sadflk2001's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade


It looks like I'm being sent the adventure twice in this shipment. If possible please send item only once as subscription.

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please cancel my subscription to the pathfinder adventure path. Unfortunately it looks like I will no longer be able to participate in activities of this scale because of life changes. Thank you.

All other subscriptions can remain the same.

Silver Crusade **

@thod I have access to the sessions. going to look at exton land's idea now and see if I got gm credit for the nexus con.

Silver Crusade **

after verifying my paper records vs. online... Im getting 26 credits now, should be at 30. I have 25 scenario credits for my personal game night, 12 quest credits for my personal game night, and 2 from nexuscon2020. Very funky.

Silver Crusade **

I lost a glyph as well, and even went back and counted. I it looks like I lost credit for ones that were run at nexus con. so... might just be sorting GM and Session out. Ironically, I gained AcP.

Silver Crusade

please make this available. still showing as unavailable.

Silver Crusade

Joan H. wrote:
Hello sadflk2001. It looks like your orders shipped out but just wanted to check in to make sure everything was taken care of here. Let me know if I can make any changes for you. Thanks for your patience!

Yes this order did ship but this is the second time I've had issues with my paizo advantage not releasing. It's showing as two cancelled orders for 16 and 17

Silver Crusade

I have had this same issue with my PFS pdf subscriptions. do yours show up as cancelled as well in your orders?

Silver Crusade

So I have the subscriber advantage to gain the PFS2 scenarios, and was wondering why I didnt receive my scenarios this month. Im showing that they were both ordered twice, and cancelled somehow. As well I dont have access to buy quest 8.

Silver Crusade

sadflk2001 wrote:
Didnt get this as part of my monthly subscription?

In my orders it shows this was ordered and cancelled twice?

Silver Crusade

Didnt get this as part of my monthly subscription?

Silver Crusade


I would just like to know the status of these orders, and my subscription PDF releases, and make sure that my side cart is recorded/reported properly as well. Thank you!

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I still can't access this either. Shows unavailable.

Silver Crusade

I cant say why they have the model that they do, but I will say that they didn't try to keep me trapped into a subscription I no longer needed (3 or 4 people in my lodge have the starfinder society subscription). Also, when they made a mistake on my order and sent the core rule book instead of the bestiary (my wife had purchased the CRB for me as an early anniversary present), they worked it out and didn't charge me for the shipping.

It is sort of a pain right now with everything that's going on, but I've dealt with them two or three other times and have always been pleased.