nekoyami's page
Organized Play Member. 160 posts (161 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.
If I remember right there's a feat that let's you charge thru friends in pathfinder, or am I mixing that up with 3.5?
I am wondering if there are any other paladin archetypes that take away paladin's spell casting besides "warrior of the Holy light". I noticed that d20 doesn't have all options available... Since I own a few splat books that d20 doesn't seem to have.
I'm wanting to use the scythe with a warpriest.. Basically Wade into combat, smash shit in the face, and channel when needed (using versatile channel)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
So, I've been bored and started watching some of my old favorite anime... And I'm sure this topic has been done... Many times..
But, how would ryouko from the tenchi muyo series be made in pathfinder?
Mind you, I'm only referring to the ryouko of ova 1,2, and the tenchi universe tv series..
OK...i know this sounds wrong, and/or stupid...but, based on rules, nd my possibly disturbed friends having a weird discussion based around rules/wording...
disarm let's you attempt to disarm a weapon from your opponents' hands
(assume the use of improved disarm)
improved unarmed strike states that the person using unarmed strikes is considered armed...
so, um...again, i know this is possibility stupid/disturbing...but, is it possible to "disarm" an opponent using IUS due to the wordings of these abilities/feats?
is this possibe?
i'm asking because i'm wondering if it's possible to have multiple challenged opponents, and be able to hit/attack them in one strike...
i.e. iaijutsu specifies it's only against the challenged enemy...
Is Cleave the only feat that lets you strike multiple enemies?
I'm looking for one that's possibly Dex based... Or works with piranha Stike, and/or weapon finesse...
Any ideas?
Is it possible to change a weapon from one type /catagory?
I.e. Melee 1 hand weapon into a light 1 hand weapon.
If so, how would I go about doing that?
In the path itself it says that the samurai should only kill if they must... I.e. Diplomacy /intimidate fails..
But..with the flat of the blade ability it says that if the samurai, or any of its party kills then the samurai losses its abilities...
So, would the samurai loose it's abilities if it had to kill, not using the blade ability, or does he only loose his abilities when he kills using the blade ability?
I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have 2 paths/orders for a samurai.
Basically I'm attempting to make ruroni kenshin... As in, he mostly does subdue/nom lethal damage, until he is forced into having to kill... Which is against the order of the blue rose.
So, can anyone offer any help for me to accomplish this?
Before you suggest that I take the ronin path, I've looked at it, and it doesn't fit at all...
Are these compatable even tho they change the same ability?
Hi all,
My friend is insisting that just because an ability does not state the action type that it uses to start it's considered a free action, instead of a standard... The rest of our group is telling him that if it was another type of action besides standard that it would be clearly defined in the ability description... So, who's interpretation is correct?

question for yous...
if i were to multi-class barbarian, sorc, and dragon desciple...
barb i would go the beast totem route,
beast toem, lesser:
While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus.
sorc dragon bloodline:
you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus.
dragon disciple: dragon bite
whenever the dragon disciple uses his bloodline to grow claws, he also gains a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
so...the question is,
does the 2 claw attacks gained from both beast rage, and dragon blood basically stack..as in do i only get 2 attacks..
do i gain them as seperate attacks, so i would get 4 claw attacks.
from the dragon prc i gain a primary bite...
so...are my claws and bite considered all primaries, and if so, how many attacks would that be?
thank you for any constructive help :)
lay on hands:
is there a way to gain lay on hands without taking levels of paladin?
if not,
is there a way for lay on hands to stack with another class?
sneak attack:
besides ninja, and rogue is their any other way to get sneak attack (or something of the equivalent)?
I've been thinking of making a magus that has claws naturally ( tiefling's claws), could I use those claws as a weapon and free hand, or would I still have to get IUS, or possibly dip 2 levels in ranger for the combat style feat(s) for natural weapon combat?
Would I be able to use spell combat/sprllstrike with the natural weapons without getting a feat/dip in another class just to use them as "weapons " even though I would have them naturally?
I've been toying around with an NWR, dualed with either barb, or fighter...and using tiefling's maw/claw AR trait to get claws.
I'm hoping this is sounding possible so far...
Now for the wuestions;
1. Is it possible to use the "adopted" trait to get the orc's tooth trait?
2. Is there any way to get pounce, bite>grapple, rend, and/or rake with natural attacks, or is that available only to animals?
3. If I were to go barb (vanilla) it'd only be for 5 levels, mostly for the few rage abilities, and dodge/uncanny dodge, is it worth it?
4. If I were to go fighter I'd go with 2wf ( since the claws are technically 2 weapons/ attacks) would this work?
So, can I get some advice/perspectives to make this PC into basically something/someone who would charge (or pounce) into combat, and shred things to death. All while being a "respectful" part of a tiefling ranger sect/ order... after all there are plenty of tree huggers, and not enough who revel in the pure chaos of the natural hunt. :-)
I've been racking my mind on making a gnome PC to go along with the theme of the group I'll be in...the theme being we're all gnome PCs, that tend to get on their opponents' nerves...
the group so far; CC oracle, Cold sorcerer, and then...me...
i came across the grenadier archetype for alchemist, and either vanilla gunslinger, or maybe the pistolero...
i am wondering/trying to figure out how the hell i can make the 2 blend together effectively...
I'm sure it's not as complicated as I'm making it out to be...
yay for over thinking...
any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been thinking of making a monk/rogue, but I'm not sure if you can FoB with daggers.
If it's not possible by basic class rules/abilities, is there a feat for this?
I am wondering, are you able to embed ion stones in animal companions?
A new player has asked about being a pure blood azlanti. From what I see it says they get a + 2 to all stats, is that all it gets, or does it get the normal human stuff added? I.e. the feat, and skill point
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I was told a few months back that ninja have their own archetypes, but I haven't been able to find any truth/evidence to this. They are labeled as "alternate rogues" so , does that make them eligible for rogue archetypes?
I know there's a bloodline/ability to have a sorc use Int instead of cha for it's casting stat, is there a way to have it use strength?
A friend of mine is thinking of an alchemist with the vivisectionist archetype, the feral mutagen, vestigial arm, and multi attack to basically get claw, claw, claw, claw, bite.
Is this possible?
Of what I've read it doesn't look like it'd work....
Vestigial says the extra arm/s do not make attacks/actions, and multi attack specifies secondary attacks...
Is it possible to be an unaligned inquisitor, one who follows her beliefs instead of that of a deity?
If it is how would that work in regards to those who do not follow her beliefs, instead of a deity's?
I.e. an inquisitor believes that the sun is "evil" would that mean it would hunt down all who believe otherwise and/or simply live in the sunlight? CuZ that could get teadious NFL tiresome :-P.
( note : this is meant to be an outrageous example, nothing literal)
Also, if an inquisitor's personal beliefs come close to that of a deity's, but do not match exactly and/or it chooses not to be a follower, would it fall under having to be a follower?
just as the title states...
a friend is wondering if it's possible that thru the dervish dance feat,
is his scimitar eligible for the piranha strike feat, or would he have to get a light weapon?
feats:: dervish dance, piranha strike
Is there a way to make animal companion's attacks go thru DR/<alignment>?
I was told that even tho the companion's alignment is <alignment >, their attacks aren't considered to be of that alignment.... Which IMO makes no sense....
The tattooed sorc archetype says it replaces the 1st level bloodline power, is that for both bloodlines?

the bf and i usually make PCs that work well together...i.e. a druid/cleric, dawnflower/magus, fighter/inquisitor, paladin/oracle (was a cleric) ....he's got a pyro sorc, and I'm trying to figure out wtf would work well with it....it's a gnome, elemental: fire sorc, and a "bit" chaotic in personality...basically your typical pyromaniac...only shorter....
I've thought of;
a ranger (since I've been wanting to make one), but that wouldn't work all that well, seeing as how a nature lover wouldn't really go for a psychotic gnome that likes to burn shit...
a sorc, but figured there really wouldn't be much in the way of survivability/support...(at least our other team ups had survivability)
a fighter/barbarian, but that fell into the same trap as the sorc
another oracle, but couldn't find one that wasn't solely based on "once a day" abilities... >.< ..., or another healbot...
(and i tried clerics before...i couldn't get into them)
a summoner, but i can't stand my druid...why play an arcane version?
rogues/ninjas are basically useless...unless u want me to find a trap...
wizards/witches aren't that appealing to me, i'm sure this makes no sense but they feel too limited...
i toyed around with a gunslinger, had her written up n everything...then i saw the price of the ammo....x.x....
paladins/monks, i don't play lawful at all...ntm why would a lawful person be walking around with a chaotic person that loves to blow shit up?
samurai/cavalier, kinda falls along the pet classes, ntm this is for pfs...how many times are "we" in small/underground spaces??
of what i understand about these classes they're basically useless when not mounted...oO?
alchemists...i don't know where the fk to start....
i know, i just shot every class down, but I'm hoping that with opening this headache to other people who have far more experience with builds, and different perspectives/ideas, that maybe something can come abut that i haven't thought of...that could work....
thank u to anyone who can offer advice, and possibly ease this headache u.u
Not sure if I'm reading this right...
Gnomes are small, meaning 20 ft movement, said gnome has the elemental: fire sorcerer bloodline, which gives +30ft base speed.... so does that gnome have a constant 50ft movement?
I was reading thru
And saw..
"Magus Tripper
Class:Magus(12) (Guisarme)
Race: Human..."
How would this be viable? Magus can only use 1h weapons while using their abilities. Or am I missing something?
For the purpose of making trip attacks, can you effectively add your dex twice to your CMB with both fury's fall and agile maneuvers?
For reference:
Fury's Fall (Combat)
You can use strength and agility to send foes crashing to the ground.
Prerequisites: Improved Trip.
Benefit: When making a trip attack, add your Dexterity bonus to your CMB.
Agile Maneuvers (Combat)
You've learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.
Benefit: You add your Dexterity bonus to your base attack bonus and size bonus when determining your Combat Maneuver Bonus instead of your Strength bonus.
Normal: You add your Strength bonus to your base attack bonus and size bonus when determining your Combat Maneuver Bonus.
This has a few parts to the thread...
1. Are there ninja specific archetypes, if so where can I find them?
2. I've been looking at making a rogue, but am consistently being told ninja is the better choice, can I get some information as to how/why? ( prefer data, not opinions that will lead to a flame war)
3. Is the assassin PrC viable, or is it a waste of paper and ink?
4. For my home game I came up with a concept of an "assasin-y" melee class mixed with dark tapestry oracle. Is this viable, or can it be improved on?
( brief background of this toon;; she was raised in the ways of assassination, on a fairly difficult mission she was bestowed with divine abilities to aid her ( buffs, healing, etc)...)
In the bladebon magus archetype there is an ability that states that as long as the blade has at least 1 arcane point then it has the unbreakable ability. Does this apply for special abilities, as in the ability of a rust monster?
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I've been wondering what/if there is a complete list of prcs, besides what is shown on the d20 page....
Hey, a friend brought up a build idea... Magus/monk...he was thinking of a magus who uses natural weapons and flurry of blows, and 2 fighting while using chill touch cast on both hands. Would that work the way he's thinking, or would you still need a free hand, even with flurry of blows?
Large creature had a constant character in front of it, as the creature would constantly dimension door out of the melee when it would get surrounded. During the times of it being in melee a spellslinger (ss) would be firing into melee. Therefore, Would the ss have a -4 to hit, and the cover bonus from being in melee apply to the creature? ( in essence stacking the firing into melee, and the creature having some form of cover from being in melee?
SN: the ss does not have PBS or precise shot.
I'm thinking about making an oracle, and have a question about the tongues curse. It states that in combat I start talking in tongues, but at later levels it looks like I would add those languages to my known languages even out of combat, am I misunderstanding this?
My question is; if I take levels of dawnflower bard to get it's battle dance ability, can I use it ( battle dance). For other weapons?
I don't care about the dervish feat, I'm only interested in the battle dance for use with another weapon.
Is this possible?
does anyone know where i can find more information on this goddess, or at the very least, is she legal for PFS?
hey, i got a question about druid pets/companions, and the weapon focus feat.
i took weapon focus : natural weapon for my pet, which i would consider it's bits, claws, etc. however some people are saying i need to take a weapon focus for each attack. i.e. weapon focus: claws, weapon focus: bit.
so, who's the one with the right usage of the feat with a pet's "natural weapons" ?
Is there an archetype, or feat that lets you use your level instead of the wands level for using/casting a/thru wands?
A friend of mine is wanting to be a ranged dps that can also heal, but doesn't know if there is a class out there that can do this. This char is for pfs.
Thanks for any advice
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I was thinking about doing a dervish dancer (the bard archetype) with the kensei (magus archetype), but I'm not sure how to go about it.
If it's possible; can the magus become a spontaneous charisma/dex type of caster/fighter? if so, how?
Would it hurt to loose the level of spells from the kensei?
is it (in general) a good idea for a build, or is it a waste of paper? (dps/dpr wise).
I'm not looking for a min/max or OP char, but i do want one that can hold it's own.
If anyone has an advice or info on this, i would be grateful for your help.
I'm new to pfs (if you can't tell by my other posts XD )
I'm playing a druid, who is chaotic neutral, and TBH really doesn't give a rat's ass about what "civilized" people are squabbling over, as long as it doesn't affect nature. Sadly, she was dragged into "their" world...
( this is also the background for a cleric that follows Gozreh, and has been a companion of my druid for the longest time, who's true neutral.)
i/we would rather join the "green faith" faction, but apparently it's not worth it/legal in pfs. (there's nothing noting it on the sign in sheets, it's only the 8...)
so, my question is; which pfs legal faction is a good choice for my char to join?
I've been wondering, if i use the "thunderstaff" bloodline ability from the stormborn blood line, can i then add the spell "shocking grasp" to that same weapon, and have the damage stack?
I was looking around, and came across the pack lord archetype for a druid. so, here's a question for you.
say I'm level 5, i have my starting companion at level 4, and i picked up another companion along the way, who is level 1. is it possible to get the companion boon feat for the level 1 companion so they are of equal level, and rinse/repeat for future companions??