Prankster Illusionist

saor's page

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Really disappointed operatives couldnt get that amazing phase shot magic hack that technomancers get, so i want to make my own archetype.
basically was just thinking an operative that can choose appropriate magic hacks in place of exploits if they qualify for the level. im thinking prereq of being an android and intelligence 16, and was thinking of ditching bluff,intimidate, and athletics as class skills to add physical science and mysticism. is this too good? anything anyone feels should be added/ changed?

Really disappointed operatives couldnt get that amazing phase shot magic hack that technomancers get, so i want to make my own archetype.
basically was just thinking an operative that can choose appropriate magic hacks in place of exploits if they qualify for the level. im thinking prereq of being an android and intelligence 16, and was thinking of ditching bluff,intimidate, and athletics as class skills to add physical science and mysticism. is this too good? anything anyone feels should be added/ changed?

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Ive seen a few threads about Collar of the True Companion, but there seems to be some conflict on how it really works. My question is if it is used on an animal companion do they remain your companion after one week? the description of the item says "If the collar is worn for at least 1 week by a creature of the animal type, the creature is raised to humanlike sentience, as though by the awaken spell. " im assuming this means it gains the intelligence boost exclusively, not being effected by anything other effects of awaken