Fungal Creature

moonunitiv's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (4 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


The Concordance

Senko wrote:
I recently stumbled across the cooler chest and its have an item like ice inside to keep things from decaying as fast as normal. I vaguely recall a nevermelting ice from an old dnd based pc game (think it was icewind dale) but the closest I can see in pathfinder is Siccatite - cold. I'd prefer something not as rare/expensive but do you think you could stick a lump of this in a cooler chest to create a permanent fridge/frezer for travel in a hot desert?

Yeah seems pretty reasonable to me. You're in danger of taking that 1 cold damage every time you grab an ice cold beer from the cooler though!

The Concordance

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The Concordance

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CorvusMask wrote:

Something I just realized: Despite lizardfolk on cover having terbutje, terbutje isn't actually statted out in 2e yet nor do iruxi get proficiency for it.

That is disappointing for me D: Where I can inform devs about needing dat lizardfolk terbutje profiency even though weapon doesn't exist yet?

Hear hear!

This is lizardfolk cultural erasure!
More vaguely mesoamerican weapons now!