runetirius's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Sweet now all I need to do is find me some mithral. Thanks for the feedback all around. My DM has been keeping tabs on the page too so he knows for sure the rules now. Although I am curious if Malachi is right about going off the original item weight or not.

Returning would be nice but I'm pretty sure the world we're in is a little less magic item oriented. I'll talk to my DM about it.

Typically when I'm dealing with social skills I like to encourage role play. So I secretly give bonuses based of the character level +1 for level range 1-5, +2 6-10, etc. If they're bluffing and they just roll it they don't get the bonus. If they try and convince me the DM and it seems like a legit arguement or point they get the bonus. For disguise I go off of how much detail they go into describing it. I never count it against them though as the dice are hard enough to get on your side as is. I tend to think of it like this. "You character is as skilled as he is no matter what but everyone once in a while he's just having a really good day."

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I don't know what everyone's talking about when they say rogues aren't that strong. I'm currently playing a rogue character and he's damn near untouchable, and second in damage next to the 2H Fighter. It takes a little while to get to the level that they start to shine but if you're smart about what talents to take when you can easily contribute to a good team especially if you use high crit range weapons like a rapier with either the finesse talent or feat.

So I DM and play every week or so but I have yet to see or play a character that uses throwing darts and I've decided to make one, however I'm have an issue with pricing for masterwork darts.

According to the Core Rules throwing darts are considered a simple ranged weapon and should be 300 GP + initial cost of 5 SP, but to me that seems a little ridiculous. In comparison to blowgun darts which would come out to about 302.5 GP for a stack of 50. You'd need to somehow throw and retrieve that same dart about 25 times - 50 throws would be double the blowgun dart damage so I halved it - for it to be cost effective.

What are your thoughts, ideas for making this a little more balanced or do you think it's fine as it is?