The author did a great job creating atmosphere and story, however when writing a scenario for PFS, it is incumbent on the writer to give us a scenario that can be played in a 4hr slot. Too much had to be hand waved, left unexplained or glossed over to be completed in anything near 4 hrs.
The glimpses of a great story are there, but it’s hard to enjoy the play when 7hrs of fun is being crammed into a 4hr window.
The story, lore and combat encounters were well done. Everyone at my table, who were very experienced players, felt the scenario was dragged down by the tedious gather info/diplomacy minigame. Overly long repetitive skill check aren't why many are coming to the table. If this portion of the game is run as written you will have to hand wave much of the exciting role-play and combat if you want to finish on time. Seriously examine how your players can get the info they need to get without boredom ensuing.
The story itself is great. The combats are great. When I run this again I will not take as much time with the gathering of info. The NPCs may be more..talkative.