oteta's page

Organized Play Member. 76 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

Hello, and I hope everyone is well. Sometimes we need a change of pace, so what are the funniest Pathfinder Society adventures you’ve come across?

I’m particularly interested in stories where players can tweak the nose of illegitimate, authoritarian or violent opponents.

Your help as always would be greatly appreciated!

# Funniest wackiest zaniest adventure adventures funny wacky zany adventure

Hello All! My group thoroughly enjoyed the initial section of “War for the Crown” - “Crownfall”. Could you please recommend scenarios that use the Ultimate Intrigue Influence system?

Thank you!

To Whom It May Concern:

Good morning, and I hope you and yours are well. I'm writing because on 3 different devices and 3 different browsers I get signed out when I search for a thread. The devices are:

iPad and iPhone: Safari and Duck Duck Go.

PC laptop: Firefox.

The forum is working correctly on the PC laptop using Chrome.

Hope it's helpful.

Good evening all. I hope you had a good and safe Thanksgiving. Are there Pathfinder adventures that discuss racism as a theme or story detail?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Dear Fellow Pathfinders:

Good morning. It seems to me that the difficult times that we are in call for non-violent solutions. RPGs like Pathfinder are a powerful tool for conversation and debate about topics like the ones we face, especially if we are playing with young family members. Which Pathfinder Society scenarios have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence?

A couple good PF 2e Society Scenarios with non-violent solutions / endings my family played recently include "The Burden of Envy" and "The Blooming Castastrophe".

Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Fellow Pathfinder Players:

Good morning. It seems to me that the difficult times that we are in call for non-violent solutions. RPGs like Pathfinder are a powerful tool for conversation and debate about topics like the ones we face, especially if we are playing with young family members. Which Pathfinder Adventure Paths have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence?

A couple good PF 2e Society Scenarios with non-violent solutions / endings my family played recently include "The Burden of Envy" and "The Blooming Castastrophe".

Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dear Fellow Pathfinder Players:

Good evening. It seems to me that the difficult times that we are in call for non-violent solutions. RPGs like Pathfinder are a powerful tool for conversation and debate about topics like the ones we face, especially if we are playing with young family members. What Pathfinder adventures do you know of have non-violent endings or solutions, or are non-violent or focus on non-violence?

A couple good PF 2e adventures with non-violent solutions / endings my family played recently include "The Burden of Envy" and "The Blooming Castastrophe".

Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

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