runetirius's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

So I DM and play every week or so but I have yet to see or play a character that uses throwing darts and I've decided to make one, however I'm have an issue with pricing for masterwork darts.

According to the Core Rules throwing darts are considered a simple ranged weapon and should be 300 GP + initial cost of 5 SP, but to me that seems a little ridiculous. In comparison to blowgun darts which would come out to about 302.5 GP for a stack of 50. You'd need to somehow throw and retrieve that same dart about 25 times - 50 throws would be double the blowgun dart damage so I halved it - for it to be cost effective.

What are your thoughts, ideas for making this a little more balanced or do you think it's fine as it is?