ravenoak's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (39 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.



I emailed yesterday. I want to cancel all my subscriptions at this time do to pandemic money issues.


Chad aka Reavenoak

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I can say one thing after reading all the blog posts and discussion I am now more interested in Pathfinder 2 enough that I did a subscription for the first ever with Paizo. Can't wait

"Persition sounds interesting", looking around So where and who goes first?"

I am okay with any setting. I can adjust my backstory if I need to.

Dorgan Valknut and I may be at your service!

Dorgan is slightly wild eyed sorcerer from Highhelm that left with his parents when he was young. The journeying through the lands activated his hidden celestial bloodline when they stayed in magic rich areas. His parents became afraid of him as Dorgan embraced his magic. One night while he was sleeping his parents quietly slipped away leaving him all alone. Something broke in his mind and he raged in power that day and then vowed to make his parents proud of him as he brings honor to his clan.

I think of rolling up a Empyreal bloodline Dwarven sorcerer

I would be interested. Any idea of Races or Classes?

I am working on Half-elven wizard Alarion meril. I have the IC up tomorrow. Using Hero lab for the character but haven't figured out how to add a campaign trait yet.

Definitely interested, need to think about a character