt, a collaboration between myself and my infinitely more talented friend Beth. It takes 2 minutes to sign up- all you need to do is pick a username and sign up with an active email account (and there are no annoying spam from them; the only emails I get from them are regarding submissions). If you like what you see, vote it up, maybe leave a nice comment, click the 'notify me if this shirt prints' button. The more votes and comments we get, the greater chance of our shirt getting printed. If the shirt prints, we get some money, which I'm sure I will spend on PF stuff (still need UM). Here it is: Knight Moves. Thanks for looking! |